Gates of Vienna News Feed 2/27/2019

A hot air balloon painted with a racist motif has been banned from the Canberra Balloon Spectacular. The white eyes and red smile on a black background were alarming enough, but the fact that it was nicknamed “Golly” sealed its fate.

In other news, a child in the Netherlands with four parents (two homosexual men, two lesbian women) is pressuring Disney to include a gay couple in Donald Duck comic books.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, DV, Insubria, MB, Reader from Chicago, RR, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

» 23-Year-Old Man Who Set Up Email Accounts for ISIS Sent to Prison for 15+ Years
» Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Falsely Accuses Jack Posobiec of Stalking, Gets Roasted
» Bezos Envisions a Trillion Humans Across the Solar System; “1,000 Mozarts and 1,000 Einsteins”
» Facebook Whistleblower Reveals “Routine Supression” Of Conservative Content
» Waco Biker Massacre Prosecutions Continue to Fall Apart as Last Set of Original Indictments Dismissed
» Warning Shot? Amazon Pulls Out of Seattle Office Tower at Center of Homeless Tax Debate
» WikiLeaks Disputes Cohen, Says Assange Never Talked to Stone
» Wisconsin Man Who Tried to Join ISIS is Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison
» Canada’s ‘Climate Barbie’ Blames Arson Fires on ‘Climate Change
» Will Trudeau Resign After Former AG’s Explosive Testimony?
Europe and the EU
» As PM May Pushes Britain Towards Brexit Delay, EU Leaders Expect Something in Return
» Council of Europe Urges France to Halt Use of Rubber Bullets
» Courier Stops Delivery to Swedish No-Go Suburb Due to Danger
» Dutch Prove Not So Laissez-Faire With Air France-KLM Shock
» Geologists Debunk Old Stonehenge Research, Finding Exactly Where Rocks Came From
» ‘Golden Death’ Kills Parasites From Inside Out
» Islamic State Returnees Allegedly Recruiting in Sweden
» Italian Unis Among World’s Best Amid ‘Brain Drain’
» Italy: Legitimate Defence Law Not Needed — ANM
» Netherlands: Historic European City Antwerp Now Majority-Minority
» Populism, Islam & Integration in Austria: Ezra Levant and Georg Mayer
» Salvini Considers Seizing Control of Italy’s Gold Reserves
» The Most Highly Taxed OECD Economy, 2.5 Million French Don’t Declare Income
» UK: Corbyn’s Labour Party Won’t Back Govt Ban on Hezbollah Terror Group
» UK: Farage: If Parliament Delays Brexit Once, It Will Delay ‘Again and Again’
» UK: Khan’s London: Five Stabbings in 24 Hours, Including One Fatality
» UK: Must We Really be Careful What We Do Lest We Offend Extremists?
» UK: Police Warn City of Cambridge is Unprepared for Terror Attack
» Update: City Welcome Sign With Islamist Woman in Hijab Shot to Pieces by Enraged Swedes
South Asia
» Enraged India Amassing Tanks, 14,000 Bunkers Along Pakistan Border
» This Amazing Blue Tarantula is a New Spider Species—but Did Researchers Break the Law When They Studied it?
Far East
» Trump Praises ‘Special Relationship’ With North Korea’s Kim Jong UN at Start of Hanoi Summit
Australia — Pacific
» Golliwog-Like Balloon Banned From the Skies in Canberra Balloon Spectacular
» Bulgarian Sentenced to Jail in Case of 71 Migrants Dying in Truck
» Denmark to Focus on Repatriation Instead of Integration Under New Law
» Hungary: “Brussels Makes Confession About Migration”
» Two Violent Sexual Attacks by Muslim Immigrants in Spain
Culture Wars
» Child With 4 LGBT Parents Campaigns for Gay Couple in Disney Comic Book
» UK: NHS Child Sex Change Clinic Chief Resigns After Damning Report

23-Year-Old Man Who Set Up Email Accounts for ISIS Sent to Prison for 15+ Years

A former Berkeley High student who laughed while he talked about killing 10,000 people by setting fire to the Berkeley hills and bombing UC Berkeley dorms, among 13 other plots, was not just joking, a federal judge said Tuesday as he handed Amer Sinan Alhaggagi a 15-year, eight-month-long sentence.

While the 23-year-old Yemeni-American did more talking about terrorism than taking action, he still took a number of concrete steps that make him dangerous to the public and justify a stiff sentence in prison, said U.S. District Court Judge Charles R. Breyer.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Falsely Accuses Jack Posobiec of Stalking, Gets Roasted

After failing to understand a meme, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez falsely accused Jack Posobiec of stalking her.

Opponents of Ocasio-Cortez were sharing a photo of her taken at a restaurant, and Posobiec posted a meme making fun of the amateur spying.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Bezos Envisions a Trillion Humans Across the Solar System; “1,000 Mozarts and 1,000 Einsteins”

Jeff Bezos envisions a new space race of one trillion humans that will spread out across our solar system. The Amazon founder and richest man on the planet — for now, suggested that there would be “1,000 Mozarts and 1,000 Einsteins,” adding “Think how incredible and dynamic that civilization will be,” according to a speech last week at the Yale Club in New York transcribed by Business Insider.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Facebook Whistleblower Reveals “Routine Supression” Of Conservative Content

A former Facebook employee turned whistleblower has revealed that the social media giant engages in “routine suppression” of conservative pages through various methods, confirming internal documents and presentation materials Project Veritas obtained from a Facebook insider.

The employee, who left Facebook in 2018 and was later hired by Project Veritas, along with screenshots from a Facebook workstation “show the specific technical actions taken against political figures, as well as “[e]xisting strategies” taken to combat political speech,” according to Veritas, such as “deboosting” — by which the visibility of certain content is reduced algorithmically based on certain keywords.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Waco Biker Massacre Prosecutions Continue to Fall Apart as Last Set of Original Indictments Dismissed

Nearly four years ago, over 170 people were arrested after a violent altercation outside a meeting of motorcycle club members at the Twin Peaks restaurant in Waco, Texas, was swarmed by police, who had already surrounded the meeting before anything untoward occurred. Nine people were killed and 18 wounded in the melee. This week, the last of the initial set of charges was dropped after a special prosecutorial team didn’t like what it saw.

From the start, lawyers and others pointed out that it was very unlikely indeed that all the arrested had committed any crimes at all, and that the initial $1 million bond for all of them charged with a blanket crime of “engaging in organized criminal activity” seemed unreasonably punitive. The police strove in the aftermath to keep a detailed account of what actually happened from reaching the public eye, or that of defense attorneys.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Warning Shot? Amazon Pulls Out of Seattle Office Tower at Center of Homeless Tax Debate

As community activists in Virginia, emboldened by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s successful campaign to drive Amazon out of Queens, push back against Amazon’s plan to build its HQ2 in Crystal City, it looks like Amazon is preemptively scaling back its plans to expand in Seattle as it braces for more pushback from progressives.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

WikiLeaks Disputes Cohen, Says Assange Never Talked to Stone

WikiLeaks contradicted Michael Cohen’s congressional testimony in a tweet Wednesday, saying that founder Julian Assange never spoke on the phone with Trump adviser Roger Stone.

“WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange has never had a telephone call with Roger Stone,” WikiLeaks tweeted. “WikiLeaks publicly teased its pending publications on Hillary Clinton and published > 30k of her emails on 16 March 2016.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Wisconsin Man Who Tried to Join ISIS is Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison

A Milwaukee man who wanted to join the Islamic State was sentenced Tuesday to seven years in federal prison.

Federal prosecutors called Jason Ludke “a true danger” and recommended a 20-year sentence followed by a lifetime of federal supervision, but his attorney called him a “lost soul” who can’t express himself well who should only do five years.

U.S. District Judge Lynn Adelman settled on the seven-year sentence, followed by 10 years of supervised release.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Canada’s ‘Climate Barbie’ Blames Arson Fires on ‘Climate Change

Canada’s Minister of Environment and Climate Change has blamed “asthma-inducing smoke from B.C. forest fires” on climate change, while the Canadian Mounted Police claim the deadly string of fires in British Colombia was started by arsonists.

In a February 22 Tweet, Minister Catherine McKenna said that “Canadians are feeling the impacts of climate change on their health, from deadly heatwaves in Quebec last summer to asthma-inducing smoke from B.C. forest fires.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Will Trudeau Resign After Former AG’s Explosive Testimony?

During a day where three concurrent Congressional hearings dominated the news cycle in the US, the testimony of Canada’s former Attorney General seemed to slip under the radar. But unlike Michael Cohen’s star turn in front of the House Oversight Committee, what former AG Jody Wilson-Raybould shared with lawmakers and the Canadian public actually might cause one head of state’s carefully constructed house of cards to come crashing down — just as campaign season is ramping up.

With roughly eight months left until an election where Canadians will decide whether to stick with — or reject — the progressive agenda of PM Justin Trudeau, a widening corruption scandal is threatening to take down the prime minister’s entire government. Two weeks ago, journalists at the Globe and Mail blew the lid off a scandal involving Trudeau and his closest aides, where the prime minister appeared to pressure Wilson-Raybould, then the attorney general, into offering a DPA to a Quebec-based engineering firm — then fired her when she refused to obey his demands. And after weeks of radio silence, she shared her side of the story during a widely watched (in Canada) Congressional hearing Wednesday afternoon.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

As PM May Pushes Britain Towards Brexit Delay, EU Leaders Expect Something in Return

Theresa May’s announcement of a series of votes to come in March has made a full, so-called ‘no-deal’ Brexit a near impossibility and Parliament voting to cancel Brexit day an almost certainty, but European leaders speaking Wednesday say they will only permit a deviation from the agreed schedule if it means the United Kingdom bringing something new to the table.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Council of Europe Urges France to Halt Use of Rubber Bullets

The Council of Europe rights group on Tuesday urged France to halt the use of rubber bullet launchers blamed for dozens of injuries to anti-government protesters in recent weeks.

France is one of few European nations to use so-called defence ball launchers, known by the French abbreviation LBDs, which shoot 40-millimeter rubber projectiles that are considered non-lethal.

           — Hat tip: C. Cantoni [Return to headlines]

Courier Stops Delivery to Swedish No-Go Suburb Due to Danger

International courier company UPS has stopped delivering to the heavily migrant-populated no-go Malmö suburb of Rosengård, claiming the area has become too dangerous.

The company, which is one of the largest couriers in the world, has not made any home deliveries in the troubled suburb in the last two months with residents complaining that the actions are tantamount to discrimination, Expressen reports.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Dutch Prove Not So Laissez-Faire With Air France-KLM Shock

The Hague (AFP) — When the Dutch government announced its surprise purchase of a stake in Air France-KLM, it didn’t just upset the French government but also a host of national stereotypes.

Wasn’t it the Netherlands that was long viewed abroad as a champion of free markets and an opponent of the heavy hand of the state in key industries?

And wasn’t it the French — whose outrage at the “unfriendly” Dutch act belied the fact that they hold an even bigger share of the alliance — who were normally in favour of interventionism?

           — Hat tip: C. Cantoni [Return to headlines]

Geologists Debunk Old Stonehenge Research, Finding Exactly Where Rocks Came From

Five thousand years after people in the British Isles began building Stonehenge, scientists now know precisely where some of the massive rocks came from and how they were unearthed.

A team of 12 geologists and archaeologists from across the UK unveiled research this month that traces some of the prehistoric monument’s smaller stones to two quarries in western Wales.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

‘Golden Death’ Kills Parasites From Inside Out

An international research team led from Glasgow University has discovered a new kind of bacterium that could fight parasites in humans, animals and plants.

The bacillus — called “golden death” — was found in two pieces of rotten fruit.

It has proved fatal to several types of parasitic nematodes, otherwise known as roundworm.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Islamic State Returnees Allegedly Recruiting in Sweden

A report has claimed that Islamic State members who have returned to Sweden in recent years have set up “basement mosques” where they have been recruiting new members.

According to the Swedish Security Service (Säpo), around 150 out of a total of 300 Islamic State supporters and fighters have returned to Sweden. It is believed that some of those returning fighters have begun recruiting new extremists in Malmö, many of them young people, TV4 Nyheterna reports.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Italian Unis Among World’s Best Amid ‘Brain Drain’

Sapienza ranks top in classical studies

(ANSA) — Rome, February 27 — The performance of Italian universities has improved in this year’s newly released edition of the QS World University Rankings, which focuses on leading institutions by region and subject.

Italy this year came in fourth in Europe — after Great Britain, Germany and France — and seventh in the world for the total number of universities included in the most-consulted global rankings worldwide.

Rome university La Sapienza was the only Italian institution that ranked at the top for classical studies and ancient history.

Italy moreover ranked third in Europe after the United Kingdom and Germany and seventh in the world for the total number of positions it holds this year.

The rankings include 41 Italian universities.

The area of life sciences and medicine of Italian universities is the most represented in the world ranking.

As far as single subjects are concerned, the rankings included physics and astronomy, medicine, economics and econometrics.

In particular, the Polytechnic in Milan was the only Italian university to rank among the top 10 in three subjects; Bocconi University, also in Milan, ranked eighth for business and management, gaining two positions compared to last year.

It also rose 11 positions in finance, conquering 18th place and keeping its 16th position in economics.

The Polytechnic in Turin made it into the ranking for the first time in minerals engineering for which it gained 24th place.

Other debuts included the University of Bologna in dentistry (44th place) and the University of Pisa in library studies (50th place).

La Sapienza, the University of Bologna (Unibo) and the University of Padua were the Italian institutions most represented in the rankings while the Italian cities with the highest number of ranked institutions were Milan with seven, Rome with four and Pisa with three.

A total of 18 Italian universities were ranked among the top 100 in 36 different subjects.

Overall, Italian universities occupied 521 positions in the ranking with 192 remaining unvaried compared to last year, 166 that improved, 85 downgrades and 78 new entries.

Compared to last year, Italy boosted its presence in all rankings, including among the top 50 (with 34 this year compared to last year’s 29) in the top 100 (98 in 2019 from 83 last year) and in the top 200 (236 from 213).

Ben Sowter, who is in charge of research and analysis at QS, said the trend in Italy was “noteworthy”, especially considering “fierce global competition” in the international academic world.

Nevertheless, the positive result was reported as the OECD warned that Italy ranked eighth for the number of emigrants, including one-third who are university graduates.

Italy spends on education one percentage point less (4% of GDP) than the European average, with 164,000 euros per undergraduate and 228,000 for a PhD graduate.

Yet, Sowter noted, other countries are increasingly benefiting from this investment as Italy is struggling with a brain-drain phenomenon.

           — Hat tip: Insubria [Return to headlines]

Italy: Legitimate Defence Law Not Needed — ANM

Salvini slams remarks, says law will pass by end March

(ANSA) — Rome, February 27 — A new law expanding the right to legitimate self defence is not needed, magistrates union ANM said Wednesday, sparking a row with Interior Minister Matteo Salvini who is sponsoring the bill but has agreed to postpone it to please his government partner the 5-Star Movement.

“The postponement of the parliamentary discussion of the bill is good news, and let’s hope it will be indefinitely postponed,” ANM chief Francesco Minisci said.

Salvini countered by saying Minisci’s remarks were of “an unheard of gravity, it’s not up to magistrates to say what laws are needed or not.

“Let me put their minds at ease, both the Corriere della Sera and the leftwing magistrates: the legitimate defence bill will be law by the end of March”.

The ANM also said Salvini’s visit to a businessman who got a jail sentence for shooting a thief was “an invasion onto our pitch”.

The bill expanding the right to legitimate self-defence from intruders will hit the House floor on March 5, whips said Wednesday.

The bill, fashioned by Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, will introduce norms similar to US ‘stand your ground’ laws.

Salvini on Sunday made his controversial jail visit to a Piacenza businessman, Angelo Peveri, serving four and half years for forcing a Romanian burglar to kneel and then shooting him in the chest on his factory premises in 2011.

The burglar survived, and Peveri was convicted of attempted murder.

His sentence became definitive when it was upheld in the third tier of Italy’s judicial system last year.

Justice Minister Alfonso Bonafede, an M5S member, said the government was “united” on the bill and that “the sooner it is approved the better”.

“I understand that you may take it as a sign of a rift but the course of the bill is very clearly mapped out”.

           — Hat tip: Insubria [Return to headlines]

Netherlands: Historic European City Antwerp Now Majority-Minority

Antwerp will soon be “lost” to the hope of any future conservative government, local media said as data showed only a quarter of the city’s young children are Belgian natives, and studies revealed migrant background voters overwhelmingly supporting left-wing parties.

“That’s it — Antwerp now has more non-natives than natives,” claimed a headline in French-language news weekly, L’Express, over new figures which revealed that 53.2 per cent of residents in the city — Belgium’s most populous — are now of immigrant origin.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Populism, Islam & Integration in Austria: Ezra Levant and Georg Mayer

At a meeting of European populist and free market party leaders organized by Janice Atkinson, I spoke with Georg Mayer, MEP and member of the Freedom Party of Austria.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Salvini Considers Seizing Control of Italy’s Gold Reserves

Italy’s deputy prime minister Matteo Salvini shocked banksters in Brussels and Rome after he floated the idea of seizing the enormous gold reserves from the Bank of Italy, the country’s central bank.

According to the Financial Times, in a comment given to Italian reporters, Salvini stated that, “The gold is the property of the Italian people, not of anyone else.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

The Most Highly Taxed OECD Economy, 2.5 Million French Don’t Declare Income

A report from the Employment Orientation Council has claimed that as many as 2.5 million French work ‘under the table’.

The report examined various sets of data including national statistics, tax data, and other labour data and found that around five per cent of those workers over 18 were not declaring their work to the government and that it accounted for two to three percent of all payrolls paid in the country, Ouest France reports.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

UK: Corbyn’s Labour Party Won’t Back Govt Ban on Hezbollah Terror Group

The Jeremy Corbyn-led Labour Party will not insist that their MPs vote to back a ban of the Islamist terror group Hezbollah in its entirety.

On Monday, Home Secretary Sajid Javid announced that his Conservative government would introduce a blanket ban on the Iran-backed Islamist group known for its Holocaust denial, support for anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, and which calls for Israel’s destruction.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

UK: Farage: If Parliament Delays Brexit Once, It Will Delay ‘Again and Again’

Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage has warned that if Parliament votes to extend Article 50, Brexit will be delayed “again and again.”

Mr Farage warned that Prime Minister Theresa May’s decision to allow MPs to vote to extend Article 50 — should her “worst deal in history” Withdrawal Agreement be voted down a second time on March 12th — was a “ludicrous suggestion.”

           — Hat tip: DV [Return to headlines]

UK: Khan’s London: Five Stabbings in 24 Hours, Including One Fatality

A 20-year-old man has been stabbed to death near Ilford station in east London, the fifth stabbing in 24 hours in the capital.

Emergency services were called to reports of a stabbing in Cranbrook Road at 8:48pm on Tuesday, where first responders found a man suffering “serious stab injuries.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

UK: Must We Really be Careful What We Do Lest We Offend Extremists?

Britain, in recent days, has had a rare distraction from its seemingly endless Brexit debate. The distraction, however, has not been an altogether welcome one. It involves the case of Shamima Begum, one of a number of girls who left their school in Bethnal Green in London in 2015 to go and join ISIS.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

UK: Police Warn City of Cambridge is Unprepared for Terror Attack

Counter-terror police have warned Cambridge that it needs to do more to prevent vehicular terror attacks, as historic cities across the country introduce anti-terror barriers along their cobbled streets.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Update: City Welcome Sign With Islamist Woman in Hijab Shot to Pieces by Enraged Swedes

An image of a Muslim woman wearing a hijab was recently published on a digital advertising board at the entrance to the Swedish City of Gävle.

“It is true that the board was vandalised on Friday, and completely destroyed during the weekend”, says Johan Adolfsson, director of communications at Gävle Municipality.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Enraged India Amassing Tanks, 14,000 Bunkers Along Pakistan Border

The potential for major war to break out along the India-Pakistan border continues to build after Pakistan said it shot down Indian fighter jets over the disputed border region of Kashmir. India confirmed only one downed aircraft, and its foreign ministry also said a Pakistani jet was hit in retaliation, going down on the Pakistani side of the border, but what is known for sure is that an Indian pilot is currently in Pakistani military custody after his plane was struck.

Amidst international calls for calm led by both the US and China, the fate of the captured Indian Air Force pilot could be key to whether tensions escalate to full-blown war, or return to an uneasy status quo.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

This Amazing Blue Tarantula is a New Spider Species—but Did Researchers Break the Law When They Studied it?

A female of the world’s most recently named tarantula species has electric-blue legs and a creamy toffee body. She’s native to the state of Sarawak in Malaysia and would fit nicely in your palm. Spider fanciers were thrilled when the new species came to light. But its emergence also highlights a growing illegal trade in tarantulas and researchers’ laissez-faire attitudes about dubious specimens.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Trump Praises ‘Special Relationship’ With North Korea’s Kim Jong UN at Start of Hanoi Summit

President Trump praised his “special relationship” with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and said “a lot of things will be solved” during the two leaders’ second summit in Vietnam as they prepare for a full day of formal talks.

Trump and Kim kicked off their second summit on Wednesday by exchanging handshakes and laughs at the Sofitel Legend Metropole Hanoi. They briefly spoke to reporters, where Trump said the biggest progress since the historic Singapore summit was the two countries’ relationship.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Golliwog-Like Balloon Banned From the Skies in Canberra Balloon Spectacular

The owner of a hot air balloon banned from the Canberra Balloon Spectacular over its “racist and offensive” name and facade says she never intended to upset anybody.

The balloon, named Black Magic and also known by the nickname “Golly”, depicts a smiling black face resembling the Golliwog character, which is considered by many to be a racist caricature.

The ACT Government has announced the balloon would be excluded from next week’s balloon spectacular, citing concerns it could offend sections of the community.

Owner Kay Turnbull said her balloon had flown at the event for decades without issue.

“I was devastated. Absolutely devastated,” she said.

           — Hat tip: MB [Return to headlines]

Bulgarian Sentenced to Jail in Case of 71 Migrants Dying in Truck

BUDAPEST (Reuters) — A Bulgarian man was sentenced on Wednesday to 4 years and 8 months in prison by a Hungarian court for human trafficking in connection with the death of 71 migrants in a truck in August 2015, the Hungarian state news agency MTI said.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Denmark to Focus on Repatriation Instead of Integration Under New Law

The Danish Parliament Folketinget recently voted through a legislative package that is said to be a “paradigm shift” for Danish migration policy.

The migration policy now being introduced represents a whole new way of looking at migration.

In the future, the focus will be on sending migrants back to the third world — instead of “integrating” them.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Hungary: “Brussels Makes Confession About Migration”

Brussels has in effect made a confession that its concepts of migration that the Hungarian government claims would increase migration to Europe do indeed exist, Zoltan Kovacs, the state secretary for international communications and relations, said.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Two Violent Sexual Attacks by Muslim Immigrants in Spain

Agents of the National Police have arrested an immigrant for sexual assault at a juvenile center in Palma in Mallorca, where the youth was detained after arriving in a boat to the island.

The events occurred when the young man, of Moroccan origin, showed up totally naked and grabbed a 24-year-old social worker, pushing her into a bathroom, when the girl began to scream and narrowly managed to escape from her attacker.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Child With 4 LGBT Parents Campaigns for Gay Couple in Disney Comic Book

A Dutch child with two lesbian mothers and two homosexual fathers has pressured a comic book publisher into including a gay couple in its next issue of Donald Duck.

Fenna made the complaint during an episode of Dutch news programme NOS Youth News, saying, “There are no gays or lesbians in Donald Duck, I’ve checked them all.”

“My parents are gays and lesbians and I think it’s important that that’s portrayed as normal too, but in Duck City it looks like it does not exist at all,” the ten-year-old added.

According to NOS, the young social justice activist spoke to the editor in chief of the comic, Joan Lommen, who said that LGBT characters were simply “not in the minds of the artists.”

Fenna denounced the wrongthink, saying, “That’s a bit ridiculous, actually.”…

           — Hat tip: RR [Return to headlines]

UK: NHS Child Sex Change Clinic Chief Resigns After Damning Report

A governor of the NHS trust in charge of England’s flagship child sex change clinic has resigned in protest amidst allegations it was “fast-tracking” young people into gender reassignment as a result of pressure from “highly politicised” LGBT campaigners.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

14 thoughts on “Gates of Vienna News Feed 2/27/2019

  1. “In other news, a child in the Netherlands with four parents (two homosexual men, two lesbian women) is pressuring Disney to include a gay couple in Donald Duck comic books.” That must’ve been a wild swingers party if they aren’t even sure which one the woman is…

    Seriously though: “My parents are gays and lesbians and I think it’s important that that’s portrayed as normal too, but in Duck City it looks like it does not exist at all,” the ten-year-old added.” Aren’t couples of any kind pretty much non-existent in Duck Tales? I never really read the comics, but I do like the show and watched the 2018 new episodes too and I’m at a loss here. There aren’t even parents present in the first place, the kids there only refer to the adults as aunt and uncle or by the person’s name, don’t they? At best there was the one or other episode with subtle romance, but no relationship as such, as far as I remember.

    Normal families should submit a counter-demand, asking the publisher to keep the story asexual and proper for children.
    I’m not naive enough to think the publisher will listen to them, but it might be a sign for the silent majority that it’s past due time of being silent.

    • We all need to be doing something about these entitled children who are told they are smart enough at 10 to guide the culture. They need to be told, frankly, to stop being silly and go play — or that sorry, but children do not interfere in the business of adults. (Yes, it is a business)

      Reminds me of one of our new muslim congress women calling a fellow rep a racist in session the other day. Instead of saying “Name-calling is not permitted; have some dignity and remember where you are,” they took it so seriously that the rep denied it, and the chair denied that he was, too, adding, though, that he was sure the name-calling racist didn’t really mean to be calling him names. It is such BS — and only encourages them — when we take these things seriously instead of saying “That is not appropriate.”

      Where are all the adults? Goodness, I taught special ed for years and in there, had to say at times, “No, we are not discussing it. That is not appropriate.” But we can’t do it in our public spaces anymore?

      • “…children who are told they are smart enough at 10 to guide the culture…”

        It is interesting that socialism seeks to place increasing amounts of power in the hands of youth. The early Soviets and Pol Pot’s Cambodia are examples of this and the evil and suffering that is unleashed through the youth.

        Yes, we all must fight aggressively against the weaponising of our young people.

  2. “The potential for major war to break out along the India-Pakistan border continues to build after Pakistan said it shot down Indian fighter jets over the disputed border region of Kashmir.

    The Pakistanis have a very nasty track record both on the Indian subcontinent and wherever they are permitted to gather together in numbers as now in the UK.

    “The Bangladesh Liberation War, also known as the Bangladesh War of Independence, was a revolution and armed conflict sparked by the rise of the Bengali nationalist and self-determination movement in what was then East Pakistan during the 1971 Bangladesh genocide. It resulted in the independence of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. The war began after the Pakistani military junta based in West Pakistan launched Operation Searchlight against the people of East Pakistan on the night of 25 March 1971. It pursued the systematic elimination of nationalist Bengali civilians, students, intelligentsia, religious minorities and armed personnel. The junta annulled the results of the 1970 elections and arrested Prime minister-designate Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. The war ended on 16 December 1971 after West Pakistan surrendered.” – Wiki

    In the Pakistani mind nothing changes wherever they are – atrocity, gender slavery, rape, you name it; it is their way of life…and their way of death.

  3. “Will Trudeau Resign After Former AG’s Explosive Testimony?”

    I have news for the world: they also appoint judges who are also expected to do their bidding, just like the A-G is supposed to. I’ve seen it personally.

    Corruption in Canada runs deep, VERY deep. It’s just that the vast majority of the time, most people don’t realise it. Even the corrupt themselves often rationalise it. But this is just the tip of the iceberg.

    (Just do be clear, we have very little “administrative corruption” – the type where you pay off someone to get your driving license. It’s only in the bigger picture that the corruption exists, and boy does it ever!)

    • 100% Correct Mike.

      Especially prevelant are the Mafia ties to nearly all forms of construction, recyclable collection, parts of the electrical industry (esp. in Quebec) etc. etc. The Duplessis government of Quebec helped to increase this corruption. Quebec is a total mess under its pleasant facade. It was brought to light several years ago that tax payers were massively over-billed for several massive Montreal public construction projects. The firms involved had basically added to the costs the ‘payments’ required for the mafias.

      Most Canadians will think of you as a backwoods American conspiracy theorist if you discuss corruption in Canada. It is rarely discussed by politicians and in the universities, as if it does not exist.

      The former Liberal Premier of Ontario, Dalton McGuinty, when questioned about the massive mafia involvement in home construction in Ontario, simply stated “If it exists, this is the first I hear of it.”

      It is interesting to note that a large number of the current list of the world’s most corrupt companies reside in Canada.

    • Ha. Apparently the Poles began to fuss after Trump’s statement about compensation for the victims of the Holocaust.
      Surprisingly, after the 2nd World War, Poland became a mono-ethnic nation. And they also like to talk about “Eastern lands”, which unfairly rejected “Soviets” from them. But they prefer to remain silent about the western lands that Joe Stalin generously presented to them.

      I do not know how the Poles, but in Russian there are two names for the Jews. One is ordinary (Jewish), the second is contemptuous (Yid). It is the last word that appears in the video. But maybe the Poles have the only designation for the Jews. I dont know.

      I don’t understand Polish very well, but I can disassemble the text a little. The usual conspiracy nonsense about what is written in the Talmud that Poland should belong to the Jews.

      By the way, the other day I got a note in Russian about this. May Google translator help you!

  4. re: “…pressuring Disney to include a gay couple in Donald Duck comic books.”

    This was done 10 years ago or so with Archie comics. An overtly gay male character was introduced. There was a large backlash, including from myself, with many of us parents cancelling the subscriptions we had for our children. The character was removed and given his own separate series which had to be purchased through a separate subscription.

    People will vote with their wallets which is a powerful tool.

  5. So why was the Balloon racist? The red smile? The white eyes? I have both! Ohhhh Golly!

  6. “1,000 Mozarts and 1,000 Einsteins”

    this will be impossible.

    White people will be extinct

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