According to reports, French President Emmanuel Macron had a helicopter on standby in case he needed to flee the presidential palace during last weekend’s riots in Paris. Meanwhile, a “Yellow Vest” leader said that the demonstrations will continue this weekend until all of the protesters’ demands are met.
In other news, an American student named Sarah Papenheim was stabbed to death in her apartment in Rotterdam, allegedly by her male roommate. The suspect fled the scene, but was later caught and arrested.
To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.
Thanks to Dean, Dora, MB, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.
Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.
Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.
EU Defends France Breaking Budget Rules After Attacking Italy for Same
European Commissioner for Economic Affairs Pierre Moscovici has defended the French government going over the EU deficit to GDP limit after attacking the Italian budget for approaching the same limit.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Clinton Corruption, The Neverending Story
The Clinton Foundations donations have been down more than 80 percent since Hillary Clinton lost her bid for the US Presidency.
The sharp drop in donations clearly solidifies what most people have thought for a while. Hillary Clinton used her power as US Secretary of State to influence decision making based on her made the biggest donations to her foundation.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Donald Trump is a Good President
One foreigner’s perspective
By Michel Houellebecq, John Cullen (Translator)
In all sincerity, I like Americans a lot; I’ve met many lovely people in the United States, and I empathize with the shame many Americans (and not only “New York intellectuals”) feel at having such an appalling clown for a leader.
However, I have to ask—and I know what I’m requesting isn’t easy for you—that you consider things for a moment from a non-American point of view. I don’t mean “from a French point of view,” which would be asking too much; let’s say, “from the point of view of the rest of the world.”
On the numerous occasions when I’ve been questioned about Donald Trump’s election, I’ve replied that I don’t give a shit. France isn’t Wyoming or Arkansas. France is an independent country, more or less, and will become totally independent once again when the European Union is dissolved (the sooner, the better).
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Hubble Finds Far-Away Planet Vanishing at Record Speed
The speed and distance at which planets orbit their respective blazing stars can determine each planet’s fate—whether the planet remains a longstanding part of its solar system or evaporates into the universe’s dark graveyard more quickly.
In their quest to learn more about far-away planets beyond our own solar system, astronomers discovered that a medium-sized planet roughly the size of Neptune, GJ 3470b, is evaporating at a rate 100 times faster than a previously discovered planet of similar size, GJ 436b.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Judge Demands Interviews With Flynn After Sentencing Memo Raises Questions About the FBI’s Conduct
A sentencing memo released Tuesday night has thrown a kink in the investigation of Trump’s former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.
In the memo issued by Flynn’s attorneys are allegations that the FBI intentionally lied to Flynn about the necessity of having representation during their initial interview as well as an alleged effort to intentionally omit the consequences of lying to FBI agents during what was allegedly made out to be a casual conversation.
Involved in the initial conversations with Flynn were now Former Deputy Director McCabe and former FBI agent Strzok. Both agents have since been fired from the FBI for various improprieties.
From the WSJ:
Mr. Flynn’s filing doesn’t take issue with the description of his offense. But the “additional facts” the Flynn defense team flags for the court raise doubts about FBI conduct.
The Flynn filing describes government documents concerning the Jan. 24, 2017 meeting with two FBI agents when Mr. Flynn supposedly lied. It turns out the meeting was set up by then Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, who personally called Mr. Flynn that day on other business—to discuss an FBI training session. By Mr. McCabe’s account, on that call he told Mr. Flynn he “felt that we needed to have two of our agents sit down” with him to talk about his Russia communications.
Mr. McCabe then urged Mr. Flynn to meet without a lawyer present. “I explained that I thought the quickest way to get this done was to have a conversation between [Mr. Flynn] and the agents only. I further stated that if LTG Flynn wished to include anyone else in the meeting, like the White House Counsel for instance, that I would need to involve the Department of Justice. [Mr. Flynn] stated that this would not be necessary and agreed to meet with the agents without any additional participants,” wrote Mr. McCabe in a memo viewed by the Flynn defense team.
According to the FBI summary of the interview—known as a 302—Mr. McCabe and FBI officials “decided the agents would not warn Flynn that it was a crime to lie during an FBI interview because they wanted Flynn to be relaxed and they were concerned that giving the warnings might adversely affect the rapport.”
We also know from then FBI Director James Comey that this was his idea. This is “something I probably wouldn’t have done or wouldn’t have gotten away with in a more organized administration,” Mr. Comey boasted on MSNBC this weekend. “In the George W. Bush Administration or the Obama Administration, if the FBI wanted to send agents into the White House itself to interview a senior official, you would work through the White House counsel, there would be discussions and approvals and who would be there. And I thought, it’s early enough let’s just send a couple guys over.”
The key portion of the memo […]
U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan ordered Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office Wednesday night to turn over all the government’s documents by mid-day Friday. The exculpatory documents requested by Sullivan include any memorandums regarding Flynn’s case because of the extraordinary circumstances of the information, according to Sullivan’s request. Further, Sullivan is also requesting any documentation regarding the first interviews conducted by former anti-Trump agent Peter Strzok and FBI Agent Joe Pientka -known by the FBI as 302s- which were found to be dated more than seven months after the interviews were conducted on Jan. 24, 2017, a violation of FBI policy, say current and former FBI officials familiar with the process. According to information contained in Flynn’s memorandum, the interviews were dated Aug. 22, 2017.
FBI Supervisory Special Agent Jeff Danik told Sullivan must also request all the communications between the two agents, as well as their supervisors around the August 2017 time-frame in order to get a complete and accurate picture of what transpired. Danik, who is an expert in FBI policy, says it is imperative that Sullivan also request “the workflow chart, which would show one-hundred percent, when the 302s were created when they were sent to a supervisor and who approved them.”
“The bureau policy — the absolute FBI policy — is that the notes must be placed in the system in a 1-A file within five days of the interview,” said Danik, who added that handwritten notes get placed into the FBI Sentinel System, which is the FBI’s main record keeping system. “Anything beyond five business days is a problem, eight months is a disaster.”
“In a case of this magnitude there is no question what is going on,” said Danik. “These agents went in the White House and had a case with a possible witness of his stature and didn’t write it up until almost eight months later? That is is unconscionable — it’s not fair to the defendant and absolutely goes against FBI policy.”
[NOTE: The Comey-led FBI was lawless]
[Return to headlines] |
Marines Testify About the “Antifa Mob” They Say Attacked Them in Philly
Nearly one month after we told you that two U.S. Marines Corps reservists said they were attacked in Old City on November 17th near the controversial “We the People” rally, the two suspects and their accusers appeared in a Philadelphia courtroom on Thursday morning.
The marines, Alejandro Godinez and Luis Torres, both testified in uniform about the incident, while three marine officers, including their commanding officer, stood in the gallery. The suspects, Thomas Massey and Tom Keenan, who have been linked to antifa on websites and social media, sat together with their individual lawyers and did not speak.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Nearly 156 People Leave Chicago Daily: Demographic Trends
(Bloomberg) — Even migration is bigger in Texas. Dallas leads all U.S. cities as the largest net gainer with 246 people arriving daily, according to a Bloomberg analysis of 2017 Census data on migration to the 100 largest U.S. metropolitan areas. In 2014, the crown belonged to Houston with 269 migrants per day.
After Dallas, Sun Belt beacons Phoenix, Tampa, Atlanta and Orlando round out the top five. Seattle, at number six with a gain of 116 people daily, is the only cold-weather destination in the top 10. The daily influx surpassed 100 people in nine cities, while Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles saw an exodus of more than 100 people every day.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
The Weekly Standard, Conservative Outlet That Criticized Trump, To Shut Down
The Weekly Standard is shutting down, owner Clarity Media Group announced Friday, ending one of the only conservative outlets that consistently stood in opposition to the style and politics of President Donald Trump.
The magazine’s final issue, which was completed Thursday, will publish on Dec. 17, Clarity said in a news release. The decision was communicated to staff members at a 10:30 a.m. meeting.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Convicted terrorist Omar Khadr attended a bail hearing in Edmonton yesterday, to request a Canadian passport so that he can fly to Saudi Arabia to meet with his sister (who has openly supported the mission of al-Qaeda.)
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Anger Grows Over Mention of Sikh Extremism in Federal Terror Threat Report
Sikh groups accused Ottawa of capitulating to the Indian government, which has repeatedly pushed a narrative that Canada is harbouring Sikh extremists
— Hat tip: MB | [Return to headlines] |
Roxham Road Residents Financially Compensated for Asylum Seeker ‘Challenges’
The federal government is compensating people living on or near Roxham Road with up to $25,000 for the traffic associated with the influx of asylum seekers in recent years.
Among those receiving a payment is Susan Heller, who owns a 200-acre farm about a kilometre from the New York border, just west of the Champlain—Saint-Bernard de Lacolle crossing.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
American Student Sarah Papenheim Stabbed to Death in the Netherlands, Police Say
(CNN) A 21-year-old American student was stabbed to death in Rotterdam, allegedly by her roommate, police confirmed Friday.
According to a police statement, authorities received reports of a quarrel at an apartment on Kralingse Kerklaan on Wednesday. When they entered the apartment, the statement said, police found Sarah Papenheim with stab wounds and attempted to resuscitate her. Police say those attempts were unsuccessful, and she died of her injuries.
An investigation led authorities to the suspect, Papenheim’s 23-year-old roommate, who was arrested at the Eindhoven train station, the police statement said. The two lived in the same apartment with their own rooms, but shared a kitchen and bathroom, police said. The suspect has not been named by police.
Papenheim had moved to the Netherlands to study at Erasmus University in Rotterdam…
— Hat tip: Dean | [Return to headlines] |
British Man Who Called Migrant Groomers ‘Animals’ Is Facing Seven Years in Jail
A British man who organised a rally against Muslim rape gangs in Sunderland is facing seven years in jail. William ‘Billy’ Charlton, 53, was accused of ‘stirring up racial hatred’ by Police.
He spoke at rallies along with Tommy Robinson and described “immigrants” as “rapists”, “animals” and “monsters”, a court heard
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
British Yellow Vests Start Protesting and Say They Will Bring More Cities to a Standstill
The British Yellow Vests who brought Central London to a halt Friday with a flash protest have told Politicalite they plan to bring even more cities to a standstill.
The group which was made up of around 60 protesters stopped traffic and demanded action this morning on Westminster Bridge chanting: “What do we want? Brexit! When do we want it? NOW!” before Met Police arrived.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Electing a New People = Islamic Terror at the Strassburger Christmas Market
The first reports are typical—”terrorism suspected.” Our elites never tire of “suspecting” a clear case of terrorism is just that—the “Strassburg-born” perp, after all, shouted “Allahu akbar” during the whole event. The whole murderous event. [France Declares Strasbourg Shooting to Be an Act of Terrorism, by Elian Peltier and Aurelien Breeden, NYT, December 12, 2018] But how did he, identified as a French citizen “with North African roots “as RT puts it, named Cheriff Chekatt in a region where typical native names are Schwarz, Klein, Moschenross, become a “Strasbourg man” or as you can see below, a “local”?
In fact, his presence in the Alsatian capital is easily explained—replacement of a people.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
EU Humiliates PM May: Bloc Leaders Vow ‘There Will be No Renegotiation’ of Brexit Deal
The European Union has humiliated British prime minister Theresa May in Brussels, telling her “there will be no renegotiation” of her Brexit deal.
Mrs May needs Parliament to approve her deal, but had to pull a vote on it after it became apparent that a coalition of left-wing opposition politicians, the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) which props up her minority administration, Brexiteers in her own party, and even some diehard Remainers would not back it, paving the way for a landslide defeat.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Europe Cannot Continue This Way, We Need to Wake Up! Wake Up! Wake Up! — Italian MEP
Angelo Ciocca, a MEP of the Italian Lega party, called on Europeans to wake up after the Strasbourg terror attack.
“There are some responsibilities that one continues to not want to see, but there are some deep responsibilities. I really can’t accept this line of saying: ‘We have to go forward.’ No, we cannot go forward with errors. We cannot go forward with the mistakes,” Ciocca said in the European Parliament.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Explained: Why Do the France Protesters Wear Yellow Vests?
Thousands of French men and women are preparing to don the high-visibility vests for the country’s fifth weekend of Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vest) protest.
The movement takes to the streets of France to protest against the rising cost of living, President Emmanuel Macron’s progressive reforms, and other matters including against the UN migration compact.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
France: Yellow Vests Will Continue to Protest Until All Demands Are Met — Leading Activist
Yellow Vest lead activist said Thursday that the demonstrations will go ahead for this, the fifth weekend, until all their demands are met.
Priscillia Ludosky said during a press briefing in Versailles, as reported by France Info, “We, ‘gilets jaunes,’ demand a deep cut to taxes on essentials: energy, housing, food, clothes … and a significant cut to salaries, privileges, current and future pensions of senior state officials.”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
France: Watch: Aftermath of Shootout With Police Shows Strasbourg Attacker Slumped in Doorway
Video taken after a shootout between French police and Cherif Chekatt shows the Strasbourg terror suspect slumped in a doorway after being fatally shot.
The footage obtained by the Associated Press and taken by a resident from across the street where Chekatt was gunned down Thursday night by police in Strasbourg’s Neudorf/Meinau district shows armed officers and crime scene investigators who take pictures of the body and the surrounding area.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Germany: Merkel to be Succeeded by “Mini-Merkel”
Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, a 56-year-old career politician committed to the status quo, has been chosen to succeed Chancellor Angela Merkel as leader of Germany’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU).
Kramp-Karrenbauer — often referred to as “Mini-Merkel” or “Merkel 2.0” because many view her as Merkel’s clone — won by just 35 votes (517 to 482) in a second-round run-off against her main opponent, a conservative named Friedrich Merz, at a CDU conference in Hamburg on December 7. Kramp-Karrenbauer’s extremely narrow victory (51.7% to 48.2%) revealed a party split down the middle.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Macron Accused of Treason by French Generals for Signing UN Migration Pact
General Antoine Martinez has written the letter signed by ten other generals, an admiral and colonel, and also includes former French Minister of Defense Charles Millon.
They’ve given strong warning that Macron’s signing the U.N. Global Migration Pact strips France of even more sovereignty providing an additional reason for “an already battered people” to “revolt”.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Macron Had Helicopter on Standby to Escape Presidential Palace During Protests
French President Emmanuel Macron was not only present at the Élysée Palace during “Act IV” of the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vests) protests but had a helicopter on standby to escape in case protesters broke in, according to reports.
The French leader fortified the Élysée Palace last Saturday with an unprecedented amount of security, including 500 republican guards, around a hundred police and gendarmes armed with water cannons, and other anti-riot measures, Le Dauphine reports.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Massive Manhunt After Three Women Are Stabbed and Severely Injured in Germany
German police are searching in the city of Nuremberg for the person or persons responsible for the stabbing of three women.
Yesterday, around 7:20 pm, a 56-year-old woman was stabbed without warning in the upper body, by an unknown assailant. The woman was seriously injured requiring emergency surgery.
More than three hours later, around 10:45 pm, a 26-year-old woman was stabbed and somewhat later a 34-year-old woman as well.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
One Person Detained on Terror Charges in Western Sweden Following Police Raids
One person has been detained on terror charges following several raids in western Sweden.
Sweden’s security police Säpo carried out the raids in coordination with the national police and National Operations Department (NOA) across multiple locations on Thursday morning, including the Lilla Edet and Ale municipalities in Västra Götaland.
The man, who is 22 years old and stateless according to court documents seen by The Local, is being held on suspicion of preparation or conspiracy to commit a terrorist crime, as well as aggravated weapons crimes. By Friday morning, he was still in police custody and no further suspects had been detained.
His lawyer said that the man denied the charges, but could not comment any further.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Sarah Papenheim: US Student Stabbed to Death in Rotterdam
A young woman from the US who moved to the Netherlands to study after a family tragedy has been stabbed to death in her student complex in Rotterdam.
Sarah Papenheim, 21, was found dying in her lodgings in the city’s Kralingen district on Wednesday, and armed police later seized a suspect in another city.
She was studying psychology at Erasmus University, having been affected by her brother’s suicide some years ago.
Ms Papenheim was also a gifted drummer, well known on Minnesota’s music scene.
— Hat tip: Dean | [Return to headlines] |
Protesters again took to the streets in Budapest to demonstrate against the “slave law” on Thursday evening. The demonstration started peacefully but police later responded to aggressive protestors with teargas.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Sweden Moves Closer to New Election as Lofven Loses PM Vote
Social Democratic leader Stefan Lofven lost a second crucial vote in parliament, putting Sweden a step closer to a snap vote as the nation struggles to find a way out of an impasse following September’s election.
Lofven was rejected by a majority as the four-party center-right opposition and the nationalist Sweden Democrats blocked him in a prime minister vote. He will remain as acting premier, a position he has held since he was ousted in a confidence vote in late September.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
UK: Newcastle Engineer Who Shared ISIS Videos on Facebook Jailed for 7 Years
A civil engineer from Newcastle who shared extreme videos of the Islamic State has been jailed for seven years.
Abdulrahman Alcharbati, 32, was told by a judge that the videos, which he shared links to on his Facebook page in the early hours of February 8 last year, had been “intended to encourage acts of terrorism”.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
We Need a Europe of Nation States, Not a Federal Europe — Polish Prime Minister
The Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki postulates that French President Macron’s vision of a federal Europe is “removed from the desires of nations and divorced from reality”.
In an interview with “Le Figaro”, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki asserts that “the only realistic solution is building a Europe of nation states”, as he is not convinced that there could be “universal European values” due to the “differences between languages and interests mean we will never be a United States of Europe”.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
‘Time to Learn From the French!’ Yellow Vest Protests Spread to Israel, 10 Arrested (Videos)
Outraged by the rising cost of living and price hikes on basic services, Israeli citizens who were inspired by the French Yellow Vest movement took to the streets of Tel Aviv demanding concessions from the government.
Wearing bright fluorescent yellow vests, symbolic of the French grassroots movement, some 600 Israeli activists blocked the Azrieli intersection and adjacent roads in the city center, accusing the government of “robbing” the people.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Watch: Middle Eastern Women Share Chilling Sharia Law Stories: ‘Silence is Killing Us’
Rabia Kazan has witnessed first-hand the mistreatment and abuse of women in Iran who live under Sharia law, and she knows millions more are suffering and even dying from honor killings, female genital mutilation, child sex trafficking, and child marriage across the Middle East.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Japan Finalises EU Deal: No Backstop, No Free Movement, No £39bn Bill
Japan has finalised a long-delayed free trade agreement with the European Union — without having to join the bloc’s Customs Union, submit to its Free Movement immigration regime, or pay it tens of billions of euros.
While the EU has long since moved on from the days when it was supposed to be “trade bloc” — for example, by taking control of national fishing grounds and forming joint police, intelligence, and military bodies — it is still at root a Customs Union.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Australian Cardinal Falls Silently on Child Sex Charge
Cardinal George Pell, one of Pope Francis’ closest advisors, has been convicted of abusing two choir boys in the 1990s but the Australian media has been banned from reporting it
A guilty verdict in the sexual abuse trial of Australia’s most senior Catholic, Cardinal George Pell, is one of the country’s most sensational news stories of 2018, but Australian media is unable to report it.
Cardinal Pell, who has also been one of the closest advisers to Pope Francis as his de facto finance chief, was this week found guilty by unanimous jury verdict in a Melbourne Court of five charges of sexually abusing two choir boys in the 1990s.
He is due to be sentenced in February, but can also be expected to appeal.
It was the second trial on the charges after an earlier jury was unable to reach a decision, and after a number of other charges were struck down because of doubts on the credibility of witnesses.
Australian media, however, have been unable to report on either the trial or the verdict since the County Court in Melbourne slapped a suppression order on the court proceedings in June.
All Australian media has been able to report this week is the news that Pell has been removed from a senior council of advisers picked by Pope Francis to guide him on the future of the Church. The trial has attracted intense scrutiny in Australia because of Pell’s high profile as a former Archbishop of both Sydney and Melbourne.
In the latter role, he led the Church’s “Melbourne Response” in the 1990s to allegations of sexual abuse by Catholic priests, which has been widely criticized as a vehicle to cover up and downplay the seriousness of the issue.
The “Melbourne Response” was to offer ex gratia payment to victims, without the Church acknowledging any responsibility for the sexual abuse. Around 350 cases were examined, and 97% of them were proved. […]
[See more at link]
— Hat tip: Dora | [Return to headlines] |
A senator and a campaigner for secular values fear a proposed Religious Discrimination Act could encourage hardline Muslims to preach Sharia law views that breach human rights.
— Hat tip: SS | [Return to headlines] |
Moud Ul Hasan Nuri, 40, appeared at Blacktown Court in western Sydney on Thursday morning before his matter was adjourned and he left the courthouse without saying a word.
— Hat tip: SS | [Return to headlines] |
Police charged an 18-year-old teenager with intentionally and recklessly cause injury, affray, riotous behaviour and assault with a weapon on Thursday, over a vicious assault at the St Kilda foreshore.
— Hat tip: SS | [Return to headlines] |
Teen Terror Plotter Jailed for a Maximum of 16 Years
A Bankstown teenager has been jailed for a maximum of 16 years by a judge who labelled him an “unequivocally committed terrorist”.
The 18-year-old waved to his family as he was led away, with the court told he still claims to be innocent.
He was captured on CCTV in 2016 with an a friend buying two knives, telling the salesman they wanted to go “pig hunting”.
Six days later he bought another two knives, this time bayonets which were hidden in his alleged co-accused’s bag.
But counter-terrorism police were on their tail and when they arrested him at a Muslim prayer hall he shouted “you’re all pigs, look at you like lambs to the slaughter… you will be slaughtered at the hands of Allah”.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Andile Mngxitama says for every one black person killed we will kill five whites. The BLM president threatened to kill cats and dogs owned by whites at the rally over the weekend.
— Hat tip: SS | [Return to headlines] |
‘We’ll Kill Their Children & Women’: Fury Over Black S. African Politician’s Call to Kill Whites
South Africans are outraged after a recent speech by a local revolutionary socialist politician who called upon his followers to kill white people, including women, children, and even pets owned by whites.
Andile Mngxitama, the leader and founder of pan-Africanist political party Black First Land First (BLF), has been repeatedly heard using harsh language to criticize white people. But this time his comments seem to have gone way overboard.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Identified as Iranian-educated Dr. Imad “Azaladin” Fahs, a commander of a Hezbollah tunnel unit
Israel is in the process of uncovering even more Hezbollah tunnels under the border from Lebanon.
A key part of this campaign is to win international diplomatic pressure on Lebanon and Hezbollah.
To that end, the Israelis have been filming the new tunnels and insisting that the UN force in Lebanon and the Lebanese government help destroy the tunnels on the Lebanese side. That puts them in the diplomatically uncomfortable position of either refusing to act, or having to act against Hezbollah.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also led ambassadors on a tunnel tour:
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu led a group of ambassadors on Thursday through a tour of Israel’s north, urging them to “condemn the aggression unequivocally and intensify the sanctions” against Hezbollah after Israel revealed this week a tunnel network on the Lebanese border.
The cross-border tunnels “are wider and larger, and their goal is to transfer battalions, large forces, into Israeli territory, in order to come in and carry out a killing spree and kidnappings and to capture villages,” the Israeli premier stated….
Netanyahu was accompanied by ambassadors from France, Austria, Canada, Ethiopia, Brazil, Russia, EU, Hungary, Ivory Coast, Italy, Great Britain, and Poland.
An unnamed security official told i24NEWS that the man who appeared on the video from the tunnel was Dr. Imad “Azaladin” Fahs, a commander of the Hezbollah observation unit on the border with Israel, as well as a commander in the tunnel unit.
“Azaladin” who is in his 30’s, has a PhD in mechanical engineering from Tehran’s University of Technology and is married with two children.According to the security official, “Azaladin” trained with Mexican drug cartels near the United States border.
Residents in southern Lebanon received text messages from Hezbollah, presenting two options; either cooperate with Hezbollah or evacuate from the area so as not to get involved in a future war.
i24NEWS source thus disputes the claim from Hezbollah which said the two men in the tunnel were drug dealers.
Hezbollah’s connection to Central and South American drug dealing cartels, and drug running to the U.S., has been well documented. Now the terror connection to our southern border is more clear.
[See link for videos]
— Hat tip: Dora | [Return to headlines] |
Venezuela Jails German Right-Wing Journalist for Espionage
A reporter known for his bylines in right-wing newspapers has been charged with spying and rebellion. Press freedom groups have called for his release, saying he has a right to report “regardless of his personal views.”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
An Afghan asylum seeker who allegedly stabbed two American tourists in a terror attack in Amsterdam today vowed to ‘strike again’.
Jawed Santani, 19, allegedly launched the attack on August 31 at the city’s Central Station and was shot in the hip by police just nine seconds later.
The judge at his trial today asked Santani if he had anything to say. He replied: ‘I will strike again’.
The two victims of the knife attack, both 38, are emotionally scarred for life, the court in Amsterdam heard.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
No Prison for Adult Migrant Who Raped Young Girl in Belgium
The 30-year-old rapist of a young girl in Belgium will not be locked up in prison, newspaper HLN reports. Instead he received a suspended sentence as he ‘has a clean record’.
A couple in Leuven was threatened by the African while they were making love on the stairs of the city’s townhall.
During the horrific attack, which occurred five years ago, the migrant assaulted the man and raped the girl at the same location.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Sweden’s Minister for Migration Praises Globalism in Bizarre UN Speech
A few days ago, Sweden signed the UN’s controversial migration framework, which a large number of countries have rejected as they fear, among other things, that it threatens their sovereignty and encourages more migration.
On-site in Morocco, Sweden was represented by Minister for Migration, Social Democrat Heléne Fritz.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Tijuana Official Provides Update on Spike in Crime
A Tijuana official gave an update on the recent increase in the local crime rate during an interview with Tucker Carlson on Thursday night.
Genaro Lopez was on Carlson’s show about two weeks ago and shared that there were 6,200 migrants staying in Tijuana at that time.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
11-Year-Old Kid Named ‘Trump’ Forced to Change His Name by School Bullies
In the age of anti-bullying and zero tolerance, a disturbing type of bullying is going completely unrecognized. LGBTQ activists have set up anti-bullying programs that your children are required to attend in all public schools. Not only do these programs contain the usual “be nice” directives but they also incorporate graphic sexual information about gay sex and queerness in order to break down your child’s morality and defenses and remove his religious teaching. That’s what anti-bullying programs really do. Understand that anti-bullying activists don’t care one whit how their own acolytes treat anyone. What they care about is brainwashing kids into leftism. If you are not sufficiently brainwashed into hating Trump and Republicans, then you are fair game for any amount of ridicule.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
‘Daring’ Boys, ‘Caring’ Girls Banned From UK Ads in ‘Harmful Stereotypes’ Crackdown
Adverts showing a housewife looking after the family will be banned from next year in an industry-wide crackdown on “harmful stereotypes” which researchers allege contribute to “real-world gender inequalities”.
The Committees of Advertising Practice (CAP), which creates and maintains advertising codes in Britain, on Friday published guidance on depicting gender stereotypes ahead of new rules coming into force in June 2019.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Germany Approves Third Gender, ‘Diverse’, for Official Documents
Germany’s parliament has voted to recognise a third gender for government documents, meaning that citizens can now be recognised in the European country as male, female, or diverse.
The change in law came late Thursday night and follows a 2017 court ruling which required the German government to either allow a third gender or to scrap gender classification altogether.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
re: Roxham Road residents financially compensated for asylum seeker ‘challenges’
That was very kind and considerate of Justine ‘clothes-horse’ Trudeau.
All is good now.
Littel Fidel is a strange goon, isn’t eh?
re: UK crackdown on “harmful stereotypes” ads:
I don’t understand why we don’t see muslims publicly protesting such things in the West. I know many imams speak against these things in their mosques.
Perhaps muslims know that they don’t have to follow the new liberal agendas because the gov’t and society will never have the courage to prosecute them for failing to follow.
I imagine also that muslim kids in school are not really expected to follow the new social experiments since teachers and administrators don’t have the courage to face angry muslim parents.
Sharia courts now decide many of these issues across the dying West.
re: Could Criticising Sharia Law Become Illegal
I am convinced that the EU and UN want to import Sharia law as part of the importation of muslim immigrants.
I believe it will provide the framework the EU and UN will require to impose a police state upon us.
At the moment, the West has created and is now creating, through liberal groups and liberal governments, many anti-sharia law rights and laws such as LGBTQ and women’s rights and other un-islamic garbage. However, I believe this is only being tolerated, for the moment, by islamists and many of our seemingly pro-Western liberalism leaders. They are allowing us to openly discuss, legislate and impose some of our liberal and even some western conservative ideas, but only for while longer, until sharia law will begin to turn back these gains and create its own framework of law and social norms.
Already we are witnessing some roll back of fairly recently hard won laws such as those meant to protect little girls from FGM. Some of the Western politicians and other government administrators (courts for example) are now over-turning laws and court decisions or ruling at least tacitly in favour of re-opening discussion of these issue which are often also very much sharia law issues. I now think that this is perhaps one of the reasons for the seemingly great public silence among Western muslim leaders concerning our liberal social impositions. They realise that it may only be a matter of time before the EU and the UN declares criticism and resistance to sharia law to be illegal.
Witness the sharia google app for Indonesia to allow muslims to report people for sharia law violations. Twitter has now begun, in partnership with Pakistan, to ban or warn any twitter user in the world for violating Pakistani islamic law. This applies to muslim but also to NON-muslim twitter user ANYWHERE in the world.
Here it is, the EU and muslim nation dominated UN now quietly allowing special interest groups, private corporations and governments to slowly impose sharia law on the globe or at least the Western world.
Emporer Constantine was right to believe that to govern many nations it is necessary to impose a universal and unifying force. He chose to impose a universal religious framework which a secular government could easily integrate itself into to impose its will upon all people, whether they chose to follow that religion or not. A religious framework seems to have worked well throughout the history of the whole earth as a unifying force in many nations and empires. We have no reason to believe that we have progressed beyond this level of governance. I think it is a myth to believe that the West has evolved completely beyond the need to be unified by religion and religious laws. It is in our collective nature to allow a stronger force to dominate us as communities and nations. Our collective liberal and secular bravado is only a thin veneer; it is weak.
We have broken and discarded some of the primary unifying forces of our western cultures such as religion and traditional gender roles. This has created a moral, ethical and political vacuum. A vacuum cannot exist for long without its need to be filled. Sharia law with its imposition of a strong sense of its own morality, ethics, gender roles and religion is a perfect fit for the vacuum we have created. Muslims need only wait patiently for our own leaders and corporations to more fully impose sharia law upon us. Then these now tolerated western ‘hobbies’ such as gay rights and feminism will be easily broken down not so much by our leaders fighting against us in the streets and in the courts to remove these rights and laws, but by allowing the all-encompassing sharia law to delcare, in one stroke, such rights and freedoms illegal and immoral. A ready-made framework and unifying force for our leaders and corporations to unify and police us all.
Once again, our emporers will shout: “In hoc signo vinces” and by the ‘sign’ of sharia law, the ‘Abomination that causes desolation’, a horrible unity may be imposed.
Well said.
Atheism replaced Christianity in the West decades ago. The gravest problem is illegitimacy and the death of the family, financed by your local social service organization and dying church groups.
Yes, death of the traditional family is extemely damaging to every level of society down to the individual person.
Islam, its culture and Sharia law offers westerners a framework or a template with built-in community support for its own form of a strong family which offers our insecure people a sense of security, a form of peace and well-being and a stronger sense of identity. It will re-define our idea of family while appearing to be supportive of the idea of family we believe is best for us.
Islam offers tribes. That’s a more primitive form of family.
Yes, more primitive but for many westerners, esp. the young, an enticing sense of identity and belonging all the same.
Almost the perfect situation: a young man can belong to a powerful gang ‘family’ complete with loot, both stolen and gov’t provided, and you get a woman or several to cook and clean.
To think Islam itself was until recently viewed as completely opposed to our civilization.
Now we call it an equally deserving religion worthy of great respect with aspects we must all emulate and aspire to.
The vacuum we have created in the west has now made it easier for us to accept lower things.
I’ve long thought that the well-financed, well-orchestrated campaign against “homophobia” has been supported by islamists for the purpose of setting precedents for a similar campaign against “islamophobia.” If the islamists ever come to power, they will be able simply to exterminate the homosexuals who opened the way for them.
True. Many homosexuals feel pity for muslims due to their status as a supposedly oppressed people. They feel a sort of common bond because of this. Of course, the feeling is not mutual.
The gay community believes in the myth that since western society has ‘progressed’ greatly with regards to gay rights and that these are so deeply entrenched in our culture and law, our governments and we fellow citizens will defend these rights vigorously against islamic law.
This is already showing signs of failure. Gays in parts of Europe and the US are now told to avoid public displays of affection or the may receive a sharia law enforced beating. I don’t see or hear much complaint about this quick discarding of our supposedly and permanently enshrined and vigorously defended gay rights. Our constitutins, bill of rights etc. etc. are in a sense much more amorphous and abstract than sharia law which gives an individual and a community the comforting sense that it is much more personal and applicable to the every day life experiences of an individual or a community. Its strange sort of attraction, if the term attractiveness can be used, cannot be underestimate among individuals and societies thirsty for a set of regulations that appear practical with easier application. Most of the people I have met in the gay community are deeply yearning for the sense of belonging and internal and external regulation that sharia law appears to provide.
Well that is easy to counter. We can just pass laws banning tall buildings, and then the islamists will not have anywhere to toss homosexuals from. The same could be done for adultresses too; just pass laws banning rocks. How could they ever do stonings without rocks?
After all, that response worked so well for the mayor of London. Too many stabbings? Well, he showed them; he banned knives and the problem was solved!
Many of our so-called leaders, politicians and liberal teachers, I suspect will one day help to process and tattoo the gays and perhaps throw them from the rooftops.
‘Paris is worth a mass’ to any spineless leader.
This Macron should be afraid of French people, He is a disaster for France , same with next traitor Merkel..
A large painiting should be hung in the French Assembly building depicting the beheading of Louis XVI as a warning to tread carefully with the French.