The Black Lives Matter riots prompted by the Breonna Taylor decision have continued into a second night. Rioters in Louisville broke into a public library and threw an incendiary device inside, but did not loot any books. Meanwhile, BLM rioters in Portland have escalated to throwing large firebombs at police.
In other news, Serbia and Kosovo have agreed to name a lake in disputed territory after Donald Trump.
To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.
Thanks to Acuara, C. Cantoni, JD, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.
Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.
Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.
In a grim warning on Thursday, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said wages growth is likely to remain subdued for ‘at least the next few years’. He also said prices would stay low.
— Hat tip: SS | [Return to headlines] |
3 Events That Have Greatly Shaken America During the Month of September
We were warned to “brace ourselves” as we entered the month of September, and this month has definitely turned out to be a critical turning point. As I write this article, some of the biggest wildfires in history continue to rage on the west coast, political activists are preparing for weeks of chaos in Washington D.C. as they attempt to derail Republican attempts to fill Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s vacant seat on the Supreme Court, and protesters all over the country are pouring into the streets filled with fury because of the decision that was just announced in the Breonna Taylor case. This entire year has been a nightmare, and it certainly appears that events are only going to escalate even more during the months ahead.
Let’s start by talking about the unprecedented wildfires on the west coast. Right now, vast stretches of California, Oregon and Washington look like something out of a post-apocalyptic horror novel. Entire communities have been completely wiped off the map and millions of acres have been burned.
Yes, there are wildfires every year, but we have never seen anything like this. In fact, over the past two months we have seen five of the six biggest wildfires in the recorded history of the state of California…
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
3 People Arrested in Idaho for Violating City Mask, Distancing Order During Outdoor Worship Event
Police in Moscow, Idaho, arrested three participants in a church-sponsored outdoor singing event Wednesday for violating the city’s order on masks and social distancing.
The order, instituted in July, requires that in public, whether indoors or out, people must maintain social distancing of six feet or wear a face mask. Moscow City Council recently extended the order to January 5.
The event, called a “Psalm Sing” was organized by Christ Church and took place in the parking lot outside city hall. More than 150 people participated. In addition to the three people arrested for violating the order, two were arrested and charged with resisting and obstructing an officer. All five people were cited for violating the city order.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Rioters in the Oregon capital are turning their sights on residential suburbs, demanding that homeowners pledge allegiance to their cause or have their houses burned down. Why aren’t we doing something to stop these anarchists?
Of all the cities in America that have suffered from constant rioting and violence, Portland might have it the worst. The city that was once lauded as being one of America’s best places to live has endured more than 100 consecutive nights of rioting involving vandalism, chaos, and death — including the slayingof a supporter of President Donald Trump — since the killing of George Floyd, with no end in sight.
Disturbingly, there have been recent reports of the Antifa rioters there moving away from the city center and beginning to target residential areas and threaten people in their homes. According to the New York Times, activists have been demanding that people come out of their houses and pledge allegiance to their cause. They attacked one property that was flying the American flag, demanding that it be removed or they would come back and burn the house down.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Archbishop Viganò: Trump is ‘Preparing to Fight Against the Demonic Forces of the Deep State’
Editor’s Note: The following is a note the Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò sent to the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast, which was held today. The event organizers declined to read it aloud at the event, which this year took place online. LifeSiteNews publishes it in full below.
September 23, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — With deep emotion I have learned that President Donald J. Trump will be taking part in the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast on 23 September.
On this occasion, Attorney General William Barr will receive the NCPB’s Christifideles Laici Award (Christ’s Faithful Laity), named after the Apostolic Exhortation On the Laity by Pope John Paul II.
I would like to make myself present on this memorable occasion, in which I participated with great enthusiasm as Apostolic Nuncio during the years of my mission in Washington, D.C. (2011-2016).
I therefore join all the participants in this extraordinary celebration and all American Catholics, who see in President Donald Trump the greatest defender of the supreme values of Christian civilization: of life, from conception to natural death; of the natural family composed of one man and one woman and children; and of love for the homeland: One Nation under God! And, most importantly, he stands for defending the right to freely practice our Faith, thus allowing us more fully to honor God.
The presidential elections in November represent an epochal challenge, a biblical challenge, the outcome of which will be decisive not only for the United States of America but for the whole world.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Biden Campaign Caps Day’s Activities Before Noon for the 9th Time in September
In September 2020, Democratic candidate Joe Biden’s campaign has put an end to activities before noon nine times.
The latest example was Thursday, September 24. At 9:26 a.m., Associated Press reporter Zeke Miller tweeted that “Biden has called a lid for the day.”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
On Wednesday night antifa-BLM mob set off the Mother-of-All-Molotov Bombs in downtown Portland.
The rioters threw what appeared to be a massive Molotov Cocktail or firebomb at police, just hours after two officers were shot during the riot in Louisville.
BLM-Antifa has been rioting in Portland for over 100 straight days.
The radical left has destroyed downtown Portland and what is not destroyed is boarded up.
Following the bombing Portland Police arrested 23-year-old Joseph Robert Sipe.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
CA Gov. Gavin Newsom to Sign Order Banning Gas-Powered Cars in State by 2045
California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced on Wednesday that he plans to sign an order that bans the sale of all passenger cars that run on internal combustion by 2035 and those of all gas powered light and heavy duty vehicles by 2045.
Newsom said that he believes the change will “move the state further away from its reliance on climate change-causing fossil fuels while retaining and creating jobs and spurring economic growth.”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Climate Alarmist: Trump Re-Election Could Mean ‘Extinction’ of Human Race
Climate alarmists have warned that a Trump reelection could mean America becoming a “failed state” as well as the possible “extinction” of the human race.
If Trump is not elected, “it won’t make me stop worrying about climate change; it will still be horribly hard to address,” says climate scientist Jane Long, of the Environmental Defense Fund. “But if he’s elected, the human race is not immune from extinction. You could make a bunch of really bad decisions and wipe out a whole lot of life.”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Coronavirus Deaths 75% Lower in Nations Using Hydroxychloroquine!
With media solemnly spotlighting the passing of the 200,000 mark in deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the United States, a physicians assocation has a question.
“Why is the death rate about 75 percent lower in many countries?” asked Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Customers Accuse Costco of Dropping Palmetto Cheese After Owner Condemned BLM
Brian “Buck” Henry, who happens to be the mayor of Pawleys Island, South Carolina — as well as the owner of Palmetto Cheese, had made comments about the Black Lives Matter movement on Facebook. We reported on his case last month.
He was heavily attacked for his opinion and asked to step down from his position, with some people even going to the lengths of asking others to stop buying Palmetto Cheese.
In August, Henry vented his frustration and wrote a lengthy Facebook post expressing his opinions on the current state of affairs. Discussing the death of two white individuals gunned by a black man, Henry said that the BLM movement is allowed to “lawlessly destroy great American cities and threaten their citizens on a daily basis.”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Deranged Machete-Wielding Leftist Chops Down Trump Sign
Nothing says tolerance and inclusion like violently destroying someone else’s property.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
The Justice Department announced Thursday the DOJ and FBI are investigating discarded mail-in votes in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. A statement issued by U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Pennsylvania David Freed states that nine mail-in military ballots were discovered discarded and that all nine were for President Trump. (Important update at end.)
[Comment: I bet it was the mail carrier who discarded the mail in ballots.]
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Donald Trump ‘Not a Fan’ of Meghan Markle, Wishes ‘A Lot of Luck to Harry’
President Donald Trump said Wednesday that he was not a fan of Meghan Markle after critics accused her of essentially endorsing former Vice President Joe Biden.
“I’m not a fan of hers, and I would say this, and she has probably heard that,” Trump replied when asked about Markle at the White House press briefing. “I wish a lot of luck to Harry. Because he’s going to need it.”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Fauci Flips Out on Rand Paul After Praising Cuomo’s Pathetic Coronavirus Response
New York had the highest China Virus death rate in the world, Paul notes.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Good vs. Evil: Death of Ginsburg Drives Committed Leftist to Join Satanic Temple
It should be clear by now — We are in a battle of good versus evil.
An angry leftist admitted this week that Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death drove her to the Satanic Temple.
Jamie Smith, a 40-something attorney, admitted this week that RBG’s death drove her to the Church of Satan.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
During a recent interview on the termination of the Instagram account for open access natural health resource GreenMedInfo, its founder Sayer Ji blasted Big Tech’s far-reaching censorship which is now extending to questions and opinions about the coronavirus and warned that this is fostering an environment of self-censorship.
Instagram deleted GreenMedInfo’s account with over 90,000 followers earlier this month after previously threatening to delete it for posting “harmful false information.”
These threats were directed at GreenMedInfo’s posts about the coronavirus including one post where it shared former Congressman Ron Paul’s statement that the coronavirus death rate continues to decline and that “petty dictators all around are calling for a return to lockdown.”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
InfoWars Reporter Attacked by BLM/Antifa Mob in Downtown Austin
Savanah Hernandez assaulted and robbed by gang of far-left militants during Breonna Taylor riot.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
The Job Creators Network (JCN), a non-profit that is pro-small businesses, expressed its frustration with YouTube and criticised the platform after it ended up slapping an “inappropriate content” warning on a video uploaded by the NGO when they provided video footage of small businesses being destroyed by rioters.
“YouTube’s decision to slap an inappropriate content restriction on our video depicting news footage of rioting shows Google’s left-wing bias. It amounts to censorship of opposing political opinions. YouTube does not treat left-wing videos that depict violent protests with similar warnings that depress view count and reach,” said the president and CEO of JCN, Alfredo Ortiz.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Kyle Rittenhouse Attorney Releases Video to Bolster Self-Defense Claim
The organization #FightBackFoundation has published a comprehensive video that details the events that led up to and through the 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse shooting two rioters in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Leftist Triggered Over MAGA Hat Arrested for Attacking 77-Year-Old Vietnam Veteran
Man viciously brutalized while visiting local post office.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Louisville Police Arrest Suspect in Shooting of 2 Officers
Police in Louisville have arrested a man whom they say shot two officers Wednesday night during large-scale protests, looting, and violence after officials announced the grand jury decision in the Breonna Taylor case.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
A church in Louisville has opened their doors as a sanctuary for rioters because they are exempt from the curfew imposed by the mayor.
Rioters immediately began flocking to the church, and are now threatening white people and press with assault if they do not leave the grounds.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Louisville Black Lives Matter Rioters Smash Windows at Library, Throw Flare Inside (Videos)
Louisville Black Lives Matter rioters have smashed the windows in the public library and thrown a flare inside, in a clear arson attempt.
Unsurprisingly, not a single book was looted by these heathens.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Mainstream Media Ignore, Spin Senate Report on Hunter Biden
Mainstream media outlets have all but ignored the recent Senate report detailing Hunter Biden’s international business dealings, blowing it off as a partisan attempt to discredit Joe Biden.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Masked Arsonist Torches Catholic Church in Tampa, Florida
A masked man broke into the Incarnation Catholic Church northwest of Tampa, Florida, last weekend and set fire to the interior before fleeing, the Tampa Bay Times reported Tuesday.
Surveillance video shows a shirtless, masked man throwing projectiles to break a glass window on the church door to gain access to the building last Friday night around 10:30pm. Wearing long pants, white sneakers, and a surgical mask, the man entered the church carrying a large bottle in his hands.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Michigan Petitioners Collect 500,000 Signatures to Remove Governor’s Emergency Powers
In an effort to repeal a Michigan law that grants the governor emergency powers, a group called Stand Up Michigan has collected 500,000 signatures that will soon be submitted to the state for review.
Although the “Unlock Michigan” initiative only needed 340,047 valid resident signatures to put the effort to repeal the Emergency Powers of Governor Act before the legislature, the group announced on Wednesday that it had well surpassed its goal.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Microsoft Launches “People Analytics” Social Distancing Enforcement AI
Microsoft has launched AI that enforces social distancing. While an impressive technology with more uses than calculating the distance between people, there are privacy concerns and ethical issues raised in this new coronavirus surveillance age.
In a virtual event, Microsoft launched Ignite Spatial Analysis, which is part of Redmond’s Cognitive Services, machine learning services intended for everyday use that does not require a deep level of knowledge in machine learning and data science.
The AI is intended to help video surveillance systems to identify instances of people who are close together.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Ohio Woman Arrested and Tased After Police Demand She Mask Up at Son’s Outdoor Football Game
Alecia Kitts traveled to see her son play football in Logan, Ohio. Footage shows her seated with her family at the proper social distance from other families without a mask on. A police officer approached her because she wasn’t wearing a mask as required by the school district. After she struggled and resisted arrest, the officer in the video tased her into submission in front of her children and arrested her.
One witness, according to the Ohio Star, said that a child sitting on the metal bleachers got shocked when the charge traveled through the metal.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Pelosi Says Impeaching Trump for Second Time Not “Worth the Trouble”
Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that the house will not move to impeach President Trump a second time in an attempt to prevent him from filling the current vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Police: Violence at Portland Protest Escalates to Firebombs
PORTLAND, Ore. — Protesters in Portland hurled several firebombs at officers in Oregon’s largest city during a demonstration over a Kentucky grand jury’s decision to not indict officers in the fatal shooting of Breonna Taylor, police said, escalating tensions in a city that’s already seen nearly four months of nightly protests over racial injustice and police brutality.
Deputy Police Chief Chris Davis said Wednesday night’s demonstrations were the most violent that Portland has seen thus far in four months of nearly nightly unrest since the death of George Floyd, a Black man who died in Minnesota after a white officer held a knee to his neck. Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt — who has been criticized for dismissing cases against hundreds of protesters — condemned the violence and called for calm.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Public Schools Across Country Promote Black Lives Matter, Organize Protests
Public schools across the country have endorsed the Black Lives Matter movement and encouraged teachers, students, and parents to do the same, with some schools organizing their own BLM protests, a Daily Caller News Foundation review found.
The Black Lives Matter movement has been linked to 91% of riots across the United States between May 24 and Sept. 12, according to the US Crisis Monitor, a joint project of the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project and the Bridging Divides Initiative at Princeton University.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Ring Introduces Autonomous Drone Camera That Flies Inside Your House
Ring’s newest product is the Always Home Camera, a small drone that will fly inside your house, taking video along the way.
The company says the device is meant to allow users to access multiple views inside the home, even while they are away, without requiring multiple cameras. First, users will create a map of the inside of the home. Then, users can command the drone where to fly and record or set it to take flight when the Ring home security system detects a disruption. The camera will fly to and dock at the charging base on its own.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Sheryl Sandberg Said Black Lives Matter “Needed” Facebook But Facebook Doesn’t Get “Any Credit”
Facebook’s Chief Operating Officer (COO) Sheryl Sandberg told interns during a July Q&A that Facebook doesn’t get “any credit” for the Black Lives Matter movement and suggested that the activists behind these movements needed Facebook in order for their voices to be heard.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Soros-Linked Bail Project Employee Rented U-Haul That Handed Out Shields to Potential Rioters
Holly Zoller was caught admitting to driving the truck.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Texas — Gregg County Commissioner Shannon Brown, Marlena Jackson, Charlie Burns, and DeWayne Ward were arrested on charges in connection with an organized ballot harvesting scheme during the 2018 Democrat primary, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced on Thursday.
A $25,000 bond has been set for each person charged.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Joe Biden says that if he’s elected president, Heaven forbid, one of the first things he’ll do is issue a nationwide face mask mandate. And everyone will have to Obey-to hear is to obey-even if you’re out alone in the wild, fly-fishing in Montana.
One wonders when all this face mask business will end-but why should it ever end? It springs directly from the ideology of messianic statism, if I may coin a phrase.
Messianic statism is the proposition that the state, and all the little tinhorn tyrants who serve it, shall be as God. It’s a weird ideology, maybe even a pseudo-religion. And it works like this.
There is no God, so the very highest authority must reside in the state and in its consultant, Science. Science knows everything and the state can do everything. Nothing bad should ever happen, but the only way to make sure of that is to grow the government to prodigious size and give it more and more power. And ultimately it will be big and powerful enough, and guided by the omniscient wisdom of its pet scientists, it will wipe out everything that makes life bad-war, poverty, disease, income inequality: you name it, it’ll be gone.
Communists used to describe this as breaking eggs to make the omelet, except they never, ever got beyond the breaking eggs stage. That’s simply because you can’t create an infallible state and infallible Science when all you’ve got to work with is eminently fallible human beings.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Trump Encourages States Attorneys General to Start Their Own Investigations Into Big Tech Censorship
President Donald Trump has stepped up his criticism of tech giants for their role in controlling communications and commerce as a means to promote biased ideas, and prevent many from having their voices heard on these platforms.
Trump has consistently accused the likes of Twitter, Google, and Facebook of such actions for many years, and the latest comments he made came amid his reelection campaign, as his own posts and messages increasingly getting subjected to “fact checking” and various forms of censorship.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Trump Zings Biden Over Face Mask: “it Makes Him Feel Comfortable”
President Trump commented Wednesday on his rival Joe Biden’s constant wearing of a face mask, noting that “he feels good about that mask” and dropping a zinger related to Biden’s rumoured history of plastic surgery.
“I’ll be honest, he feels good about that mask, and that’s OK,” Trump said during a campaign rally in Pittsburgh.
“I mean honestly, what the hell did he spend all that money on the plastic surgery if he’s going to cover it up with a mask,” Trump said, sending the crowd into a frenzy.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Tyrants: “Prepare to Wear Masks & Socially Distance Even After Getting COVID-19 Vaccine”
Doctors are now saying we should expect to practice social distancing and wear masks even after everyone is vaccinated. Talk about moving the goalposts in an epic fashion!
They have warned us of this in the past too:
They Moved The Goalposts…AGAIN!: “It’s Not Over When The Vaccine Arrives”
There is no going back. It’s not going to be “normal” again.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Virtual Learning Puts Kids Under Increased Surveillance
As COVID-19 fears continue, children of school age have been shoe-horned into a new reality: online learning. Sidestepping the debate on how effective online learning is when compared to in-person, the little discussed threat right now is to children’s privacy.
Despite the general apathy regarding privacy in almost all parts of the world, special attention has always been given to children’s privacy — and for very good reason. The argument that adults “consent” to being spied on doesn’t really sit well when applied to minors.
So how is this new reality of online learning handling children’s privacy? Not very well, as it turns out.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Why Are Democrats Promoting Violence and Supporting BLM and Antifa?
Latest financial figures show that Black Lives Matter along with Antifa anarchists tabulated in excess of $1 billion in property damages. That does not include the executions of police, deaths of citizens during riots and the National Guard being deployed.
The main riots and damages occurred in democrat-dominated cities. Is anyone putting 2 + 2 together to make a connection? Why so much sedition and anarchy in cities and states dominated by democrat-governors and mayors? Citizens elected them to uphold “law and order” of the U.S. Constitution that guarantees each citizen peace and safety.
Unfortunately, Ilhan Omar, a Muslim refugee from Somalia in the U.S. House, wants to “…dismantle economic and political systems that oppress us…” She also wants all Muslims to make Americans “feel uncomfortable” in our own country. It would prove interesting what how she feels about the ‘oppression’ of her native Somalia where women face rape, murder and abuse as a normal, daily occurrence. Omar also needs to be brought up on immigration fraud, marrying her brother and making remarks that cross over the ‘sedition’ threshold.
Rashida Tlaib, also a Muslim, wrapped herself inside a Palestinian flag once voters in the overwhelming Muslim district of Detroit, voted into the House. She’s anti-Semitic and anti-America. Please understand if Muslims dominated the House and Senate, they would install Sharia Law in a heartbeat and eradicate the U.S. Constitution.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Young conservative and Trump supporter, C. J. Pearson, shared on Twitter a portion of a class he was mandated to endure at the University of Alabama.
This is unbelievable!
And this is a major southern university!!
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Protests and riots immediately erupted after Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron announced Wednesday that there will be no charges filed against two of the Louisville police officers involved in the shooting of Breonna Taylor, while the third is being charged with “wanton endangerment.”
Following the announcement on Wednesday Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron told reporters that the night Breonna Taylor died, police did knock and announce themselvesbefore Breonna’s boyfriend shot at them.
This fact was verified by an independent witness to the events who lived nearby.
The Black Lives Matter mob was OUTRAGED with the decision by the grand jury.
Protesters ransacked the downtown and one BLM activist shot two Louisville police officers.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
YouTube Censors Ron Paul Liberty Report Episode on Coronavirus Whistleblowers
YouTube has censored an episode of former Congressman Ron Paul’s political talk show, the Ron Paul Liberty Report, where he discussed several reports that dispute the effectiveness of coronavirus lockdowns, wearing masks, and more.
In the episode titled “Covid Whistleblowers Expose Narrative As ‘Total Fraud,’“ Paul and the Ron Paul Institute’s Executive Director Daniel McAdams discussed the statements of several coronavirus whistleblowers including Dr. Mike Yeadon, a former chief scientific advisor at pharmaceutical company Pfizer, and William Crews, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ (NIAID) former public affairs specialist who recently stepped down after he posted anti-Fauci posts online.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
YouTube Restricts Video That Defense Says Exonerates Kyle Rittenhouse
YouTube has age-restricted a newly released video from “Kenosha Kid” Kyle Rittenhouse’s legal defense team that highlights key events surrounding the August 25 shootings in Kenosha, Wisconsin and argues that the charges against him are being used to strip away the constitutional rights of all Americans.
As a result of the age restriction, the video is less likely to spread because people can’t view or share it unless signed in and even when signed in, they have to provide an extra confirmation that they want to watch the video.
YouTube’s recently announced changes that will require some users to hand over ID to watch age-restricted videos could also further restrict its reach.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Trudeau Liberals Want to Create More “Hate Speech” Laws to Regulate the Internet
The Trudeau Liberals want to regulate digital speech. It’s a priority for them that this gets done before the next election.
They have said it time and time again.
Trudeau’s Minister of Heritage Steven Guilbeault has said that he wants media to get a license before being allowed to distribute content in Canada.
Then he and the Liberal Government doubled down on that plan in the throne speech on Wednesday, saying that online hate would be regulated. Whatever that means.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Belgian Government Formation in Final Phase
Belgium’s King Philip appointed two “co-formateurs” to create a government Wednesday, pushing the process into its final phase one year and five months after elections. The two were Alexander De Croo (from the Open Vld party) and Paul Magnette (PS). The so-called Vivaldi coalition (named after the composer’s ‘Four Seasons’ masterpiece) will contain the socialists, liberals and greens from both sides of the language border, and the Flemish christian democrats.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Belgium: Masks No Longer Mandatory From October
Belgian prime minister Sophie Wilme’s has said that wearing face masks will no longer be compulsory from 1 October. “Wearing a mask is very important in the management of the epidemic. However, there is no point in imposing it everywhere all the time,” she said. The national security council also eased some other measures, despite an increasing number of infections in the country, which jumped by 62 percent last week.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
British Astrophysicists: “Mini ICE Age is Accelerating — New ‘Maunder Minimum’ Has Begun”
“We are plunging now into a deep mini ice age,” says British astrophysicist Piers Corbyn, “and there is no way out”.
For the next 20 years it’s going to get colder and colder, on average, says Corbyn who holds a B.Sc. in Physics and an M.Sc. in Astrophysics. The jet stream will be wilder: there will be more wild temperature changes, more hail events, more earthquakes, more extreme volcano events, more snow in winters, lousy summers, late springs, short autumns, and more and more crop failures.
“The fact is the sun rules the sea temperature, and the sea temperature rules the climate,” explains Corbyn.
“What we have happening now is the start of the mini ice age … it began around 2013. It’s a slow start, and now the rate of moving into the mini ice age is accelerating.
— Hat tip: Acuara | [Return to headlines] |
Council of Europe Wants Czechia to Expand Teaching of Romani in Schools
On Wednesday, the Council of Europe (CoE) called on the Czech Republic to continue to improve the protection of minority languages. Czechia has taken steps in a positive direction in the protection of German, Polish and Moravian Croatian, according to a report by this supranational body, however, the CoE also said that the Czech Republic offers insufficient teaching of Romani at primary and secondary schools.
“Romani can be studied at many universities, but there is limited teaching of the language in public primary and secondary schools,” the Council of Europe wrote in a report. Florian Bayer’s primary school in Koprivnice remains the only primary school where Romani lessons are available. Romani is also taught by two other secondary schools in Jihlava and Ceska Krumlov, the report added.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
COVID-19: Does Sweden Have Herd Immunity?
When Sweden broke ranks and refused to lockdown with the rest of the world for COVID-19, most restrictions on its citizens were self-imposed. Although government did recommend such things as those older than 70 staying inside and that everyone try to avoid public transportation, for the most part everyone made their own decisions on where to go and what to do, including whether or not to wear a mask.
Today COVID-19 cases in Sweden, along with deaths, have dropped, indicating that, quite possibly, Sweden developed herd immunity, on its own, without a vaccine. Not only that, the fact that asymptomatic people are popping up after already having had COVID, shows that people are developing a functioning immunity to the virus — and that’s a good thing.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Denmark: Govt Urges Parents, Schools to Cancel ‘All Social Events’
COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — Denmark’s education minister is urging parents and schools to cancel “all social events,” including camps but also private gatherings like birthday parties to which classmates are invited.
Education Minister Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil said in a letter on Wednesday the children’s social activities should be suspended because “an active effort is needed to ensure that we can keep up schools open.”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
European Christians Will Establish “Settlements” In Hungary — PM Orban
Many Christians will move to Hungary in coming years, PM predicts
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Farage: Britons Must Fight Against Coronavirus Government ‘Tyranny’
Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage has warned that the British government is acting like an “elected dictatorship” passing coronavirus laws without parliamentary scrutiny.
Mr Farage also expressed concern that there is no effective opposition in the House of Commons, with the Labour Party “teaming up” with the Conservative government and preparing “to deny us our basic freedoms in the name of the greater good”.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
France: Nearly All Top Ten Baby Names in Paris Suburbs Have Islamic Connection
The majority of baby names given in the suburbs of Paris have Islamic connections, according to figures released by the French National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE).
The Paris suburbs of Seine-Saint-Denis is known for having a high proportion of residents from migration backgrounds as well as a high illegal alien population.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Mobile Phone Radiation May be Killing Insects: German Study
Radiation from mobile phones could have contributed to the dramatic decline in insect populations seen in much of Europe in recent years, a German study showed Thursday.
On top of pesticides and habitat loss, increased exposure to electromagnetic radiation is “probably having a negative impact on the insect world”, according to the study presented in Stuttgart, which is yet to be peer reviewed.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Scotland: Rapist Who Fled Country After Impregnating 12-Year-Old Gets Weak Sentence
A Scottish judge has given a short sentence to rapist Balwinder Singh, who had fled the country after impregnating a 12-year-old girl.
54-year-old Singh fled to Canada after his victim, described by prosecutors as “a very young, naive, shy, little girl”, was taken to her doctor suffering from severe stomach pains and found to be pregnant, which lead to her ordeal being reported to the authorities.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
PC Mark Gunn, a South Wales police officer, is now at the receiving end of intense online criticism and has been forced to retreat after he called George Floyd a “drug-crazed maniac.” So far, he is slapped with a disciplinary investigation and also ended up deleting some episodes from his podcast, known as “PC BBQ.”
Gunn, as a matter of fact, was condemning a George Floyd-inspired act by Diversity on Britain’s Got Talent. “It’s finished off with somebody dressed as a police officer kneeling on somebody’s neck,” said Gunn in the now-deleted podcast episode.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Swedish 2021 Budget Spends More on Foreign Aid Than Police Force
The new Swedish 2021 budget has been revealed, with the government looking to spend more on foreign aid than on the country’s police force despite violent gang crime remaining a problem.
The budget, which will see the government borrow 67 billion Swedish kronor (SEK) (£5.9 billion/$7.5 billion), will see 52 billion SEK set aside for foreign aid, which is around five per cent of the total national budget. While a few billion will go towards immigration, the rest, approximately 46.8 billion, will go directly overseas.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
The Prospects and Challenges of the EastMed Gas Forum
by Alex Kassidiaris
should go down as a landmark date not only for the energy sector in the Eastern Mediterranean but also for the fragile political landscape of the whole region. Six countries — Cyprus, Egypt, Greece, Israel, Italy, and Jordan, plus the Palestinian Authority — have signed a historical agreement which opens the road for tight cooperation in the gas sector. At the same time, the agreement has significant geopolitical implications for the ever-changing balances in the wider region.
From a Quasi-Formal Forum to a Full-Blown International Organization
The first efforts around the establishment of the EastMed Gas Forum go way back. In autumn 2018 the leaders of Cyprus, Egypt and Greece met in the Greek island of Crete and held talks about the consolidation of cooperation among gas-producing countries. This meeting predominantly aimed to achieve efficient coordination among Mediterranean states which are involved in the process of gas production and distribution, in order to gradually maximize the potential gains for all the sides involved.
This promising idea has received a more official format a couple of months later, when in January 2019, the “Natural Gas Forum in the Eastern Mediterranean” took place in Cairo with the participation of all the 6+1 parties that signed the charter of the Organization on September 22, 2020. Since January 2019 the Forum has been gradually moving to the establishment of a concrete international body, and the strategic initiative has been officially completed and reached its final form through the virtual ceremony which took place yesterday.
— Hat tip: C. Cantoni | [Return to headlines] |
UK NHS Coronavirus Contact Tracing App Could be Falsely Telling Up to 30% of Users to Self-Isolate
This week’s launch of the UK National Health Service (NHS) coronavirus contact tracing app has raised fresh concerns and complaints about the app and the associated contact tracing law’s impact on civil liberties and privacy.
The nationwide launch of the app follows the introduction of a new UK contact tracing law last week that requires businesses to display government-issued QR codes and refuse entry to customers unless they either download the UK National Health Service (NHS) contract tracing app and scan these QR codes upon entry or hand over personal information.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
UK to Look at Whether “Misogyny” Should Invoke Harsher Criminal Sentences
A recent report from the Law Commission reveals that “misogyny” could end up becoming a criminal offense in England and Wales. As of now, the independent body that tends to review laws will take a closer look at whether people criticizing women on the sole basis of gender deserve harsher punishments and sentences as part of so-called “hate crime” laws.
Evidence from police officers, victims, and prosecutors, among others, is being collected by the Commission to review the laws surrounding misogyny and hate crimes.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
UK: Cancel Brum? BBC Put ‘Outdated Attitudes’ Trigger Warning on Kids’ Show
The BBC was roundly mocked after iPlayer users discovered it had put a trigger warning on classic children’s television show Brum.
Brum, which starred a miniature classic car which would sneak out of its workshop to have largely dialogue-free and entirely non-controversial adventures in the city of Birmingham, aired from 1991 until 2002 — hardly a bygone era, but apparently remote enough for someone at the BBC to decide it warranted a trigger warning
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
UK: Khan’s London: 11 Police Injured in Suspected Acid Attack During Drugs Raid
Eleven Metropolitan police officers were injured in a suspected vitriolage attack during a drugs bust in the North London borough of Barnet.
The injuries occurred on Wednesday just before 2 p.m. during an intelligence-led drugs raid, part of a wider operation, at a property in an industrial area in Dale Close.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Serbia and Kosovo Agree to Name Disputed Lake After Donald Trump
Serbia and Kosovo agreed on Thursday to name a lake in a disputed territory after President Donald Trump.
The lake, known to Kosovars as the “Ujman” and to Serbians as the “Gazivoda,” is the subject of dispute between the two countries, with around 80 percent of its waters located in Kosovo and 20 percent in Serbia. A banner appeared over the lake on Thursday, however, reading “Lake Trump.”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Zehra Duman, 26, was sentenced in a Turkish court this week for recruiting brides to join ISIS and spruiking Islamic State propaganda on social media.
— Hat tip: SS | [Return to headlines] |
500,000 Tibetans Forced Into Chinese Labor/Re-Education Camps
China aims to eliminate ‘the negative influence of religion.’
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Chinese Communist Party Portrays Jesus as a Killer, Sinner in New Textbook
The biblical story found in the Gospel of John where Jesus saves the woman caught in adultery now has a new ending in a Chinese textbook.
Christians in China are protesting against the textbook that describes Jesus killing the woman.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Bomshell letters revealed the prime minister urged Mr Andrews to accept troops in three letters sent on 4, 6 and 11 July as Victoria’s second wave of Covid-19 threatened to overwhelm the state.
— Hat tip: SS | [Return to headlines] |
An estimated 380 of 470 whales are confirmed to have died after the pod of pilot whales got themselves into trouble at Macquarie Harbour on Tasmania’s west coast on Monday.
— Hat tip: SS | [Return to headlines] |
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern donned a headscarf and took part in a sombre ceremony at Al Noor mosque on Thursday morning.
— Hat tip: SS | [Return to headlines] |
Accused cop slasher Frederick Elrezz has been found dead in his prison cell.
— Hat tip: SS | [Return to headlines] |
Fadi Zraika was one of two 18-year-old men who who set off the fireworks at Bright Park, Guildord, western Sydney, on December 22.
— Hat tip: SS | [Return to headlines] |
Nigerian Church Elder Killed, Teen Daughters Kidnapped From Their Home
Two teenage Nigerian girls were kidnapped after intruders broke into their home, located next to their church, and shot their father in the stomach.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
EU’s Distribution of Asylum Seekers to Member States Has Failed: Austria’s Kurz
Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said that the redistribution plan for asylum seekers in Europe has failed, in remarks he made to the AFP.
“Scattering asylum seekers across European member states will not work,” says the Austrian Chancellor.
Kurz made the statement on the eve of the presentation of the new European Commission plan on refugee policy.
“We can only solve this topic all together… Better protection of the [EU’s] outer borders, a joined fight against smugglers, but also joint aid where it is needed (in the countries where refugees come from) — that is the path that is needed,” the conservative leader said.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Greece: Illegal Immigrant From Afghanistan Attempted to Rape Woman in Ioannina
26-year-old illegal immigrant from Afghanistan was arrested and a case was filed against him for attempting to rape a woman in northwest Greece.
Incidents of sexual assault by illegal immigrants against other illegal immigrants in migrant camps is not new since Germany and Turkey launched the 2015 migrant crisis. Another incident was investigated by the police authorities in the migrant camp of Katsikas in in the Epirote city of Ioannina, where a 26-year-old Afghan was arrested.
The 26-year-old Afghan on Tuesday night attempted to rape a 35-year-old Iranian woman.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Hungary, Poland and Czechia Reject EU’s New Migration Pact
Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic have come out against a new European Commission migration pact sponsored mainly by Germany, which was resented on Wednesday, with all three countries say is woefully insufficient in addressing the issue of mass migration to Europe and also features unacceptable clauses that would require all member states to accept migrants or pay a fine.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
The first people smuggler convicted using evidence from surveillance drones over the Channel was jailed yesterday.
Rebwar Ahmed, 36, was filmed by an ‘eye in the sky’ unmanned aircraft at the helm of a rigid-hulled inflatable boat crossing from France.
The Iraqi’s conviction came as the Daily Mail was granted exclusive access to the nerve centre controlling the Channel surveillance drones.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Two Afghan Migrants Beat Swedish Female Politician, Call Her a ‘SD Whore’
Last week, local politician Marianne Nordin, who lives and works in Fagersta, Sweden, was subjected to a severe assault, with the motive behind the attack was likely Marianne’s political involvement in the anti-immigration Sweden Democrats (SD) party, Samhälsnytt reported.
Marianne Nordin was out on an evening walk on Uddnäsvägen near Fagersta center when two young people on a moped drove up behind and attacked her. One of the youngsters kicked Marianne in the stomach, causing her to collapse to the ground.
According to the victim, the male sitting in the back of the moped said, “F***ing SD whore, you are going to die.”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
The massive amount of both legal and illegal immigration to France has become unsustainable and the situation must change, French conservative politician of the National Rally (RN), Nicolas Bay, remarked on a popular French news program.
“If you add legal and illegal immigration, that’s over 400,000 arrivals each year… We cannot go on with such immigration,” Bay, who serves as the European deputy of RN, remarked as a guest on “4 Vérités” of France 2 on Sept. 21.
Statistics appear to back up Bay’s sentiments about the high level of migration France is experiencing, a country which already has the largest Muslim population in Europe. For example, 276,576 new residence permits were issued in 2019, according to the French Ministry of the Interior. In addition, 132,700 new asylum requests were made in 2019. With both figures added together, it equals over 400,000 new entries into France, and does not even include illegal migrants who have not filed for asylum applications.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
In the latest sign that France is undergoing profound demographic shifts, data from last year shows that 21.53 percent of newborns in France were given Arab-Muslim first names, according to the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) showed.
The highest ratio of Arab-Muslim names, at 54 percent, was registered in the Seine-et-Marne department near Paris with a population of about 1.4 million, of which 13.4 percent were born outside mainland France, with 1.4 percent in overseas territories, 2.3 percent in foreign countries that grant or granted French citizenship at birth, 3.8 percent immigrants from other EU countries, and 5.9 percent from non-EU countries.
Over the past 50 years, the ratio of Arab-Muslim first names for newborns rose almost constantly from 2.6 percent in 1969 to the current 21.53 percent, and the rise has been uninterrupted for the past 22 years beginning in 1997.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Big Tech Colludes on a Common Definition of “Hate Speech”
For a long time now, Big Tech social media platforms such as Facebook and YouTube have done their own internal audits when it comes to reporting on how they are controlling so-called “hate speech” across their platforms. But now, these platforms have finally caved and are allowing third-party auditing in order to satisfy their advertisers.
The specifics of the deal that have finally been worked out by the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA). It says that social media platforms will now have to undergo an internal audit when it comes to aspects such as how they categorize, report, and eliminate “harmful” content.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Trump Announces He Will Sign Born Alive Executive Order
President Trump will sign the Born Alive Executive Order, mandating medical care for babies who survive abortion attempts, he announced in a video announcement played Wednesday at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
“Council of Europe Wants Czechia to Expand Teaching of Romani in Schools”
Our children need to know Romani about as much as American children need to know Arabic…
“Scotland: Rapist Who Fled Country After Impregnating 12-Year-Old Gets Weak Sentence”
This is where vigilantes comes in. Let him walk out of prison and give him what he deserves. Do it with all like him and Britain would be clean in no time.
It should have been taken care of in prison so that there would have been no need to ever leave it.
“Rioters in Louisville broke into a public library and threw an incendiary device inside”
My word, who would want to just burn books?
Fahrenheit 451 comes to mind.
New Zealand
Will there be a memorial plaque to the more than 51 Christians killed by muslims in Nigeria in the same week as the mosque attack?
No there wont , after all, the Left want Christians dead . They support all who condemn Christianity . The media wont support the Christians either. When they do its a celebration of more Christian deaths.
In case there was any doubt about this article’s thesis
COVID-19: Does Sweden Have Herd Immunity?
Yes, haven’t you herd?