Gates of Vienna News Feed 11/29/2016

Commercial vessels and ships operated by charity groups rescued 1,400 migrants yesterday in the Mediterranean, bringing them safely to Italy. This year has seen a record 170,000+ migrant arrivals, with a month still to go.

In other news, working on the assumption that Donald Trump will be inaugurated as president, the celebrity talking head Keith Olbermann suggested that the 25th Amendment may provide the easiest and fastest way to remove President Trump from office. The 1967 amendment established procedures for removing a president from office when he “is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office”. Mr. Olbermann said he thinks it will be a simple matter to prove that Mr. Trump is mentally unfit for the job.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, DV, Fjordman, JD, JLH, Reader from Chicago, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

Financial Crisis
» Four Out of Five Spaniards Aged Under 30 Are Still Living With Their Parents
» Why Are So Many Among the Elite Building Luxury Bunkers in Preparation for an Imminent ‘Apocalypse’?
» 25th Amendment Could Declare Trump Mentally Unfit
» Before Mysterious Death, Andrew Breitbart Targeted Podesta in Tweet
» Black Lives Matter Protestors Get Jail for Blocking Highway
» CNN Anchor: Americans Should Wear Hijabs to Show Solidarity With Fearful Muslims [Video]
» Councilman Calls Ohio State Attack ‘Isolated’
» Democrats, Not Trump, Racialize Our Politics
» Filmmaker Outraged ‘White’ Cop Praised as Hero for Shooting Somali
» Hillary Lawyer Calls on NC GOP Governor to Stop Recount Despite Tighter Race Than Wi, Mi & Pa
» Keith Ellison Once Proposed Making a Separate Country for Blacks
» Man Pleads Guilty to Plotting US Terrorism Attacks
» Muslim Teen First to Compete in Hijab for Miss Minnesota
» NASA X-Ray Tech Could Enable Superfast Communication in Deep Space
» Roger Stone: Trump to Reduce Federal Land Holdings
» Soros, Democracy Alliance, Dark Money, And Violence
» Study: Aspartame May Cause Weight Gain
» Trump Threatens Flag-Burning Americans With Loss of Citizenship or Jail
» Trump Picks Physician-Congressman as HHS Chief
» US Islamist Group Arming Up in Anticipation of Trump, Report Claims
» Video: California Liberals Want Bigfoot Added to Endangered Species List
» Trudeau Paves the Way for Future ‘Young Socialists’
Europe and the EU
» Austria: Union: No Christmas Bonus Money for Muslim OAPs
» Austria: Identitarians Place Giant Islamic Veil on Iconic Maria Theresa Statue
» Dutch Far-Right Party for Freedom Tops Polls as Europe’s ‘Populists’ Gain Momentum
» Farage: Brexit ‘Directly Led to’ Trump Win and Rise of Populists in Europe
» France: Paris Attacks Suspect Abdeslam Maintains Silence
» France’s National Front to Fight Fillon on Economic Programme
» French School Pupils Ranked ‘Worst at Maths’ In All of EU
» German Intelligence Officer ‘Arrested Over Islamist Plot’ Raising Fears the Spy Agency Has Been Infilitrated
» German Left Planning to Disarm “Right-Wing Extremists, “ “Brexiteers, “ Trump Supporters
» Letters Show Paternal Side of Literary Giant Zweig
» Most Germans Believe EU is ‘Heading in Wrong Direction’
» New Dates Suggested for Plovdiv’s Ancient Theater
» Norwegian Woman ‘Lucky’ To Survive Swedish Axe Attack
» Reports: German Domestic Spy Agency Finds Islamist Amongst Its Own
» The EU is a ‘Sinking Ship’ — French Election Could Collapse Brussels Project for Good
» The Man Who Could Shake up German Politics
» UK: Elite Anti-Terrorism Police Will Patrol London’s Streets in Order to Deal With Vibrant Diversity
North Africa
» ‘After the Beating’: Moroccan TV Airs Makeup Tips for Hiding Domestic Violence
» Glassmaking May Have Begun in Egypt, Not Mesopotamia
» Global Warming Hysteria’s Long Goodbye
Israel and the Palestinians
» Palestinian Authority Leader Abbas Re-Elected Head of Fatah Party
Middle East
» Gitmo Prisoner Reveals That Saudi ‘Terrorist Rehab’ Center is a Scam
» U.N. Chief Echoes Obama: Use Jobs to Fight Terror
» In Putin’s Russia, It Just Got Easier to Find the Perpetrators of Stalin’s Purges
Latin America
» 6 Survive Columbian Plane Crash That Killed 71
» Cuban NFL Star Savages Castro-Loving Kaepernick in Miami Showdown
» The Left’s Appalling Whitewashing of Castro’s Legacy
» 1,400 Saved in Med as Migrant Arrivals in Italy Reach Record High
» 180 Rapes, Assaults and Robberies Against Women and Children in Just One German City
» Amnesty Slams Treatment of Migrants in Spain Enclaves
» Asylum Seekers Gain a Toehold in Finnish Job Market
» Austria: Norbert Hofer Slams Merkel’s Migrant Policy in Latest TV Debate
» Cologne Police Consider Helicopters to Fight Migrant Sex Attacks
» France Paying Invaders to Go Home
» Germany: Priest: Muslim Migrants Ruthlessly Bully Christian Kids
» Martin Kobler: ‘Rescue Missions Attract People Smugglers’
» Migrant Crisis: Italy Sees Record Arrivals From North Africa
» Ohio State Attack: Twitter Explodes on John Kasich for Opening State’s Borders to Refugees
» Shock Photo: Border Agent Saved by Gun Magazine, Bulletproof Vest
» Syrian Refugee Family Can’t Support Themselves But Here Come the Grandparents…
» Taking on the Challenge of Getting Refugees Into the Job Market in Sweden
Culture Wars
» Gay Pride Cruise Funded by Ottawa Catholic Teachers Union
» Nick Cannon: Planned Parenthood Waging ‘Real Genocide’ On Black Community
» Tufts U. Student Leaders Reject Free Speech Measure, Call it ‘Unsafe’

Four Out of Five Spaniards Aged Under 30 Are Still Living With Their Parents

Unemployment and precarious labor market drives up number of young people unable to leave home

For the first time in 12 years, less than 20% of people aged between 16 and 30 are living outside the family home. In the second quarter of 2016, the figure was 19.6%, a 4.84% increase on the period in 2015, says Spain’s Youth Council. It adds that of those who have managed to leave their parents, only 16.7% are living alone.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Why Are So Many Among the Elite Building Luxury Bunkers in Preparation for an Imminent ‘Apocalypse’?

Without a doubt, something is going on among the elite.

Do they know something that the rest of us do not? There are tens of millions of ordinary Americans that are feeling really good about the future now that Donald Trump has won the election, but meanwhile the elite are feverishly constructing luxury bunkers at a pace unlike anything we have ever seen before. So why are so many among the elite preparing for an imminent “ apocalypse” when tens of millions of other Americans are anticipating a new era of peace and prosperity? Are they smarter than most of the rest of us, or are they simply being paranoid?

Without a doubt, something is going on among the elite. Earlier today, WND published an article that discussed the fact that wealthy people “ are quietly moving away from major cities” all over the globe because of concerns about security…

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

25th Amendment Could Declare Trump Mentally Unfit

The 25th amendment could be the fastest way to remove President Donald Trump from power.

Amid widespread protests and worrying signs of dysfunction in the administration of President-elect Donald Trump, millions across the United States are likely wondering how, or if, it’s possible to oust the billionaire from the White House before the 2020 presidential election. While there have long been talks of impeachment hearings, a favorite theory this week for removing Trump from power involves the 25th amendment to the Constitution.

The amendment was approved in 1967, pushed into existence in the wake of the stunning 1963 death of President John F. Kennedy, who was assassinated in Dallas. The Constitution had never officially laid out a succession plan that detailed how, exactly, a vice-president should take power should a president no longer be able to carry out his or her duties. Up until the amendment, vice presidents effectively took over because of a precedent set by Vice President John Tyler in 1841, according to the National Constitution Center. The 25th amendment clearly spelled out that a vice president took over if a president died, resigned or, importantly, was removed from office…

           — Hat tip: DV [Return to headlines]

Before Mysterious Death, Andrew Breitbart Targeted Podesta in Tweet

A haunting Tweet from the late journalist Andrew Breitbart has reemerged, which has renewed interest in his mysterious death amid ongoing speculation spurred by the leaked emails of DC insider John Podesta.

How prog-guru John Podesta isn’t household name as world class underage sex slave op cover-upperer defending unspeakable dregs escapes me.

– AndrewBreitbart (@AndrewBreitbart) February 4, 2011

Breitbart died mysteriously in the early hours of March 1, 2012 — just hours before his planned release of footage of Barack Obama that he assured would heavily damage the sitting president’s chances of reelection.

Days before, he had declared, “Wait until they see what happens March 1st.”

Weeks later, Breitbart’s coroner, Michael Cormier, passed away — also in a suspicious and sudden fashion.

“The 61 year old Cormier was discovered dead on April 20th — the same day the city officials had released their preliminary autopsy report on the death of conservative media powerhouse Andrew Breitbart,” Infowars reported at the time. “According to early reports, Michael Cormier was ‘seemingly healthy,’ yet ‘suddenly stricken’ with a fatal condition — just like Andrew Breitbart.”

Earlier this month, Breitbart News released a short clip from the documentary Hating Breitbart which showcased Andrew’s exceptional contempt for Podesta, and offered clues that he knew things about the shadow controller of Obama and Hillary Clinton that were not yet public knowledge.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Black Lives Matter Protestors Get Jail for Blocking Highway

Activists associated with the Black Lives Matter movement will see the inside of a jail cell after blocking a highway during a protest in July.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

CNN Anchor: Americans Should Wear Hijabs to Show Solidarity With Fearful Muslims [Video]

Americans should wear hijabs to show solidarity with Muslim women who fear being attacked for wearing the religious head covering, CNN anchor Alisyn Camerota suggested on Monday, just hours before an Islamic radical stabbed students at Ohio State University.

“Maybe there will be a movement where people wear the head scarf in solidarity. You know, even if you’re not Muslim,” Camerota said during an early-morning broadcast on CNN’s “New Day.”

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Councilman Calls Ohio State Attack ‘Isolated’

The Columbus City Council president calls the attack at Ohio State University “an isolated incident” and says blame should be on the attacker, not the diverse Muslim and Somali communities from which he came.

Authorities identified the attacker as Abdul Razak Ali Artan, an OSU student born in Somalia. They say he plowed a car into pedestrians and then began stabbing people in an attack that left 11 people hurt.

A police officer killed Artan. Police say they’re investigating whether it was a terrorist attack.

City Council President Zach Klein and other councilmembers planned to visit the Ibnu Taymiyah Masjid and Islamic Center in northeast Columbus on Tuesday to talk with Muslim and Somali community members. The councilmembers planned to attend a noon prayer service there.

           — Hat tip: Dean [Return to headlines]

Democrats, Not Trump, Racialize Our Politics

A party obsessed with race won’t have much luck reaching out to non-elite whites.

by Heather Mac Donald

President Obama welcomed Black Lives Matter activists several times to the White House. He racialized the entire criminal-justice system, repeatedly accusing it of discriminating, often lethally, against blacks. At the memorial service for five Dallas police officers gunned down in July 2016, Obama declared that black parents were right to fear that “something terrible may happen when their child walks out the door”—that the child will be shot by a cop simply for being “stupid.”

Obama put Brittany Packnett, a leader of the Black Lives Matter movement, on his President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing. Packnett’s postelection essay on Vox, “White People: what is your plan for the Trump presidency?” is emblematic of the racial demonology that is now core Democratic thinking. Packnett announces that she is “tired of continuously being assaulted” by her country with its pervasive “white supremacy.” She calls on “white people” to “deal with what white people cause,” because “people of color have enough work to do for ourselves—to protect, free, and find joy for our people.”

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Filmmaker Outraged ‘White’ Cop Praised as Hero for Shooting Somali

“So white officer Alan Horujko who shot and killed the Black Somali stabbing suspect in Ohio is being paraded as a hero…”

A far-left documentary filmmaker suggested on Twitter Monday that using the term “hero” to describe the “white” police officer who shot and killed a Somali stabbing suspect is racist.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Hillary Lawyer Calls on NC GOP Governor to Stop Recount Despite Tighter Race Than Wi, Mi & Pa

Well this is awkward.

[Comment: Since a recount would likely reveal the massive fraud committed by the Democrats.]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Keith Ellison Once Proposed Making a Separate Country for Blacks

Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota, now in the running to be DNC Chair, has attracted the support of Sens. Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Harry Reid. Many think that Ellison, an African-American Muslim, would make a powerful statement leading the DNC. Ellison’s past has gained attention from the media, with Ellison being accused of anti-Semitism and ties to the Nation of Islam.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Man Pleads Guilty to Plotting US Terrorism Attacks

A North Carolina man who plotted U.S. terror attacks with a member of the Islamic State group pleaded guilty Tuesday in federal court to a terrorism charge, federal officials said.

Justin Nojan Sullivan, 20, of Morganton pleaded guilty in an Asheville courtroom to one count of attempting to commit an act of terrorism transcending national boundaries, federal officials said in a news release. He planned an attack at a concert, bar or club where he believed as many as 1,000 people would die, they said.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Muslim Teen First to Compete in Hijab for Miss Minnesota

A Somali-American has become the first to compete in the Miss Minnesota USA pageant wearing a hijab and burkini.

Halima Aden, 19, donned the traditional Islamic dress and full-body “burkini” during the event’s swimsuit segment.

Ms Aden, who was born in Kenya and moved as a child to St Cloud, Minnesota, was one of the top 15 contestants in the two-day pageant.

She said she hopes her participation inspires other Muslim women to be confident about their identity.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

NASA X-Ray Tech Could Enable Superfast Communication in Deep Space

New technology could use X-rays to transmit data at high rates over vast distances in outer space, as well as enable communications with hypersonic vehicles during re-entry, when radio communications are impossible, NASA scientists say.

The technology would combine multiple NASA projects currently in progress to demonstrate the feasibility of X-ray communications from outside the International Space Station.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Roger Stone: Trump to Reduce Federal Land Holdings

Trump’s response to BLM showdown with Bundy family in Nevada

Trump will announce his appointments for Secretary of State and Secretary of Interior sometime this week, the latter due to his desire to reduce federal land holdings, says insider Roger Stone.

“I think you’re going to get a Secretary of Interior this week, and I think you’re going to get a Secretary of State this week,” Stone said on The Alex Jones Show Sunday. “This week is going to tell us a lot in terms of the President-elect’s appointments, and those are pivotal.”

The Secretary of Interior position is now on Trump’s radar along with the Secretary of State because Trump has big plans to reduce the power of the Bureau of Land Management.

“Trump has made a lot of pledges regarding federal lands, he’s easing up on control of federal lands and people are going to be seeing if he’s going to fulfill his commitments,” Stone said.

[Comment: A good start. ]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Soros, Democracy Alliance, Dark Money, And Violence

In the days and weeks since Donald Trump’s historic upset victory over Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Big Money establishment globalists have been in hyper-drive, colluding and scheming to launch a multi-pronged effort to undo the election. Their plan involves multiple operations providing simultaneous “pressure from above and below,” utilizing legal challenges, petitions, media campaigns, and “direct action” street violence.

On November 22, two weeks after Donald Trump was declared to have been elected the 45th president of the United States, the Open Society Foundations (OSF) revealed one of its new political initiatives: funding a $10 million program to “confront hate” in the new Trump era. The OSF, of course, is one of the main conduits through which hedge fund billionaire George Soros, for decades, has been funneling his rivers of dark money to rent-a-mob rioters in dozens of countries.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Study: Aspartame May Cause Weight Gain

Diet drinks may actually be worse for you than regular soda

Many people guzzle down diet drinks in hopes that it will help them save some calories and trim their waistline. However, a new study has shown that diet soda, in particular the sweetener aspartame, may actually be one of the major causes of weight gain.

The new research suggests that drinking aspartame-laden drinks may actually make one hungrier instead of helping curb one’s appetite.

Studies done on mice and other rodents have demonstrated that consuming aspartame and saccharine (in addition to one’s diet) can lead to packing on the pounds.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Trump Threatens Flag-Burning Americans With Loss of Citizenship or Jail

With snowflakes everywhere across America seemingly content to burn the Stars & Stripes to protest democracy’s decision to elect what they have been told is a racist, homophobic, anti-semitic, sexist, tax-fraud as president…

[…] President-elect Donald Trump has put his foot down in this seemingly most unpatriotic of endeavors:

Of course, there is the small issue of changing the Constitution as flag burning remains protected speech by the First Amendment.

The catalyst for Trump’s 7 a.m. tweet is unclear. Fox News reported earlier this month that Hampshire College in Massachusetts would stop flying all flags on campus after an American flag was burned following Trump’s win.

“We hope this will enable us to instead focus our efforts on addressing racist, misogynistic, Islamophobic, anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic and anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and behaviors,” Hampshire’s president, Jonathan Lash, said in a statement at the time.

Rep. Sean Duffy (R-Wis.) pushed back on Trump’s proposal during an early morning interview. “I don’t think we want to make this a legal issue,” Duffy told CNN on Tuesday.

And before the liberal media gets hold of this tweet and claims Trump’s fascist tyranny is peaking through against constitutionally protected rights to do whatever a citizen wants, don’t forget that none other than the Hillary Clinton herself sponsored exactly this punishment in The Flag Protection Act of 2005.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Trump Picks Physician-Congressman as HHS Chief

(FOX NEWS) President-elect Donald Trump announced Tuesday the nomination of Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., to head the Department of Health and Human Services.

If confirmed by the Senate, Price will play a central role in Republican efforts to repeal and replace ObamaCare. Trump has pledged to move quickly on overhauling his predecessor’s signature measure, but has been vague about what he hopes to see in a replacement bill.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

US Islamist Group Arming Up in Anticipation of Trump, Report Claims

An Islamist group with secretive compounds around the U.S. is arming up in anticipation of raids by the incoming Trump administration, according to a new report from a nonprofit think tank.

Muslims of America, which is headquartered in Hancock, N.Y., and run from Pakistan by leader Sheikh Gilani, operates 22 “Islamic villages” around the nation. The compounds are legal, but Gilani has recently ordered all unarmed members to gather firearms, licenses and hunting permits, according to Clarion Project. Gilani believes his group will be targeted by Trump.

“I foretold disastrous results should this man be elected as the American President,” Gilani said in a statement shortly after Trump was elected president on Nov. 8. “He has come as a test and trial for the faithful adherents of the holy books.”

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Video: California Liberals Want Bigfoot Added to Endangered Species List

“There’s only a couple of them around, so we just gotta make sure nobody shoots them”

The endangered Sasquatch needs Californians’ help to avoid extinction, media analyst Mark Dice tells beachgoers in his latest stunt.

Watch as several concerned Californians sign their names to a petition calling for Bigfoot to be added to the World Wildlife Fund’s endangered species list.

Dice has in the past also successfully convinced mindless chumps that Donald Trump sons’ had killed long-extinct, prehistoric creatures such as the three-horned triceratops and the winged pterodactyl.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Trudeau Paves the Way for Future ‘Young Socialists’

Observers are trying to figure out why Trudeau made his cringe-worthy statement about Castro that was so out of step with mainstream Western opinion. On Sunday he was given the chance to walk it back. He did not, aside from acknowledging Castro was indeed a dictator.

A gaffe is excusable. But this wasn’t a gaffe. These sorts of statements go through multiple approvals before they’re fired off. This was on purpose.

A few years ago, Trudeau said he admires China’s “basic dictatorship.” He also thinks — contrary to the view of even many liberal economists — that you can successfully spend your way into prosperity outside of a recession. He sees no problem imposing a national carbon tax that will, no expert has disputed, make life more costly for millions of regular Canadians. And then this happens. Notice a trend?

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Austria: Union: No Christmas Bonus Money for Muslim OAPs

Heated debate has started over a trade union’s suggestion that Muslims should not be eligible for a recently-agreed Christmas bonus for pensioners — because they do not believe in Christmas.

The “Free Workers of Upper Austria”, a trade union linked to the country’s far-right FPÖ party, caused a stir when it launched an online poll over whether Muslims should have the right to Christmas money.

The trade union asked their followers if Christmas payments for Muslims who did not believe in Christmas was a contradiction, or whether the one-off payment — recently agreed by the Austrian parliament — should be made to everyone who works in the country no matter their religion.

They suggested that “if they are against every Christian custom, then they should also be against Christmas money”.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Austria: Identitarians Place Giant Islamic Veil on Iconic Maria Theresa Statue

The hipster-right Identitarian youth movement has placed a full face veil on one of Vienna’s most well known statues to protest what they see as the Islamisation of Austria.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Dutch Far-Right Party for Freedom Tops Polls as Europe’s ‘Populists’ Gain Momentum

The far-right Dutch anti-immigration Party for Freedom, led by Geert Wilders, would become the largest party in the parliament and beat the prime minister’s ruling conservative liberals if elections were held today, according to a new poll data.

[Comment: But this article, after all, is a pro-Russian propaganda piece.]

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Farage: Brexit ‘Directly Led to’ Trump Win and Rise of Populists in Europe

Former UKIP leader Nigel Farage has said Brexit “directly led to the establishment getting beaten” in the U.S. and UKIP’s success is now “inspiring” populist movement across Europe.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

France: Paris Attacks Suspect Abdeslam Maintains Silence

The main suspect in the Paris attacks, Salah Abdeslam, refused to reply to questions from a French anti-terrorist judge for the fourth time on Tuesday, a judiciary source said.

Abdeslam, 27, has remained tightlipped since being transferred to France from Belgium in April following his arrest in a police raid in Brussels during which he was shot in the leg.

On Tuesday, he was taken in a police convoy from Fleury-Merogis prison outside Paris to the Palace of Justice in the centre of the city.

“He refused to reply to questions,” the source said.

Abdeslam’s two lawyers said last month they would no longer defend him given his refusal to answer questions about the November 13, 2015, attacks in which 130 people died at the hands of Islamic State group jihadists.

One of the lawyers, Frank Berton, said they were giving up because “we don’t think that he will speak, and he will use the right to remain silent.”

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

France’s National Front to Fight Fillon on Economic Programme

France’s National Front (FN) slammed François Fillon’s economic programme after his election as mainstream right presidential candidate on Sunday. Faced with a candidate whose conservative views on social issues echo those of many of its supporters, the far-right party has chosen to attack his free-market policies.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

French School Pupils Ranked ‘Worst at Maths’ In All of EU

French school children have seriously under performed in an international maths and science testing, according to a new report.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

German Intelligence Officer ‘Arrested Over Islamist Plot’ Raising Fears the Spy Agency Has Been Infilitrated

A German intelligence officer has reportedly been arrested over a suspected Islamist plot to bomb the agency’s headquarters in Cologne.

The 51-year-old official was said to have made a “partial confession” to the plot, according to Der Spiegel.

The suspect attempted to pass on “sensitive information about the BfV (Germany’s domestic security agency), which could lead to a threat to the office”, an official told the newspaper.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

German Left Planning to Disarm “Right-Wing Extremists, “ “Brexiteers, “ Trump Supporters

Weapons legislation should be strengthened to fight against right-wing “extremists”, Germany’s Federal Justice Minister has told local media.

Heiko Maas told state broadcaster ARD that the potential for violence among so-called “imperial citizens” has “risen markedly” and said Germans should have to sign a paper confirming commitment to the constitution in order to receive a weapons permit.

It is claimed “Imperial citizens” are Germans from the “conspiracy theory scene” who believe the constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany has not been “legitimised by the people” and have been described as similar in political beliefs to “Brexiteers” and people who support U.S. President-Elect Donald Trump.

Ralf Jäger told interior ministers in Saarbruecken that “everything must be done so that extremists cannot get possession of weapons”.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Letters Show Paternal Side of Literary Giant Zweig

A series of previously unknown letters by literary great Stefan Zweig to a young man reveals a paternal side of the Austrian Jewish author concerned with the fate of Jews.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Most Germans Believe EU is ‘Heading in Wrong Direction’

Almost two-thirds of Germans are dissatisfied with the current situation in the European Union and want to see changes in the bloc, while about half of them even want to hold a referendum on Germany’s EU membership, a recent survey shows.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

New Dates Suggested for Plovdiv’s Ancient Theater

PLOVDIV, BULGARIA—The Sofia Globe reports that a Greek inscription found in a stairwell at the theater in the ancient city of Philippopolis suggests it was built earlier than had been previously thought. The theater was believed to date to A.D. 116, and the rule of Emperor Trajan, but the inscription, found on the base of a first-century statue, indicates that the construction of the theater began about three decades earlier, during the reign of Emperor Domitian.

According to Nikolai Sharankov of Sofia University, the text of the inscription refers to Titus Flavius Cotis, a descendant of the Thracian kings who was the first priest of the imperial cult in Thrace. Sharankov explained that Titus Flavius Cotis erected many of the city’s buildings. “He wanted to give from his wealth for the public benefit and thus enhance his reputation among the citizenry,” he said.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Norwegian Woman ‘Lucky’ To Survive Swedish Axe Attack

Swedish police have arrested two people after an elderly Norwegian couple were attacked in Värmland near Sweden’s border with Norway. Police said the woman was lucky to survive a blow to the back of the head with an axe as it connected with the blunt side.

“The woman was extremely lucky. He threw the axe full force, with both hands from six meters away and hit her on the back of the head. If it had rotated half a turn it would have connected with the sharp edge,” Värmland police duty officer Christer Magnusson told news agency TT.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Reports: German Domestic Spy Agency Finds Islamist Amongst Its Own

Germany’s domestic intelligence agency (BfV) has discovered an Islamist working within its own ranks, according to domestic media reports on Tuesday. The case allegedly surrounds a 51-year-old German who planned to bomb the BfV headquarters in Cologne.

Having previously worked at a bank, the man joined the BfV in April 2016 — joining a new task force monitoring the ever-growing Salafist scene in Germany.

Die Welt reported that he had also boasted about having a plan in place to carry out an attack on his place of work, though according to authorities he did not appear to have yet taken any concrete steps into carrying it out.

He wrote online that such an attack against “unbelievers” would be “for Allah’s purpose.”

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

The EU is a ‘Sinking Ship’ — French Election Could Collapse Brussels Project for Good

Francois Fillon and Marine Le Pen, who are the most likely candidates to contest next year’s presidential elections, have both attacked the crisis-stricken bloc on a number of occasions in their campaigns.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

The Man Who Could Shake up German Politics

European Parliament President Martin Schulz announced this week that he is moving to Berlin to assume a role on the national political stage. Many believe he would make a strong contender for chancellor for the center-left Social Democrats. But one man stands in his way — a friend.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

UK: Elite Anti-Terrorism Police Will Patrol London’s Streets in Order to Deal With Vibrant Diversity

Anti-terror patrols are to start in London today as police attempt to deter and disrupt extremist activity.

Uniformed and undercover officers, along with dog teams and boat units, will become more visible in a tactic police say is proven to undermine terrorists and criminal gangs.

The force has stressed that the move was ‘not in response to a specific threat’.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

‘After the Beating’: Moroccan TV Airs Makeup Tips for Hiding Domestic Violence

“After the beating, this part is still sensitive, so don’t press”

The smiling woman on the daily Moroccan television show spoke to viewers as if it were any other makeup tutorial, comparing brands and hues of face foundation and demonstrating how to apply it.

Seated next to her was a woman with what appeared to be a black eye and bruises on her cheekbones.

“After the beating, this part is still sensitive, so don’t press,” the host said in Arabic as she applied makeup on the woman’s face, eventually concealing the woman’s bruises.

“Make sure to use loose powder to fix the makeup so if you have to work throughout the day, the bruises don’t show,” she said.

[Comment: Is not wearing makeup haram?]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Glassmaking May Have Begun in Egypt, Not Mesopotamia

Ancient Mesopotamians have traditionally been credited with inventing glassmaking around 3,600 years ago. But Mesopotamians may have created second-rate knock-offs of glass objects from Egypt, where this complex craft actually originated, researchers reported November 19 at the annual meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Global Warming Hysteria’s Long Goodbye

The twenty-second session of the United Nation’s climate change conference ended a few days ago in Marrakech, Morocco, and the proclamation went forth that the conference “successfully demonstrated to the world that the implementation of the Paris Agreement is underway and the constructive spirit of multilateral cooperation on climate change continues.”

All “well and good,” but with the incoming skeptical Trump train, the trundling of the Marrakech Express is going to become a bit more problematic.

A new era for atmospheric science may be dawning, as the likelihood for voices with a broader perspective on climate forecasting may be encouraged to speak.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Palestinian Authority Leader Abbas Re-Elected Head of Fatah Party

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas was re-elected to lead the Fatah party Tuesday as the movement opened its first congress since 2009 with talk mounting of who will eventually succeed the 81-year-old.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Gitmo Prisoner Reveals That Saudi ‘Terrorist Rehab’ Center is a Scam

Counterterrorism experts have long suspected Saudi Arabia’s “rehabilitation” center for terrorists does a poor job of de-radicalizing jihadists. But a Saudi detainee at Guantanamo Bay now reveals it’s actually a recruiting and training factory for jihad.

According to recently declassified documents, senior al Qaeda operative Ghassan Abdullah al-Sharbi told a Gitmo parole board that the Saudi government has been encouraging previously released prisoners to rejoin the jihad at its terrorist reform school, officially known as the Prince Mohammed bin Naif Counseling and Care Center.

The Obama administration has praised the effectiveness of the Saudi rehab program — which uses “art therapy,” swimming, ping-pong, PlayStation and soccer to de-radicalize terrorists — and conditioned the release of dozens of Gitmo prisoners, including former Osama bin Laden bodyguards, on their enrollment in the controversial program.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

U.N. Chief Echoes Obama: Use Jobs to Fight Terror

(Worldnetdaily) The Obama administration famously noted last year that any effort to stop the terror atrocities perpetrated by ISIS involves … jobs.

Now his message is being echoed by the United Nations, according to a report in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said back in 2015, “We cannot win this war [against terrorism] by killing them, we cannot kill our way out of this war.”

Instead, jobs should be offered, the administration suggested.

“We can work with countries around the world to help improve their governance,” Harf insisted. “We can help them build their economies so they can have job opportunities for these people.”

The gaffe happened just as Muslims in ISIS took 21 Libyan Christians down to a beach and beheaded them.

The terrorists videotaped the events and released the video after titling it “A Message Signed With Blood to the Nation of the Cross.”

The White House response, however, failed to even mention that religion played a role in the terrorism.

Now, U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has essentially repeated the Obama administration’s argument.

“In the twenty-first century, we know that security is less about missiles and fighter jets, and far more a matter of knowledge, freedom and enabling people to enjoy opportunities, jobs and the prospect of a better life,” he said in remarks prepared for delivery during his visit to the United Arab Emirates Diplomatic Academy in Abu Dhabi.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

In Putin’s Russia, It Just Got Easier to Find the Perpetrators of Stalin’s Purges

A Russian human rights group has published a database containing personal information about nearly 40,000 members of the notorious security force that carried out Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin’s purges, shedding light on an ugly stretch of history the Kremlin would prefer to remain hidden.

The archive, culled from the records of Stalin’s security forces (the NKVD) and posted on the website of Memorial, the human rights group, for the first time names those who carried out some 700,000 executions from 1935 to 1939 during “The Great Terror.” Russian President Vladimir Putin has in recent years revised Stalin’s legacy, emphasizing the dictator’s role in defeating Nazi Germany in World War II and turning the Soviet Union into a world power.

“Until now, if anyone mentions the victims, it’s as though they were killed by a natural disaster like an earthquake or a tidal wave,” Yan Rachinsky of Memorial told The Washington Post on Thursday. “They were victims of crimes and those crimes were committed by people.”

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

6 Survive Columbian Plane Crash That Killed 71

A horrific plane crash in Colombia left 71 people dead Monday night, including members of a professional Brazilian soccer team. But police said six people survived the crash in the mountains outside Medellin — three soccer players, two crew members and a journalist.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Cuban NFL Star Savages Castro-Loving Kaepernick in Miami Showdown

Pro-dictator quarterback routed and humiliated by Cuban-Americans

Colin Kaepernick, an avid fan of Fidel Castro, was booed by Miami Dolphins fans before being beaten and crumpled at the goal line on the final play of the game — by Cuban-American linebacker, Kiko Alonso…

Alonso, son of an exiled Cuban father, took offense to comments Kaepernick recently made (and later denied) praising Castro.

“I do have feelings about it. So there was some bad blood there for me with Kaepernick,” he told the Herald.

“He doesn’t know about the suffering the Cuban people have had. He doesn’t have a clue,” Alonso added. “He’s ignorant.”

Kaepernick has established himself as the poster-child for anti-American, agitative Marxist behavior in a league whose ratings having been slipping badly since the beginning of the season, by spearheading a trend of players showing their disrespect for the National Anthem, and proudly wearing a Fidel Castro t-shirt to press conferences.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

The Left’s Appalling Whitewashing of Castro’s Legacy

Castro destroyed a thriving society and imposed penury

You will hear some people today excuse Fidel Castro’s crimes by begging that he accomplished social goals. Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn have already beclowned themselves on that front. They were merely the first.

Our own President Barack Obama opted for washing his hands, choosing to neither praise Castro after his death Friday, nor to condemn the tragedy his communist dictatorship has inflicted on the Cuban people for 57 years.

“History will record and judge the enormous impact of this singular figure on the people and world around him,” said Obama, playing Pilate.

No social accomplishment, to be sure, could justify keeping an entire people hostage, denying them the right to elect their own leaders or exercise any human rights for half a century. But there weren’t any accomplishments.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

1,400 Saved in Med as Migrant Arrivals in Italy Reach Record High

Rescuers saved some 1,400 migrants off the coast of Libya on Monday as Italy announced a record number of people arriving this year after crossing the Mediterranean, authorities said.

Italian, Irish and charity group ships, along with commercial vessels, helped rescue the migrants from 11 inflatable dinghies and two small boats.

Authorities in Italy said Monday they had recorded a record number of arrivals by sea this year, with one month still to go in 2016.

Over 171,000 migrants have arrived, which beats the previous annual record of 170,100 from 2014. The tally does not include Monday’s rescues.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

180 Rapes, Assaults and Robberies Against Women and Children in Just One German City

Increasing numbers of female refugees — including youngsters fleeing forced marriages — are abandoning their accommodation centres in Germany to seek sanctuary in battered women centres.

In and around Stuttgart alone there were 105 rapes, assaults and robberies of women and 77 against children in the refugee centres, but the local government admits that the number of unreported cases is “significantly larger”.

In the state of Saxony-Anhalt there are no figures available but 20 female shelters have now opened their doors to provide a refuge for battered women and children.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Amnesty Slams Treatment of Migrants in Spain Enclaves

Amnesty International on Tuesday denounced conditions for migrants arriving in Spain’s overseas territories of Melilla and Ceuta, where they said asylum rights were not always respected.

Ceuta and Melilla are favoured entry points for African migrants seeking to get to Europe, who attempt to climb over complex border systems made of high fences which they sometimes hang on to for hours, or swim along the coast.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Asylum Seekers Gain a Toehold in Finnish Job Market

The SPR says the scheme has demonstrated that the participants have plenty of skills, training, and desire to work in Finland. Outside of this programme, though, their know-how is not gauged quickly enough, or at all, says the NGO.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Austria: Norbert Hofer Slams Merkel’s Migrant Policy in Latest TV Debate

As Sunday’s Austrian presidential election looms, anti-mass migration candidate Norbert Hofer blasted German Chancellor Angela Merkel accusing her of allowing terrorists into Europe.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Cologne Police Consider Helicopters to Fight Migrant Sex Attacks

After more than 1,000 women were mugged, sexually assaulted, and raped by migrants last New Year’s Eve, the city of Cologne is considering using helicopters, registering all newcomers, and setting up “women retreats” to keep females safe this year.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

France Paying Invaders to Go Home

The French government is paying invaders a €2,500 ($2,650) “bonus” if they agree to be sent home-further evidence that the entire “asylum” invasion is a hoax. If invaders were “fleeing for their lives” an offer like the French government’s would be impossible. Thousands are expected to take up the offer, officials said.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Germany: Priest: Muslim Migrants Ruthlessly Bully Christian Kids

A priest in the German city of Leipzig who works with underage migrants has revealed that Muslim migrant children constantly bully their Christian counterparts.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Martin Kobler: ‘Rescue Missions Attract People Smugglers’

Some 1,400 migrants were rescued off the Libyan coast earlier this week. DW talks to the UN’s senior diplomat in Libya, Martin Kobler, about the downside of rescue operations -and the prospect of billions more migrants.

DW: Critics say that rescue missions in international waters, such as those conducted by the EU’s Operation Sophia or by humanitarian organizations can have a negative effect, in that people smugglers profit from them. Do you think that rescue missions can have such unintended consequences?

Martin Kobler: The reality is that they do have this unintended effect. The European ships only operate in international waters, 12 miles (19 kilometers) from land. That’s why the smugglers take people up to the end of the 12-mile-zone, and from there they’ll even call the Italian coastguard and say, “Go and pick these people up!” Of course such missions have a pull factor, that’s why they can only be part of the solution. And until the rule of law is re-established in Libya, people smuggling will continue.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Migrant Crisis: Italy Sees Record Arrivals From North Africa

The number of migrants arriving in Italy from North Africa has risen to its highest-ever level.

This year’s total is now more than 171,000, the interior ministry said, beating the previous record of 170,100 in 2014.

About 4,690 migrants have died or gone missing trying to cross the Mediterranean in 2016, the UN says, which is also a record number.

The arrivals are putting increasing pressure on Italy’s asylum system.

More than 176,000 people are now being housed in reception centres across the country.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Ohio State Attack: Twitter Explodes on John Kasich for Opening State’s Borders to Refugees

People are blaming Kasich’s calls to open the Buckeye state’s borders to international refugees for Abdul Artan’s actions.

John Kasich was the recipient of a tidal wave of Twitter hate Monday, as countless users blamed the Ohio governor for Monday’s horrific attack on Ohio State University’s campus.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Shock Photo: Border Agent Saved by Gun Magazine, Bulletproof Vest

Agent protected by spare M4 magazine, body armor after shots fired on Mexican border

An amazing, previously unreleased photo shows the aftermath of a bullet striking a US Customs and Border Protection agent, whose body armor along with a spare M4 magazine prevented a direct hit.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Syrian Refugee Family Can’t Support Themselves But Here Come the Grandparents…

Syrian refugees fear what lies ahead as government-sponsored year runs out

“…It’s the same for many refugees. Painful memories of family left behind in the war, or living in limbo, haunt them; they feel pressured and guilty. It’s called the echo effect. Canadian immigration policy allows for reunification but only when refugees can financially support their extended family members — and most can’t do that.

Help could come from private sponsors.

In Windsor, the Tonbaris have hooked up with a private group that initially hoped to sponsor a Syrian family but has instead applied to bring over the Tonbari grandparents. The group of lawyers from the University of Windsor law school sent in the application last week…”

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Taking on the Challenge of Getting Refugees Into the Job Market in Sweden

OPINION: Asylum seekers in Sweden are struggling to access the Swedish labour market. Researchers explain why, and what can be done to help them.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Gay Pride Cruise Funded by Ottawa Catholic Teachers Union

OTTAWA, November 28, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — The Ottawa branch of the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association (OECTA) helped pay for a union event marking this past summer’s Gay Pride Week and parade with a cruise on the Rideau River.

The Catholic Intelligence blog discovered the latest evidence of OECTA’s active promotion of the LGBT agenda. The event listing appears on a Facebook posting by the Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity, advising those interested in joining the third annual “CCGSD Labour Unions Boat Cruise” how to “Get Your Free Tickets Now.”

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Nick Cannon: Planned Parenthood Waging ‘Real Genocide’ On Black Community

“It’s real genocide, and it’s been like that for years”

“America’s Got Talent” host Nick Cannon told a New York City radio station recently that Planned Parenthood — the nation’s largest abortion provider — has been committing “real genocide” against blacks.

“Think about all the stuff they did with Planned Parenthood and all of that type of stuff. That’s-that type of stuff is to take our community, and forget gentrification, it’s real genocide, and it’s been like that for years,” Cannon said in an interview on Nov. 17 with “The Breakfast Club” morning show, heard on Power 105.1 in New York City.

Comment: Google MArgaret Sangere’s comments on blacks.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Tufts U. Student Leaders Reject Free Speech Measure, Call it ‘Unsafe’

A sweeping free speech resolution has been rejected by Tufts University’s student government, whose members called the effort to broaden and clarify students’ First Amendment rights “unsafe.”

Tufts has a “ red light “ speech-code rating from FIRE, which means it maintains at least one policy that both clearly and substantially restricts freedom of speech.

Student Jake Goldberg’s free speech resolution called for an end to campus anti-free speech rules at Tufts, including vague administrative provisos that crack down on the “use of nicknames,” “hurtful words,” “bias-fueled jokes,” “comments on an individual’s body or appearance,” “innuendos of a sexual nature,” “gender bias,” and dozens more similar examples cited in the measure.

But the Tufts Student Senate recently voted 26 to zero with two abstentions to reject the proposal, with some senators saying free speech actually endangers students, and that free speech protections make administrators’ jobs impossible.

“I believe everyone’s right to access their education on this campus is more important than abolishing the protective restrictions we have on free speech,” one student senator declared after the vote.

Prior to the vote, Goldberg tried to sway his peers to support unabridged free speech on campus.

“We just want to make sure these [vague administrative] policies are cleaned up, better defined, and use language that’s easy to understand,” he said.

Goldberg added that, without the measure passing, administrators can unfairly punish students for exercising their First Amendment rights.

But nearly every single senator voiced opposition to the measure, according to a video of the senate meeting posted on the student government’s Facebook page…

           — Hat tip: JLH [Return to headlines]

19 thoughts on “Gates of Vienna News Feed 11/29/2016

  1. A leftist lunatic wants to remove Trump from office, because the lunatic says Trump is crazy! FGS, he’s not even there yet!
    It seems to me at least that it’s Keith Olbermann who should be driven away by the men in white coats, not Trump.
    The breathtaking stupidity of some of these comments made by democrats/leftists/sore losers is just beyond tiresome, and a decent administration would make it stop, but America doesn’t have a decent admin., it has obama….

    • Translation: Don’t waste time, effort and money messing around with a re-count business to get/keep Mr. Trump out of office. …Which overlooks the point that the hubbub is not over the fact that Mr. Trump won but that Mrs. Clinton lost. Should he not be the sitting president, it still wouldn’t be her.

      “…a decent administration would make it stop….”

      The administration has no power to make it stop.

      • I don’t live in the States, but I know darned well the occupant in the White Mosque most certainly could make it stop if he chose to address his adoring citizens, but he doesn’t have the class–nor does the Clinton woman.

        So, LOL. Trump shouldn’t say: “We won!” But: “You lost!!”

  2. What I get from this ‘news feed’ and from other non-GoV sources is that the Totalitarians, Globalists, Illuminati, however one may wish to term them, is in an obvious, to me at least, counter-attack mode against those who have dared to reject their New World Order way of doing things.

    And I believe this ‘news feed’ highlights many instances of that counter-attack

    But, this counter-attack is also very evident within the Trump camp among the ‘advisors’ who are putting forward names for a future Trump administration that reek of Communist and CFR stabling. Who are Trump’s advisors? Have they all been fully vetted as to their patriotic credentials?

    Going on some of the names put forward, I doubt that very much.

    The election of Donald Trump shortly after the vote on Brexit has set an action in motion that I believe is reflective of what many throughout the West now feel. However, those who are still in control are in the process of pulling out all stops to undermine this so far peaceful revolution under the rule of law to gain the upper hand.

    One must remember that those who like to control others will do so given the opportunity and the means to achieve that end – that kind of thinking is as old as human kind itself. One must also remember that at this time in history, we, that is those of us who realize what is going on around us, and whether willingly or unwillingly, have now become the protectors of whatever freedoms we are now clinging to.

    So, it has now become a duty on all of us to protect what we have left of our once great Western civilization on the realization that any person who values their Western culture, their liberty, and the sovereignty of their country must through necessity to preserve those values, be prepared to defend them whenever and wherever radical elements who do not share those values are perceived to be active in dismantling those values and by force where and whenever necessary.

    • Immigrants are of interest to:

      Some business organizations (for cheap labor and possibly additional sales)

      Some religious/do good organizations and individuals (commitments to the notion of helping others)

      A few politicians (votes from ethnic groups that think they are slighted)

      Individuals (and organizations) with contacts/relatives abroad

      Anti-war people

      There are probably more….

      • Yes Countess, there are probably many more who have chosen to join in with what they perceive to be the ‘winning side’ as history is replete with examples of such behaviour.

        And that kind of behaviour will remain unchecked while ever there is no line yet drawn in the sand as to what is really acceptable and not acceptable societal behaviour.

    • “Illuminati”, Nemesis? Haven’t heard much of them since the 1970s trilogy of novels, “Illuminatus”, by Americans Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson; my paperbacks are yellowing behind me as I type. Ken Campbell’s (d 2008) Science Fiction Theatre of Liverpool gave a dramatic presentation at the National Theatre here in London, graced by much nudity, including the pneumatic form of his then wife Prunella Gee, and running for around nine hours (my then girlfriend and I sat through it).

      Like the novels (I suspect) the whole thing was a satire on conspiracy theories, involving anarchists (the good guys) vs the Illuminati, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, resurrected SS stormtroopers, Ben Franklin, the eye in the pyramid on dollar bills, etc… all good (not so clean) fun, but hardly to be taken seriously.

      • ‘……but hardly to be taken seriously.’ Really?

        After 16 years of research one comes to a certain conclusion about who really controls the world. For your information, the Illuminati were banned from several European countries, along with the Jesuits, both groups considered to be too undermining of a nation’s sovereignty.

        So, should those actions be considered conspiracy theories or actions taken against fifth columns?

        However you may view what now controls the West the fact remains that controlled it still is, yet you only offer ridicule for my knowledge.

        • The Masons were banned from Vienna when Beethoven was a member; I doubt he was involved in subversion.

          More recently, my late father and brother-in-law were involved here in the UK, and I’m pretty sure they were also innocent.

          • Well Mark, as with the Masons and other ‘secret’ societies’ it all depends on what level one may attain before one may be ‘invited’ into the higher levels to become ‘initiated’ into the true purpose of that ‘society’s’ existence.

            You would do well to seriously look into the Bilderbergs, the CFA, the Trilateral Commission and The Royal Institute of International Affairs at Chatham House before dismissing out of hand that which is in plain view to anyone who knows where to look.

            You should also remember that just one of the reasons an American president was assassinated was because of his views of ‘secret societies’.

  3. “Keith Olbermann suggested that the 25th Amendment may provide the easiest and fastest way to remove President Trump from office.”

    Forgive them Lord, they know not what they do…….

  4. If the idiot celebrity Keith Olbermann wants to use the 25th Amendment against Trump maybe someone needs to first determine if Olbermann could would be disqualified under that same amendment.

    If Olbermann is looking for a legitimate claim against Trump that might have some chance of sticking then that would be Trump’s view of the First Amendment – Trump’s suggestion that anyone who burns the American flag should be jailed or have his citizenship removed for one year. I may feel the same way about it the way Trump does but I would still have to defend anyone who did it in a court of law since Flag burning is a legitimate form of speech. In Texas v. Johnson (1989), Justice William Brennan, writing for the majority, said “if there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea offensive or disagreeable.”

    Jefferson said “what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance.” Separately he said free speech “cannot be limited without being lost.”

    • As Senator Joe Manchin said, “[Flag burning is] a First Amendment right. But you do it in front of me, I’m going to beat the hell out of you.”

    • I can only pray the Europeans will treat this invasion fleet as such, but I doubt they have the will to do their duty.

      • The Europeans keep being told

        “Nothing to see here. Move on!”

        However, for how long? At one moment Europeans will resist, and Europe may not be the place to be for those who are not comfortable with being in the middle of war scenes.

  5. So Trump is “non compos mentis” because he doesn’t follow the Elite’s party line? The Soviet gulag must be here already then. If you disagree with the Elite’s vision of a new whirled order, or, gasp! believe that you were created and Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior, you are consigned to an institution until your sanity is restored (recant your beliefs). How far we have fallen, sniff! 🙁

  6. Trump almost nailed it on the OSU jihadi – he said that individual should not have been in the United States, which is 100% correct.

    The problem is that Trump referred to the jihadi as a, “refugee,” thus leaving himself open to charges of heartlessness.

    Trump should have referred to the jihadi as a, “migrant, immigrant, colonist, invader, jihadi, etc,” to reduce the amount of sympathy the media can easily whip up.

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