The Play’s the Thing

The future Baron and I are going to see a Shakespeare play (a comedy) this afternoon at a community theater. It’s a long drive from here, so I’ll be gone much of the day. I should be back in time to post the news feed, however, and possibly some other stuff.

While I’m gone your comments will accumulate, awaiting approval. Be patient; they should be done by sometime this evening.

Break a leg!

3 thoughts on “The Play’s the Thing

  1. Beware the Ides of March.
    Tis it nobler to suffer the slings and arrows of misfortune or stand girded knowing their portending advent?

  2. “Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.”

    William Shakespeare

    Bravo for taking the young Baron for some real cultural enrichment.
    I still get something in my eye when I watch Excalibur from 1981.
    In high school we had to read Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales and you can bet that is no longer a part of the indoctrination err I mean curriculum.

    • Actually, he’s the one who took me — he got the tickets. He lives much closer to the theater than I do.

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