An Algerian man has been arrested in Italy on terrorism charges. The suspect allegedly left Algeria and joined the Islamic State in 2014. He was holed up in an abandoned farmhouse near Naples when he was discovered by police.
In other ISIS-related news, a New Jersey man has been sentenced to sixteen years in prison for plotting to make and detonate a pressure-cooker bomb in New York on behalf of the Islamic State.
To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.
Thanks to Insubria, JD, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.
Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.
Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.
Italy: Bail-in ‘Rushed’: Now Inapplicable — BOI
Capital from professional investors needed — Barbagallo
(ANSA) — Rome, March 1 — The entry into force of the bail-in in 2016 was “rushed,” Bank of Italy oversight chief Carmelo Barbagallo said Friday.
It is now “almost inapplicable” because some basic prerequisites such as banks setting up liabilities suitable to be reduced or converted into new capital (MREL) are lacking, he said.
The situation is set to last, Barbagallo said, because the “full entry into force of the MREL has been set at 2024”.
He said capital from professional investors was needed.
— Hat tip: Insubria | [Return to headlines] |
“Weird”: Pro-Hijab Billboards Emerge in U.S. While Unveiled Iranian Woman Pepper-Sprayed?
A video embedded in a Daily Mail piece showing an Iranian woman refusing to wear a hijab and a man who thought very poorly of her decision, is a good reminder of why living in Iran really stinks these days.
After an undercover “morality officer” man-splains to a woman why her lack of decency in not covering her hair is so egregious, he personally insults her and blasts her with pepper spray when she refuses to capitulate.
Yet, you have to wonder: when it comes to the feminist movement and #MeToo and #TimesUp, etc., etc., where is the outrage?
Why isn’t this grotesque assault a cause celeb for feminists in the West?
Instead, we witness the perverse irony of pro-hijab billboards being erected in major U.S. cities such as Dallas, Houston and Chicago around the same time the incident caught on video took place in Iran.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Arctic Air Mass to Blast US, Will Roil Power Markets Next Week
A blast of cold air is expected to dump into the Midwest and Northeast following this weekend’s snowstorm. Temperatures in the affected areas are expected to plunge on Monday to record lows, highly unusual for this time of the year, which will disrupt power and gas markets.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Chelsea Manning Fights Grand Jury Subpoena Seen as Linked to Assange
Lawyers for convicted WikiLeaks source Chelsea Manning are asking a federal court to block a grand jury subpoena she received in what her supporters believe is a federal investigation into WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.
Manning’s attorneys filed the motion Friday morning in U.S. District Court in Alexandria, Va., a spokesperson for Manning said. The motion was put under seal and no information about it was immediately available from the court clerk’s office.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Dems Planning to Eliminate Red States
The next national election will be contentious. Given that Democrats have literally lost their minds over the last one, they plan on never losing another national election. There is no doubt that Democrats, especially new leaders coming on the scene, want a secular socialist government with all vestiges of Judeo-Christianity removed. It competes with their progressive socialist theology. They will not abide with another Republican win. This is how they think they will do it. . via the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact
Not many people are aware of the backdoor election scheme that Democrats have been planning and pushing these past dozen years. It’s called the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. It is an agreement among a group of states and the District of Columbia to guarantee that the candidate that wins the popular vote will win the presidency. It seems fair on the surface, but only on the surface. It is a way to bypass the Electoral College and effectively nullify the Constitution that they continually repudiate.
Democrats are planning to functionally eliminate rural red states and leave the selection of the president to populous blue states, even if it means depending on widespread voter fraud, ballot harvesting and mass voting of illegal aliens in California, New York, and other states.
Ballot harvesting is the practice of collecting absentee ballots by third parties and submitting them for the voter. It is illegal in every state except California. It smacks of voter fraud. With millions of illegal immigrants in California of voting age, the sanctuary policy still in force, registering to vote when they apply for a driver license, they could conceivably swing any election.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Family Raided by Cops, Their Children Kidnapped— For Not Bringing Son to ER for a Fever
Sarah Beck and Brooks Bryce are speaking out to local media after their children were kidnapped by armed men because they let their 2-year-old son Heber recover from a fever at home—and not in the ER.
The nightmare for this family started 4 days ago when they brought their toddler to the doctor at the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine because he had a fever. The fever had gotten pretty high, 105, so the doctor told the family to take the baby to the ER.
When the family got back to the car, however, they took Heber’s temperature once more and noticed that it had dropped significantly. His temp fell to 102, which is no reason to head to the ER.
“He’s acting normal. He’s dancing with his sisters in his car seat. And I take his temperature and it’s 102,” said Beck.
For those who may be unaware, it is not necessary to bring your toddler to the ER for a fever. According to Johns Hopkins medicine, if a toddler has no other symptoms with fevers under 104, you just need to make them comfortable. What’s more, they only recommend seeking medical attention after repeated fevers of 104 or higher—which is what this family did.
Because Heber’s fever was on the decline and he had no other symptoms, the family opted to go home instead of making a trip to the ER. They had no idea what would happen next.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
New Jersey Man Gets 16 Years for ISIS Pressure Cooker Bomb Plot
A New Jersey man will spend 16 years in prison and the rest of his life under supervision for a plot to make and detonate a pressure cooker bomb in New York on behalf of ISIS, the Department of Justice announced Friday.
Gregory Lepsky, 22, of Point Pleasant, N.J., pleaded guilty last year to attempting to provide material support to a terrorist organization for the plot.
Lepsky was arrested in 2017 after stabbing the family dog, and authorities found the pressure cooker in his bedroom closet. He had obtained bomb-making instructions, the pressure cooker, and the other items for the attack via the Internet.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
NYPost: “Conspiracy Theorists” Are Criminals
The NY Post has just posted an article saying that if you believe in conspiracies “you might not be that much fun to be around”. David Knight breaks down the article and explains why we should all be free thinkers and not believe everything you see in the mainstream media.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
President Trump Tweets: “Must Watch” Tucker Carlson Opening…here it is! [Video]
The “bombshell” the Democrats are desperate for is never produced even with the help of the leftist media.
Carlson asks the question of whether anyone is going to apologize or be held accountable for all of the lies told. Great question!
In the end, ‘Russian collusion’ is nothing more than a Democratic cocktail, designed to sooth the jagged nerves of those poor souls suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. It is concocted of one part fantasy, two parts desperation, and three parts hate. Constantly shaken and stirred up by the media and poured out as bitter liberal tears. Cheers!
[Comment: Tucker nails it. Recommended reading / watching.]
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Spike Lee’s Disservice to Black America
I stopped stomaching the Academy Awards TV show years ago. I caught Spike Lee’s hate-filled Oscar acceptance speech on Youtube. I am a black man who is a grateful and proud American. One could argue that Spike Lee has achieved his $40 million net worth at the expense of his fellow blacks, selling them the lie that America is a hellhole of racism against them. Lies about America are furthered in most of Lee’s movies; blacks will never be treated fairly; cops shoot blacks on sight and whitey schemes 24/7 conceiving roadblocks to keep blacks down.
In his speech, Lee cited that slavery in America began 400 years ago. And yet, while standing on stage receiving an Oscar, Lee, a black man, acts like slavery still continues today. Lee said his grandmother funded his college education. He said his grandmother was the daughter of a slave and a college graduate. Doesn’t Spike Lee’s and his grandmother’s success confirm the truth that America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to go for it?
As I watched Spike Lee, I thought, what is wrong with this man? Does he actually believe his anti-America garbage or is it simply his niche to make movies. Promoting her movie, “Selma”, billionaire black woman Oprah Winfrey spread the lie that blacks are still suffering the 1965 racism featured in her movie. White moviegoers have made black actor, Samuel L. Jackson worth $220 million. Like Spike Lee, Jackson whines about how blacks can’t catch a break in racist America.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
State of Arkansas Passes Law to Protect Student Free Speech Rights
Last week, Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson signed into law S.B. 156, a law that significantly improves free speech protections for students at institutions of higher education in the state. The bill passed the Arkansas legislature with broad bipartisan support, passing the House of Representatives 75-3 and the Senate 27-0.
The bill prohibits “state-supported institutions of higher education” from unconstitutionally restricting student expression. Based on the way “state-supported institutions of higher education” is defined, however, it is unclear whether the law applies only to public institutions or any higher education institution that receives state funds.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
The Democratic Party: A History of Anarchy, Part 4
Whether it was the Southern Democrats donning the white hoods to intimidate minorities and enforce Jim Crow laws or turning a blind eye on union violence, the Democratic Party has not been shy about embracing violence to get what they want.
In the 1960’s, the majority of the Democratic Party’s leadership were still determined to stop the spread of communism, as demonstrated by the Cuban Missile Crisis under JFK and the escalation of U.S. involvement in Vietnam under LBJ. However, many young democrats had been influenced by the Cultural Marxist teachings of the Frankfurt School at Columbia University and adopted the radical ideas of communists, anarchists, and socialists. They would soon morph into the “New Left.” The two sides would violently clash during the 1968 Democratic Convention, while the “Old Left” would win the skirmish, they would ultimately lose the war.
One of the college outreaches of the “New Left” was the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). Their first meeting was attended by fewer than 100 people in 1962, but by 1968 they numbered over 50,000 activists. They initially demonstrated on a wide range of leftist causes ranging from feminism to the US participation on Vietnam while using mainly non-violent methods. The SDS would break apart because of internal fighting due to the escalation of the war in Vietnam in 1969.
The more radical SDS members formed terrorist cells of 3-4 members, changed their name to the Weathermen, and in October, 1969, began a series of bombings, robberies, and riots that would rack the nation…
Many of the Weathermen would become college professors, popular speakers, writers, heroes to today’s left and also, completely un-repentant for their actions. While Ayers, Dohrn and other former Weathermen have both claimed they never hurt anyone, the evidence, completely repudiates their lies:…
Almost daily there is some new violent threat to President Trump, his family, his supporters and/or conservatives in general. The following are just a few of the legion of threats and violence of today’s democrats:
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
The Secular Theology of the Green New Deal
A quote attributed to C.S. Lewis stated: “Once people stop believing in God, the problem is not that they will believe in nothing; rather, the problem is that they will believe anything.”
Today, among secular leftists, radical environmentalism has attained the status of theology and their catechism is the “Green New Deal.”
A wish list framed as a set of policy proposals, the Green New Deal demands the obliteration of our nation’s energy infrastructure as expiation for our sin of material prosperity and requires faith that something will come along to replace it.
Bloomberg conservatively estimates the costs of the Green New Deal at $6.6 trillion per year. Other cost estimates are higher. “To put that in perspective,” writes economist Brian Wesbury, “in the past twelve months the federal government has raised $3.3 trillion in revenue, including $1.7 trillion in individual income taxes, and spent $4.2 trillion.”
In other words, said Wesbury, “it’s an impossible fantasy that would require tax collections at least three times higher than today.” Yet, as of this writing more than 70 Democrats in the House, and a dozen in the Senate have signed on to this lunacy…
The radical environment agenda is not public policy, its dogma.
One person who understood this was the late Dr. Michael Crichton, the celebrated science-fiction writer and author of Jurassic Park, The Andromeda Strain, and other best sellers. Fifteen years ago, Crichton released his techno-thriller, State of Fear, which challenged the claims of the global warming alarmists. Rereading it today, in light of the Green New Deal, one is impressed not only with Crichton’s grasp of the science, but with his prescience in forecasting how modern environmentalism has morphed into a quasi-religion, complete with heresies and predictions of the apocalypse.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Trump Vows Executive Order Requiring ‘Free Speech’ at Colleges
WASHINGTON (Reuters) — U.S. President Donald Trump said on Saturday he would soon sign an executive order requiring American universities and colleges to maintain “free speech” on campuses and threatened that schools not complying could lose federal research funds.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
UC Berkeley Attacker Zachary Greenberg Arrested
The man accused of assaulting a conservative activist on the University of California, Berkeley campus last month was arrested Friday after a warrant was issued. According to a statement from UC Berkeley Public Affairs, police arrested 28-year-old Zachary Greenberg and he was booked into jail on Friday afternoon.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Mohamed Noor is accused of shooting dead Australian Justine Ruszczyk behind her Minneapolis home after she called police in 2017 to report hearing a woman’s screams.
— Hat tip: SS | [Return to headlines] |
Van Jones Vilified by Left for Admitting Trump Helped Poor, Addicted & Those in Prison
Leftist mob mauls anyone who steps out of line
Van Jones from CNN made an appearance at CPAC and gave credit to President Trump regarding his accomplishments on criminal justice reform.
Shortly after his comments aired, the left lost their mind and bashed Van Jones as a sellout.
[Comment: This is likely a psyop designed to make comrade jones look reasonable and plausible for office.]
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Virginia’s Automated Revenue Collectors
Speed cameras are like kudzu — they have to be beaten back every so often.
If, that is, the public has any idea they are about to get mulcted by them.
With almost no notice and even less media coverage, Virginia is on the verge of erecting these automated revenue collectors on its highways. Two companion bills (509 and 917) have already passed the General Assembly and now await the signature of Governor “Coonman” Northam.
Virtually no one seems to be aware of it.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Why Did CPAC Let Van Jones Speak?
Michelle Malkin is angry about this, as all conservatives should be. Malkin points out, Jones has been trying to stop conservatives from speaking for years
The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) allowed America-hating admitted communist Van Jones to speak on the main stage two days ago on Feb. 28, 2019.
To allow this disgusting, unreformed, black-nationalist Maoist to speak at CPAC, an annual event many movement conservatives considered to be their sanctum sanctorum, is truly disturbing. He was there for an on-stage chat with ACU Chairman Matt Schlapp about the conservative contribution to emptying the prisons, or as the Koch brothers call it, sentencing reform. (The legislation, enacted recently, is called the First Step Act.) Many conservatives were pressured by the Kochs to adopt this absurd policy position that is going to push violent crime rates up in coming years, as Daniel Horowitz has written at Conservative Review.
[Comment: Deep State operation to make communist Van Jones seem palatable to uninformed conservatives. Michelle Malkin gave a good speech — be sure to read the transcript.]
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
“Our Drivers Have Been Attacked”: UPS Halts Deliveries to Swedish “No Go Zone”
Though European leaders and their counterparts in the US (along with their allies in the mainstream press) have continued to deny their existence, migrant-dominated “no go” zones remain a persistent public safety threat to the Swedish public. And in the latest repudiation of the Swedish government’s refusal to accept the term, and acknowledge the fact that — as Swedish police chiefs warned back in 2017 — these areas represent “parallel societies” where Swedish institutions aren’t recognized, UPS has ceased delivery to Rosengard, a notorious neighborhood in Malmo, Sweden, after several of its drivers were assaulted and robbed. According to local media reports cited by RT, delivering to the neighborhood has become too dangerous for UPS, after the US carrier told the press that “our drivers have been attacked and therefore we have decided not to hand out packages at [the district].”
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
‘Big Brother’ — France Installs Listening Devices in Crime-Ridden Town
French authorities will install tiny microphones in a crime-ridden neighbourhood to listen for suspicious noises and alert police, but residents worry they will be spied on by “Big Brother”.
Fifty “sound sensors” no bigger than a one-pound coin or American quarter will be installed on a six-month trial basis in the troubled Tarentaize-Beaubrun-Couriot district, in the city of Saint-Étienne in the Loire department, Le Parisien reports.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Finnish ‘Soldiers of Odin’ Announce Hunt for Rapists and Pedophiles in Controversial Video
The Finnish Police investigates a video published recently in social media by the vigilante group ‘Soldiers of Odin’ that announces a “hunt” for rapists and pedophiles.
The video, which is subtitled in English and Arabic, and has since been deleted from both Facebook and Vimeo, shows a group of masked men dressed in dark, armed with bats and chains march onwards to the camera amid winter darkness, accompanied by heavy metal music.
One of them, who acts as a spokesperson, announces that “The pedophile hunting season has been opened!”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
France: Tear Gas v Flowers: Yellow Vests March Through Paris for 16th Week in a Row
Yellow Vest protesters have taken to the streets of Paris for the 16th consecutive week. While some enjoyed a friendly chat with police officers, others faced tear gas after trying to break off from a pre-approved marching route, writes.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Italy: 23,000 Doctors to Retire in 3 Yrs — Union
From national health service
(ANSA) — Rome, March 1 — Some 23,000 doctors are set to retire from the national health service over the next three years as they reach retirement age and due to the government’s ‘quota 100’ pension reform, union Anaao-Assomed said Friday.
— Hat tip: Insubria | [Return to headlines] |
Italy: Renzi’s Parents to Stay Under House Arrest
Ex-premier’s mother and father accused of fraudulent bankruptcy
(ANSA) — Florence, March 1 — A Florence judge on Friday ruled that ex-premier Matteo Renzi’s parents should stay under house arrest in relation to allegations of fraudulent bankruptcy and issuing false invoices, sources said. Tiziano Renzi and Laura Bovoli were put under house arrest early last week.
Bovoli was sent to trial by a court in the northern city of Cuneo on Thursday in a related case of alleged involvement in fraudulent bankruptcy.
Prosecutors said Friday the pair had “substantive” roles in the companies implicated in the case.
Tiziano Renzi said on Facebook “they tell me ‘confess and they’ll let you out’. I can’t confess what I didn’t do. We didn’t do the things for which we have been deprived of our liberty. We will fight with all our strength to defend the dignity and honour of two people who in a 35 year career have never had failures, bankruptcies or black labour”.
He said “I’m about to turn 70: I didn’t think I would spend my old age in law courts but I will do so with my head held high because I know the truth.”
— Hat tip: Insubria | [Return to headlines] |
Italy: Algerian Arrested on Terror Charges
Suspect left homeland in 2014 to join ISIS in Syria
(ANSA) — Naples, March 1 — Police from the southern city of Caserta said Friday that they have arrested a 45-year-old Algerian on terrorism charges. The suspect was wanted at the international level after a court in the Algerian city of Constantine issued an arrest warrant for alleged involvement in a terrorist organization.
The suspect left Algeria in 2014 to join ISIS in Syria.
Investigators tracked him down to an abandoned farmhouse in Acerra, near Naples.
— Hat tip: Insubria | [Return to headlines] |
Italy: Tor Vergata Dean Indicted for Bribes
For appointments at Rome university
(ANSA) — Rome, March 1 — The dean of Tor Vergata University, Giuseppe Novelli, was indicted Friday on charges of taking bribes for appointments at the Roman university.
Novelli is accused of attempted extortion and instigation to corruption in the case, judicial sources said.
The trial will start July 16, sources said.
— Hat tip: Insubria | [Return to headlines] |
Italy Embassy in Oslo to be First Plastic-Free
Launched first campaign says minister Costa
(ANSA) — Rome, February 28 — Italy’s embassy in Oslo will soon become the first Italian diplomatic mission abroad to be entirely plastic free, Environment Minister Sergio Costa said Thursday.
“We have already launched our first plastic free campaign and we’ve had a lot of support already, which means that people are starting to think about protecting the environment in a different way,” he said.
— Hat tip: Insubria | [Return to headlines] |
Miners Eye the Moon for Trillion Dollar Payoff
Authored by via
European scientists have announced plans to start mining the moon as early as 2025, though what they’ll be extracting is neither gold nor diamonds, but waste-free nuclear energy thought to be worth trillions of dollars.
The goal is to place a lander on the lunar surface to mine and process regolith for useful materials such as water, oxygen, metals and an isotope called helium-3, which may prove useful for fueling future fusion reactors.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Swedish Populists Set to Double European Parliament Vote
The populist Sweden Democrats look set to double their vote in the upcoming European Parliament elections as leader Jimmie Åkesson has rejected all calls for allowing returning Islamic State members back into the country.
The new poll, released by Sifo, shows the Sweden Democrats (SD) set to expand their support from 9.67 percent in the 2014 European Parliament elections to 18 percent in May, Europa Portalen reports.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
UK: Cancel the Brexit-Pocalypse: Jaguar Signals Massive Investment in British Manufacturing
EU loyalists predicting disaster for Britain in general and British carmakers in particular have been left with egg on their faces as new figures show the country growing faster than major EU economies, and Jaguar Land Rover signals huge investments in British manufacturing.
Anti-Brexit politicians and campaigners and Remain-leaning broadcast media outlets have given a great deal of prominence to the recent news that Honda will cut some jobs in Britain and that Nissan will build its new X-Trail SUV in Japan rather than its British facilities, framing the reports in the context of Brexit — despite the link being highly dubious, with problems in the Chinese market and the ongoing travails of the diesel sector appearing to be far more likely culprits for the carmakers’ problems.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
UK: Former Equality Chief Accuses BBC of ‘Whitewashing’ Black-on-Black Knife Crime
Trevor Phillips has accused the BBC of “whitewashing” crime stories by not addressing the high number of black-on-black stabbings, and warned politicians and police to stop ignoring the links between race and gang violence.
Mr Phillips, the former head of the United Kingdom’s Equality and Human Rights Commission (ECHR), made the comments in an opinion piece in The Telegraph on Friday, following a string of stabbings in London and Birmingham.
Referencing a report released on Thursday which revealed that some 27,000 under-19s in England identify themselves as being part of a gang, Mr Phillips noted that in terms of youth gang violence, “black boys are more than 20 times as likely to be involved in serious attacks compared with their white peers.”
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Why Islam is Called ‘Eternal Blight on Learning’
Muslim pirates terrorized the Mediterranean, blockading trade. This caused an economic disaster in Roman Europe by diminishing products moving from North Africa and the Middle East to Rome.
An important item no longer shipped was papyrus — reeds from the Nile delta which were used for paper in Europe. The sudden shortage of paper resulted in a decline of writing, literacy, and fewer books being written. This was a key factor in the beginning of the Dark Ages.
The world’s largest and oldest library was in Alexandria, Egypt. Accounts were given by Persian traveler Abd-Al-Latif of Baghdad (1162-1231), Jamal Ad-din Al-Kufti (1169-1248), and Syrian prelate Bar Hebraeus (1226-1286) that when Caliph Omar was asked in 642 AD what to do with the books in the library, he told his commander Amr bin al-Ass: “Touching the books you mention, if what is written in them agrees with the Qur’an, they are not required; if it disagrees, they are not desired. Destroy them therefore.”
The account continued that the library books were burned to heat the city’s bath-houses for six months. Other libraries in Babylon, Syria and Greece met similar fates.
Current accounts, such as Breitbart News, April 13, 2016, reported this behavior continuing: “ISIS militants also raided the Central Library of Mosul to destroy all non-Islamic books. ‘These books promote infidelity and call for disobeying Allah,’ announced a militant to the residents. ‘So they will be burned.’“
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Islamic State Women Say They Have No Regrets
A group of female Islamic State members who have sought help after the fall of their caliphate say they regret nothing and that the terror group will survive.
The Islamic State women fled the territories formerly held by the terror group and sought help from Kurdish forces, but admitted they only approached them due to hunger and do not regret being members of ISIS while speaking to Swedish broadcaster Sveriges Radio.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
US Army Takes 50 Tons of Gold From Syria in Alleged Deal With ISIS
Spared lives of leadership in exchange for Iraq’s looted gold
As the remaining pockets of ISIS fighters faced imminent defeat in northeast Syria, the United States allegedly gave them an offer they couldn’t refuse: give us your massive caches of gold — or die.
According to reports by Syrian state news agency SANA, U.S. forces struck a deal with ISIS whereby the terrorist group would give up 50 tons of gold across eastern Syria’s Deir el-Zour province in exchange for safe passage.
The precious metal, worth about $2.13 billion, was plundered by the self-designated “caliphate” as its reign of terror spread across Syria and Iraq between 2015 and 2017…
The Syrian state media outlet claimed that ISIS leaders were on-hand to guide the U.S. helicopters to the places where the gold was stashed, “closing a deal by which Washington spared hundreds of the terror organization’s field leaders and experts.”
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
China’s Social Credit System Barred Millions From Traveling in 2018
Your bags are packed, your rooms are booked, you’re all set for your vacation; there’s just one problem, the government has canceled your tickets.
As early as 2014, China began conceptualizing a Social Credit System (SCS), sort of like a credit score for citizen behavior where behaviors deemed good for society are rewarded with privileges and bad behaviors result in a poor score and loss of privileges. China has since been working to test its new method of population control and has been slowly conscripting citizens into the system. Now, a new report acquired by the Associated Press, suggests millions of would-be travelers had their plans canceled as a result of the SCS in 2018. …
According to the report obtained by the Associated Press, as many as 17.5 million ticket purchases were blocked last year for “social credit offenses” such as unpaid taxes or fines. Other would-be travelers were barred from purchasing train tickets as many as 5.5 million times and according to an annual report from the National Public Credit Information Center, as many as 138 people were stopped from leaving the country.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
US prosecutors are bidding to substantially increase a prison sentence for a Texas man who moved to Australia and promoted Islamic State online.
— Hat tip: SS | [Return to headlines] |
“Green New Deal” & “Reparations”: Happening Now in South Africa
Simon Roche joins David from South America to speak on its current state and to describe how the land grab has been getting out of control.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Giant Tortoise Thought Extinct is Found on Galapagos
Conservationists in the Galapagos Islands have found a giant tortoise from a species thought to have become extinct more than a century ago.
The adult female tortoise was found on the island of Fernandina in the west of the Pacific archipelago, and is believed to be a Fernandina Giant Tortoise, also known as Chelonoidis phantasticus, a species last sighted in 1906.
The tortoise is believed to be about 100 years old. It was taken by boat to the main Galapagos conservation center on Santa Cruz island.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Venezuela’s Guaido Visits Argentina and Paraguay in Bid to Drum Up Support
Venezuela’s self-declared President Juan Guaido visited Paraguay and Argentina on Friday to shore up Latin American support for a transitional government in the crisis-stricken nation.
Following a meeting with Argentine President Mauricio Macri in Buenos Aires, Guaido said, without providing evidence, that 80 percent of Venezuela’s military nonetheless supported a change in leadership and that he would continue to seek the support of officers.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
UK: Bangladeshi Migrant Rapes Boy, 15, In Public Park
A 15-year-old boy was raped twice by a Bangladeshi migrant who gave him a cannabis joint which made him feel “dizzy” in Bolton, north-west England.
Mohammed Suman, 33, approached the boy near the city’s town hall on July 2nd last year and offered him the drugs in order to “ingratiate himself and bring about a sense of confidence” with him, said Judge Timothy Stead in comments reported by Bolton News.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
America’s Frankenstein Culture
After the initial shock of the videos the Corporations Once Known as the Mainstream Media or as they are also known: the Propaganda Arm of the Democrat Party went on a rampage attacking the videos and those who made them. And surprise, surprise, surprise an exhaustive investigation by Planned Parenthood found that despite all the video evidence there were no sales of fetal tissue by Planned Parenthood even though their own executives were the people on the videos talking about selling fetal tissue. Of course the manufactured results of the cover-up received more exposure than the videos.
Now comes this soul wrenching mind-numbing headline from the best government money can buy, “HHS Extends Contract to Make ‘Humanized Mice’ With Aborted Baby Parts for Another 90 Days.”
That’s right those baby parts that aren’t being sold are being purchased by the University of California at San Francisco (UCSF) to conduct experiments funded by our tax dollars. Which, according to the Hyde Amendment, cannot be used to fund abortion.
What are “humanized mice” any sane person might ask? These creatures are made by implanting mice with human tissues taken from late-term aborted babies.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
At CPAC, Pence Rips Hollywood Libs, ‘Media Elites’ For Making Anti-Religious Bias ‘Fashionable’
“Make no mistake about it” that “freedom of religion is under attack in our country.”
The Vice President highlighted the deeply-seated belief that America’s a country in which religious freedom should be allowed to flourish. With that, Pence insisted that CPAC attendees should “make no mistake about it” that “freedom of religion is under attack in our country.”
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Communist/Common Core — Eliminates Choices
Imagine going to the Super Bowl, The Rams vs the Patriots. Before the game starts the announcer says,” Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, We will now toss the coin to choose the winner of the game. “The WINNER of today’s game will be the LA Rams.
How would you feel? Would you want to stay to watch the game? Would the players want to play? Or would you feel cheated and get up and leave? Your life changes when you know the outcome in advance. You become disinterested, bored, feel cheated, and unfulfilled…a mindless Drone. One of the Collective.
Welcome to… Common Core: Outcome-Based Education.
When the outcome of your life is known in advance and that is that, what happens to the mind? You have no hope, no future, you are depressed. What is the point of living? You turn to drugs, s e x, getting in trouble, acting out. You are told you need drugs to keep you quiet, to stop you from being depressed. Life doesn’t matter. Someone else’s life doesn’t matter. You have no ambition, curiosity, innovation, creativity. WHY BOTHER? You know the end of the story, your life’s story. This is what happens when you know the outcome in advance. That is what Common Core, or Outcome-Based Education does to people. The outcome of your life is PRE-DETERMINED by someone else, other than you or your child. Your child loses HOPE and as we see may turn to suicide. Do you think your child will feel cheated? No one consulted them — yet this impacts the rest of their lives…
These documents can be found in: The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America
American Deception
The author of these sites is Charlotte Iserbyt, former Senior Policy Analyst (Under Education) for Ronald Reagan. It was Charlotte’s job to go through the Board of Ed papers and discard them, as they were to close the Dept of Ed (which of course, never happened). Instead, Charlotte copied the documents and put them out — so all could see the history of advancing a Soviet Education in America. I lived in NYC in the 1960’s. At this time my class of teachers was the first group to graduate and teach the “new” method called Outcome Based Education. I did not understand why would anyone want the outcome of their life determined by someone else?
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Democrats Now Known as Party of Molech
The pagan god Molech, known as the, god of fire, had as his mission, according to its deluded followers, the destruction of children, especially babies. And they would be destroyed in the cruelest possible way…being burned to death. The DemRats of today, have the same insane mission while worshipping their god, Abortion, and dispatch developing babies who feel pain, by ripping off their limbs, one by one, then the head, as the tiny babies silently scream in agony. Again, THEY HAVE FEELINGS! Don’t forget that.
What is worse, these Demon Craps appear to DESIRE that inconvenient babies be made to suffer as much as possible while “getting them out of the way.” After all, who wants to be tied down, restricted from their sick satisfactions by having to care for inconvenient babies?
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Gradual Child Abduction and Big Brother Government as Parent
In 2001 I wrote an article entitled: FEDERALIZATION OF CHILDREN; GRADUAL CHILD ABDUCTION which can be found under an article titled “Oregon’s Agenda for the 1990’s: Children, Youth and Families.” Congressman John R. Rarick of Louisiana said “October 5, 1971 became a dark day for America when the Federal Government was authorized to take over our children with the passage of the BRADEMAS CHILD DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM with a vote of 186-183 laying the foundation for the Federal Government to replace the home and for bureaucratic ‘experts’ to replace the parents.”
Simultaneously in 1971 the Oregon legislature created the Department of Human Resources to coordinate the activities of the state’s principal social service agencies of which a child protective agency called Children Services Division (CSD) was a component and the intrusiveness into families began on an official basis by the Gestapo. At first it was very subtle but as the years progressed, the governmental abuses escalated and people were totally unaware they were losing their Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which gave we, the people, the right to be secure in our persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures and shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Meghan Markle Plans to Raise Baby With ‘Fluid Approach to Gender’
Meghan Markle reportedly told friends at her recent baby shower in New York City that she and Harry will raise their unborn child without gender-stereotyping.
The revelation came just a month after it was reported that they had designed a gender-neutral nursery in shades of white and gray for the baby.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Google, siding with Saudi Arabia, refuses to remove widely-criticized government app which lets men track women and control their travel
Meghan Markle Plans to Raise Baby With ‘Fluid Approach to Gender’
Russian poet Pushkin wrote The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of His Son, the Glorious and Mighty Knight Prince Guidon Saltonovich, and of the Fair Swan-Princess
“Your tsaritsa, sire, last night
Was delivered of a fright–
Neither son nor daughter, nor
Have we seen its like before.”
In Russian, the literal translation is:
“The Queen gave birth to the night
Not the son, not the daughter;
Not a mouse, not a frog,
And an unknowable little animal. “
See what similar processes.
In Yekaterinburg, the deputy refused to recognize pedophiles as maniacs
“I am strained by the situation that the police are following the general political trends instead of real work. We have a feeling that the government has decided – now we are fighting pedophiles, and everyone rushes to fight pedophiles. Although we all know that pedophiles are not maniacs, it usually happens drunk, “- said the deputy.
Worth A read
Why This Black Man Voted for & Support President Trump
Candace Owens and Dinesh D’Souza give speeches at Blexit rally