Speaking of Knives…

I posted yesterday about the attack in Mannheim on the AfD politician Heinrich Koch, who was slashed with a box cutter when he confronted a man who was cutting down his campaign posters. As far as I can determine without actually seeing the name of the assailant, the incident involved no cultural enrichment.

The brief cell phone video below shows the moment of the attack. Many thanks to Hellequin GB for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

00:01   Stop! Stop right there! Lay it down!
00:06   Lay it down immediately! Lay it down!
00:14   Police! Help! Police!

One thought on “Speaking of Knives…

  1. Two items of note that stand out to me:

    1- Definitely a white dude, therefore we are at the point on that chart where political violence (up to and including lethal) among the same social group is committed openly and becoming/has become common. This is part of the divisive Cloward-Pliven strategy of pitting a group against itself. The individual is probably a climate-change-hoax indoctrinee (lets splash some soup on a famous painting and super glue ourselves to the highway!)

    2- “Polizei, Polizei!!!” Wow, what a [epithet]. You walk over there and confront the guy, then when it turns violent you put your [manly equipment] away and take your [female organ] out and scream for the police?

    “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.”
    – M. Tyson

    Men are dead in that country. Should have picked up the park bench and beat him with it. [Vulgar intensifier] losers break out their cellphone and record everything as if that makes them knife-proof?!

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