Mahmoud Aldebe, Art Critic

These Modoggie stories just won’t quit.

Mahmoud Aldebe, the chairman of Sveriges Muslimska Förbund (the Muslim Association of Sweden), spoke out about the Modoggies in an interview on Swedish radio P4 Örebro today [RealPlayer soundfile]. Carpenter has supplied a translation:

A Modoggie“Nobody should feel free to agitate against Muslims, as protected by laws. There ought to be a clear law to protect the Muslim minority in this country.”

So you mean that there should be a concept of Islamophobia, and that it should be punishable?

“Yes. I want to see that Islamophobia and anti-Semitism are prevented. Nobody should try to insult groups of people and cite the freedom of speech laws.”

But this drawing is about a person, or a symbol, for Muslims. It’s not about every Muslim.

“I actually expected a review of the artist’s background and opinions on politics. He clearly shows, when explaining, that he’s actually proud of his ability to somehow draw it better…”

For previous posts on Lars Vilks and the Roundabout Dogs, see the Modoggie Archives.

[Nothing follows]

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