Light Posting

A family member was badly injured in a car accident this morning. As a result, we will be visiting the hospital and engaged in related activities for at least the next few days. In the interim, posting may be light.

I’ll do my best to keep up with the news feed, and we will moderate comments fairly regularly. But the volume of additional material may well be reduced.

Unfortunately, the Great Jihad won’t declare a truce while we’re indisposed. We recommend that you visit Vlad Tepes and Jihad Watch to keep up with what’s going on.

28 thoughts on “Light Posting

  1. Sorry to hear that …..Best wishes and prayers for your family member. Get well soon.

      • Thanks for the detail, Dymphna. Helps to understand how serious, and share your concern. Thanks to Valman’s great reminder, of faith and grace. Excellent.

        My wishes and sympathy for a successful recovery. And prayer. We shall await, knowing “all things work for good”. Sounds like in good hands.

        • One of the benefits of prayer is that it gives one something to do whilst waiting for things to change. And it can put you ‘in tune’ with the person for whom you pray…they are brought to mind most clearly. Even some of my atheist friends pray in times of great stress. A protracted labor in childbirth can be like that.

  2. Hi,

    Sorry to hear about this.

    I am sure all your readers feel the same.

    i hope things work out for you and yours.

  3. Baron Bodissey,

    In times of difficulty and trial, I have found Psalm 121 of great comfort and strength, especially when at a loss for words. The first two verses:

    “I lift up my eyes to the hills.
    From whence does my help come?

    My help comes from the Lord,
    Who made heaven and earth.”

    Today, and in the days ahead, praying this psalm for your loved one, you, and all those gathered together in their concern and love. VALman

    • When I was a child, those lines from the Psalm opened the Tridentine Mass (for many hundreds of years). As a kid, I only knew that passage as “The Introit”. The English translation (from the facing page, across from the Latin) was always from the canonical Douay-Reims version of the Bible.

      Here’s a two-fer: Psalm 121, 122 in Gregorian chant…

      I loved chant when I was in the choir in grade school. It doth soothe the savage breast…

      Thank you for doing this; it means more than you can know.

      • “Music for paradise” – “Music for the soul”: very much so! Thank you for the link. I listened to it in the very quiet of the morning. So very beautiful. May He always keep us in his care.

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