Gates of Vienna News Feed 10/20/2023

French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said that France is planning the “systematic expulsion of dangerous foreigners”. Meanwhile, Congresschick Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez averred that Americans should be prepared to accept the importation of Palestinian refugees.

In other news, a spokesman for French military intelligence said that his service had concluded that a misfired missile launched by Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and not an IDF airstrike, had caused the deadly explosion at a Gaza hospital.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Daniel Greenfield, Dean, JW, LP, Reader from Chicago, SS, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

Financial Crisis
» Poll Finds More Than Half of Canadians Would Miss Mortgage Payments Within Three Months
» US Budget Deficit Balloons to $1.7 Trillion — Largest Outside COVID Era
» “He Not a Terrorist”: FBI Arrests Man Living in Parents’ Basement for Train Derailment
» “The Whole George Floyd Story Was a Lie”: Tucker Carlson
» Alex Jones Must Pay $1.1 Billion of Sandy Hook Damages Despite Bankruptcy — Court
» Amazon Will Now Fire Workers Who Refuse to Return to the Office Three Days a Week
» Apple Reportedly Cancels John Stewart Show Over His Content Critical of AI and China
» Biden’s Brother Paid Him $200K While Seeking Mideast Investor for Hospital Firm
» Biden Appeared to Read Teleprompter Instruction to ‘Make it Clear’ During National Address
» Black US Army Private Who Fled to North Korea Over ‘Racism’ Faces Child Porn, Desertion Charges
» Democrat Leader Jeffries: Jim Jordan is a ‘Clear and Present Danger to Our Democracy’
» DOJ Says Trump Has No ‘Absolute Immunity’ in Jan. 6 Case
» Far-Left Pressure in George Floyd Case May Have Influenced Trial Despite Lack of Strangulation Evidence: Court Documents
» Jim Jordan Out of House Speaker Race After Losing More Support on Third Ballot
» Judge Shot Dead in His Driveway Had Denied Child Visitation to Suspected Murderer, Who Remains on the Loose
» Lawmakers Demand That Amazon Censor Alexa After WaPo Complains That Its Responses Referenced Rumble, Substack
» Maryland Judge Andrew Wilkinson Shot Dead at His Home in Hagerstown Attack as Troopers ‘Rush to Protect Others’
» Maryland Judge Killed in ‘Targeted’ Shooting
» Nearly 70% of American Soldiers Are Obese or Overweight — Compromising National Security: Study
» New York Judge Fines Trump $5K for Violating Partial Gag Order in Civil Fraud Trial
» Pro-Hamas Demonstrations Organized Using Progressive Not-for-Profit Action Network
» Pro-Palestinian Protesters Launch Sit-in at Democrat Rep. Jan Schakowsky’s Chicago Area Office
» San Francisco City Employees Issued Bulletproof Vests to Walk the Streets
» Supreme Court Will Hear Case Against Biden-Big Tech Censorship Scheme
» Supreme Court Keeps Missouri Law on Hold That Targets Federal Gun Restrictions
» Ted Lieu Accuses NY Times of ‘Intentionally’ Writing False Headline for Gaza Hospital Report to Draw Clicks
» The COVID Gravy Train is Over: Pfizer & Moderna Shares Down 35% & 49% This Year
» Thieves Dramatically Smash Truck Through Front of Florida Jewelry Store — Only to Leave Empty-Handed: Video
» Top Doctors Raise Alarm Over ‘Permanent’ Vax-Induced ‘Heart Damage’
» Trump Announces South Florida Rally to Counter Third Republican Debate
» Video Shows Homeowner Open Fire on Violent Armed Burglars During Home Invasion
» Video: Hawley Exposes Biden Energy Official as Swamp Grifter
» Video: Amazon Tests Six Foot Tall Warehouse Robots
» Woke Los Angeles DA George Gascon ‘Packing’ His Office With Former Public Defenders: Sources
» Justin Trudeau Hesitates to Condemn Hamas for Gaza Hospital Blast Propaganda After Blaming Israel
» ‘Missing Texts’: Two Police Witnesses Appear on Stand in Lich, Barber Trial With Wiped Phone Records
» Trudeau Liberals Backtrack Over Policy Banning Prayer at Remembrance Day Ceremonies Following Pressure From Conservative MP
Europe and the EU
» 1 in 4 ISIS Brides Returned to Sweden Now Work in Swedish Schools, Shocking Report Reveals
» Brits Turn to Private Detectives to Do What Police Don’t
» EU Divisions Over Israel Derail Steel Talks With U.S.
» French Police Arrest Man in Relation to Brussels Terrorist Attack
» Germany Sends €50 Million in Aid to Gaza as Death Toll From Israeli Bombing Campaign Soars
» Greta Thunberg Deletes Pro-Palestinian Post Featuring Antisemitic Trope, Claims She ‘Was Completely Unaware’
» Greta Cancelled?
» Julian Assange to be Made Honorary Citizen of Rome
» Poland’s Election Result Weakens Conservatives Throughout Europe, Says Senior Polish MEP
» Rights Groups Push Back Against EU Censorship Chief Thierry Breton After He Pressured Platforms to Censor “Disinformation”
» Spanish Minister: Israel Guilty of ‘Genocide’
» ‘They Could Have Raped Me’ — Italian Woman’s Story Goes Viral After She Says 2 Arab-Speaking Men Chased and Threatened Her in Milan
» UK: BBC News Admits Mistake in Coverage of Gaza Hospital Blast; Still Refuses to Call Hamas Terrorists
» UK: Farage Takeover? Brexit Boss ‘Jokes’ He Expects to Become Conservative Party Leader
» UK: Sunak’s Conservatives Lose Two Safe Seats in Disastrous by-Elections as Split in Right-Wing Vote Proves Fatal
» UK: Tyres Deflated on More Than 100 SUVs and 4x4s in Bristol Overnight
» UK: Watch: London’s Met Police Threaten to Arrest Activists for Displaying Children Kidnapped by Hamas
» ‘We Will Find Everyone!’ — French Government Warns Pranksters Responsible for Influx of Bomb Threats Causing Chaos at Schools and Airports
» Why Did Poland’s Conservatives Lose Power? New Data May Reveal the Answer
North Africa
» Historic Synagogue Burned to the Ground in Tunisia
Israel and the Palestinians
» Day of Rage: Anti-Israel Protests Spread Around the World With Hamas Supporters Calling for Suicide Bombers to Hit Tel Aviv and US and UK Flags Burned as Global Fury Over Gaza Erupts Once More
» French Intelligence Points to Palestinian Rocket, Not Israeli Airstrike, for Gaza Hospital Blast
» Israel’s Work Permits for Gaza Enabled the Hamas Attack
» Israel-Gaza War: Hamas Says Two US Hostages Released
» Israel Amassing Fleets of Tanks on Northern Border of Gaza — Ground Invasion Appears Imminent
» Israel Recalls All Diplomats From NATO Country — Report
» Israeli President Calls for BBC to Issue ‘Correction’ Over Its ‘Atrocious’ Reporting of Middle East Conflict
» Israel Mocks Greta Thunberg Over ‘Solidarity’ With Gaza: Hamas Doesn’t Use ‘Sustainable Materials’ for Rockets
» Russia Will “Pay the Price” for Supporting Gaza: Israeli Official
Australia — Pacific
» Cricket World Cup Outrage: Aussie Star Adam Zampa and Coach Andrew McDonald Slammed for Not Singing Advance Australia Fair
» Fitness Influencer Raechelle Chase Dies Suddenly at 44
» MP Keith Wolahan’s Dark Warning of the Consequences of a Cashless Society as Hundreds of Bank Branches Close Across Australia: ‘They Could Switch Off Your Banking Just Like That’
» Raechelle Chase: Influencer Mum Whose Fitness Tips Inspired 1.4 Million People Suddenly Dies, Leaving Behind Five Children
» Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Suggests Americans Must be Ready to Import Palestinians
» EU: Only 1 in 6 Migrants With Deportation Orders is Deported
» Exclusive: Border Patrol Dumps Buses Full of Migrants at Overwhelmed San Diego Center as California City Continues to Struggle With 1,200 Arrivals Every DAY
» France Seeks ‘Systematic Expulsion of Dangerous Foreigners’
» In 2023 2 Jihadists Arrived in Italy by Sea, Repatriated
» Majority of Germans Believe Muslim Migration a ‘Security Risk’
» Murder in France: Illegal African Teen Accused of Slashing Throat of 68-Year-Old Woman in Lille
» New Immigration Disaster? 3 ‘Conservatives’ Pushing the US and Europe to Accept Palestinian Refugees
» Polish Border Guard Patrol Attacked by Migrants at Belarus Border
» Schengen Countries Up Controls to Curb Illegal Migration
» Scottish PM Wants to Resettle 1 Million Palestinians to the EU
» Texas Lawmakers Advance New Bill That Would See Illegal Immigrants Sent Straight Back to Mexico or JAILED for Up to 20 Years if They Refuse to Comply
» The Most Important Poll Yet for Germany’s Anti-Immigration AfD Party?
Culture Wars
» “Children Are Not Social Experiments”: Oklahoma Ban on Sex Changes for Minors Upheld by Federal District Court
» Anheuser-Busch Resorts to ‘Bribing’ Distributors in Effort to Keep Bud Light on Shelves
» Gov Sanders Bans ‘Woke Nonsense’ and Gender Ideology From Official Arkansas Documents
» The Westminster Declaration: Artists, Journalists, and Intellectuals Demand the Censorship Industrial Complex is Dismantled
» UK: Sunak Pushing Ahead With Trans Conversion Therapy Ban

Poll Finds More Than Half of Canadians Would Miss Mortgage Payments Within Three Months

More than half of Canadian mortgage holders could not make it more than three months without their primary income without missing a payment, according to a poll conducted by Leger on behalf of

“For many Canadians, the dream of homeownership is being challenged by a worrying financial reality,” said writer Alan Harder in a Thursday blog post.

“New data reveals a landscape where both homeowners and renters are grappling with costs that exceed the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s (CMHC) recommended limit of spending no more than 30% of pre-tax income on housing.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

US Budget Deficit Balloons to $1.7 Trillion — Largest Outside COVID Era

The US government on Friday posted a $1.695 trillion budget deficit in fiscal 2023, a 23% jump from the prior year as revenues fell and outlays for Social Security, Medicare and record-high interest costs on the federal debt rose.

The Treasury Department said the deficit was the largest since a COVID-fueled $2.78 trillion gap in 2021. It marks a major return to ballooning deficits after back-to-back declines during President Biden’s first two years in office.

The deficit comes as Biden is asking Congress for $100 billion in new foreign aid and security spending, including $60 billion for Ukraine and $14 billion for Israel, along with funding for US border security and the Indo-Pacific region.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

“He Not a Terrorist”: FBI Arrests Man Living in Parents’ Basement for Train Derailment

Local media Fox 8 reports that a Cleveland man, who lives with his parents, was arrested last week on federal terrorism charges for sabotaging railroad tracks.

According to a complaint filed in federal court, FBI agents say 43-year-old Joseph Findley jammed metal objects into the tracks near Cleveland’s St. Clair-Superior neighborhood. Agents say Findley’s action led to a CSX derailment in August:

The federal investigation began in August, when CSX employees reported that their train struck objects that had been wedged into a switch on the tracks near East 55th Street and Dominion Energy. The obstruction caused some of the wheels on the train to derail, but eventually they fell back into place on the tracks. —Fox 8

After the derailment in August, FBI agents began their investigation:

When FBI agents began their investigation, surveillance cameras at Dominion Energy were not positioned to show the nearby railroad tracks. However, the company agreed to change the angle of the cameras, and that’s when they captured images of a bald man in shorts and a black shirt placing items on the tracks a total of five times between August and Oct. 1.

When shown photos of the suspect, an employee at a nearby business identified him as Joseph Findley. When federal authorities executed a search warrant at Findley’s home on Friday and placed him under arrest, they say he admitted that he had placed rail spikes on the tracks, but denied he intended to cause trains to derail. —Fox 8

Findley’s mother told the local media outlet that her son was “depressed because he lost his job, he lost his girlfriend, but he never did anything like that.”

She continued, “They’re nuts, he’s not a terrorist. I think they all exaggerated it because he never did anything bad.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

“The Whole George Floyd Story Was a Lie”: Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson just challenged one of the left’s most sacred of cows — George Floyd, an ex-con who died with an elephant-dose of fentanyl in his system and a history of health issues, while in custody of Minneapolis police on May 25, 2020.

According to Carlson, we need to revisit certain popular narratives, including the circumstances surrounding Floyd’s death — and in particular, inconsistencies between public perception — that Floyd died under the knee of former officer Derek Chauvin, who’s currently serving more than 40 years in state and federal sentences.

“Did, for example, a racist white cop actually murder a man called George Floyd, a civil rights leader in Minneapolis on Memorial Day of 2020? Now we’ve been told that that happened, told it relentlessly for more than three years,” Carlson says, adding “But the question is, did he [Derek Chauvin] actually murder George Floyd? And the answer is, well, no, he didn’t murder George Floyd, and we’re not guessing about that; we know it conclusively thanks to a new court case now underway in Hennepin County, Minnesota.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Alex Jones Must Pay $1.1 Billion of Sandy Hook Damages Despite Bankruptcy — Court

NEW YORK, Oct 19 (Reuters) — Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones cannot use his personal bankruptcy to escape paying at least $1.1 billion in defamation damages stemming from his repeated lies about the 2012 Sandy Hook elementary school massacre, a U.S. bankruptcy judge ruled Thursday.

Bankruptcy can be used to wipe out debts and legal judgments, but not if they result from “willful or malicious injury” caused by the debtor, according to a decision by U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Christopher Lopez in Houston, Texas.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Amazon Will Now Fire Workers Who Refuse to Return to the Office Three Days a Week

Amazon employees who still refuse to comply with the retail giant’s return-to-office policy may soon get the boot.

Business Insider reported the company circulated new guidance to managers this week informing them they can now fire workers who fail to report to the office at least three days a week and laid out the process for how such terminations should go.

According to BI, the internal document instructed managers that, to begin the process, they should have a private discussion with employees who are not meeting the three-day-a-week requirement and follow up with a second conversation if the individual still refuses to report.

Employees still not making it into the office enough after that could face a pink slip.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Apple Reportedly Cancels John Stewart Show Over His Content Critical of AI and China

Apple TV Plus’ esteemed talk show, “The Problem with Jon Stewart,” is reportedly drawing to a close, after a fallout between the tech giant Apple and Jon Stewart himself. Despite the show’s premiere being hailed as a major success for Apple TV Plus, the company and the renowned ex-Daily Show host have split due to “creative differences” ahead of the talk show’s highly anticipated third season.

The signs of a rift started to emerge as reports surfaced about Apple getting antsy over Stewart’s guest lineup on “The Problem with Jon Stewart.” However, the fulcrum of the controversy seems to revolve around Stewart’s plans to tackle issues such as artificial intelligence and China, which Apple reportedly flagged as contentious. The sudden faltering of the show, which was due to start shooting soon, caught the production team off guard.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Biden’s Brother Paid Him $200K While Seeking Mideast Investor for Hospital Firm

WASHINGTON — President Biden received a $200,000 check in 2018 from his younger brother James on the same day that he received the same amount from a US hospital chain by promising to secure a Mideast investor, bank records obtained by Congress show.

“This summer, Joe Biden said: ‘Where’s the money?’ Well, we found some,” House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) said in a video posted Friday afternoon to X.

Comer said that James Biden wrote the check to his powerful brother as a “loan repayment,” without providing further context.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Biden Appeared to Read Teleprompter Instruction to ‘Make it Clear’ During National Address

President Biden began his rare address to the nation from the Oval Office by staring aimlessly at the camera and stumbling over his words — and then seemingly reading his teleprompter instructions.

The 80-year-old commander-in-chief looked around, seemingly unaware that he was on live, before he started to speak as he squinted in the glare of the lights.

At one point, Biden appeared to read an autocue instruction to “make it clear” — similar to how last year he read out “repeat the line” in another speech.

“We’ll have something that we do not seek — make it clear we do not seek — we do not seek to have American troops fighting in Russia,” he said.

Biden later fumbled by stating that “you’ll all America” before correcting himself and saying, “You’re all American.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Black US Army Private Who Fled to North Korea Over ‘Racism’ Faces Child Porn, Desertion Charges

US Army defector Travis King has been charged by the military for multiple crimes including desertion and the solicitation of child pornography after running into North Korea in July.

According to court records obtained by Reuters, the case against the 23-year-old includes eight distinct charges under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Democrat Leader Jeffries: Jim Jordan is a ‘Clear and Present Danger to Our Democracy’

Democrat House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) has issued a scathing attack against Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) amid the Republican congressman’s bid for the speakership.

Speaking to reporters, Jeffries smeared Jordan as “a clear and present danger to our democracy.”

The top Democrat made the claims just hours before Congress voted for House speaker for the third time.

Jeffries made the claims over Jordan’s support for President Donald Trump’s concerns about the legitimacy of the 2020 election.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

DOJ Says Trump Has No ‘Absolute Immunity’ in Jan. 6 Case

Authored by Catherine Yang via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours)

Special counsel Jack Smith’s office opposed former President Donald Trump’s motion to dismiss the Jan. 6-related case against him, filing the motion late Thursday.

Mr. Smith had been appointed special counsel last November to investigate the events of the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol breach and related crimes, and has already brought cases against more than 1,100 citizens. President Trump has been charged with four felony counts for allegedly interfering with the 2020 elections through his actions to challenge the results.

On Oct. 5, President Trump’s legal team argued he had the absolute immunity conferred to U.S. presidents. U.S. Supreme Court cases have ruled that this immunity covers acts in the “outer perimeter” of official duties.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Far-Left Pressure in George Floyd Case May Have Influenced Trial Despite Lack of Strangulation Evidence: Court Documents

The case surrounding George Floyd has taken another shocking turn as sworn testimony reveals that not only was there immense pressure on prosecutors to charge during the George Floyd case, but that the county’s medical examiner also stated that there “were no medical indications of asphyxia or strangulation,” in relation to Floyd.

This summer, hundreds of pages of sworn testimony from Hennepin County attorneys and county employees involved in the case of George Floyd revealed the “extreme pressure” prosecutors faced in Hennepin County to charge Derek Chauvin and three other former Minneapolis police officers for the death of George Floyd.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Jim Jordan Out of House Speaker Race After Losing More Support on Third Ballot

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) bowed out of the running to become House speaker Friday after failing on a third ballot, clearing the way for new candidates to take their shot at the gavel next week.

The House Judiciary Committee chairman and founding member of the Freedom Caucus struggled to win over moderates in his last bid for the speakership, winning just 194 votes from his colleagues on the House floor before suspending his run hours later.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Judge Shot Dead in His Driveway Had Denied Child Visitation to Suspected Murderer, Who Remains on the Loose

The Maryland judge who was executed in cold blood in the driveway of his home was “targeted” by a suspect just hours after giving custody of the man’s children to his ex-wife in a divorce case, officials said Friday.

Pedro Argote, 49, is being actively sought by local, county and state law enforcement in connection with the homicide investigation into the killing of Judge Andrew Wilkinson, 52, Washington County Sheriff Brian Albert said at a press conference Friday.

The judge’s wife and son were also home at the time of the deadly shooting in Hagerstown, Albert said.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Lawmakers Demand That Amazon Censor Alexa After WaPo Complains That Its Responses Referenced Rumble, Substack

Lawmakers are demanding that Amazon take “proactive measures” to ensure that its voice assistant, Alexa, doesn’t provide “false claims about the outcome of the 2020 elections” after a Washington Post article complained that Alexa was citing responses from Rumble and Substack.

The Washington Post’s original October 7 article took issue with Amazon using what it deemed to be “unvetted sources” and the potential for voice assistants to spread “misinformation.” It included examples of Alexa responses that alleged election fraud and referenced Rumble and Substack.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Maryland Judge Andrew Wilkinson Shot Dead at His Home in Hagerstown Attack as Troopers ‘Rush to Protect Others’

A JUDGE has been shot and killed in the driveway of his home in Maryland.

Andrew Wilkinson was found fatally wounded in Hagerstown on Thursday night, which led cops to rush to protect other judges who serve the area.

Wilkinson, a Washington County Circuit Court judge, was raced from his home to a hospital, where he died from his injuries, police said.

The Washington County Sheriff’s Office is investigating his death as a homicide but has not yet named a suspect.

           — Hat tip: Vlad Tepes [Return to headlines]

Maryland Judge Killed in ‘Targeted’ Shooting

Police are searching for Pedro Argote, 49, a suspect in the fatal shooting of Circuit Court Judge Andrew Wilkinson. Wilkinson was overseeing Argote’s divorce case.

           — Hat tip: LP [Return to headlines]

Nearly 70% of American Soldiers Are Obese or Overweight — Compromising National Security: Study

Nearly seven out of 10 US service members are considered either overweight or obese — which may compromise the nation’s military readiness and undermine national security, according to a new wide-ranging study.

The American Security Project, a Washington-based nonprofit, found that 68% of US troops qualified as either “overweight” or “obese” under the Body Mass Index, which takes into account a person’s age, height and weight.

It also determined that the number of troops in the “obese” category have more than doubled over the course of the past decade — from 10.4% in 2012, to 21.6% last year.

The trend poses a “dire threat,” according to the report released last week.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

New York Judge Fines Trump $5K for Violating Partial Gag Order in Civil Fraud Trial

A New York judge fined former President Trump $5,000 for violating the partial gag order he imposed in the civil trial stemming from New York Attorney General Letitia James’ investigation into the Trump family’s businesses, while warning the 2024 frontrunner that future violations could result in imprisonment.

Judge Arthur Engoron, earlier this month, imposed a partial gag order to prevent all parties from engaging in any verbal attacks against court staff after Trump criticized a member of the judge’s office on social media.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Pro-Hamas Demonstrations Organized Using Progressive Not-for-Profit Action Network

Pro-Hamas activists with the Democratic Socialists of America are using Action Network to organize their pro-terrorist, anti-Israel rallies in New York. Action Network is also used by the AFL-CIO, the Daily Kos, Black Lives Matter, the Women’s March, and the Democratic National Committee, among others. It has a hand in getting Democrats elected across the US.

The Action Network makes the claim that they “have helped the Women’s March mobilize huge rallies across the globe, helped the DNC raised millions for candidates and organizations, and much more.” The organization is “a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, trains and educates progressives on how to use technology to organize for change.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Pro-Palestinian Protesters Launch Sit-in at Democrat Rep. Jan Schakowsky’s Chicago Area Office

Pro-Palestinian protesters staged a sit-in at Illinois Democrat Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky’s office in the northern Chicago suburb of Skokie on Thursday.

The protesters demanded that Schakowsky sign a petition sponsored by far-left “Squad” member Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) calling for an end to Israel’s actions against Hamas, according to ABC 7 News.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

San Francisco City Employees Issued Bulletproof Vests to Walk the Streets

San Francisco city employees tasked with enforcing the city’s street vending rules have received so many death threats, they have been issued bulletproof vests.

Public Works inspectors, who check food carts and whether street vendors have proper permits, have been subjected to an increased number of threats and assaults, prompting the safety measure, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

Public Works spokesperson Rachel Gordon told the publication her staffers have been “pushed, bumped, [had] items thrown at them.

“The verbal attacks remain frequent,” Gordon said. She added some of the inspectors have been punched in the stomach and their lives threatened.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Supreme Court Will Hear Case Against Biden-Big Tech Censorship Scheme

The Supreme Court said Friday it would hear arguments in a bombshell case in which lower courts have ruled that the Biden administration likely violated the First Amendment by leaning on social media companies to yank content the White House deemed false or misleading.

In July, US District Judge Terry Doughty, an appointee of former President Donald Trump, barred numerous executive branch officials from contacting social media companies due to collusion and censorship concerns.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Supreme Court Keeps Missouri Law on Hold That Targets Federal Gun Restrictions

The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday declined to reinstate a Missouri law that bars authorities from enforcing federal gun laws.

The justices rejected a request by Missouri to overturn a ruling by a federal judge that invalidated the 2021 law, known as the Second Amendment Preservation Act, Reuters reported.

The Biden administration sued Missouri in 2022 to block the law. It had urged the Supreme Court not to revive the measure, arguing that it violated a constitutional provision called the “supremacy clause” that makes federal law supersede conflicting state laws, the news outlet said.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Ted Lieu Accuses NY Times of ‘Intentionally’ Writing False Headline for Gaza Hospital Report to Draw Clicks

Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Calif., accused The New York Times of doing something far “worse” than making a mistake, after the outlet quoted Palestinian claims blaming Israel for the explosion that rocked the al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza City earlier this week.

President Biden said that U.S. intelligence confirmed Israel was not to blame for the attack and backed up Israel’s military investigation, which found the strike was caused by Palestinian terrorist group Islamic Jihad.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

The COVID Gravy Train is Over: Pfizer & Moderna Shares Down 35% & 49% This Year

It took what felt like forever, but at least some reality is making its way back into healthcare. We guess this means no more dancing nurse Tik Tok videos, though. And now that we’ve seen the “pump” on the healthcare industry from Covid-19, it’s time for the “dump”.

That was the topic of a new report from Bloomberg which reported that vaccine makers, pharmacy chains, makers of at-home rapid tests — and generally anyone who was cashing checks off the back of the Covid-19 hysteria — is now seeing business suffer, or going belly up.

The report notes that the biggest “loser” from the nation’s return to common sense is Pfizer, who was a major beneficiary of the pandemic surge. The company just dramatically reduced its annual sales outlook by $9 billion on Monday. This comes amid waning demand for its Covid vaccines and Paxlovid therapy.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Thieves Dramatically Smash Truck Through Front of Florida Jewelry Store — Only to Leave Empty-Handed: Video

Dramatic security footage shows the moment three masked thieves smash a truck through the front of a Florida jewelry store — and then leave empty-handed.

A loud bang and the sound of shattering glass can be heard the minute the flatbed truck backs through the front entrance of International Jewelers Exchange in Aventura, destroying the doors and display cases, video obtained by WPLG shows.

Three men get out of the car and can be heard yelling to each other in Spanish as they climb over the debris, according to the video. They don’t appear to go after the jewelry but enter another room off to the side of the store.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Top Doctors Raise Alarm Over ‘Permanent’ Vax-Induced ‘Heart Damage’

Two prominent American doctors have spoken out to warn the public after a recent study found that young people have “permanent heart damage” after receiving Covid mRNA shots.

The disturbing study was published in the renowned peer-reviewed scientific journal Circulation.

Researchers found that 50 percent of young men who developed Covid vaccine-induced myocarditis were left with permanent heart damage.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Trump Announces South Florida Rally to Counter Third Republican Debate

Former President Donald Trump will host a campaign rally at the same time as next month’s third Republican primary debate, his campaign announced Friday, reaffirming the 2024 GOP frontrunner’s absence from the RNC-sponsored event.

The 7 p.m. Trump rally in Hialeah will take place approximately 10 miles northwest of the Arsht Center for the Performing Arts in downtown Miami, where his rivals will square off in the 8 p.m. debate co-hosted by NBC News.

Trump has said he will be boycotting the RNC’s debates, citing his wide polling lead, and will do so “until he changes his mind,” campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung previously told The Post.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Video Shows Homeowner Open Fire on Violent Armed Burglars During Home Invasion

A security video has been released by police that shows a Washington state homeowner opening fire on a gang of aggressive armed burglars.

The footage shows a pack of armed thieves scrambling for their lives when a resident opens fire.

The armed homeowner was forced to exercise their Second Amendment right to defend themselves when the violent crooks attempted to break into their home this week, authorities say.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Video: Hawley Exposes Biden Energy Official as Swamp Grifter

During a Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing Thursday, GOP Senator Josh Hawley rendered a Biden Energy Department official speechless as he exposed how he and his ilk attend so called ‘pay to play’ speaking events.

Hawley questioned Jigar Shah, the Director of Loan Programs, regarding paid events DOE officials attend and often speak at, and the conflict of interest this creates.

Shah talked himself into a corner and then went silent:

“You’re the Director of the loan programs for the federal government Department of Energy. People who want to get loans from the government are paying to see you and you think that that’s fine?” an exasperated Hawley noted, before adding “that’s not a rhetorical question.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Video: Amazon Tests Six Foot Tall Warehouse Robots

They won’t strike, ask for more pay or annoy higher ups with requests for ‘rights’. They’re spindly legged six foot tall warehouse robots being tested by Amazon.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Woke Los Angeles DA George Gascon ‘Packing’ His Office With Former Public Defenders: Sources

Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón has hired a crack team of ex-defense attorneys for his prosecutor’s office and some are getting serious criminals out of jail early, sources tell The Post.

Insiders at the DA’s office say the Resentencing Unit — formed in 2021 — is now packed with staff who used to be on the opposite side of the court, which they say creates a host of problems.

They also charge the unit has been taking capital and life-without-parole cases and resentencing the defendants without informing victims or their families.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Justin Trudeau Hesitates to Condemn Hamas for Gaza Hospital Blast Propaganda After Blaming Israel

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Thursday questioned American and Israeli military officials’ verdict that the explosion near the Ahli Arab Hospital on Tuesday night was caused by a Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) rocket rather than an Israeli air strike, as the Hamas terrorist organization claimed.

Trudeau said Canadian intelligence has not reached its own conclusions yet.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

‘Missing Texts’: Two Police Witnesses Appear on Stand in Lich, Barber Trial With Wiped Phone Records

The trial of Tamara Lich and Chris Barber has completed its 20th day in court, and Judge Heather Perkins-McVey is still having trouble getting a complete story from two Crown police witnesses.

Ottawa Police Services (OPS) Police Liaison Team (PLT) Const. Isabelle Cyr and OPS PLT Const. Nicole Bach told the judge Wednesday and Thursday respectively they have “missing texts” from their police-issued work phones due to so-called routine “upgrade.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Trudeau Liberals Backtrack Over Policy Banning Prayer at Remembrance Day Ceremonies Following Pressure From Conservative MP

The Trudeau Liberals have backtracked on a policy that would have barred military chaplains from leading prayer during Remembrance Day ceremonies, as well as other official public functions.

Minister of National Defense Bill Blair confirmed that prayer was still allowed after Conservative Member of Parliament Blake Richards grilled the government over the plan.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

1 in 4 ISIS Brides Returned to Sweden Now Work in Swedish Schools, Shocking Report Reveals

More than a quarter of all ISIS brides returned to Sweden from the Al-Hol camp in Syria are now working with young children in the Swedish education sector, an investigation by the Expressen newspaper has revealed.

Of the 81 women confirmed to have fled Sweden to join the Islamic State at the peak of its power and subsequently repatriated, 21 were found to now be employed in Swedish schools, kindergartens, and asylum centers for kids.

The bombshell report evoked a strong reaction from government ministers who questioned how radicalized individuals who were willing to join a terrorist organization had been permitted to work with young people upon their return to the country.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Brits Turn to Private Detectives to Do What Police Don’t

Most Britons will have seen a life-size cutout of a police officer ‘standing’ in a shop window (as pictured above). Far fewer, especially those below the age of 30, are likely to have seen the real thing.

Despite evidence that it works, proper preventative police foot patrols have effectively been put to bed.

The effects of this on businesses, for example, are clear; criminals now feel as though they have a “licence to shoplift.” So rather than wait for police to respond to crime once it has already been committed, those who can afford it are turning to private forces.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

EU Divisions Over Israel Derail Steel Talks With U.S.

EU-U.S. tariff talks failed to reach a consensus in Washington on Thursday, October 19th. Brussels is having a hard time rallying behind a unified position on the Israel-Hamas war as the top officials are divided on the issue of who should represent the European Union’s foreign policy.

Three EU leaders—Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, Council President Charles Michel, and Foreign Policy High Representative Josep Borrell—traveled to Washington to meet U.S. President Joe Biden in the White House in an effort to hammer out a deal over the soon-to-be expired steel and aluminum tariff “truce,” put in place two years ago during the last EU-U.S. Summit in June 2021.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

French Police Arrest Man in Relation to Brussels Terrorist Attack

Police in the French city of Nantes have arrested a man in relation to the Brussels terrorist attack earlier this week which saw two Swedes shot and killed by Tunisian illegal immigrant and radical Islamist Abdesalem Lassoued, who was shot dead hours later by Brussels police.

The arrest of the man, who has yet to be identified by police, occurred on Thursday after investigators found that Lassoued had sent him messages and a video online shortly before he had killed his two Swedish victims, broadcaster BFMTV reports.

French newspaper Le Parisien, meanwhile, has claimed that the video sent by Lassoued was also sent to three other individuals, while newspaper Ouest France has stated the suspect is also a Tunisian national.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Germany Sends €50 Million in Aid to Gaza as Death Toll From Israeli Bombing Campaign Soars

Germany will provide €50 million in immediate humanitarian aid to Gaza Strip residents, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said in Amman on Thursday during an official visit to Jordan. She made the announcement as the Palestinian death tolls rapidly rises and whole swathes of Gaza are turned to rubble amid an ongoing Israeli bombardment.

Speaking at a joint press conference with his Jordanian counterpart Ayman Safadi, the German politician said that they intend to provide assistance to those in need through international organizations such as the World Food Program (WFP) and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Greta Thunberg Deletes Pro-Palestinian Post Featuring Antisemitic Trope, Claims She ‘Was Completely Unaware’

Greta Thunberg was accused by Israeli officials of being a “terror supporter” Friday after posting pro-Palestinian messages — initially featuring a toy octopus, a known antisemitic trope.

The 20-year-old eco-warrior posted a photo of her holding a “Stand with Gaza” sign alongside three friends — one holding a “Free Palestine” sign — while calling a strike “in solidarity with Palestine and Gaza.”

With them was a toy octopus — a symbol often used in anti-Jewish propaganda since being used in a Nazi-era cartoon.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Greta Cancelled?

Greta Thunberg declared her support for Palestine, but was immediately forced on the defensive over a cuddly toy octopus.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Julian Assange to be Made Honorary Citizen of Rome

ROME, Oct 19 (Reuters) — Jailed WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will become an honorary citizen of Rome by early next year following a vote this week by its local assembly, the city’s former mayor Virginia Raggi said on Thursday.

Assange, 52, has been in London’s high-security Belmarsh prison since 2019 and is wanted in the United States over the release of confidential U.S. military records and diplomatic cables in 2010.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Poland’s Election Result Weakens Conservatives Throughout Europe, Says Senior Polish MEP

Prof. Ryszard Legutko, a Conservative Law and Justice (PiS) MEP, told public television TVP that the Polish election was watched keenly by both sides of the divide over the future of the EU. This is because “the struggle for power in the EU is taking place at a number of levels.”

He says that the EU is preparing to absorb many powers of its member states and that this centralization makes him fear for the future of the concept of a Europe of nation-states.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Rights Groups Push Back Against EU Censorship Chief Thierry Breton After He Pressured Platforms to Censor “Disinformation”

European (EU) Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton is asked to answer some tough questions after his (latest) escapade, now seen as a new attempt to pressure tech platforms to censor content — while he was explaining that as, combating “disinformation.”

Both politicians, and tech platforms, have been hearing this for a long time, many years now, from people opposed to the obvious censorship: don’t let it “find a home” in the heart of your governments and media, or political discourse — because once it does, it may never leave.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Spanish Minister: Israel Guilty of ‘Genocide’

Israeli-Spanish relations are going through a rough patch after some ministers on the Spanish Left criticized the Middle Eastern nation’s actions in the Gaza Strip, with one terming it “genocide,” while calling for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to stand trial before the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

In a video statement posted on X (formerly Twitter) last Monday, Ione Belarra, minister of social rights and secretary general of the far-left Podemos party, spoke of Israel’s “violations of international criminal law” and that such war crimes “cannot go unpunished.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

‘They Could Have Raped Me’ — Italian Woman’s Story Goes Viral After She Says 2 Arab-Speaking Men Chased and Threatened Her in Milan

Margherita De Pompeis, a 21-year-old influencer on TikTok from Italy, told the story of how she prevented the attack of two foreign men in the city of Milan. In the video, which has nearly 7 million views, she describes how she was chased through the streets of Milan

“I have to make this video because the situation is getting out of hand here,” says the visibly upset De Pompeis.

“I was crossing Viale Bianca Maria, behind San Babila, to go to a friend of mine’s house. I was at the traffic light when I saw two non-EU boys dressed very badly, you could see that they weren’t good people, who started pointing at me and pointing at me,” she said.

The story has been widely covered in the Italian media, including in Il Messaggero and Corriere.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

UK: BBC News Admits Mistake in Coverage of Gaza Hospital Blast; Still Refuses to Call Hamas Terrorists

BBC News made a “mistake” while covering the immediate aftermath of an explosion outside a hospital in Gaza City, a senior member of staff at the national broadcaster admitted Thursday.

The Hamas terror organization blamed an Israeli air strike for the deadly attack on Tuesday, while the Israeli military said al Ahli hospital was instead hit by a fallen rocket misfired by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

UK: Farage Takeover? Brexit Boss ‘Jokes’ He Expects to Become Conservative Party Leader

Brexit boss Nigel Farage suggested this week supposedly “in jest” a potential takeover of the fledgeling Conservative Party by 2026 amid a failure of Rishi Sunak’s government to deliver on key promises to the public such as reducing migration and keeping taxes low.

Speaking to the Politics Home website this week, former UKIP leader Nigel Farage said that he would be “very surprised” if was not installed as the leader of the Conservative Party by 2026.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

UK: Sunak’s Conservatives Lose Two Safe Seats in Disastrous by-Elections as Split in Right-Wing Vote Proves Fatal

The governing Conservative party’s death-by-a-thousand-cuts demise continued on Thursday as it lost seemingly safe parliamentary seats to the Labour Party in the Tamworth and Mid Bedfordshire by-elections.

Sir Keir Starmer’s opposition overturned huge Tory majorities of 24,664 in Mid Bedfordshire and 19,634 in Tamworth to inflict further damage on Rishi Sunak’s administration flagging in the polls.

It is the first time that Mid Bedfordshire has turned red since its creation in 1918, not even succumbing to the Labour Party during Tony Blair’s landslide victory in 1997, and the party’s first victory in Tamworth since that election.

In both by-elections, the Conservatives were frustrated by a split of right-leaning voters, enough of whom supported Nigel Farage’s old outfit, Reform U.K., to thwart the governing party’s candidate and ensure Labour won the seats by slim majorities.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

UK: Tyres Deflated on More Than 100 SUVs and 4x4s in Bristol Overnight

A group of young people calling themselves ‘Reclaim Our Communities’ have claimed responsibility for letting down the tyres on more than 100 SUV vehicles parked in the Clifton area of Bristol last night.

It’s the latest attack on large 4x4s and Sports Utility Vehicles in the area, but the first to be claimed by the new group — previous incidents have been claimed by an international group called Tyre Extinguishers.

In a statement, ‘Reclaim Our Communities (ROC)’, said they are ‘are a group of young people angered and fearful of the world we are inheriting’, and issued a series of demands on the Government over climate change and transport policies.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

UK: Watch: London’s Met Police Threaten to Arrest Activists for Displaying Children Kidnapped by Hamas

London’s Metropolitan Police has come under heavy criticism for reportedly threatening to arrest activists from the Campaign Against Antisemitism if they refused to turn off electronic billboards featuring images of children believed to have been taken hostage by Hamas terrorists in Israel.

This week, the Campaign Against Antisemitism group has been driving a convoy of vans with electronic billboards displaying kidnapped children throughout London in order to raise awareness about the barbaric acts of the Palestinian Hamas terror organisation during the October 7th terror attacks in Israel.

[Comment: Wow, the Conservative government in the UK really has lost the plot.]

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

‘We Will Find Everyone!’ — French Government Warns Pranksters Responsible for Influx of Bomb Threats Causing Chaos at Schools and Airports

French schools have fallen victim to 299 bomb threats and forced evacuations so far this year, including a record 75 made on Thursday alone, with the government promising to impose heavy punishments on those causing the disruption.

Minister of Education Gabriel Attal told the France 2 broadcaster on Thursday that authorities were dealing with an unprecedented number of bomb threats, which are placing undue stress on educational facilities and putting further pressure on already saturated emergency services.

By Oct. 16 this year, 168 alerts had been recorded since the start of the year, meaning almost half of all bomb threats have been made this week alone.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Why Did Poland’s Conservatives Lose Power? New Data May Reveal the Answer

There has been much talk of how the Law and Justice (PiS) party campaign over-concentrated on attacking Donald Tusk, but even if that was the case, the PiS still earned 7.6 million votes and came out on top after eight years in power.

Power seems likely to have been lost and there were mistakes in the campaign, but they do not account for the huge turnout that Poland witnessed last Sunday. The OGB research indicates that even a more nuanced and positive campaign would not have made that much difference to the final result.

It shows that voters, when asked for reasons why they voted in the way they did, chose the issue of abortion, the state of the economy, and national security over issues such as migration or the role of the church.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Historic Synagogue Burned to the Ground in Tunisia

A historic but defunct synagogue in Tunisia was burned to the ground by rioters who blamed Israel for an attack on a hospital in Gaza, reports the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA). The incident happened on Tuesday night, October 17th, after a rocket hit the Al-Ahli hospital. Although Israeli Defence Forces produced evidence that the explosion was caused by a Palestinian jihadist group’s misfired rocket, hundreds of people set fire to a synagogue in the central Tunisian city of Al Hammah in the hours after the explosion.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Day of Rage: Anti-Israel Protests Spread Around the World With Hamas Supporters Calling for Suicide Bombers to Hit Tel Aviv and US and UK Flags Burned as Global Fury Over Gaza Erupts Once More

Protesters chanted slogans urging Hamas terrorists to hit Israel with rockets and send suicide bombers to Tel Aviv as fierce protests erupted across the world again today.

           — Hat tip: SS [Return to headlines]

French Intelligence Points to Palestinian Rocket, Not Israeli Airstrike, for Gaza Hospital Blast

PARIS — An assessment by French military intelligence indicates the most likely cause of the deadly explosion at Gaza City’s al-Ahli hospital was a Palestinian rocket that carried an explosive charge of about 5 kilograms (11 pounds) and possibly misfired, a senior French military official said Friday.

Several rockets in the arsenal of the Palestinian militant group Hamas carry explosive charges of about that weight, including an Iranian-made rocket and another that is Palestinian-made, the intelligence official said.

None of their intelligence pointed to an Israeli strike, the official said.

           — Hat tip: Dean [Return to headlines]

Israel’s Work Permits for Gaza Enabled the Hamas Attack

by Daniel Greenfield

Among the litter of guns, korans, and maps discarded by the Hamas terrorists whose bodies lie alongside bullet-riddled vehicles and dusty roads are green Gaza IDs with work permits. Normally residents of the Hamas territory can’t enter Israel, but work permits allowed over 20,000 Gazans to enter Israel. When some returned, it was as Hamas rapists and killers.

The Hamas invasion succeeded so well because the terrorists had an intimate knowledge of the communities they were targeting because they had worked there or had intelligence from those who had worked there. The attackers had detailed maps and building layouts. One woman whose husband and son were murdered said that the Hamas terrorists knew the names of the people, how many children they had and even which of them owned dogs.

Last year, Secretary of State Blinken addressed a J Street even and told the anti-Israel lobby that the Biden administration had pushed Israel to “improve the lives of Palestinians” by, among other things, “issuing thousands of work permits for Palestinians in Gaza”.

The number of exits from Gaza into Israel rose sharply under the Biden administration and the left-wing Bennett-Lapid government which handed out an unprecedented number of work permits.

In 2021, there had been a total of only 7,500 exits a month from Gaza, but by July 2022, there had been 35,370 exits.

The massive increase was due to the work permits that the Biden administration had sought and that Bennett, Lapid and Gantz had willingly provided…

           — Hat tip: Daniel Greenfield [Return to headlines]

Israel-Gaza War: Hamas Says Two US Hostages Released

Hamas said on Friday it had released two US hostages — a mother and daughter — for what it called “humanitarian reasons” following Qatari mediation efforts.

Hamas armed wing spokesman Abu Ubaida issued a statement announcing the release, the first since gunmen from the Islamist militant group burst into Israel on October 7, killing 1,400 people, mainly civilians, and taking around 200 hostages.

Abu Ubaida said they released the citizens “for humanitarian reasons, and to prove to the American people and the world that the claims made by [President Joe] Biden and his fascist administration are false and baseless”.

           — Hat tip: JW [Return to headlines]

Israel Amassing Fleets of Tanks on Northern Border of Gaza — Ground Invasion Appears Imminent

Numerous reports from both mainstream and independent sources confirm that Israel has positioned multiple fleets of tanks and other weaponry on the northern border of Gaza in the past 24 hours in what appears to be preparation for an imminent ground offensive. The tanks are reportedly outfitted with modifications to help counter low-cost but effective rocket and drone attacks.

The delay of what many thought would be a swift ground invasion by Israel in response to the terror attacks on civilian settlements in the south may have been due to Joe Biden’s recent visit with Benjamin Netanyahu, in which Biden admitted in passing that “Americans are worried.” Though, in his mumbling he did not accurately convey why.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Israel Recalls All Diplomats From NATO Country — Report

by RT

Israel has withdrawn its diplomats from Türkiye amid fears of violent reprisals related to the ongoing fighting in Gaza, multiple media outlets have reported. The move follows a series of heated pro-Palestine rallies in Türkiye this week, some of which ended in clashes.

The decision was made as a safety precaution due to soaring tensions in the Middle East, an unnamed Israeli official told AFP on Thursday. Two Turkish officials also noted the pull-out in comments to the Times of Israel, stressing that the withdrawal was “not political” and done solely out of security concerns.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Israeli President Calls for BBC to Issue ‘Correction’ Over Its ‘Atrocious’ Reporting of Middle East Conflict

Israeli President Isaac Herzog has described the BBC’s coverage of the Middle East conflict as “atrocious” and urged Britain’s public broadcaster to issue a correction for its initial reporting of this week’s explosion at a Gaza hospital.

In an interview with the Daily Mail newspaper on Tuesday, the Israeli head of state slammed the broadcaster’s refusal to refer to Hamas as a terrorist organization and claimed that attacks against Israel were treated differently by the BBC than other terror attacks reported on across the world.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Israel Mocks Greta Thunberg Over ‘Solidarity’ With Gaza: Hamas Doesn’t Use ‘Sustainable Materials’ for Rockets

An official social media account for the nation of Israel slammed Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg for launching a strike “in solidarity with Palestine and Gaza” after Hamas terrorists slaughtered at least 1,400 people inside the Jewish state and wounded 3,800 more.

“.@GretaThunberg, Hamas doesn’t use sustainable materials for their rockets which have BUTCHERED innocent Israelis,’ the Israeli account wrote, sharing three photos of victims killed in Hamas’s attack. “The victims of the Hamas massacre could have been your friends.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Russia Will “Pay the Price” for Supporting Gaza: Israeli Official

The Cradle

During a live interview on Russia’s state-run broadcaster RT, Israeli lawmaker Amir Weitmann threatened to make Moscow “pay the price” for allegedly supporting the Palestinian resistance in Gaza.

“We’re going to finish this war. We’re going to win because we’re stronger. After this, Russia will pay the price. Believe me, Russia will pay the price,” Weitmann, the head of the libertarian caucus in Israel’s ruling Likud Party, told the RT news anchor.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Cricket World Cup Outrage: Aussie Star Adam Zampa and Coach Andrew McDonald Slammed for Not Singing Advance Australia Fair

The talented spinner was the odd man out standing alongside his Aussie teammates ahead of their must-win clash against Pakistan on Friday.

           — Hat tip: SS [Return to headlines]

Fitness Influencer Raechelle Chase Dies Suddenly at 44

Popular New Zealand fitness influencer Raechelle Chase died suddenly from unreported causes at only 44 years of age.

News of the death was released by her oldest daughter, Anna Chase, who said her mother died earlier this month, according to

The Chase family has not released a cause of death.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

MP Keith Wolahan’s Dark Warning of the Consequences of a Cashless Society as Hundreds of Bank Branches Close Across Australia: ‘They Could Switch Off Your Banking Just Like That’

Liberal MP Keith Wolahan has warned of a cashless society where the banks could ‘switch off your banking like that’. Less than one in six in-person transactions are now done in cash.

           — Hat tip: SS [Return to headlines]

Raechelle Chase: Influencer Mum Whose Fitness Tips Inspired 1.4 Million People Suddenly Dies, Leaving Behind Five Children

A New Zealand influencer and mother of five — who was famous for sharing inspirational fitness posts — has died.

           — Hat tip: SS [Return to headlines]

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Suggests Americans Must be Ready to Import Palestinians

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), a leading voice of the Democrat Party’s far-left wing, is suggesting Americans must be ready to bring Palestinians to their communities.

During an interview on CNN, Ocasio-Cortez was asked whether Arab countries in the Middle East ought to open their borders to Palestinians rather than the United States.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

EU: Only 1 in 6 Migrants With Deportation Orders is Deported

More than five out of six migrants with deportation orders—like the Brussels terrorist—are still in Europe illegally.

Only 65,000 out of 400,000 deportation orders have been carried out this year, the EU’s Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson admitted at a press conference Wednesday evening, October 19th. The Commission’s proposed “Returns Directive” would speed up the process, but the European Parliament is still blocking it.

According to these figures, the EU’s effective deportation rate in 2023 is 16.25%, which means a majority of economic migrants with rejected asylum claims do not leave the bloc.These numbers also reveal that the EU’s track record is gradually worsening over time, despite the European Commission vowing to ramp up deportations earlier this year. The same figure stood at 21% last year, and Johansson already warned that this failure “hampers our system and erodes trust.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Exclusive: Border Patrol Dumps Buses Full of Migrants at Overwhelmed San Diego Center as California City Continues to Struggle With 1,200 Arrivals Every DAY

US Border patrol agents continue to dump migrants — including many who entered the country illegally — at a transit center in San Diego, overwhelming the city that already experiences 1,200 arrivals each day.

New photos show the shocking moment buses of migrants from central America, the Middle East and Africa arrive at the center.

There, they are met with social workers who help them book flights and bus tickets to other parts of the nation. San Diego shelters have struggled with the influx of migrants under Joe Biden’s lax border policies.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

France Seeks ‘Systematic Expulsion of Dangerous Foreigners’

At a time when France has once again been hit by Islamist terrorism, the National Assembly is—once again—considering the reform of French immigration policy which has been postponed several times. The government intends to use the opportunity to harden its stance.

A bill to overhaul France’s immigration policy has been on the agenda of MPs for several months. The murder of Professor Dominique Bernard in Arras on Friday, October 13th, highlighted a series of failings on the part of the French administration in the treatment of the murderer, Chechen refugee Mohammed Mogushkov, who should have been deported a long time ago. The new law, says Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin, is designed to prevent such situations from recurring: “We must continue to work harder, more firmly.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

In 2023 2 Jihadists Arrived in Italy by Sea, Repatriated

(ANSA) — ROME, OCT 20 — Two suspected jihad fighters arrived in Italy by sea earlier this year and were immediately arrested and deported, Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi said Friday.

“The fight against irregular immigration is one thing and the fight against terrorism is another: arriving by sea allows us to intercept more effectively, as has been the case, all the characters who show up on that route,” he told Rai radio.

“This year, in at least two cases, we have intercepted characters who were not trustworthy, for whom we found traces of contiguity with Islamic radicalisation organisations in the countries of origin: they were arrested and repatriated.

“We do this because we are organised in the hotspots of first entry through a cross-referencing of databases”.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Majority of Germans Believe Muslim Migration a ‘Security Risk’

Almost three-quarters of Germans consider immigration from Islamic countries to be a high security risk, according to an Insa poll commissioned by Bild newspaper.

The poll found that 71.1 percent of respondents believe immigrants from countries with a strong Islamic influence pose a “security risk for Germany.” On the contrary, only 9.1 percent answered in the negative. Another 19.8 percent gave no answer.

The poll also shows that 57.7 percent of Germans say they are convinced there are “many” Muslims in Germany who support terror against Israel, while 18.1 percent reject this assertion. Another 24.2 percent did not provide an answer.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Murder in France: Illegal African Teen Accused of Slashing Throat of 68-Year-Old Woman in Lille

A 17-year-old Ivorian national living illegally in France has been arrested for the murder of a 68-year-old mother-of-four who was found in her Lille home with her throat slit and her lower body exposed.

The unaccompanied minor, named as Mohamed B., was arrested and taken into police custody on Wednesday evening after being apprehended by a police patrol vehicle as he looked for a hostel to spend the night.

According to French broadcaster BFM TV, the teenager was born in 2006 in the Ivory Coast and is in France illegally. It is understood he remains in police custody and is being questioned.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

New Immigration Disaster? 3 ‘Conservatives’ Pushing the US and Europe to Accept Palestinian Refugees

There is no lack of progressive groups and politicians calling for the West to take in millions of displaced Gaza refugees. Scotland’s unelected leader Humza Yousaf, for example, is calling for his country to open its doors to Gaza’s population, while the New York Post reports that progressives want to take in 1 million to the U.S.

This is to be expected, but the right should also beware of those from its own ranks pushing for more or less the same agenda. This list is hardly exhaustive, but here are three that are highly influential, including among the populist, nationalist right.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Polish Border Guard Patrol Attacked by Migrants at Belarus Border

A patrol of the Polish Border Guard on the border with Belarus was attacked on Thursday, the agency has revealed.

Migrants reportedly threw rocks and branches at the officers. While no border guards were injured, the vehicle they were traveling in was damaged.

Due to escalating attacks, measures have been taken to enhance the security of patrols and service vehicles. The Border Guard informed that, in response to the numerous attacks on Polish border protection services, several patrol vehicles are being armored and secured with specialized foil.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Schengen Countries Up Controls to Curb Illegal Migration

(ANSA) — ROME, OCT 20 — A number of countries including Austria, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia have announced new controls along their borders. They are trying to prevent people smugglers from using routes through the Balkans to bring migrants to Central and Western Europe.

This puts pressure on the Schengen area of free movement and visa-free arrangements with third countries.

Border controls are being introduced due to challenging security conditions and the increased threat of terrorism in Europe following the recent outbreak of violence in the Middle East as well as terrorist attacks in France and Belgium. In some countries, the situation is fuelling support for right-wing political parties.

The countries tightening controls are all members of the European Union and of Europe’s Schengen open-borders zone.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Scottish PM Wants to Resettle 1 Million Palestinians to the EU

Scotland’s First Minister Humza Yousaf has insisted his country is ready to receive its share of Palestinian refugees and urged the rest of the European Union to do the same.

Scotland’s leader made his remarks at a party event of the socialist Scottish National Party (SNP) on Thursday, where he called on the international community to “commit to a refugee program for the people of Gaza.”

“Currently, 1 million people are displaced in Gaza,” he told party members, adding that these people need “security and a place of refuge.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Texas Lawmakers Advance New Bill That Would See Illegal Immigrants Sent Straight Back to Mexico or JAILED for Up to 20 Years if They Refuse to Comply

Texas lawmakers have advanced a proposal that could see illegal immigrants immediately deported back to Mexico — or even jailed for up to 20 years.

House bill 4 would give law enforcement the option to take illegal immigrants to the border and drop them them at the ports of entry. First-time offenders would be given the option to comply.

Migrants who don’t volunteer to be returned to the Mexico would face charges and jail time, ranging from six months to 20 years depending if they have other outstanding charges or are repeat offenders.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

The Most Important Poll Yet for Germany’s Anti-Immigration AfD Party?

Germany’s anti-immigration Alternative For Germany (AfD) party has seen a dramatic rise in the polls over the last year and is now clearly the second most popular party in the country. However, the question has always been whether the AfD could translate this polling support into a position of power in the German government. One key poll shows that the AfD may have a chance to make this a reality.

A poll by Civey for Spiegel magazine found that 47 percent of Germans say that they would find it acceptable if parties entered a coalition with the AfD at the state level. The breakthrough poll shows that although all major parties reject cooperation with the AfD, the German public has a far more open view of the party, and this open view could translate into a shift in the stance of the major mainstream parties, namely the Christian Democratic Union (CDU).

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

“Children Are Not Social Experiments”: Oklahoma Ban on Sex Changes for Minors Upheld by Federal District Court

Authored by Steven Kovac via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours)

U.S. District Court Judge John F. Heil has ruled that an Oklahoma state law banning sex-change procedures on children was constitutional and therefore could be enforced.

The ruling on Oct. 5, 2023, came as a result of a motion for injunctive relief to restrain the state from implementing the law.

Five young people identifying as transgender and in some degree of transition, their parents or legal guardians, and a health care provider are the plaintiffs in the case.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Anheuser-Busch Resorts to ‘Bribing’ Distributors in Effort to Keep Bud Light on Shelves

Anheuser-Busch’s emergency relief program for beer distributors has been extended by the brewer to keep Bud Light on store shelves after its disastrous ‘woke’ advertising with trans-TikTok star Dylan Mulvaney earlier this year. The move certainly looks like a ‘bribe.’

The New York Post revealed while quoting a report from Beer Marketer’s Insights that Anheuser-Busch has offered as much as $150 million in relief to distributors since Mulvaney’s Bud Light TikTok video on April 1 sparked nationwide boycotts.

Some of the financial relief distributors have received are reimbursements for freight and fuel surcharges, as well as an additional week to pay bills to the brewer.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Gov Sanders Bans ‘Woke Nonsense’ and Gender Ideology From Official Arkansas Documents

Arkansas’ Republican Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders has signed an executive order to ban “woke” language and radical gender ideology from official state documents.

Gov. Sanders signed the executive order on Thursday that mandates “accurate, female-affirming alternatives” to “woke, anti-woman” terms.

The move bans “woke” phrases such as “birthing person,” “pregnant person,” “human milk,” and “womxn.”

The order ensures that any such “nonsense” terms will be removed from all official government documents.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

The Westminster Declaration: Artists, Journalists, and Intellectuals Demand the Censorship Industrial Complex is Dismantled

The rise — in the West — of online censorship, exactly what it does, and how, has been well documented over the last half a decade now.

But beyond voicing an opinion that — due to said censorship — might not even reach a wider audience — what were the “peers of the industry” — when it concerned academia, journalism, entertainment, etc., opposed to this dangerous, unprecedented trend — at least where its length and breadth are concerned — supposed to do?

Well, now they have come up with one idea — first, (somewhat reluctantly) branding what’s been happening as a “Censorship Industrial Complex” (which, though it sounds bombastic, on second thought — might easily be exactly what it is).

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

UK: Sunak Pushing Ahead With Trans Conversion Therapy Ban

Rishi Sunak was warned at the beginning of the year that banning conversion therapy for transgender people could criminalise legitimate conversations between parents and their children. But he—the leader of the Conservative Party—has decided to do it anyway. Those hoping to understand the reason why would be better served considering the politics of the situation rather than the principles.

A report in The Times suggests that the ban, which has been on the cards for some time, is being pushed forward “as MPs fear the party will [otherwise] lose votes from the LGBTQ community.” This understanding matches reports we covered back in January, when The Daily Telegraph described Sunak’s decision as “an attempt to appease trans campaigners.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

10 thoughts on “Gates of Vienna News Feed 10/20/2023

  1. Free Free gasoline!
    I demand Free gas!
    And Free propane!
    And five cords of firewood!
    Free Free gasoline!

  2. French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said that France is planning the “systematic expulsion of dangerous foreigners”.

    He’s lying.

  3. I recently came across this extremely unpleasant article by Daniel Greenfield.

    I was amazed at the arrogance towards the Japanese.
    By the way… During the Second World War in the Soviet Union, propaganda manuals against the German people were also written by propagandists of Jewish origin. Very evil tutorials. I’ll look online later and post links.

    But let’s return to our topic. Greenfield argues that the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki stopped the Japanese militarists.
    Are you sure that wiping out Palestinian cities will stop Hamas? They will be only too happy to go to Muslim paradise.

    One of my LiveJournal friends came up with a wonderful axiom that reflects the modern civilizational conflict.
    “The appearance of the Prophet and the Koran cancels the previous deals between Allah and the Jews. They were God’s chosen ones, but Islam appeared, and it was Muslims who became God’s chosen ones.”
    Oh, this great battle between “God’s chosen peoples”!
    Why do we need it? Abrahamism is an evil satanic virus!

    • ‘We’re the chosen people’. ‘No, we’re the chosen people’. ‘Splitters!’

      ‘Cultural appropriation’, Arab-style.

    • Muslims claim that Islam predates all other faiths, so the Jews and Christians are to be blamed for leaving Islam.

  4. People in uk have totally lost their minds. I think of the great Enoch Powell who said, quoting a Roman author( he was a Cambridge classicist among other things):
    “Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad…”
    The Jocks have voted for am Islamic supremacist, can it get any worse?

  5. Bombing Palestine – Israel sends the US citizen their problems. Well done! Who planned that? Who does it benefit? Who gets rich? Follow the money.

    I believe a big shopping mall is planned for Gaza.

    • Your lucky I’m not in charge, I would make it fakestinian free in no time. I would build resorts and casino’s and make it the jewel of the Med.

      • “I would build resorts and casino’s and make it the jewel of the Med.”

        Or just raze and blanket the entirety with Israel Trees. It’s the Jewish way to say “Boogah-Boogah!” to the Mohammedanists and their western sophisticate comrades.

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