Gates of Vienna News Feed 5/11/2019

Sixteen illegal immigrants from the Middle East travelling in a small boat were intercepted by the UK’s border patrol off the coast of Kent. In other migration news, the migrant ferry Mare Jonio was seized by Italian authorities after trying to bypass Interior Minister Matteo Salvini’s blockade against migrant boats entering Italian ports.

In other news, according to the latest polls, Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party has pulled ahead of the Tories not just for the EP elections, but in the next general election as well.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Dean, DV, JD, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

Financial Crisis
» “Cashless” Sweden Suddenly Warns Citizens: Hoard Banknotes & Coins in Case of Cyber-Attack or War
» EU’s Target2 System Damaging Italian Economy
» 1 Killed, 4 Hospitalized in Virginia Gas Station Explosion, State Police Say
» Catherine Herridge: FISA Court Was “Not Explicitly Told” About the DNC, Clinton Connection to the Trump Dossier.
» ‘Creepy Tech Oligarchs Want to Dictate Your Opinions’
» Donald Trump Compares Pete Buttigieg to Mad Magazine Cartoon Alfred E. Neuman
» Elderly Man With Disabled Wife Dies After 25-Yr-Old Female Pushes Him Off Bus for Asking Her to Stop Cursing at Passengers
» FBI Breaks Up Homegrown Islamic Terror Camp in Alabama Owned by Terrorist Siraj Wahhaj and His Supporters
» Florida Woman Produces Alligator From Her Pants During Traffic Stop
» Giuliani Announces Trip to Ukraine to Investigate Collusion With DNC and Hillary Campaign
» Idaho Repeals Its Regulatory Code
» IG Horowitz Has ‘Concluded That the Final Three FISA Extensions Were Illegally Obtained, ‘ Digenova Says
» Levin: Only Way to Make Dems Stop Using Soviet Tactics Against Republicans is if Soviet Tactics Are Used Against Them
» Louis Farrakhan Speaks at St. Sabina Catholic Church Following Facebook Ban
» Lovebugs Apocalypse: Millions of Insects Invade Florida in Worst Plague in Years
» Mad Magazine Roasts Pete Buttigieg in His Own Words and it’s Glorious
» Militantly Anti-Semitic Imam Gives Opening Prayer at House of Representatives
» Millions of People Uploaded Photos to the Ever App. Then the Company Used Them to Develop Facial Recognition Tools.
» Muslim Congresswoman Pairs With Soros-Backed Group to “Protect Our Democracy From President Trump”
» ‘No Future for Dissidents’ on Social Media: Paul Joseph Watson Reflects on Facebook Ban
» Offended by What Someone Said? Now You Can Report Them to Law Enforcement
» Paul Craig Roberts: Are You Ready for a Worse Dystopia Than 1984?
» Proof! Facebook is Shadow Banning Prominent Conservative Patriots
» Racist Protestor Assaults Reporter at University of Texas Campus
» Sharia Twitter Locks TGP’s Cristina Laila Out of Her Account Over 2-Yr-Old Tweet Critical of Islam — Forces Deletion
» The 2nd Amendment is Obsolete, Says Congressman Who Wants to Nuke Omaha
» The Origins of the Deep State in North America, Part 2
» Three Dead in Explosion at Gas Station in Buena Vista, Va.
» Trump Campaign Staffer Attacked for Calling 9/11 Terror Supporters ‘Murderous Thugs’
» Clement Warns Trudeau Has Secret Plan to Ban Legal Firearms, Liberals Don’t Deny it (Video)
» F-35 Anyone? This One Country Needs 88 New Fighter Jets or Its Air Force is Toast
Europe and the EU
» 21 EU Heads of State Sign ‘Stronger Europe’ Manifesto Demanding More EU Integration
» Advocate Says Pope Read, Liked New Book on Gays in the Vatican
» Ben Shapiro Walks Out of Challenging BBC Interview, Admits He Got ‘Destroyed’
» Brexit Shock: Farage Soars in General Election Poll — British Politics May Never be Same
» Charities Slam Tommy Robinson’s Offer to Donate MEP Salary to Grooming Victims
» Co-Founder of Belgian Islamist Party Convicted on Discrimination Charges
» Democratic Revolution: Farage’s Brexit Party Pulls Ahead of Tories in General Election Poll
» Emmanuel Macron, Facebook’s Zuckerberg Will Meet to Clamp Down on Hate Speech
» Family Injured in Manchester Terror Attack Furious Over ISIS Bride Shamima Begum’s Legal Aid Plea and Claim She is Getting More Than Their Compensation
» France: Tear Gas, Water Cannons, Clashes in Nantes, Lyon at Week 26 of Yellow Vest Protests (Video, Photos)
» Islamist Who Terrorized Royal Shakespeare Theater, Threatened to Shoot, Stab ‘English Pigs’ Walks Free With No Jail Time
» Mom Fitted With Pacemaker at Age 32 Says She Used to Drink 6 Energy Drinks Per Day
» Pope Urges Young People to Hear the ‘Anguished Plea of the Earth’
» Two Arrested After ‘Heavy Blast’ Rocks Restaurant in Malmö, Sweden
» UK: Delingpole: Cambridge Caves to Left-Wing Bully Mob, Fires Young Scholar
» UK: Farage: Vote for Brexit Party Lets People ‘Put No Deal Back on the Table’
» White British Girl Held Prisoner by Muslim Grooming Gang for 12 Years and Forced to Have 8 Abortions
Middle East
» Assault Ship, Marines, And Patriot Missile Battery Deployed for “Iran Readiness”
» Iran is Facing the Worst Locust Attack in the Past 40 Years: Biblical Invasion Threatens Crops and Food Security
» Nightmarish Swarm of Millions of Locusts Darken the Sky Over Najran, Saudi Arabia, Just Weeks After Devastating Iran
» Plague of Black Beetles Infest Anbar, Iraq and Saudi Arabia After Severe Flooding
South Asia
» Reptile Haven of Sri Lanka Yields Up New Species of Rough-Sided Snake
Australia — Pacific
» ‘Distressed’ Toyota Driver, 53, Who Allegedly Caused a Horrific Eleven-Vehicle Crash Which Killed an Irish Tradie After He Changed Lanes and Stopped Before Fleeing the Scene is Denied Bail
» How a Seemingly Respectable Couple Starved Their Toddler on a Vegan Diet That Left Her Weighing Less Than 5kg When She Was 19 Months Old — and Why No One Spotted the Shocking Neglect
» Police With Machine Guns Guard the Mosque Targeted in the Christchurch Terror Attack to Protect Muslims as They Celebrate Ramadan
Sub-Saharan Africa
» Boeing Altered Critical MCAS Toggle Switches on 737 Max Before Deadly Crashes
» Border Patrol Chief Drops Truth Bombs on CNN About Illegal Immigration, Smugglers
» Father of Colorado School Shooter is an Illegal Alien and Repeat Felon
» Hungary PM Urges Europeans to Vote for Anti-Migration Leaders
» ICE Official Shocked She Has to Explain to Dem Senator What ‘Illegal’ Means: “I’m Not Quite Sure I Follow the Question, Ma’am.” [Video]
» Italy: NGO Migrant Ferry Seized After Violating Salvini Blockade
» Mass Migration Lobby Worried 2020 Dems Not Pro-Open Borders Enough
» Migrants Terrorize Elderly Inhabitants of Croatian Village
» Sixteen Iranian and Iraqi Migrants Including Two Children Are Intercepted Off Kent Coast After Trying to Cross the Channel in a Small Boat
» Transgender STEM School Shooter’s Dad is Twice Deported Illegal Alien… Serial Felon
» Watch Live: Liberals Celebrate Disease Pouring Over Southern Border
Culture Wars
» “Man of Faith” Cory Booker Says Thoughts and Prayers Are “Bull***t”
» Cal Poly Students Call for Chick-fil-A Ban; Compare Chicken Chain to Porn, Hooters
» Is There Millennial Backlash Against Political Correctness?
» ‘Law & Order: SVU’ Smears Covington Students With the Help of Ilhan Omar Character
» Macleod: “Western Democracies Are Little More Than a Sham”
» Nolte: Media Quickly Lost Interest in Politically Inconvenient School Shooting
» Parents Sue School for Transgender Brainwashing
» School Drops ‘God Bless America’ After Pledge Due to One Parent’s Complaint
» This Public University Will Spend Nearly $3 Million on Diversity This Year Alone
» 5G Apocalypse — the Extinction Event (Video)
» A Film About the Impending 5G Apocalypse

“Cashless” Sweden Suddenly Warns Citizens: Hoard Banknotes & Coins in Case of Cyber-Attack or War

Many of Sweden’s bank branches had stopped handling cash altogether.

Figures from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm show that only 18% of all payments made today in Sweden are in cash — a 15% drop from the previous year. Meanwhile figures from the Swedish Trade Federation show that most Swedish retailers say that 80% of their commerce is from card payments. A number that probably will be 90% by 2020. Such is the appetite for digital commerce in Sweden that many predicted it could become the world’s first cashless society.

But, now, as The Daily Mail reports, The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, an arm of the government, has sent guidance to every home telling residents to squirrel away “cash in small denominations” in case of emergencies ranging from power cuts or technology glitches to terrorism, cyber-attacks by a rogue government or war.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

EU’s Target2 System Damaging Italian Economy

by Matt Snape

The Italian economy is hitting headlines again, with no end in sight to its continuing problems. The Daily Express reported that the relationship between Rome and Brussels is deteriorating. The European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Pierre Moscovici, has been accused of interfering in Italian politics by the Five Star Movement. This is because he attended the launch of the Democratic Party’s campaign for the European elections.

This row is more than about politics, but economics too. The Italian Government has committed itself to some expensive reforms that both the Five Star Movement and Lega campaigned on during their 2018 electoral campaigns. This year, politicians raised their spending budget for 2019 to 2.4 percent. The EU’s figure for spending limits is 3%. Whilst Italy’s expenditure is below Brussels’ target, they still urged Rome to cut its spending out of fear the country’s debts will expand further. Italy agreed to lower it to 2.04%.

The real reason why Rome is struggling to repay its debts is because of the EU’s Target2 system. Few know what this system is, but a nation must be a eurozone member to participate in it. As Nikolai Hubble outlined in his novel How The Euro Dies, Target2 is the system by which the various national central banks, the European Central Bank and Europe’s commercial banks interact. Massive transfers of funds are settled using the system…

           — Hat tip: C. Cantoni [Return to headlines]

1 Killed, 4 Hospitalized in Virginia Gas Station Explosion, State Police Say

BUENA VISTA, Va. ( WTVR ) — State Police confirmed to CBS 6 in Richmond they have found the remains of one person and at least three people remain unaccounted for following an explosion at a Virginia gas station.

Family members of those who are missing have gathered near the South River Market in Buena Vista, awaiting updates from emergency officials.

“At approximately 9:50 a.m. this morning, Rockbridge County Sheriff’s Office and Rockbridge County Fire and Rescue was called to the scene of an explosion,” a Virginia State Police spokesperson said. “At this stage police and fire crews are working to account for all the individuals that may have been located in the building at the time of the explosion. Four adults have been transported to Carilion Stone Wall Jackson Hospital and are being treated for injuries.”

           — Hat tip: Dean [Return to headlines]

Catherine Herridge: FISA Court Was “Not Explicitly Told” About the DNC, Clinton Connection to the Trump Dossier.

While former FBI Director James Comey tries to gaslight ahead of the Inspector General’s report, more information is coming out about what the top level FBI dirty cops did to enable spying on the Trump campaign.

Comey just gave an interview on CNN that was damage control for when Inspector Horowitz blows his lies apart with his report. While Comey is flailing around trying to distract and deny, Catherine Herridge is digging in, to tell the truth like she always does.

Watch below as Herridge says the FISA Court was NOT “explicitly told” about the DNC, Clinton Connection to the dirty Trump Dossier:

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

‘Creepy Tech Oligarchs Want to Dictate Your Opinions’

Paul Joseph Watson’s sardonic YouTube monologues against social-justice warriors, mass immigration and modern art have racked up millions of views and have even caught the attention of President Donald Trump. Last week, Facebook designated Watson a ‘dangerous individual’ and banned him permanently, alongside others on the right. spiked caught up with this ‘dangerous individual’ to find out more about social-media censorship.

spiked: How did you find out you had been banned from Facebook?

Paul Joseph Watson: I received no notification whatsoever from Facebook. Facebook did not even send me a stock email to tell me my page had been deleted. I found out about it by media reports. I was on Twitter trawling through my feed. I saw CNN: ‘Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer and Milo Yiannopoulos have been banned.’ I thought, ‘Oh, really?’. I checked my Facebook and my Instagram and they were still up. They were still active for about half an hour after the first media reports came out. So immediately that tells you that they had given the story to the media, to get their justification out ahead of time, so that they could own the narrative.

They gave the story to the same media outlets like CNN, where their journalist Oliver Darcy has spent the past 18 months lobbying the social-media firms to ban CNN’s competition. People like Darcy have been abusing their platform and acting as activists rather than journalists, going to Facebook, YouTube and Twitter and saying repeatedly, ‘Oh, doesn’t this post violate your policy? Doesn’t thisviolate your policy?’.

It’s not just Darcy. There is also the likes of Jared Holt at Right Wing Watch and Will Sommers at the Daily Beast, who have been very successful in silencing a great percentage of the online people who were instrumental in getting Trump elected. This has never been about ‘bullying’, ‘harassment’ or ‘hate’, whatever those mean; it’s about them fomenting this political purge ahead of the 2020 elections.

spiked: Are you a ‘dangerous individual’?

Watson: Haha! If I’m dangerous to society, then that is an illustration of how coddled, pathetic and cowed Western society has become. Mark Zuckerberg, who basically now controls the feeds of 2.4 billion people, is now setting up a Chinese-style social-credit score in the West. In tandem with these bans, Facebook has said that anyone who posts an Infowars link without condemning it could have that post removed — and even their account could be removed. This is a creepy oligarch who controls a platform with a third of the planet’s entire population and wants to dictate what thoughts and opinions can be expressed.

Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are basically monopolies. They are the new public square. Outside of those three, there are few other options. I would argue that concentrating so much power into the hands of so few corporate entities and so few billionaire oligarchs like Mark Zuckerberg is a far bigger danger than my snarky Facebook posts or my video rants about modern art and brutalist architecture.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Donald Trump Compares Pete Buttigieg to Mad Magazine Cartoon Alfred E. Neuman

President Donald Trump ridiculed Mayor Pete Buttigieg on Friday, describing him as Alfred E. Neuman, the cartoon icon from Mad Magazine.

“Alfred E. Neuman cannot become president of the United States,” he said when asked by Politico reporters about his thoughts on Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana who is now running for president.

Newman was first published in the magazine in 1956 and famously appeared as a write-in candidate for president on the cover.

[Comment: Trump is witty.]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Elderly Man With Disabled Wife Dies After 25-Yr-Old Female Pushes Him Off Bus for Asking Her to Stop Cursing at Passengers

A 25-year-old female is facing murder charges after she was captured on surveillance video pushing an elderly man with a walker off of a public transit bus in Las Vegas after he reportedly asked to stop cursing at passengers.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

FBI Breaks Up Homegrown Islamic Terror Camp in Alabama Owned by Terrorist Siraj Wahhaj and His Supporters

A homegrown Islamic terrorist training camp was discovered in Alabama recently.

The property belongs to terrorist Siraj Wahhaj who was arrested at a camp in New Mexico.

Wahhaj was training children at the dump for terror attacks.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Florida Woman Produces Alligator From Her Pants During Traffic Stop

May 7 (UPI) — Authorities in Florida said a woman was cited after she reached into her pants during a traffic stop and pulled out a baby alligator.

The Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office said a vehicle was stopped about 3:15 a.m. Monday for driving past a stop sign and the driver, a 22-year-old man, told a deputy he and his 25-year-old female passenger had been out trying to collect frogs and snakes from the underpass of Oil Well Road

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Giuliani Announces Trip to Ukraine to Investigate Collusion With DNC and Hillary Campaign

Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani said in an interview Thursday that he plans to travel to Ukraine to push the country’s leadership on several probes that may prove “very, very helpful” to President Trump, as Republicans continue looking to turn the tables on Democrats and prove that they — not the GOP — were the party that improperly conspired with foreign actors.

Ukrainian President-elect Volodymyr Zelensky, who takes office in June, will assume stewardship of two major ongoing investigations. One concerns evidence that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Hillary Clinton campaign may have worked with Ukrainians to illegally help Clinton by revealing damaging information about then-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Idaho Repeals Its Regulatory Code

Something rather remarkable just happened in Idaho. The state legislature opted to—in essence—repeal the entire state regulatory code. The cause may have been dysfunction across legislative chambers, but the result is serendipitous. A new governor is presented with an unprecedented opportunity to repeal an outdated and burdensome regulatory code and replace it with a more streamlined and sensible set of rules. Other states should be paying close attention.

The situation came about due to the somewhat unconventional nature of Idaho’s regulatory process. Each year, the state’s entire existing body of regulations expires unless reauthorized for an additional year by the legislature. In most years, reauthorization happens smoothly, but not this year.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

IG Horowitz Has ‘Concluded That the Final Three FISA Extensions Were Illegally Obtained, ‘ Digenova Says

Washington attorney Joe diGenova claimed in an interview last night that the Department of Justice inspector general has determined that “the final three FISA extensions were illegally obtained,” and the first one is still being investigated.

For the past year, DOJ IG Michael Horowitz has been investigating the FBI’s 2016 surveillance activities and his report is expected later this month or in early June.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Levin: Only Way to Make Dems Stop Using Soviet Tactics Against Republicans is if Soviet Tactics Are Used Against Them

Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” conservative talker Mark Levin, author of “Unfreedom of the Press,” made the argument for a criminal grand jury to be impaneled and a special counsel to be appointed to “get to the bottom of” the events that led to the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe based on allegations of Trump-Russia collusion.

Levin argued that if Democrats were going to use “Soviet tactics” against Republicans, it was up to Republicans to reciprocate.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Louis Farrakhan Speaks at St. Sabina Catholic Church Following Facebook Ban

Supporters of Minister Louis Farrakhan packed the Rev. Michael Pfleger’s church Thursday night, punctuating the longtime leader of the Chicago-based Nation of Islam’s message with standing ovations, claps and promises to post their own reports of the evening on social media.

Earlier this week, Pfleger invited Farrakhan to speak Thursday evening at St. Sabina Catholic Church and respond to being banned from Facebook. Alarmed by Pfleger’s invitation for Farrakhan to speak at his church, Illinois Holocaust Museum officials spoke out Thursday afternoon against Pfleger for “giving hatred a platform.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Lovebugs Apocalypse: Millions of Insects Invade Florida in Worst Plague in Years

No, they aren’t some genetic experiment gone wrong, just the usual swarm that splatters its way through the Space Coast twice a year. They don’t belong. But they aren’t going away.

Lovebugs live just three or four days, packing plenty of annoyance into short lifespans:

They madden motorists as they splatter their guts on windshields and hoods. They gross out joggers and cyclists as they land in their mouths. And they stress out the chronically clean as they speckle otherwise immaculate white walls of beachside resorts and condos almost completely black. Someone’s got to clean them up.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Mad Magazine Roasts Pete Buttigieg in His Own Words and it’s Glorious

“Who’s Pete Buttigieg? Must be a generational thing.”

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Militantly Anti-Semitic Imam Gives Opening Prayer at House of Representatives

Omar Suleiman, an imam and president of the Yaqeen Institute, delivered the invocation at the invitation of his congresswoman, Democratic Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson of Texas

A Muslim cleric who called for violence against Israel and expressed support for Hamas gave the opening prayer before the House of Representatives Thursday, angering several representatives.

Omar Suleiman, an imam and president of the Yaqeen Institute, delivered the invocation at the invitation of his congresswoman, Democratic Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson of Texas, according to the Jewish Telegraph Agency. Republican New York Rep. Lee Zeldin, who is Jewish, decried the invitation in light of the fact that Suleiman has repeatedly called for a third Intifada against Israel, referred to Jefws as “Zionists” and called them “enemies of God,” and defended the terrorist organization Hamas on social media.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Millions of People Uploaded Photos to the Ever App. Then the Company Used Them to Develop Facial Recognition Tools.

Make memories”: That’s the slogan on the website for the photo storage app Ever, accompanied by a cursive logo and an example album titled “Weekend with Grandpa.”

Everything about Ever’s branding is warm and fuzzy, about sharing your “best moments” while freeing up space on your phone.

What isn’t obvious on Ever’s website or app — except for a brief reference that was added to the privacy policy after NBC News reached out to the company in April — is that the photos people share are used to train the company’s facial recognition system, and that Ever then offers to sell that technology to private companies, law enforcement and the military.

In other words, what began in 2013 as another cloud storage app has pivoted toward a far more lucrative business known as Ever AI — without telling the app’s millions of users.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Muslim Congresswoman Pairs With Soros-Backed Group to “Protect Our Democracy From President Trump”

Someone needs to tell Rashida Tlaib that we are not a Democracy and that she doesn’t get to decide who is president with boxes of petitions.

She came out today and pulled a political stunt by putting boxes and about 15 people in front of her to claim our “democracy” needs to be protected from President Trump.

She also thanked Soros’ for “putting this powerful coalition together”. This move by the Soros-backed activist group and Tlaib just shows how desperate the left is to harm President Trump’s presidency. Does anyone even take these people seriously anymore? This is coming from the woman who claimed that after 9/11, she feared Americans, not terrorists (see below).

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

‘No Future for Dissidents’ on Social Media: Paul Joseph Watson Reflects on Facebook Ban

Popular internet pundit Paul Joseph Watson is mulling legal action after being banned from Facebook for spreading “hate,” telling RT that it’s clear social media platforms are cracking down on dissident political speech.

Facebook kicked Watson off its platform on May 2 — along with conservative commentator Laura Loomer, Infowars founder Alex Jones, and black nationalist leader Louis Farrakhan. The group was accused of spreading “hateful” content, although no warnings or concrete reasons were provided for their seemingly arbitrary bans.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Offended by What Someone Said? Now You Can Report Them to Law Enforcement

Soon free speech will be a thing of the past in paranoid America.

DIGIT Lab’s “Hate Incident Reporting” app promises to turn complete strangers into secret, hate speech/bias spies.

Watch what you say, because the person sitting next to you could be reporting you to law enforcement.

Gone are the days when Americans were unafraid to voice their opinions or make snide comments in public. Because DIGIT Labs will turn smartphones into bias reporting devices.

According to a article, DIGIT LAB’s new app allows strangers to report someone for exercising their first Amendment rights.

[Comment: Only a matter of time before hackers release the list of those using this app.]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Paul Craig Roberts: Are You Ready for a Worse Dystopia Than 1984?

I have been lonely in my concern with the dire economic implications of robotics, but now Clarity Press has provided me with some company by publishing The Artificial Intelligence Contagion by David Barnhizer and Daniel Barnhizer. It is telling as to the irrelevance of the economics profession that the coauthors are lawyers.

The concerns about robots and artificial intelligence have come from scientists who express worries about killer robots with super intelligence taking over from dumber humans with less capabilities. Possibly, but it is more likely that these kind of concerns stem from an incorrect model or understanding of mind, consciousness, and creativity. I do wish that Michael Polanyi were still with us to give us his take on our proclivity to attribute intelligence to machines.

The coauthors briefly mention these threats as well as the very real and already present threats from governments armed with the intrusive surveillance and control that the digital revolution and artificial intelligence make possible. Warnings from Stephen Hawking, Nick Bostrom, and Elon Musk of an immortal godlike superintelligence, amoral at best and immoral at worse, that will determine our fate are speculative, but the adverse economic impact of robotics are already upon us. Thus, the main focus of the coauthors is on the massive economic dislocation that will result from making people superfluous.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Proof! Facebook is Shadow Banning Prominent Conservative Patriots

The fascist corporate control of public forums is the most brazen and public attempt at election meddling in recent history, and the left is gleefully applauding.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Racist Protestor Assaults Reporter at University of Texas Campus

Owen Shroyer went to the campus of The University Of Texas at Austin to discuss and debate protestors peacefully, in order to gain perspective from both sides. Upon initial interactions with each other, Owen and this protestor seem to be getting along just fine, until she finds out where in the political divide Owen lands, and things get loud fast.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Sharia Twitter Locks TGP’s Cristina Laila Out of Her Account Over 2-Yr-Old Tweet Critical of Islam — Forces Deletion

The tech tyrants are ramping up censorship of conservatives and Christians as we head into the 2020 presidential election cycle.

Twitter sent me a message Saturday morning letting me know that I had been locked out of my account for violating their very vague and ever-changing rules against “hateful conduct,” over a non-violent, non-threatening tweet I posted two years ago.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

The 2nd Amendment is Obsolete, Says Congressman Who Wants to Nuke Omaha

Last week a congressman embarrassed himself on Twitter. He got into a debate about gun control, suggested a mandatory buyback—which is basically confiscation with a happy face sticker on it—and when someone told him that they would resist, he said resistance was futile because the government has nukes.

And everybody was like, wait, what?

Of course the congressman is now saying that using nuclear weapons on American gun owners was an exaggeration, he just wanted to rhetorically demonstrate that the all-powerful government could crush us peasants like bugs, they hold our pathetic lives in their iron hand, and he’d never ever advocate for the use of nuclear weapons on American soil (that would be bad for the environment!), and instead he merely wants to send a SWAT team to your house to shoot you in the face if you don’t comply.

See? That’s way better.

But this post isn’t about that particular line from one foolish congressman. It’s about all of the silly left wing memes that have popped up since, trying to justify the congressman’s basic premise that the 2nd Amendment is obsolete for resisting tyranny, and the government would obliterate anyone who failed to comply. Like this one:

[Comment: Highly recommended reading.]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

The Origins of the Deep State in North America, Part 2

Canada’s history has remained clouded in misinformation and outright lies for over 200 years, while basic truths which were once well understood by leading statesmen a century past are now treated as little more than myth or “conspiracy theory”. Yet as the above quote written by the pen of Lord Alfred Milner indicates, the crafting of the Canadian identity has been bought for the price of a national soul. The greatest obstacle to Canadian sovereignty today is found in the fact that Canada’s synthetic identity has been constructed over the past decades with the intention of obstructing the establishment upon this earth of a world of sovereign republics, which was and still is the outgrowth of the success of the American Revolution in 1783. To do so, we must investigate how the Anglo Dutch oligarchy has played through such institutions as the Rhodes Trust, Fabian Society, and Round Table Movement. These structures have played a key role in mis-shaping every key standard of economic, political, cultural and scientific behaviour which has perverted western institutions to this very day and have come to be identified since the election of Donald Trump as “the Deep State”.

Part one of our story focused upon the creation of these institutions and their methods of penetrating their networks throughout influential institutions of Canada from 1865 to 1943, and the evolution of the Round Table into the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA) in 1919. American branches were created in 1920 with the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and Institute of Pacific Relations, while a Canadian branch was established in 1928 with the Canadian Institute for International Affairs (CIIA). Key Canadian patriots resistant to the RIIA’s plans were also introduced in the form of “Laurier Liberals” O.D. Skelton and Ernest Lapointe, both of whom aided in influencing the highly malleable Prime Minister William Mackenzie King towards the Canadian nationalist cause, greater cooperation with American Patriots such as Franklin Roosevelt and away from the RIIA’s plans for world government under the League of Nations. With the mysterious deaths of Skelton and Lapointe in 1941, all such resistance melted away and Canadian foreign policy become fully infected by Rhodes Trust/ Fabian agents of the CIIA.

This second segment will address the important 1943-1972 destruction of humanist potential leading up to the reforms implemented by CIIA-assets Lester B. Pearson and Pierre Elliot Trudeau in their role in advancing Milner’s program for a new synthetic nationalism.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Three Dead in Explosion at Gas Station in Buena Vista, Va.

Three people are now confirmed dead, and four others were injured in an explosion at a gas station and market that occurred Friday morning in Buena Vista, Va., a small town in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Authorities said Saturday they do not know what caused the explosion at the South River Market & Gas Station, but a spokesman for the Virginia State Police, which is leading the investigation, said “the incident does not appear suspicious in nature.”

The spokeswoman, Corinne N. Geller, said the bodies were taken to the medical examiner’s office. A cause of death was not available, and Geller said it might take days to identify the remains.

Police said the explosion was reported about 9:20 a.m. on Friday at the market at Old Buena Vista and South River roads. Buena Vista is a town of about 6,600 residents 70 miles southwest of Charlottesville.

Geller said firefighters from the Rockbridge County Fire Rescue and Emergency Management department encountered heavy fire throughout the building.

In addition to the fatalities, four people were injured and taken to a hospital. Their conditions could not be determined.

           — Hat tip: DV [Return to headlines]

Trump Campaign Staffer Attacked for Calling 9/11 Terror Supporters ‘Murderous Thugs’

The Talking Points Memo (TPM) article published Friday accuses Matt Wolking, a deputy director of communications for Rapid Response for the Trump campaign, of writing anti-Muslim comments on his personal blog in college.

The blog, “Wolking’s World,” featured mostly scraps of news followed by commentary and analysis, commonly found on blogs before the Twitter era.

TPM accuses Wolking of describing Muslims as “murderous thugs,” which stems from a post he wrote arguing that a poll showing that seven percent of Muslims supported the 9/11 attacks was alarming and not defensible.

Commenting on an article on the results of a Gallup poll of Muslims, Wolking criticized the tone and wrote, “They still can’t get around the fact that over 90 million Muslims are murderous thugs, a conservative estimate considering all of those who would rather not go on record as supporting terrorism, especially to a Western polling company.”

TPM also accused Wolking of describing Islam as a religion whose followers celebrated 9/11 by dancing in the streets, a fact that was documented by the media at the time.

The Friday night oppo dump prompted ridicule in Republican circles in Washington, and a source close to the campaign revealed to Breitbart News that both the Washington Post and The Daily Beast passed on the story before TPM published it.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Clement Warns Trudeau Has Secret Plan to Ban Legal Firearms, Liberals Don’t Deny it (Video)

Says a source has told him the ban will be issued through a Cabinet Directive, bypassing Parliament entirely.

Tony Clement spoke in the House of Commons today to warn that the Trudeau government has a secret plan to ban legal firearms.

Here’s what Clement said:

“Today I rose in the House of Commons Question Period to ask about the Liberal Government’s secret plan to pass a sweeping firearms ban by Cabinet Directive, not by debatable legislation. Point man Liberal MP Bill Blair did not deny. More to come…”

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

F-35 Anyone? This One Country Needs 88 New Fighter Jets or Its Air Force is Toast

What will they buy?

Canada for the third time in a decade is trying to replace its aging F/A-18A/B Hornet fighter jets. With every year the acquisition effort drags on, the condition of the Royal Canadian Air Force’s fast-jet fleet grows direr.

“The politically-charged competition to replace Canada’s aging fleet of fighter jets will rocket forward at the end of May [2019] as the federal government releases a long-anticipated, full-fledged tender call,” Murray Brewster reported for CBC News.

Four companies are vying for the multibillion-dollar contract for as many as 88 fighters that would replace the RCAF’s 1980s-vintage Hornets, which in Canadian service are designated “CF-18.”

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

21 EU Heads of State Sign ‘Stronger Europe’ Manifesto Demanding More EU Integration

21 heads of state of various European Union member-states have signed a new manifesto arguing for more integration in the political bloc and a “stronger Europe” — interpreted as a response to the rise of eurosceptic, pro-sovereignty populist parties.

Among the signatories, according to Italian newspaper Il Giornale, are several monarchs such as those of Sweden, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Denmark, as well as many presidents, including Italian president Sergio Mattarella.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Advocate Says Pope Read, Liked New Book on Gays in the Vatican

ROME — A prominent advocate in the fight against clerical abuse has said that during a recent private audience at the Vatican, Pope Francis told him he’d read Inside the Closet at the Vatican, a book about homosexuality in the Catholic Church, and said that he was already aware of many of the priests mentioned in it who are gay.

“He said he read it. He said it was good and that he knew of many of them. We discussed good gays and the gays who are evil, but because of power,” the advocate said in a text message obtained by Crux.

The message from the person was sent to Frèdèric Martel, French journalist and author of Inside the Closet at the Vatican: Power, Homosexuality, Hypocrisy, a book published Feb. 21 that details the presence of homosexuality in the Catholic Church and that is the product of four years of research and interviews with more than 1,500 individuals in 30 countries, including 41 cardinals, 52 bishops, and 45 apostolic nuncios.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Ben Shapiro Walks Out of Challenging BBC Interview, Admits He Got ‘Destroyed’

Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro conceded he was “DESTROYED” after walking out of an ill-tempered interview with BBC interrogator-in-chief Andrew Neil.

Shapiro, a popular YouTube pundit perhaps best known for fan video compilations in which he is purported to “DESTROY” various left-wingers with “FACTS and LOGIC”, clashed with the British journalist in an interview on the Politics Live programme.

Neil challenged Shapiro on a variety of issues, including his former #NeverTrump stance on the U.S. President, support for new “heartbeat” anti-abortion legislation in Georgia, and comments alleging “Arabs like to bomb crap and live in open sewage” in Palestine — eventually triggering Shapiro into telling Neil, “I’m popular and no-one has ever heard of you”.

[Comment: Ben Shapiro was touted as a luminary of the “Intellectual Dark Web”.]

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Brexit Shock: Farage Soars in General Election Poll — British Politics May Never be Same

NIGEL Farage’s fledgling Brexit Party is snapping at the heels of the plummeting Tories in the latest general election survey — with one polling chief describing its rise as “remarkable”.

And with more than one in five currently saying they back the former UKIP leader, the findings raise the startling prospect of Mr Farage could be poised to change the face of British politics forever. The Opinium survey shows the Brexit Party just one point behind the Conservatives in a survey of voting intentions for the next General Election. Labour is out in front with 28 percent support, followed by the Tories on a dismal 22 percent, and the Brexit Party on 21 percent, just four months after its launch in January.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Charities Slam Tommy Robinson’s Offer to Donate MEP Salary to Grooming Victims

Robinson tells organization to think of victims, not politics

As he gears up to stand for the first time as an anti-establishment MEP candidate in the upcoming May 23 European Parliamentary elections, Tommy Robinson has once again managed to evoke the scorn of his critics.

Tommy Robinson’s offer to donate his European Parliament salary to child victims of sex grooming gangs has been slammed as “an insult to survivors of abuse” by woman’s rights groups who added that he is “no ally for the children he claims to stand up for.”

A whole host of charities, including the End Violence Against Woman and Girls Coalition, penned an open letter which unanimously rejected the offer by the former English Defence League leader, who is standing as an MEP candidate in the North West of England.

The open letter, which has garnered the signatures of well over 40 woman from influential organizations says, “those who have suffered sexual and physical abuse were failed by those who should have protected them. But Tommy Robinson is no ally for the children he claims to stand up for.”

There are those however, who don’t agree with the open letter’s arguments.

Maxine Delaire @delaire_maxine Replying to @MirrorPolitics @DailyMirror

‘Women’s groups’ — real name ‘Anti-Englishman covens’.are not in the least interested in the fate of young girls exploited and abused by those men who we all know are responsible. They see their role as encouraging society to ignore the truth that Tommy Robinson wishes to reveal 5 8:12 AM — May 10, 2019 Twitter Ads info and privacy

[Comment: ‘Anti-Englishman covens’ … that a good one…]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Co-Founder of Belgian Islamist Party Convicted on Discrimination Charges

One of the co-founders of the Belgian Islamist party named simply “Islam” has been given a suspended sentence after being convicted of discriminating against a woman on a television programme last year.

Islam party co-founder Redouane Ahrouch appeared on the political television panel programme C’est Pas Tous les Jours Dimanche (It’s Not Every Sunday) in April last year and, during his time on the programme, refused to greet or even look at journalist and columnist Emmanuelle Praet, according to a report from Le Soir.

This refusal was prosecuted as discrimination by the Criminal Court of Brussels, where he was convicted.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Democratic Revolution: Farage’s Brexit Party Pulls Ahead of Tories in General Election Poll

The ground may be shifting under the British political landscape as Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party, already polling in first place for the upcoming European Parliament elections, has now pulled ahead of the governing Conservative Party in polls for general elections to the House of Commons.

The latest major poll of Westminster voting intentions, conducted on the 9th of May by ComRes, shows the Brexit Party up five points at 20 per cent, while the Tories under embattled prime minister Theresa May have sunk four points to 19 per cent.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Emmanuel Macron, Facebook’s Zuckerberg Will Meet to Clamp Down on Hate Speech

France has formulated draft legislation scheduled to hit Parliament’s agenda in the coming months to compel platforms like Google, Facebook and Twitter to remove hateful content within 24 hours or face heavy fines.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is scheduled to meet with French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris on Friday for talks amid increasing pressure on the social media giant to honour pledges to tackle hate speech and misinformation online.

The visit comes against the backdrop of regulators worldwide urging social media platforms to shoulder more responsibility for what their users post.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Family Injured in Manchester Terror Attack Furious Over ISIS Bride Shamima Begum’s Legal Aid Plea and Claim She is Getting More Than Their Compensation

A family injured in the Manchester terror attack has slammed the legal aid plea of ISIS bride Shamima Begum.

Robert and Claire Dowson said they were “appalled” legal chiefs were considering paying out to help the jihadi come back to Britain.

The couple — and their four daughters were among the hundreds of people injured when Salman Abedi detonated a homemade bomb at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, May 2017.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

France: Tear Gas, Water Cannons, Clashes in Nantes, Lyon at Week 26 of Yellow Vest Protests (Video, Photos)

The defiant Yellow Vests, though in dwindling numbers, have marched across France for the 26th straight weekend. In Nantes and Lyon the rallies ended up in clashes between the demonstrators and police.

A week after the lowest turnout since the movement began as a protest against a planned fuel tax hike in November, the Yellow Vests, who are now protesting President Emmanuel Macron’s broader reform agenda and supposed indifference towards the fate of the ordinary French people, once again took to the streets of the French cities.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Islamist Who Terrorized Royal Shakespeare Theater, Threatened to Shoot, Stab ‘English Pigs’ Walks Free With No Jail Time

Islamist Ryhan Ali stormed the Royal Shakespeare Theater and threatened to stab and gun down the audience. The Muslim fanatic said he was going to “gun done English pigs.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Mom Fitted With Pacemaker at Age 32 Says She Used to Drink 6 Energy Drinks Per Day

A mother of three is speaking out about the potential dangers of consuming energy drinks after she began suffering from blackouts and was fitted with a pacemaker at age 32. Samantha Sharpe, of Leicester, U.K., said at her worst she was consuming up to six cans a day of the sugary caffeinated beverages.

“In 2014 I was drinking five or six a day until I had the pacemaker fitted in February 2018,” she told

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Pope Urges Young People to Hear the ‘Anguished Plea of the Earth’

Pope Francis has told young economists and entrepreneurs that the world needs a different kind of economy, “one that cares for the environment and does not despoil it.”

In a letter to young business people for an upcoming event titled “Economy of Francesco,” named for Saint Francis of Assisi, the pope declared that “the safeguarding of the environment cannot be divorced from ensuring justice for the poor and finding answers to the structural problems of the global economy.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Two Arrested After ‘Heavy Blast’ Rocks Restaurant in Malmö, Sweden

Two people in the multicultural city of Malmö in southern Sweden have been arrested following a large explosion at a restaurant on Friday around 2 a.m.

The explosion has been described in a report by Swedish television broadcaster SVT as “heavy”, with pictures of the aftermath of the blast showing widespread damage to the interior of the restaurant.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

UK: Delingpole: Cambridge Caves to Left-Wing Bully Mob, Fires Young Scholar

Cambridge University, formerly a respected seat of learning, has booted out a young scholar for daring to champion the cause of free inquiry.

Dr Noah Carl was a graduate research student at St Edmund’s College, Cambridge.

According to a statement initially released by the college but now deleted from its website, Dr Carl had his research fellowship terminated because his work was “problematic”…

These claims are, of course, self-serving, disingenuous, and quite possibly libellous nonsense.

The real reason Dr Carl was sacked was because the college authorities — led by a privately-educated millionaire, former banker, and son of an ennobled historian, called the Hon. Matthew Bullock — caved to an orchestrated bully mob of left-wing academics.

As I reported last year, three hundred left-wing academics sent an open letter to Cambridge accusing Dr Carl of legitimising “racist pseudoscience”.

Dr Carl had done nothing of the kind. The true reason for the left-wing mob’s ire was, as Quillette reported, that he had defended the cause of intellectual inquiry into areas that the left would prefer to keep taboo.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

UK: Farage: Vote for Brexit Party Lets People ‘Put No Deal Back on the Table’

Nigel Farage believes a strong, first-place finish for his Brexit Party will put a clean, No Deal exit from the European Union “back on the table”, despite the strenuous efforts of Britain’s Remainer-dominated House of Commons to rule it out.

Mr Farage told reporters that the establishment Tory and Labour parties — which both ran on manifestos which promised to execute the British people’s vote to Leave the European Union and break with the bloc’s Customs Union, Single Market, and associated Free Movement migration regime in 2017, but are now failing to deliver — were “fearful” of his party’s surging popularity.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

White British Girl Held Prisoner by Muslim Grooming Gang for 12 Years and Forced to Have 8 Abortions

Sarah was abducted as a teen from her local Tesco’s car park and held prisoner for 12 YEARS. Repeatedly raped, beaten, forced into marriage and EIGHT forced abortions whilst police did nothing.

Sarah is a white English girl and as a shy 15-year-old was studying at college hoping to train as a midwife. Never even having had a boyfriend, she was forced to marry and was raped minutes later by a man she’d only met a half hour earlier.

Sarah was held captive and abused for 12 years whilst her family pleaded for help from police to find her.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Assault Ship, Marines, And Patriot Missile Battery Deployed for “Iran Readiness”

The saber rattling continues as the Pentagon has announced the new deployment of an amphibious assault ship and a Patriot missile battery to the Middle East in response to “Iran threats” which national security adviser John Bolton first revealed a week ago as based on intelligence confirming US troops in the region face potential attack by Iranian forces and their allies.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Iran is Facing the Worst Locust Attack in the Past 40 Years: Biblical Invasion Threatens Crops and Food Security

A locust outbreak in the Arabian peninsula has been spreading to Iran, threatening crops and food security in large areas of the coastal province of Hormozgan, an official said. Director of a department at Horkozgan’s agricultural organization told Tasnim that Iran is facing the worst locust attack in the past 40 years.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Nightmarish Swarm of Millions of Locusts Darken the Sky Over Najran, Saudi Arabia, Just Weeks After Devastating Iran

A few weeks after Iran, swarms of locusts are currently invading southern Saudi Arabia, near Najran, darkening the skies and adding a thick layer of insects to trees. Just like something out of the bible!

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Plague of Black Beetles Infest Anbar, Iraq and Saudi Arabia After Severe Flooding

Heavy storms continually recurred throughout Iraq during the period from 24-March to 2-April when severe weather finally eased, damaging buildings, homes, businesses and leaving thousands of people homeless. Similarly, tons of rain have flooded desertic Saudi Arabia over the two last weeks. While several villages and cities have been almost completely evacuated, some disgusting black beetles are infesting flooded regions, mostly in Anbar province, Iraq and Arar, Saudi Arabia.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Reptile Haven of Sri Lanka Yields Up New Species of Rough-Sided Snake

COLOMBO —From the misty Knuckles Hills that form a part of Sri Lanka’s Central Highlands, a new snake species has been added to the island’s already rich catalog of unique reptiles.

De Silva’s rough-sided snake (Aspidura desilvai) is described in a new paper published in Zootaxa, making it the ninth species in the genus Aspidura, endemic to Sri Lanka.

The new species bears a strong resemblance to A. trachyprocta and A. ravanai, a species described in 2017, but is easily distinguishable by its color pattern, scales in the ischiadic region, and morphometric characteristics, the paper says.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

‘Distressed’ Toyota Driver, 53, Who Allegedly Caused a Horrific Eleven-Vehicle Crash Which Killed an Irish Tradie After He Changed Lanes and Stopped Before Fleeing the Scene is Denied Bail

A driver who tried to change lanes on a busy motorway and allegedly caused a car pileup has been denied bail.

           — Hat tip: SS [Return to headlines]

How a Seemingly Respectable Couple Starved Their Toddler on a Vegan Diet That Left Her Weighing Less Than 5kg When She Was 19 Months Old — and Why No One Spotted the Shocking Neglect

Details of how a Sydney couple starved their toddler to the point she suffered from the bone disease rickets were revealed in a Sydney court this week.

           — Hat tip: SS [Return to headlines]

Police With Machine Guns Guard the Mosque Targeted in the Christchurch Terror Attack to Protect Muslims as They Celebrate Ramadan

Worshipers entering the Al Noor Mosque in Christchurch were greeted by armed officers during iftar, the evening meal, on Saturday.

           — Hat tip: SS [Return to headlines]

Boeing Altered Critical MCAS Toggle Switches on 737 Max Before Deadly Crashes

When Boeing transitioned from the 737 NG model to the 737 MAX, designers altered a toggle switch panel that could have prevented both of the deadly crashes over the last year in Ethiopia and Indonesia, killing a combined 346 people, according to an investigation by the Seattle Times.

On the 737 NG, the right switch was labeled “AUTO PILOT” — and allowed pilots to deactivate the plane’s automated stabilizer controls, such as the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS), suspected to be the culprit in both crashes. The left toggle switch on the NG would deactivate the buttons on the yoke which pilots regularly use to control the horizontal stabilizer.

On the 737 MAX, however, the two switches were altered to perform the same function, according to internal documents reviewed by the Times, so that they would disable all electronic stabilizer controls — including the MCAS and the thumb buttons on the yoke used to control the stabilizer.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Border Patrol Chief Drops Truth Bombs on CNN About Illegal Immigration, Smugglers

“The numbers at the border of asylum seekers just off the charts.”

Friday morning’s CNN Newsroom ended on quite the interesting note as co-host and former Obama official Jim Sciutto brought on U.S. Border Patrol Chief Carla Provost to discuss the tsunami of illegal immigrants crossing into the country and, needless to say, Provost brought the heat and some takes that CNN viewers probably haven’t heard as much as they maybe should.

Sciutto began with quite the stunning take without any snarky side comments: “The numbers at the border of asylum seekers just off the charts. This fiscal year could surpass 900,000 people, first time since the mid-2000s.”

Now, that’s quite the problem!

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Father of Colorado School Shooter is an Illegal Alien and Repeat Felon

The father of Colorado school shooter Alec McKinney is an illegal alien and repeat felon.

Illegal alien Jose Quintanoa was arrested and sent back to Mexico in 2017.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Hungary PM Urges Europeans to Vote for Anti-Migration Leaders

Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Facebook on Thursday that voters should tick the boxes of anti-migration leaders on European Parliament ballot papers so that the bloc can protect itself “and the future of our children.”

In a video recorded in Sibiu, central Romania, on the sidelines of an informal summit of European Union leaders, Orban said discussions had been focused on Europe’s future, but absent of the opinions of ordinary people, it would be impossible to draw any meaningful conclusions.

“We’ll become familiar with their opinions at the election,” he said. “What we can definitely say today is that Hungary represents the view that migration must be stopped.”

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

ICE Official Shocked She Has to Explain to Dem Senator What ‘Illegal’ Means: “I’m Not Quite Sure I Follow the Question, Ma’am.” [Video]

Hawaii’s Senator Mazie Hirono was confused on Tuesday about what the term “illegal” meant.

Talking to ICE officials on Capitol Hill, Hirono repeatedly asked ICE officials what constitutes someone being here illegally.

The ICE official was shocked and unsure of what she heard and then another ICE official chimed in.

When the second ICE official responded with a clear and simple answer, Hirono only got more confused and continued with the same line of questioning.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Italy: NGO Migrant Ferry Seized After Violating Salvini Blockade

The NGO migrant ferry Mare Jonio has been seized by the Italian authorities after attempting to circumvent the blockade against migrant transportation put in place by Matteo Salvini.

Members of the crew of the ship have been accused by the authorities of aiding illegal migration after the vessel was able to covertly dock at a port in Lampedusa on Friday, according to a report from Italian newspaper Il Giornale.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Mass Migration Lobby Worried 2020 Dems Not Pro-Open Borders Enough

The mass migration lobby is concerned Democrats running in the presidential primary to compete against President Trump in 2020 are not advocating for open borders and mass immigration enough.

Leading Democrat candidate Joe Biden was in Nevada this week, but spoke only briefly about the immigration issue — wherein 1.2 million mostly low-skilled legal immigrants are brought to the U.S. every year, and illegal immigration is set to outpace every year of former President Obama.

Biden endorsed giving amnesty to illegal aliens who have served in the U.S. military and endorsed expanding the country’s free healthcare for border crossers and illegal aliens.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Migrants Terrorize Elderly Inhabitants of Croatian Village

Residents of Croatia’s highest village are terrified after a series of home invasions and robberies by migrants, according to local media.

Begovo Razdolje, a tiny settlement with an official population of 48 mostly-elderly inhabitants, sits at nearly 3,500 feet above sea level, but even the high altitude has not served as an effective bulwark against mass migration.

Locals are desperately seeking action from authorities after migrants targeted at least five homes in a rash of break-ins and smash-and-grabs, asserting they “have the right to a normal and secure life in their homeland.”

Mirna Jardas told RTL she had to burn dirty clothes and blankets left behind by migrants who broke into her home and helped themselves to her belongings.

She says she is heartbroken because the intruders broke a Christian crucifix and destroyed family photographs, adding she no longer feels compassion for so-called ‘refugees.’

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Sixteen Iranian and Iraqi Migrants Including Two Children Are Intercepted Off Kent Coast After Trying to Cross the Channel in a Small Boat

Sixteen migrants, including two children, were intercepted by the Border Force as they made their way across the Channel in a small boat.

The group of 12 men, two women and the children were seen in the early hours of this morning and are believed to be Iranian and Iraqi nationals.

French authorities then alerted the UK Border Force, who stopped the boat before it reached Kent shores.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Transgender STEM School Shooter’s Dad is Twice Deported Illegal Alien… Serial Felon

According to the Daily Mail — McKinney’s father of one of the alleged STEM School Highlands Ranch shooters in Colorado is a serial felon and illegal immigrant from Mexico, can reveal.

Jose Evis Quintana, the father of alleged 16-year-old killer Alec McKinney was once jailed for 15 months for domestic violence against Alec’s mother and ‘menacing with a weapon’.

McKinney has been charged alongside his friend Devon Erickson of killing one student and injuring eight others at the school close Denver, Colorado.

Records show Quintana, 33, who was also deported twice, had a string of arrests in Colorado dating back from 2008 to 2017.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Watch Live: Liberals Celebrate Disease Pouring Over Southern Border

Border agents contracting infectious diseases from illegals

Border agents are complain they’re contracting infectious diseases from illegal immigrants at the border.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

“Man of Faith” Cory Booker Says Thoughts and Prayers Are “Bull***t”

Democrat presidential hopeful insults millions of religious Americans

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) told CNN’s David Axelrod that if there’s a mass shooting while he’s president “We’re not going to give thoughts and prayers, which to me is just bullsh*t.”

“I’m sorry to say that, as a man of faith, but I was taught that faith without works is dead,” he continued.

Booker pledged to take action on gun control if elected, saying, “So, when I’m president of the United States, I’m taking a fight to this issue like folks will never see before because we’re better than this as a country.”

Earlier this week, Booker promoted “the most sweeping gun control plan ever” and agreed that law-abiding gun owners should be “thrown in prison” if they refuse to comply with “an assault weapons ban.”

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Cal Poly Students Call for Chick-fil-A Ban; Compare Chicken Chain to Porn, Hooters

Students at California Polytechnic University are calling on the administration to kick Chick-fil-A off campus because of its owner’s political inclinations, with the senate vice chair even comparing the presence of the chicken chain on campus to pornography and Hooters.

The Cal Poly academic senate passed a resolution Tuesday calling for the removal of the franchise, which has been a campus dining staple for 25 years, according to KCBX. However, the establishment signed a five-year renewal contract with the university just last year, reported the San Luis Obispo Tribune. It also happens to be the only Chick-fil-A in the entire county, grossing $2 million in 2018 sales.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Is There Millennial Backlash Against Political Correctness?

Millennials are portrayed as being driven by feeling more than facts and are regularly called “snowflakes” for overreacting. Matt Bracken breaks down how political correctness indoctrination has reached a point where millennials consider it “uncool”.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

‘Law & Order: SVU’ Smears Covington Students With the Help of Ilhan Omar Character

NBC crime procedural Law & Order: Special Victims Unit featured a “ripped from the headlines” theme in its latest episode, which smeared the Covington Catholic kids by pitting them against an Ilhan Omar-styled character who is portrayed as a hero.

The plot centered on a poor, put-upon Islamic city politician being confronted by a red ballcap-wearing crowd of young men who scream at her and taunt her. But the episode also throws in a big dollop of male oppression and lesbianism for good measure, Newsbusters reported.

[Comment: This is “show” is pure propaganda masquerading as “entertainment”. Most episodes are just a nauseating leftist lecture berating evil whitey, men, husbands, males…etc.]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Macleod: “Western Democracies Are Little More Than a Sham”

Friedrich von Hayek first published The Road to Serfdom in 1944. His book was subsequently popularised by a condensed version in The Reader’s Digest. This article re-examines Hayek’s theme in the context of today’s economics and politics to see what lessons we can learn from it, and whether personal freedom can survive.

Why personal freedom is important and the treat to it

Destroy personal freedom, and ultimately the state destroys itself. No state succeeds in the long run by taking away freedom from individuals, other than those strictly necessary for guaranteeing individualism. And unless the state recognises this established fact its destruction will be both certain and brutal. Alternatively, a state that steps back from the edge of collectivism and reinstates individual freedoms will survive. This is the theoretical advantage offered by democracy, when the people can peacefully rebel against the state, compared with dictatorships when they cannot.

Nevertheless, democracies are rarely free from the drift into collectivism. They socialise our efforts by taxing profits excessively and limiting free market competition, which is the driving force behind the creation and accumulation of personal wealth and the advancement of the human condition. At least democracies periodically offer the electorate an opportunity to throw out a government sliding into socialism. A Reagan or Thatcher can then materialise to save the nation by reversing or at least stemming the tide of collectivism.

Dictatorships are different, often ending in revolution, the condition in which chaos thrives. If the governed are lucky, out of chaos emerges freedom; much more likely they face more intense suppression and even civil war. We remember dictatorships through a figurehead, a Hitler or Mussolini. But these are just the leaders in a party of like-minded statists.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Nolte: Media Quickly Lost Interest in Politically Inconvenient School Shooting

You see, what we have here is a school shooting that is politically inconvenient to our unbiased, objective, not-at-all left-wing media.

And if a story, any story, is politically inconvenient — if our unbiased, objective, not-at-all left-wing media cannot further a preferred narrative through the coverage of even what amounts to a Columbine Part II — this very same unbiased, objective, not-at-all left-wing media are going to move on as quickly as possible.

Oh, yes, there are countless reasons our corrupt media see this story as toxic.

To begin with, according to various news reports, Maya McKinney is the most inconvenient suspected school shooter of them all, a trans activist, a biological girl who says she is transitioning into a boy.

And Devon Erickson, well, he is real bad news for a media who have spent years demonizing traditional Christians and right-of-center Americans as Nazis because Erickson appears to have taken all that hate to heart. According to reports, Devon is a registered Democrat who hates President Trump, loves Barack Obama, and has used social media to express his hatred of Christians.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Parents Sue School for Transgender Brainwashing

Patriots dealing with harmful policies impacting children

Tune in and share tonight’s Banned Broadcast breaking down parents’ legal battle over protecting children from a sexually-explicit curriculum.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

School Drops ‘God Bless America’ After Pledge Due to One Parent’s Complaint

The Freedom from Religion Foundation has been on a mission to remove any references to Christianity in schools. They threaten to sue if they don’t get their way so most of the time they win. They’ve been successful in removing long-held traditions and monuments to Christianity all over America. They are 31,000 members strong and are hell-bent on ripping any mention of “God Bless America” out of schools across America.

One Pennsylvania school just became a victim of their mission: To avoid a lawsuit, the school principal says he will no longer say “God bless America” after leading students in the Pledge of Allegiance.

One parent complained about the practice of saying “God Bless America” after saying the pledge in the morning.

FFR claimed it violated the U.S. Constitution’s prohibition of government sponsoring religious messages:

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

This Public University Will Spend Nearly $3 Million on Diversity This Year Alone

Thousands spent on receptions, women’s programs, student workers

The University of Iowa has earmarked over $2.7 million for its Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for this fiscal year. The budget, a copy of which was obtained by The College Fix, spans nearly 70 different activities and spending categories.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

5G Apocalypse — the Extinction Event (Video)

A full length documentary by Sacha Stone exposing the 5G existential threat to humanity in a way we never imagined possible.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

A Film About the Impending 5G Apocalypse

Are you still under the misconception that unchecked exposure to electromagnetic field (EMF) and radiofrequency (RF) radiation is of no concern? Then I urge you to view the featured documentary, “5G Apocalypse — The Extinction Event” by Sacha Stone.

Please understand that while I am not in agreement with some of Stone’s conspiracy theories on the militarization of these frequencies, the science is beyond solid to justify concern about 5G without throwing in conspiracy allegations. I do believe that, overall, the documentary was well done and nicely packages the nonconspiracy information.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

10 thoughts on “Gates of Vienna News Feed 5/11/2019

  1. “President Donald Trump ridiculed Mayor Pete Buttigieg on Friday, describing him as Alfred E. Neuman, the cartoon icon from Mad Magazine.”

    I was in the middle of an article on the malign influence of Tony Blair and his cronies on British politics and this was my opening line. Never mind, it was a good line and I’ll use it anyway

  2. “The Origins of the Deep State in North America, Part 2”

    Unfortunately, while containing useful nuggets, this article is largely a puff piece of the LaRouchites and I wouldn’t give the interpretations a whole lot of credibility.

    Besides, we in Canada have much more serious problems than being fought over by the US and UK, at this point.

  3. .

    Red-green profiles: We must listen to climate-Greta because “the message comes from God”

    Published May 12, 2019 at 16.58

    We must listen to the message from Greta Thunberg. For the message comes from God, says Anna Ardin, S-marked left activist within the church – and Julian Assange’s f***ing/rape partner / the “honey can” and MP politician Joakim Kroksson in the Church magazine.

    In this article of debate, the two left-hand profiles write that climate-Greta is a prophet.

    “We want to argue that Sweden has a prophet who is active – right now. Her name is Greta Thunberg and is fully comparable to the prophets of the Bible”.

    They continue:

    “Something radical must happen, the people are on the wrong path,” they continue. “A prophet preaches repentance and at the same time concretely explains what people need to do. A prophet distributes information and declares that it is meaningful to turn around. Describes that we play a role. and want to do the same “.

    Greta Thunberg, 16, is the daughter of the left PK-profile Malena Ernman and has been launched by Swedish PR agencies as a “truth owner” about the so-called climate threat. The campaign has led to climate greta speaking in the EU Parliament and meeting the Pope, but the campaign has also been criticized for lacking in good faith and being infantile even for coming from liberals.

    Read in the Fria Tider

    • Even if the climate is changing, and (bigger “if”) it’s caused by human activity, what’s wrong with setting realistic goals? e.g.:

      1) Tax aviation fuel for short-haul flights, and use the revenue to make competing rail journeys cheaper; also charge even more for first- and business class passengers, who take up about a third more space than in “cattle” class, and even more for business jets, which are very wasteful of fuel for the number of passengers carried.

      2) Make shops and banks, etc keep their doors closed, so they’re not heating or air-conditioning the street (there was a study in the UK a while back, showing that shops with open doors generate more trade, but the higher fuel bills wipe out the extra profit).

      3) Make food retailers put doors on their ‘fridges and freezers. Some supermarkets are uncomfortably cold because they don’t; I feel sorry for the staff, some of whom wear gloves!

      4) Use the taxes from road traffic to subsidise rail. Drivers complain that they are discriminated against, but the costs of traffic accidents (many, many times more frequent than on rail) are borne by the wider community.

      5) Reach an international agreement to force ships to reduce their emissions; at present, there is none.

      Even if anthropogenic climate change is a total myth, fossil fuels, on which much of our present prosperity is based, are finite; humans’ existence on the planet, one hopes, is not, at least until the Earth falls into the Sun, and that’s too distant to worry about right now.

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