Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/7/2018

The “Norwegian” Muslim cleric Najmaddin Faraj Ahmad, better known as the notorious Mullah Krekar, will go on trial this week in absentia in Italy for running a European network that aimed to violently create a caliphate in the Kurdish region of Iraq. If Mr. Krekar is convicted, the Norwegian government says it will extradite him to Italy.

In other news, a man was killed when he picked up an explosive device — which then detonated in his hand — outside a subway station in a suburb of Stockholm. The device was first identified as a hand grenade, which the local police denied. Then later the police conceded that it probably was a hand grenade, but had nothing to do with terrorism.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Charles Low, Dean, DV, Fjordman, JD, JLH, Reader from Chicago, Red Mike, SS, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

Financial Crisis
» Venezuela’s Own Bitcoin-Like Cryptocurrency — The Petro
» Americans Are Ditching These Five States in Record Numbers
» Ancient Beringians: 11,500-Year-Old Genome Reveals Previously Unknown Native American Population
» Bannon Expresses ‘Regret’ For Comments Attributed to Him in ‘Fire and Fury’
» Cold Florida Temps Causing Iguanas to ‘Freeze, ‘ Fall Out of Trees
» Ellison Embraces Antifa Violence Against Trump
» Maryland Democrat Confessed to Taking Cash, Prosecutors Say
» Twitter Suspends Mohammad Cartoonist Bosch Fawstin
» WikiLeaks Takes Aim at Michael’s Wolff’s Book Fire and Fury, Posts Link to Manuscript
» One Person Injured in Mirabel Explosion Has Died; Two Others Remain in Hospital
Europe and the EU
» Ancient Wooden Board Game Identified in Slovakia
» Austrian Teen Charged With Plotting Terror Attack With 12-Year-Old in Germany
» Christmas Tree Throwing Contest Held in Ireland
» Danish Populists’ Curfew Plan for Ghettos Faces Cross-Aisle Criticism
» France: Rights Groups Remember Charlie Hebdo Attack, Three Years on
» France Marks Three Years Since Charlie Hebdo Attack
» France: Paris Commemorates Victims of Charlie Hebdo, Hyper Cacher Attacks
» Germany Coalition: Merkel Courts SPD in Pivotal Talks
» German Opposition Calls for Abolition of Online Hate Speech Law
» Le Pen Seeks to Revive France’s National Front With Name Change
» List of Grenade Attacks in Sweden
» Merkel Starts Grand Coalition Talks as Poll Show 52% Want Her Off the Ballot in ‘New Election’
» Minister: Norway to Extradite Cleric if Italy Convicts Him
» One Dead and Another Injured in Explosion Outside Stockholm Subway Station
» Postcards From Paris & Elsewhere: Let Freedom Ring — in Germany
» President of the Confederation of Jews in France: “In a Few Decades, There Will be No Jews in France”
» Self-Confessed ISIS Recruit Denies Instructing 12-Year-Old Boy to Blow up German Christmas Market
» Spanish Army Called in as Snow Traps Motorists
» Sweden: Fourth Woman Gang Raped in Two Months in Migrant Bastion of Malmö
» Sweden: Stockholm Station Blast: Man Dies in Hand Grenade Explosion
» Sweden: Mystery Blast Kills One in Stockholm, ‘Not Terror-Related’
» Sweden: One Dead, One Injured After Hand Grenade Explosion in Stockholm Metro
» Swedish Policeman: We’ve Lost Control and Many Have No Idea How Serious the Situation is
» The Islamization of Britain in 2017
» UK: Video: London’s Police Commissioner Says Rape Gangs Have “Been Part of Our Society for Centuries”
» What Happened in Sweden: Security Chief Says Terror Threat is ‘New Normal’
Israel and the Palestinians
» Christians Are at Risk of Being Driven Out of the Holy Land
» Israel Dig Unearths Prehistoric ‘Paradise’
Middle East
» Iran Bans Teaching English in Primary Schools as Islamic Leaders Warn it Opens the Way to a Western ‘Cultural Invasion’
» Iran Guards Say Quell Unrest Fomented by Foreign Enemies
» Iran Protests: Social Media Messaging Battle Rages
» Israeli Mastermind Behind Organ Trafficking Ring is Arrested in Cyprus
» President Erdogan Openly Says US is Behind Gülen
» Saudi Fighter Jet Crashes, Yemen Rebels Claim Downing it
» Wall Street Journal Needs a New Moscow Bureau Chief — Only Opponents of Russia Need Apply
South Asia
» Myanmar Rohingya Militants Arsa Vow to Fight on After Attack
» Pakistan’s PM: Aid From US is “Very, Very Insignificant” And Pakistan is “On the Forefront of the War on Terror”
» Rohingya Rebels Say ‘No Other Option’ But to Fight Myanmar
» Thai Penis Whitening Fad Drives Social Media Nuts
» The Indians Dying Because of Wild Elephant Selfies
Far East
» Cambodian PM Leads Massive Rally on Anniversary of Fall of the Khmer Rouge
» China’s Hi-Tech Missile Ambitions Are Marching Ahead at Warp Speed
» China-Pakistan Military Ties Set to Get Even Closer as ‘Iron Brothers’ Eye New Alliance
» China Offers 10-Year Visas to ‘High End Talent’
» Europe Casts a Wary Eye on China’s Silk Road Plans
» North Korea Says it’s Sending 5-Member Delegation to Talks With South Korea
» Where China’s Top Leaders Will Hide to Survive Nuclear Fallout
Australia — Pacific
» African Gang Crime Problem Caused by Parents Who Don’t Set Boundaries and Have Too Many Kids Says Psychiatrist Who Works With Troubled Youths
» Salim Mehajer’s Youngest Sister Throws a Surprise Birthday Party for Her Bikie Enforcer Husband With a Nomads-Themed Cake — as the Convicted Killer Poses With His New Extended Family
» ‘We’re Sick of Feeling Unsafe’: Melbourne Family to Flee to Brisbane After Being Targeted by African Crime Wave in Repetitive Break-Ins and Car Thefts
» Czech President Blasts EU Migrant Policy & Warns 10 Million Refugees Could Come to Europe
» EU Accused of Broken Promises Over Failing Migrant Repatriation Scheme
» ‘France Cannot Assimilate People Who Are Hostile, Demanding and Conquering’
» France: Refugees Still Sleeping Rough in Paris Despite Macron’s Promises
» Italy Migrant Levels Down 34 Percent in 2017: Frontex
» Libya Says at Least 25 Migrants Drowned After Boat Capsizes
» More Than 200 Migrants Storm Morocco-Spain Border
» Two Hundred Migrants Reach Spain After Storming Fence
» UK: ‘You’re Not Welcome Here — This is a Kurdish Street’
» UK: Somali Refugee Family of Nine Pay Just £90-a-Week to Live in the £2.2m London Council House They’ve Called Home for 15 Years
Culture Wars
» Former Reagan Economic Adviser: Are Whites Being Setup for Genocide?!
» The End of White Celebrity
» The Left’s Siege of Our Universities
» 7 New (2017) Papers Forecast Global Cooling, Another Little Ice Age Will Begin Soon

Venezuela’s Own Bitcoin-Like Cryptocurrency — The Petro

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has ordered the release of 100 million units of a new digital currency, the “petro.” It will be valued at the current price of a barrel of oil, around $60.

Venezuela has the world’s largest oil reserves, according to OPEC, and makes some 95 percent of its export revenue from oil.

But despite a recent decade-long oil boom, the country remains in deep financial crisis. The government is accused of squandering the gains on overly generous social programs, and it remains indifferent to calls for painful reforms.

Venezuela’s bolivar currency is officially traded at 10 to the dollar, but on the black market, a dollar currently buys 137,000 bolivars.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Americans Are Ditching These Five States in Record Numbers

Apparently surging violent crime, massive tax hikes and insolvent public pensions are bad for attracting new residents…who knew? On the other hand, 364 days of sunshine per year, minimal crime, brand new infrastructure and some of the lowest tax rates in the country seems to be, to our complete shock, somewhat appealing to folks looking to relocate.

But that is just a couple of many interesting takeaways to be gleaned from the latest annual “U.S. Migration Report” from North American Moving Services which found that Illinois was the most ditched state in 2017.

A quick review of the data above, combined with the more comprehensive domestic migration map below, reveals a few other interesting themes:

1. People continue to flee the indebted, pension ponzi burdened liberal states of America in record numbers, with Illinois, Connecticut, New Jersey and California all ranking at the very top of the most ditched states of 2017.

2. The natural migratory pattern of New England and California’s liberal elitists seems to be toward cheaper and lower taxed states in the Southeast and Western portions of the country…go figure.

[Comment: Liberal elitists help destroy a state before moving and destroying another state with their support of communist policies — they are like a virus spreading and attacking the constitutional republic.]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Ancient Beringians: 11,500-Year-Old Genome Reveals Previously Unknown Native American Population

Genetic analysis of DNA from a female infant found at the Upward Sun River archaeological site in Alaska has revealed a previously unknown Native American population, whom scientists have named ‘Ancient Beringians.’ The research appears in the journal Nature.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Bannon Expresses ‘Regret’ For Comments Attributed to Him in ‘Fire and Fury’

Former Trump political strategist Steve Bannon on Sunday expressed “regret” for unflattering comments attributed to him in the recently released Trump White House tell-all “Fire and Fury,” saying he should have responded sooner and that he continues to support the president.

“My support is also unwavering for the president and his agenda,” Bannon said in a statement to Axios.

Fox News later Sunday confirmed the statements with Bannon.

The statements in the book attributed to Bannon, who joined the Trump presidential campaign in the closing months, were most critical of the president’s son Donald Trump Jr., who also was a part of the campaign.

“Donald Trump Jr. is both a patriot and a good man,” Bannon also said in the statement. “He has been relentless in his advocacy for his father and the agenda that has helped turn our country around.”

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Cold Florida Temps Causing Iguanas to ‘Freeze, ‘ Fall Out of Trees

The temperatures in the Sunshine State have gotten so cold that iguanas are freezing and falling out of trees.

Apparently, the temperatures were cold enough to immobilize green iguanas common in Miami’s suburbs.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Ellison Embraces Antifa Violence Against Trump

Muslim Brotherhood Congressman goes all-in against the administration

The Democratic National Committee’s deputy chairman essentially endorsed the violent anarchists and communists of the subversive Antifa movement during a stop at a bookstore this week.

It is not every day that a top official of one of America’s two major political parties throws his lot in with an umbrella group that openly sides with our enemies in North Korea and seeks the violent overthrow of the United States government. It is a sign of just how radical Democrats became in the Obama era. Nowadays those who urge the extinguishing of American democracy and the murder of police officers are considered legitimate activists. Ellison’s embrace of Antifa

Congressman Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) is part of this. Ellison is an admirer of convicted cop killer and leftist folk hero Mumia Abu Jamal as well as a former co-chairman of the Communist-linked Congressional Progressive Caucus.

Ellison, an in-your-face Muslim sympathetic to jihad, implicitly expressed support for the use of violence against President Trump in a tweet as he posed for a selfie with the cover of Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook, by Mark Bray.

“At @MoonPalaceBooks and I just found the book that strike [sic] fear in the heart of @realDonaldTrump[,]” the DNC official tweeted Wednesday afternoon from Moon Palace Books in Minneapolis, Minn. At press time the next day the tweet had received 9,261 likes and 2,539 retweets.

Ellison’s embrace of Antifa runs counter to statements House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) made in August last year during a spate of Antifa violence in her home state.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Maryland Democrat Confessed to Taking Cash, Prosecutors Say

A Maryland state senator has confessed to taking cash payments in exchange for conducting official business, federal prosecutors said last week.

State Sen. Nathaniel T. Oaks, a Democrat, is scheduled to stand trial in the spring on charges of bribery and obstruction of justice. Oaks has pleaded not guilty.

Oaks’ confession was revealed in a motion that prosecutors filed against a request by Oaks to have the bribery and obstruction charges tried separately, the Baltimore Sun reported.

The next legislative session for Maryland’s general Assembly begins Wednesday. Oaks’ trial is set to begin right after the session concludes.

The Baltimore Sun reported that it was unsuccessful in reaching Oaks or his defense attorney.

Oaks is accused of accepting $15,300 from someone he believed was a “wealthy Texas businessman” but who was working for the FBI, the Sun reported, citing information from prosecutors.

Subsequently, while cooperating with authorities, Oaks reportedly coached an FBI investigation target to “Just say no” when Oaks offered the subject cash as part of the investigation, court documents said.

Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller, also a Democrat, told the Sun last week that Oaks should his day in court before the Legislature considers whether he should leave the state Senate…

           — Hat tip: DV [Return to headlines]

Twitter Suspends Mohammad Cartoonist Bosch Fawstin

Bosch Fawstin is one of the most well-known former Muslim artists, famous (or in certain circles, infamous) for his cartoons about Islam in general, and specifically for daring to draw Mohammad.

Fawstin tells Jihad Watch that Twitter has not given him an explanation for his suspension except for a vague statement that he violated their rules for “hateful conduct.” Says Fawstin:

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

WikiLeaks Takes Aim at Michael’s Wolff’s Book Fire and Fury, Posts Link to Manuscript

Radical transparency site WikiLeaks has gone after author Michael Wolff following the publication of a controversial book that puts the Trump White House in an unflattering light.

The Twitter account for the organisation published the link to the book by the New York-based media critic which has created a firestorm for US President Donald Trump over the past week.

[Comment: The article has an anti-Wikileaks bias though.]

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

One Person Injured in Mirabel Explosion Has Died; Two Others Remain in Hospital

One of three people injured in an explosion at a house in Mirabel late Thursday night succumbed to his injuries Friday evening, according to Mirabel police.

The 24-year-old man died in the burn unit of the Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal.

Another man in his 20s remains hospitalized in the burn unit of a Montreal hospital.

A woman in her 20s who was found on the second floor of the house was also injured, but less seriously. She is in the care of a hospital in the region. The second floor of the house has a different address than the main floor.

“There is almost nothing left” of the house on St-Michel St., in the St-Janvier district, said Pierre Morel, a Mirabel police spokesperson.

The explosion caused a fire that did extensive damage to the neighbouring houses.

The cause of the explosion, which took place around 4:15 a.m. Friday, remains unknown.

The Service de police de la Ville de Mirabel is leading the investigation and expects to spend several days collecting evidence. Sûreté du Québec technicians with expertise in explosives and fires were requested.

The two men do not appear to be the owners of the newly rented house, according to preliminary information obtained by police.

Police said they don’t know the relationship between the two men, or their relationship with the woman who lives on the second floor.

           — Hat tip: Vlad Tepes [Return to headlines]

Ancient Wooden Board Game Identified in Slovakia

POPRAD, SLOVAKIA—The Slovak Spectator reports that a wooden game board and green and white playing pieces has been recovered from the 1,600-year-old tomb of a Germanic prince. “It’s the best preserved ancient wooden board game that has been found to the north of the Mediterranean Sea,” said Ulrich Schädler of the Museum of Games in Lake Geneva, Switzerland. Scientists have determined the glass playing pieces were made in the eastern Mediterranean, perhaps in Syria. Karol Pieta of the Archaeological Institute in Nitra thinks the Germanic prince who owned the game may have served in the Roman army and brought it home to the Tatras Mountain region from the Roman Empire. Schädler is trying to figure out how the game was played.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Austrian Teen Charged With Plotting Terror Attack With 12-Year-Old in Germany

The Austrian teen was reportedly radicalized in prison before plotting with a 12-year-old German-Iraqi to bomb a Christmas market in Ludwigshafen. The case highlights the challenges posed by radicalized youth.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Christmas Tree Throwing Contest Held in Ireland

The season of goodwill was firmly put to one side in the Republic of Ireland earlier after hundreds took part in an annual Christmas Tree throwing competition.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Danish Populists’ Curfew Plan for Ghettos Faces Cross-Aisle Criticism

Politicians on the left and right of Denmark’s parliament have distanced themselves from a proposal by the populist Danish People’s Party (DF) to impose a curfew on youths living in socially marginalised areas.

           — Hat tip: Charles Low [Return to headlines]

France: Rights Groups Remember Charlie Hebdo Attack, Three Years on

Hundreds gathered in Paris on Saturday as French rights groups commemorated victims of the jihadist attack on French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo to keep alive the “spirit of Charlie.”

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

France Marks Three Years Since Charlie Hebdo Attack

French President Emmanuel Macron laid a wreath in front of the former offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo on Sunday to mark three years since the massacre of its staff in an Islamist attack.

At a low-key ceremony, in line with requests from the families of the victims for a sober commemoration, Macron was joined by journalists from the magazine, members of his government and the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo.

Two French jihadists who had sworn allegiance to al-Qaeda killed 11 people at Charlie Hebdo’s offices in 2015 over the staunchly atheist magazine’s satirical coverage of Islam and the prophet Mohammed.

The assault, which saw a policeman executed at pointblank range nearby, profoundly shocked France.

It also marked the beginning of a series of jihadist attacks that have claimed 241 lives in total according to an AFP toll.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

France: Paris Commemorates Victims of Charlie Hebdo, Hyper Cacher Attacks

French President Emmanuel Macron laid a wreath in front of the former offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo on Sunday to mark three years since the massacre of its staff in an Islamist attack.

At a low-key ceremony, in line with requests from the families of the victims for a sober commemoration, Macron was joined by journalists from the magazine, members of his government and the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo.

Two French jihadists who had sworn allegiance to al-Qaeda killed 11 people at Charlie Hebdo’s offices in 2015 over the staunchly atheist magazine’s satirical coverage of Islam and the prophet Mohammed.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Germany Coalition: Merkel Courts SPD in Pivotal Talks

German Chancellor Angela Merkel says she is hopeful that fresh coalition talks aimed at ending the country’s political stalemate can succeed.

More than three months after a general election, Germany is still without a new government.

The five-day talks will include Mrs Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU), its sister party the Christian Social Union (CSU), and the Social Democrats (SPD).

Many see this as her last chance to form a stable coalition.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

German Opposition Calls for Abolition of Online Hate Speech Law

Germany’s opposition parties on Sunday called for the abolition of a new law that aims to rid social media of hate speech, saying it was wrong for private companies to be making decisions about whether posts are unlawful.

The legislation, which came into force on Jan. 1, can impose fines of up to 50 million euros ($60.1 million) on sites that fail to remove hate speech promptly, raising fears that Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms could block more content than necessary.

So far Twitter has deleted anti-Muslim and anti-migrant posts by the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) and also blocked satirical magazine Titanic’s account after it parodied the AfD’s anti-Muslim comments.

Nicola Beer, general secretary of the liberal Free Democrats (FDP), told Welt am Sonntag newspaper that prosecuting authorities needed to be equipped with tools to enforce the law on the internet rather than leaving decisions about the legality of posts to platform operators.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Le Pen Seeks to Revive France’s National Front With Name Change

Marine Le Pen, still reeling after last year’s French presidential defeat, is pushing to rebrand the National Front and seek alliances to revive her far-right, anti-establishment party.

“If we are changing the National Front today, then we also need to change the name,” Le Pen said Sunday at a press conference in Alencon, north-western France, according to Agence France-Presse. An internal poll shows a majority within the party favor a name change and, if the early feedback is confirmed, militants will vote for a new name at a March 11 congress, she said.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

List of Grenade Attacks in Sweden

Bombings increased significantly in 2015, with Swedish police investigating around 100-150 explosions. There were over 30 grenade attacks reported in the Swedish city of Malmö alone by August 2015, up from a total of 25 in all of 2014. Malmö police have consequently warned about undetonated grenades in the city.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Merkel Starts Grand Coalition Talks as Poll Show 52% Want Her Off the Ballot in ‘New Election’

As German Chancellor Angela Merkel tries to secure a fourth term at the helm of a new grand coalition, a poll has shown a majority would rather vote again. The results also suggest Merkel should not be on the ballot.

Three months after Germans went to the polls, they are still without a government. Their frustration is apparently growing, with the new study finding that 34 percent of respondents want new elections. The Insa survey, commissioned by Germany’s Focus magazine showed that only 30 percent expressed support for a continuation of talks to try and form a grand coalition. A minority government would be viewed favorably by just 15 percent of Germans.

Some 52 percent said Chancellor Merkel should not spearhead her Christian Democratic Party (CDU) in a ‘fresh election.’

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Minister: Norway to Extradite Cleric if Italy Convicts Him

COPENHAGEN, Denmark — Norway’s justice minister said Saturday that an Iraqi-born cleric suspected of enticing recruits to fight in Iraq and Syria will be extradited if a court in Italy convicts him.

The Muslim cleric, Najmaddin Faraj Ahmad, is scheduled to go on trial in Italy Wednesday without him being physically present in court, Norwegian daily newspaper Nettavisen reported. Ahmad is known as Mullah Krekar in Norway, where he has lived since 1991.

Italian prosecutors allege that Krekar is behind Rawti Shax, a European network aimed at violently overthrowing the government in the Kurdistan region of Iraq and replacing it with a radical caliphate. Rawti Shax ultimately was to join the Islamic State group, Nettavisen said.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

One Dead and Another Injured in Explosion Outside Stockholm Subway Station

(HELSINKI) — A man in Stockholm picked up an unknown object from the ground that detonated in his hand Sunday, accidently killing himself and injuring his female companion near a subway station, Swedish police said.

The blast took place about 11 a.m. just outside the Varby Gard subway station in Huddinge — a residential district in greater Stockholm, said regional police spokesman Sven-Erik Olsson.

“The man was seriously injured after he picked up something from the ground and this device exploded,” Olsson said, adding that experts were examining the object.

The man, in his 60s, was rushed to hospital but later died while the woman, in her mid-40s, received “minor wounds” to her face and both legs, Olsson said.

The Swedish tabloids Aftonbladet and Expressen claimed the device may have been a hand grenade but Olsson dismissed that as speculation…

           — Hat tip: Dean [Return to headlines]

Postcards From Paris & Elsewhere: Let Freedom Ring — in Germany

Here is part of a speech by one of the few German politicians I admire, a sane, courageous and intelligent voice that Merkel, via her “Justice” Minister, the Eichmann-look-alike (*) Heiko Maas, wants to silence. Her colleague, Beatrix von Storch (another woman politician worth admiring) is the AfD politician, that Heiko Maas has already succeeded to get blocked on Twitter and Face Book via the liberticide law that came into effect on January 1st. Both platforms could really do with an injection of Class against the prevailing vulgarity.

And so, here you have the woman whom the German Judiciary officially condoned to be called a “Nazi Slut” (eine Nazi Schampe)…


(*) In case you wondered about my describing Merkel’s willing executioner, He iko Maas, as an Eichmann look-alike: Have a look here, the look-alike-ness is even physical…

           — Hat tip: JLH [Return to headlines]

President of the Confederation of Jews in France: “In a Few Decades, There Will be No Jews in France”

“Radical Islamists stuck a knife in my chest. I’m very scared for my family and myself,” said another.”Every day we are attacked. They enjoy it,” a female member of the Jewish community lamented.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Self-Confessed ISIS Recruit Denies Instructing 12-Year-Old Boy to Blow up German Christmas Market

Austrian prosecutors have filed charges against Lorenz K., the teenage son of Albanian immigrants who they say mentored and guided a 12-year old German-Iraqi boy through two failed Islamist attacks in late 2016.

The 55-page indictment delivered by the Vienna Public Prosecutor’s Office and cited by Austrian media, alleges that Lorenz, now 18, pledged allegiance to Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) in the summer of 2016, and began contacting even younger boys in a bid to recruit them.

The 12-year-old resident of the town Ludwigshafen in Rhineland, Germany, with whom the 18-year-old had formed a bond, left a bag filled with unlit fireworks and nails near at a Christmas market on 26 November 2016, and outside the city hall a week later on December 3, when he was caught.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Spanish Army Called in as Snow Traps Motorists

Spain deployed 250 soldiers on Sunday to help rescue hundreds of drivers who were trapped overnight in vehicles as heavy snowfall cut off several roads, officials said.

           — Hat tip: Charles Low [Return to headlines]

Sweden: Fourth Woman Gang Raped in Two Months in Migrant Bastion of Malmö

Another woman has been attacked and gang raped by several men in the Swedish city of Malmö.

The rape occurred on Thursday night and police were alerted by the victim at 1 am, early Friday morning. Police say the rape was classified as a “gross crime” and that the assault followed the same pattern as the previous gang rape.

According to Malmö police president Nils Norling, a report was registered of a “serious rape”, of a victim over 18-years-old.

Police have searched an area in Högaholm with a special dog for semen. The victim was taken to hospital but had no severe injuries.

This is the fourth gang rape in Malmö in less than two months. Media say the first three victims were teenage girls:

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Sweden: Stockholm Station Blast: Man Dies in Hand Grenade Explosion

A 60-year-old man has died in the Swedish capital Stockholm after picking up an object outside an underground station which exploded, police say.

A 45-year-old woman was injured in the blast, which police said was not believed to be terror-related.

The object was probably a hand grenade, according to police investigator Lars Bröms, who said technical experts were examining the debris.

The blast occurred at Varby gard station in Huddinge, a southern suburb.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Sweden: Mystery Blast Kills One in Stockholm, ‘Not Terror-Related’

The blast went off at a Stockholm metro station after a man picked up an object, which “promptly exploded.” Police said a murder investigation has been launched, but the incident was not thought to be terror-related.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Sweden: One Dead, One Injured After Hand Grenade Explosion in Stockholm Metro

One man has died and a woman has been injured after an explosion at the Varby Gard subway station in Stockholm, Sweden.

An object now believed to be a hand grenade blew up after a 60-year-old man picked it up from the ground, leaving him fatally injured. A 45-year-old woman has also been taken to hospital with injuries, according to reports.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Swedish Policeman: We’ve Lost Control and Many Have No Idea How Serious the Situation is

Recently, Swedish journalist Katerina Janouch interviewed the Swedish policeman Peter Springare, who in 2017 made headlines in Sweden, when he posted on the current state of the kingdom on Facebook.

In a longer interview he now admits that he is even more worried, that mayhem in fact is coming, and that people in general have no idea what will hit them.

What do we see is happening in Sweden now?

-— I am deeply concerned about the development. And I’m wondering how far it must go before people in decision-making positions and politicians wake up and see where we are heading. One continues to put the head in the sand. In Helsingborg, but also here in Örebro, one goes out and say we have full control. It’s the other way around, we’ve lost control. And in the next breath one says that this just spurts us, that we do not give in. That we’ll will work even harder. But that’s not the case either. Because I know how one is affected when exposed to threats. It certainly affects. It affects the police operations, both the business and individual police officers. And then the debate will be, is it worth it, should we expose ourselves … I know there are a number of police officers in Örebro who do not want to go to work for example in Vivalla. Because it is unpleasant. When we reach that point, we are in really, really bad shape. When the police end up in a situation where one is afraid to end up in an ambush, then it has gone very, very far and we are in trouble. To me, it’s a mystery how police chiefs to the public persists that we have full control. What do they want to gain?

[Comment: Police chiefs are likely toadies of the treasonous globalist politicians of Sweden.]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

The Islamization of Britain in 2017

“I think we are heading towards disaster.”

by Soeren Kern

The Muslim population of Britain surpassed 4.1 million in 2017 to become around 6.3% of the overall population of 64 million, according to a recent study on the growth of the Muslim population in Europe. In real terms, Britain has the third-largest Muslim population in the European Union, after France, then Germany.

The rapid growth of Britain’s Muslim population can be attributed to immigration, high birth rates and conversions to Islam.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

UK: Video: London’s Police Commissioner Says Rape Gangs Have “Been Part of Our Society for Centuries”

Cressida Dick is the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police in London. And she is, of course, lying outright. If “grooming gangs” had been part of British society for centuries, we might have heard about it from the British writers going back to Chaucer who wrote about conditions on the ground in the country, or from political controversies of bygone ages. But there is not one mention, not one hint, of massive numbers of British girls being raped and forced into prostitution by organized gangs until quite recently.

And the perpetrators are Muslims. The victims are non-Muslims. The rape gangs operated and continue to operate according to Islamic principles. The Qur’an teaches that Infidel women can be lawfully taken for sexual use (cf. its allowance for a man to take “captives of the right hand,” 4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:30). The Qur’an says: “O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.” (33:59) The implication there is that if women do not cover themselves adequately with their outer garments, they may be abused, and that such abuse would be justified.

But Cressida Dick, an official of shattered, staggering, dhimmi Britain, doesn’t want you to know that, to the extent that she lies brazenly about her own culture and heritage.

[Comment: Police chiefs are likely toadies of the treasonous globalist politicians of UK.]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

What Happened in Sweden: Security Chief Says Terror Threat is ‘New Normal’

The Director-General of the Swedish Security Service (Säpo) has confessed that terrorism is now the “new normal” in his country.

Anders Thornberg told the BBC that, while the Scandinavian country only had to monitor around 200 extremists a few years ago, it now has at least 3,000 to contend with — no small task for a country of just 10 million people, where the authorities are already unable to deal with a growing migrant crime wave.

“We have never seen something like this before in my career in the service,” admitted the security chief, who has served with Säpo for three decades. “We have a new normal.”

[Comment: Treasonous globalist politicians created this situation. ]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Christians Are at Risk of Being Driven Out of the Holy Land

by Patriarch Theophilos III

Today, 7 January, is Christmas, according to the Orthodox Christian calendar. And Orthodox Christians are keeping the feast in the Holy Land, where Christmas — and Christianity — began.

Much attention has been paid recently to political decisions recognising Jerusalem in one light or another. The media attention highlights the seemingly intractable political struggle here. But as well as the threat to the political status quo, there is a threat also to the religious status quo, a threat instigated by radical settlers in and around Jerusalem, the heart of Christianity. And one group that has always been a pillar of society in the Holy Land — Christians — seems to have been rendered invisible in this standoff.

Christians have lived a history in the Holy Land that spans more than two millennia. We have survived countless invasions, and have flourished under many different forms of government. We know that our survival has depended on the principle that the holy places must be shared by and be accessible to all. For it is the holy places that have given meaning to the region for both inhabitants and conquerors of all faiths. The protection and accessibility of the holy places are understood through a set of rules called the “status quo”, which has been followed by all religious and governmental authorities of the region through the ages.

When the successor of the prophet Muhammad, Caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab, invaded Jerusalem in 637, he was greeted by Patriarch Sophronios, the then ethno-religious leader of Jerusalem. Together they signed a covenant that paved the way for an era of peace. This covenant was based on an understanding of shared custodianship of the holy places.

Now various sides want to claim the Holy Land, including Jerusalem, as the exclusive possession of only one people. This treats with contempt the mechanism that has maintained peace and our multi-religious landscape for generations…

           — Hat tip: Red Mike [Return to headlines]

Israel Dig Unearths Prehistoric ‘Paradise’

Israeli archaeologists have uncovered a rare prehistoric site near Tel Aviv described as a “paradise” for hunter-gatherers living 500,000 years ago.

The site, next to a busy motorway at Jaljulia, has revealed hundreds of flint axes and other artefacts.

Experts say the area had a stream, vegetation and an abundance of animals — all perfect for early humans.

Ran Barkai, head of archaeology at Tel Aviv university, said the site had been “amazingly preserved”.

The ancient landscape was found between Jaljulia and the Route 6 motorway, about 5m (16ft) below the surface, and the finds indicate it was used by the ancestors of modern humans — homo erectus.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Iran Bans Teaching English in Primary Schools as Islamic Leaders Warn it Opens the Way to a Western ‘Cultural Invasion’

Iran has banned the teaching of English in primary schools after Islamic leaders warned that learning the language opened the way to a Western ‘cultural invasion’.

Mehdi Navid-Adham, head of the state-run High Education Council, said: ‘Teaching English in government and non-government primary schools in the official curriculum is against laws and regulations.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Iran Guards Say Quell Unrest Fomented by Foreign Enemies

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards said on Sunday the country’s people and security forces had put an end to unrest fomented by foreign enemies, as parliament and security officials met to discuss the boldest challenge to the clerical establishment since 2009.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Iran Protests: Social Media Messaging Battle Rages

Iran has been rocked by a rare wave of protests over economic hardship and lack of civil liberties for the past week, but streets are not the only battleground between the Islamic Republic and its critics.

A cyber battle on several fronts is being fought between the two sides on social media platforms.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Israeli Mastermind Behind Organ Trafficking Ring is Arrested in Cyprus

Poor people from Eastern Europe, Russia, Central Asia and Turkey were paid thousands of euros for their kidneys. A prosecutor said they were left without proper medical care and were treated “like waste.”

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

President Erdogan Openly Says US is Behind Gülen

The court case in which a former Turkish banking executive was found guilty of violating U.S. sanctions on Iran is a clear indication that the U.S. is behind the Pennsylvania-based preacher Fethullah Gülen, believed to be the mastermind of the July 2016 coup attempt, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said.

Turkey has repeatedly demanded Gülen’s extradition from the U.S., submitting what it says are files full of evidence proving his links to the coup attempt, but U.S. jurists have yet to give a positive response.

The troubled relationship between the two allies has come under further strain from the New York court case that found Hakan Atilla, a former deputy general director of the state-owned Halkbank, guilty of evading U.S. sanctions on Iran through gold-for-oil trade operated by Iranian-Turkish businessman Reza Zarrab.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Saudi Fighter Jet Crashes, Yemen Rebels Claim Downing it

Saudi Arabia’s Royal Air Force says two of its pilots whose fighter jet crashed during an operation in Yemen have been rescued.

An official statement blamed Sunday’s crash on a “technical failure” but the Yemeni rebel-run al-Masirah television says the British-made Tornado fighter jet was hit while flying in Yemeni airspace over the northern province of Saada, which borders Saudi Arabia. The rebel Houthis say the jet crashed on Saudi soil.

Multiple Saudi and Emirati fighter jets have crashed over Yemen since the coalition launched air strikes nearly three years ago against the rebels.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Wall Street Journal Needs a New Moscow Bureau Chief — Only Opponents of Russia Need Apply

It’s long been an open secret in Moscow that correspondent positions at Western newspapers are only available to journalists who are prepared to consistently take a strongly anti-Russian line.

And a current job advertisement from the Wall Street Journal publicly confirms this understanding. The Rupert Murdoch-owned business paper is looking for a new bureau chief based in the Russian capital, and the desired candidate must fit some stringent ideological criteria. Russian language skills are a “distinct advantage” but they can apparently be overlooked if a reporter is comfortable with the outlet’s agenda. These include recognizing that Vladimir Putin is a “beacon for right-wing politicians across Europe and even in the US,” and regarding the Russian president as “a champion of so-called illiberal democracy.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Myanmar Rohingya Militants Arsa Vow to Fight on After Attack

A militant group from Myanmar’s mostly Muslim Rohingya minority says it will keep fighting the government.

Attacks by the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (Arsa) last year sparked military reprisals that drove about 650,000 Rohingya to flee to Bangladesh.

It now says it was behind an ambush on a military truck in Rakhine state on Friday that injured three people.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Pakistan’s PM: Aid From US is “Very, Very Insignificant” And Pakistan is “On the Forefront of the War on Terror”

He says Pakistan has been getting less than $10 million a year. USAID says that the U.S. gave Pakistan $778 million in 2016 alone. And then Abbasi added that whopper about Pakistan being on the “forefront” of the fight against jihad terror. “War is deceit,” said Muhammad. In any case, Abbasi, fine. Just send it all back, and the U.S., if common sense prevails, won’t send any more.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Rohingya Rebels Say ‘No Other Option’ But to Fight Myanmar

Rohingya Muslim militants said on Sunday they have no option but to fight what they called Myanmar’s state-sponsored terrorism to defend the Rohingya community, and they demanded that the Rohingya be consulted on all decisions affecting their future.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Thai Penis Whitening Fad Drives Social Media Nuts

A Bangkok clinic that has drawn 100 men a month to its penis whitening service has caused a stir in Thailand, with social media users both baffled and alarmed by the phallic fad.

The Lelux Hospital, renowned for its body whitening expertise in a country obsessed with skin colour, began offering the unconventional treatment six months ago after a male customer complained of “dark parts” on his groin.

“These days a lot of people are asking about it. We get around 100 clients a month, three to four clients a day,” Bunthita Wattanasiri, a manager for the Skin and Laser department at Lelux Hospital told AFP.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

The Indians Dying Because of Wild Elephant Selfies

A worrying trend of taking selfies with wild elephants in the eastern Indian state of Orissa has led to attacks, with a few even dying as a consequence. Local forest officials fear that such incidents are on the rise, writes BBC Hindi’s Subrat Kumar Pati.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Cambodian PM Leads Massive Rally on Anniversary of Fall of the Khmer Rouge

Cambodian premier Hun Sen led a huge rally on Sunday marking the anniversary of the fall of the genocidal Khmer Rouge government, seizing the opportunity to burnish his reputation as saviour of the nation.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

China’s Hi-Tech Missile Ambitions Are Marching Ahead at Warp Speed

But it’s not too late for Washington and Beijing to address their mutual concerns before they get into an arms race around hypersonic weapons

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

China-Pakistan Military Ties Set to Get Even Closer as ‘Iron Brothers’ Eye New Alliance

With reports that China is planning to build its second offshore naval base near a strategically important Pakistani port it appears that the relationship between Beijing and Islamabad is as strong as ever.

Once dubbed “iron brothers” by the now retired vice-chairman of China’s Central Military Commission Fan Changlong, the two countries have steadily increased cooperation on military and defence matters in recent years as they seek to counter the perceived threat from rivals India and the United States.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

China Offers 10-Year Visas to ‘High End Talent’

China is issuing long-term visas to lure highly skilled people from abroad to work in the country.

The multi-entry visas will be valid for between five and 10 years, according to state media.

Technology leaders, entrepreneurs and scientists from in-demand sectors are among those eligible to apply.

China has set out goals for its economic and social development, and sees recruiting experts from abroad as key to achieving that.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Europe Casts a Wary Eye on China’s Silk Road Plans

Depending on who you ask in Europe, China’s colossal East-West infrastructure programme is either an opportunity or a threat — and when French President Emmanuel Macron visits next week, Beijing will be watching to see how keen he is to jump on board.

Since China launched the New Silk Road plan in 2013, the hugely ambitious initiative to connect Asia and Europe by road, rail and sea has elicited both enormous interest and considerable anxiety.

“It’s the most important issue in international relations for the years to come, and will be the most important point during Emmanuel Macron’s visit,” said Barthelemy Courmont, a China expert at French think-tank Iris.

The $1 trillion project is billed as a modern revival of the ancient Silk Road that once carried fabric, spices, and a wealth of other goods in both directions.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

North Korea Says it’s Sending 5-Member Delegation to Talks With South Korea

North Korea announced on Sunday it will be sending a five-member delegation to this week’s high-level talks with South Korea — the first formal dialogue between the two countries in more than two years.

The talks are being held to discuss the hermit regime’s inclusion in the the upcoming Winter Olympics in South Korea.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Where China’s Top Leaders Will Hide to Survive Nuclear Fallout

Scientists shed light on Beijing’s nuclear bunker located in ‘world’s most deeply buried karst caves’

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

African Gang Crime Problem Caused by Parents Who Don’t Set Boundaries and Have Too Many Kids Says Psychiatrist Who Works With Troubled Youths

A psychiatrist who works with troubled youths says South Sudanese teenagers in Melbourne who join gangs are often traumatised by war and have parents who fail to set boundaries.

           — Hat tip: SS [Return to headlines]

Salim Mehajer’s Youngest Sister Throws a Surprise Birthday Party for Her Bikie Enforcer Husband With a Nomads-Themed Cake — as the Convicted Killer Poses With His New Extended Family

The youngest sister of disgraced former Auburn deputy mayor Salim Mehajer has thrown a surprise birthday party for her convicted killer bikie husband.

           — Hat tip: SS [Return to headlines]

‘We’re Sick of Feeling Unsafe’: Melbourne Family to Flee to Brisbane After Being Targeted by African Crime Wave in Repetitive Break-Ins and Car Thefts

A young family is planning to flee their home in Melbourne and jump ship to Queensland after being repetitively targeted by African crime gangs.

           — Hat tip: SS [Return to headlines]

Czech President Blasts EU Migrant Policy & Warns 10 Million Refugees Could Come to Europe

MORE than 10 million refugees could come to Europe from Africa if the European Union fails to change its migrant policy, Czech President Milos Zeman has warned.

Mr Zeman, known for his fierce anti-immigration stance, blasted Brussels for its migration guidelines in an interview with the Prague-based Barrandov TV channel.

He also claimed an influx of refugees from Muslim countries posed a threat to European culture.

Mr Zeman said: “If the European Union does not reach the courage to strengthen its external borders, for which it constantly chatters but does nothing, we will have 10 million refugees from Africa in the course of several years.”

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

EU Accused of Broken Promises Over Failing Migrant Repatriation Scheme

THE European Union’s scheme to repatriate African migrants stranded in Libya to their home countries has been heavily criticised, by the very people it is trying it help.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

‘France Cannot Assimilate People Who Are Hostile, Demanding and Conquering’

Jean Renaud Gabriel Camus is a French writer known for the idea of the Grand Remplacement (the “great replacement” in English), which says that replacement migration is taking place in France.

Camus Talks about how his country and Europe are being colonised by migrants and how Europe is the first continent that pays its actual colonisers.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

France: Refugees Still Sleeping Rough in Paris Despite Macron’s Promises

In his first six months as president, Macron stressed that France was a land of welcome for refugees, saying he wanted all of them off the streets by the end of 2017. But in January 2018 hundreds of refugees are still sleeping rough in Paris.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Italy Migrant Levels Down 34 Percent in 2017: Frontex

The number of migrants who arrived in Italy in 2017 was 34 percent down on 2016, according to figures published on Friday by the EU border agency, Frontex.

Around 119,000 people arrived by sea in 2017 compared to 181,126 a year earlier, taking the number back to pre-2014 levels, the agency said.

The downward trend began in July following a 20 percent spike in arrivals between January and June. Some 10,400 landed at Italy’s ports during the last three days of June alone, prompting the country to introduce controversial measures after EU neighbours refused to share the burden.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Libya Says at Least 25 Migrants Drowned After Boat Capsizes

A Libyan navy spokesman says at least 25 migrants have drowned off the North African nation’s coast while attempting to cross the Mediterranean to reach Europe.

Brig. Gen. Ayoub Qassim says the migrants’ boat capsized and sank in international waters and that the Libyan navy did not have the resources to rush to their rescue.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

More Than 200 Migrants Storm Morocco-Spain Border

More than 200 African migrants stormed over a high double fence between Morocco and the Spanish enclave of Melilla on Saturday, officials said, leaving some of them and a police officer injured.

A total of 209 people from sub-Saharan Africa seeking to get to Europe forced their way across the fence in the afternoon, the central government’s representative office in Melilla said in a statement.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Two Hundred Migrants Reach Spain After Storming Fence

More than 300 people stormed the heavily fortified border between Morocco and the Spanish enclave Melilla in what authorities on Sunday called a mass “violent crossing”.

Some 209 migrants succeeded in reaching Spain in Saturday’s incident.

Spain’s two North African enclaves, Ceuta and Melilla, are a common target for entry into the European Union by migrants who try to climb the border fences or enter the territories by sea.

One Civil Guard police officer was injured in an attack by a migrant, the Spanish government said.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

UK: ‘You’re Not Welcome Here — This is a Kurdish Street’

What gangsters told police as they offered bribes to stop officers investigating drug dealing and human trafficking

Police were warned to stay away from a ‘Kurdish street’ said to be under the control of gangsters, a court heard.

Officers investigating the sale of illegal cigarettes, drug dealing and human trafficking were offered bribes to turn a blind eye.

But they refused and the Mini Market shop in Hyson Green, Nottingham was repeatedly raided by police and city council trading standards officers determined to tackle ‘criminal behaviour on a commercial scale’.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

UK: Somali Refugee Family of Nine Pay Just £90-a-Week to Live in the £2.2m London Council House They’ve Called Home for 15 Years

Islington Council rent out the grand Georgian home for just £90 a week

The refugee family who have lived there for 15 years say they are ‘very lucky’ Rented privately the north London home could be let for £900 per week

This London council house is worth £2.2million — but the tenants who live there pay just £90 a week.

The four bedroom Georgian property in London’s trendy Clerkenwell district could be rented out for £900 a week.

But Islington Council charge the social tenants who live there a 10th of the market rate — making it one of the UK’s most expensive council houses.

Somalian refugees Muriidi Abati, 57, and wife Maryan, 43, have lived there for 15 years with their seven children aged between eight and 23.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Former Reagan Economic Adviser: Are Whites Being Setup for Genocide?!

Every white person needs to read this article — — to understand how they are being demonized and marginalized to the point of oblivion.

By focusing primarily on white heterosexual males, Identity Politics tries to split white women off from white men by the use of the pejorative “misogynist”, but, as the article reports, white women, such as Taylor Swift, are also publicly demonized for their whiteness.

Reading this article in The Unz Review reminded me of an article I read last November in a Texas university newspaper that declared white DNA to be an abomination.

Think about this for a minute. Suppose the writer had said “homosexual DNA is an abomination,” or “black DNA is an abomination,” or, heaven forbid, “Jewish DNA is an abomination.” Anyone who declared homosexuals, blacks, or Jews to be an abomination would be instantly fired, sued, charged with hate crimes and driven so deep into the ground that they would never reemerge.

The article in the student newspaper was a bit too much for Texas and produced a furor of its own. Lost in the furor was the realization that the writer was correctly interpreting the Identity Politics that today defines the liberal/progressive/left.

[Comment: Refer to the situation in S.Africa whites, especially white farmers. Demonization of whites has resulted in gruesome murders against white farmers. The same demonization of whites is occurring is all western countries.]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

The End of White Celebrity

To be white and a celebrity is to be inherently controversial. Every several months, there is a predictable controversy about “whitewashing,” when a white actor plays a part that could plausibly go to a person of color. The resulting media frenzy has doomed films such as Gods of Egypt and Ghost in the Shell. Even historical dramas are not exempt from affirmative-action demands; Dunkirk was criticized for not having enough black people in it.

In contrast, transforming white characters into blacks is widely applauded. Examples include how Nick Fury suddenly became a black man in the wildly lucrative Avengersmovies, or the push to put more non-whites in productions of Shakespeare or other classic stage plays. Sometimes, this is taken to ludicrous extremes, with the popular show “Dr. Who” featuring the doctor and an African-American touring England in the 19th century and seeing the streets filled with blacks. “History is a whitewash,” explains the doctor.

Is this a parody, a subtle mockery of political correctness? If it is, the joke is clearly going over the heads of most people…

Today, any positive representation of white people’s history, culture, or capabilities is inherently racist. An individual white person being portrayed as desirable, talented, or fashionable can be tolerated, but only if that person signals against the collective interests of his people. Even those who attempt to remain neutral, such as Miss Swift, become targets. At the same time, the achievement of any non-white person is transformed into a collective accomplishment of his or her race. Thus, whites in popular culture can exist only as deracinated individualists, who hold no importance for those of their race, whereas non-whites serve as triumphant symbols for their people.

Similarly, those products of European culture that can’t simply be cast aside, such as the plays of Shakespeare, are transformed into universal property. However, those things identified with non-white cultures remain the exclusive property of non-whites. If whites engage with them, it becomes “whitewashing” or “cultural appropriation.”

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

The Left’s Siege of Our Universities

Below is Barbara Kay’s review of David Horowitz’s new book, “The Left in the Universities” which is volume 8 of The Black Book of the American Left, a multi-volume collection of David Horowitz’s conservative writings that will, when completed, be the most ambitious effort ever undertaken to define the Left and its agenda. (Order HERE.) We encourage our readers to visit — which features Horowitz’s introductions to Volumes 1-8 of this 10-volume series, along with their tables of contents, reviews and interviews with the author.

In November, an incident regarding freedom of speech on campus took place at Ontario’s Wilfrid Laurier University that galvanized the attention of Canadians and of those with an interest in this subject beyond our borders.

A graduate student in the field of Communications, Lindsay Shepherd, used a short segment in class from a debate on TVOntario’s nightly issues show, The Agenda, to illustrate to her students how linguistic terminology can become contested terrain in the realm of ideas. The presenting issue was freedom of speech; the vehicle for debate was the use of transgender pronouns. The segment Shepherd showed — without either approval or condemnation — included forceful pushback against “compelled speech” by Jordan Peterson, a University of Toronto professor whose publicly avowed refusal to use constructed gender pronouns has in the past 18 months rocketed him, via a tsunami of vlogs and public appearances, from virtual obscurity outside the academy to continental celebrity.

In short order Shepherd was summoned to a meeting with her supervisor, her department head and the director of WLU’s Gendered and Sexual Violence and Support program. What happened at that meeting — more like a Star Chamber interrogation — would have fallen into the historical oubliette, except for the fact that Shepherd recorded it and shared it with the media.

Ordinary Canadians who listened to this recording were stupefied at the overt intimidation and condemnation Shepherd was subjected to, including accusations of “transphobia,” a comparison of Peterson to Hitler and for good measure a sprinkling of demonizing “racism” and “ “white supremacist” to ensure the message took hold. All because she adopted a perspective of neutrality in presenting conflicting opinions to her class so that they could freely discuss the issue without her influence. This was an intolerable stance for her left-wing superiors.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

7 New (2017) Papers Forecast Global Cooling, Another Little Ice Age Will Begin Soon

During 2017, 120 papers linking historical and modern climate change to variations in solar activity and its modulators (clouds, cosmic rays) have been published in scientific journals.

It has been increasingly established that low solar activity (fewer sunspots) and increased cloud cover (as modulated by cosmic rays) are highly associated with a cooling climate.

In recent years, the Earth has unfortunately left a period of very high solar activity, the Modern Grand Maximum. Periods of high solar activity correspond to multi-decadal-to centennial-scale warming.

Solar scientists are now increasingly forecasting a period of very low activity that will commence in the next few years (by around 2020 to 2025). This will lead to climate cooling, even Little Ice Age conditions.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

6 thoughts on “Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/7/2018

  1. “The device was first identified as a hand grenade, which the local police denied. Then later the police conceded that it probably was a hand grenade, but had nothing to do with terrorism.” because it’s completely normal for hand grenades to lay around on the streets of civilized countries. Or maybe Sweden doesn’t consider itself civilized anymore, that might be the other explanation.

  2. The end of white what?????
    White folk went through some hard times too, helping create the world we live in today. White people…..thousand of years of them, toiling day in day out at the whim of dispassionate ‘owners’ and the indifferent state to create what? A society that gave out the race cards to all the ‘wrong’ people, that’s what.

    Why moan, if an ancestor only saw daylight on a Sunday or died young after breathing in toxic fumes all their life, did anyone care?

    The lot of a poor white was to work with catches and clauses for little return. The children of the industrial age either died early or were relegated to the workhouse for being feeble, mental or blind as soon as that situation arose, the lucky ones eked out a living the best they could. There are millions of tales like this…..all white people remember and I see no privileges so far. They gave their all, the poor who lived under the smoke stacks of the Midlands. The same cough was heard when the kilns of Stoke were lit. Livelihoods wiped out and undercut by the mills of Manchester, Leeds and Liverpool (done in by the power mongers). If they were lucky, they toiled scrimped and saved in something that closely resembled abject slavery for generations. But no one cared…….they still don’t care. They were just white people and not slaves…………..

    One bright note. If you have an issue with ancestor slavery then the chains and ‘system’ were supplied by victorious power mongers, (some white and some black) not ALL white people. Those power mongers dictated by profits on the whole took care of their ‘assets’ quite well. A world apart from the children of industrial slavery whose lives were ten a penny. Do your research on the industrial age and you will see that poor white people had it just as bad as slaves.

    An afterthought – Without your ancestors meeting and procreating where they were means you are where you are now, any change and you would not exist.

  3. “Ancient wooden board game identified in Slovakia” – “Schädler is trying to figure out how the game was played.”

    Imagine attempting to figure out how to play chess without rules. Who could possibly divine the movements of each individual piece simply by the shape of the characters? A Rook (castle) moves how? A Knight (horse) does what? No, I think this one is lost to history.

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