Four more suspects have been arrested in the northern English town of Gateshead on suspicion of viewing a video showing the burning of a Koran. This makes a total of six who have been detained so far for this heinous crime.
In contrast, a judge in East Lansing, Michigan, has refused to consider a charge against the man who left charred pages of the Koran on the front steps of a mosque. The judge says that no one was threatened by the act, since the man who did the burning was the only one present at the time. He also says that he can find no crime that was committed under Michigan law, and that the First Amendment protects the right to burn a Koran, just as it does the burning of a U.S. flag.
In other news, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran gave a speech at the United Nations in which he asserted that 9-11 was an inside job by the United States to revive its flagging economy and help out the Zionist Entity. Representatives of the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and all 27 members of the EU walked out of the speech. Strangely enough, the Zionist Entity was not listed among the offended delegations. Perhaps it had not been invited to attend.
To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.
Thanks to AMT, Andy Bostom, C. Cantoni, DF, DS, DT, Fausta, JD, KGS, Kitman, Srdja Trifkovic, TB, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.
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This is a test of pro-European values: Easy Bake Anne
Should ramzpaul be condemned/indicted/commended for “inciting racial hatred”?
In contrast, a judge in East Lansing, Michigan, has refused to consider a charge against the man who left charred pages of the Koran on the front steps of a mosque. The judge says that no one was threatened by the act, since the man who did the burning was the only one present at the time. He also says that he can find no crime that was committed under Michigan law, and that the First Amendment protects the right to burn a Koran, just as it does the burning of a U.S. flag.
Me thinks Buraq Hussein will ask for this brave and truly law-upholding judge’s head.
I still can’t believe that Ch 4 in the UK actually invited Ahmadinejad to give an ‘alternative’ Christmas speech (an ‘alternative’ to the Queen btw) a couple of years ago.
Check this out
look at youtube where you can
find a script with translation of what they say in the video.
Serche for: brandon
Forgive me for posting it here!
Just felt it needed to be known outside Sweden too.
Take care everyone.
Good video Tactitus. Those two anti-Swedish genocidal immigrationists don’t look very Swedish, do they?
Didn´t you see the translation?
They work at a swedish shoe selling company. After a recent election in sweden where the “Sweden democrats” made it in to parliment, these two owner of the company, in this video posted on their website, said that SD-voters shouldn´t bother become or continue being customers of theirs´. Check it again.
This is not the only exampel, I´m afraid.
I saw the video. Those are the founders of the company. They live in Sweden. They speak Swedish. They made their fortunes from Swedes. But they don’t look Swedish and they don’t seem to give a fig whether native Swedes are completely replaced by alien “minorities”, probably because that’s what they are.
It’s a good video because it’s a graphic example of arrogant, hypocritical, self-serving “tolerance” and “diversity” double-talk.
As the kids say, epic fail.
BTW, it’s not “suicide” (as some people prefer to misdiagnose our problem) when aliens try to browbeat you and yours to step aside and make room for aliens.