Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/20/2017

This news feed is being posted about ten hours late, and is truncated. Our internet connection went out last night about 8pm, and stayed out until sometime during the night. Anything that would have come in during that period doesn’t appear in this feed.

When I bring in the huge backlog of email, I’ll collect the more recent items and put them in the next news feed. Better late than never.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Charles Low, Insubria, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

Financial Crisis
» Italy: Little Spare Cash for Budget Law, Says Padoan
Europe and the EU
» Denmark Makes Deal on Water With California
» Italy: I’d Eat You for Joy of Vomiting You Out — Grillo Tells Reporters
» Meet the Swede Who Went Undercover for a Whole Year With the Alt-Right in the US and UK
» Slovenia: Council of Europe Criticizes Alien Act
» Thyssenkrupp: Tata Steel Reach Europe Steel Merger Deal
North Africa
» We’ll Ask UN to Return to Libya — Gentiloni
Australia — Pacific
» Exclusive: Storm in a Bubble Tea Cup: How a Private Schoolboy Destroyed a Sydney Cafe and His Fiancee Smashed a $120 Bikini Birthday Cake — All Because Her Drink Wasn’t Sweet Enough
» Muslim Extremist Murdered His Wife in Front of Their Children and Gouged Out Her Eye Before Dumping Her at a Melbourne Tennis Club Because ‘She Didn’t Want Him to Go to Syria to Fight for Islamic State ‘
» ‘She Had a Zombie Leg’: Girl, 13, Struck Down With Flesh-Eating Ulcer as Third-World Disease Spreads Across Australia — and Doctors Don’t Know Why
» Italy: Asylum Seeker Sexually Abuses Woman Worker
» Muslim Refugee, 35, Who Forced a 14-Year-Old Girl to Marry Him Cries in Court and Claims He Thought He Was ‘Rescuing’ His Child Bride
» Romania to Expel Over 100 Migrants
» This Border Wall Reduced Illegal Immigration by Over 99%
Culture Wars
» Prominent Muslim Sheikh Slams Same-Sex Marriage as ‘Evil’ And Describes Homosexual Men as ‘F****ts’ In Anti-Gay Rant to Thousands of Followers
» Serbia’s Leader to Attend Gay Pride March for First Time
» ‘You Are a Backwards, Homophobic Idiot’: Liberal MP Called ‘One of Hitler’s Children’ After Posting a Photo Saying it’s OK to Vote ‘No’ In Same-Sex Marriage Ballot
» Another Major Study Confirms the IPCC’s Climate Models Were Wrong

Italy: Little Spare Cash for Budget Law, Says Padoan

Better-than-expected growth not sufficient says minister

(ANSA) — Rome, September 19 — Economy Minister Pier Carlo Padoan said Tuesday that there is not much spare cash kicking around in the public coffers for the 2018 budget law even though the Italian economy is growing faster than expected. “There are very few resources, given the budget limits,” Padoan said. “GDP has improved, but not to such a degree as to be able to loosen (fiscal policy) in a significant way”. He said the battle against rampant youth unemployment would be one area that money would be found for.

“Young employment is one of the very few areas that will be attacked within the current framework of public finances,” Padoan said.

           — Hat tip: Insubria [Return to headlines]

Denmark Makes Deal on Water With California

In this first paragraph of this online news article: Denmark has signed an agreement to provide water purification technology to the thirsty coastal US state of California, in a deal that could bring millions into the Danish economy.

           — Hat tip: Charles Low [Return to headlines]

Italy: I’d Eat You for Joy of Vomiting You Out — Grillo Tells Reporters

M5S leader says media put him under siege

(ANSA) — Rome, September 19 — Beppe Grillo, the leader of the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S), blasted reporters waiting for him outside a Rome hotel on Tuesday, saying they effectively put him under siege.

“This is kidnapping, I’d eat you just for the pleasure of vomiting you out,” the comedian-turned-politician said.

“Do you feel any shame about the job you do? Do you think the fact that you work for 10 euros a story justifies all this?”.

           — Hat tip: Insubria [Return to headlines]

Meet the Swede Who Went Undercover for a Whole Year With the Alt-Right in the US and UK

Swedish student Patrik Hermansson, 25, talks to The Local about what he learned when he went undercover for a year with the international alt-right movement.

           — Hat tip: Charles Low [Return to headlines]

Slovenia: Council of Europe Criticizes Alien Act

Cpt, positive developments prisons overcrowding

(ANSA) — STRASBOURG — The Cpt, anti-torture committee of the Council of Europe, in its report on Slovenia says it “has misgivings about the new articles of the Aliens Act which would, under certain circumstances, deny foreign nationals the possibility to apply for asylum, without an individual assessment of their case”.

In the document based on a visit conducted in the country last April, the Cpt also “criticizes the fact that unaccompanied minors and families with children awaiting deportation are still regularly detained at the Postojna Detention Centre for Foreigners”. At the same time the Committee affirms that “there are positive developments as regards overcrowding in prisons, with particular progress achieved at Ljubljana Prison” and that “generally, it received very few allegations of ill-treatment of prisoners by staff”.

Regarding the Aliens Act “the Committee expresses its doubts as to whether foreign nationals under this measure would in practice be effectively protected against refoulement” and therefore asks the Slovenian authorities to guarantee this protection. The Cpt also recommends that unaccompanied minors are no longer placed in the Postojna Detention Centre for Foreigners but are accommodated in an open, or semi-open, specialized establishment for juveniles. The detention in this centre should become “a last resort measure” also for families with children, says the Cpt.

           — Hat tip: Insubria [Return to headlines]

Thyssenkrupp: Tata Steel Reach Europe Steel Merger Deal

Formal signing of the transaction at the beginning of 2018

(ANSA) — BERLIN — Germany’s Thyssenkrupp says it has reached a preliminary deal with Tata Steel of India to merge the two companies’ European steel operations in a joint venture.

Thyssenkrupp said the firms signed a memorandum of understanding Wednesday to form the 50-50 joint venture.

Negotiations about details of the deal are to be concluded in time for a formal signing of the transaction at the beginning of 2018, and the merger will require approval from the companies’ boards and from antitrust authorities.

The new entity is to be called Thyssenkrupp Tata Steel and will be headquartered in the Amsterdam region. Thyssenkrupp said that up to 2,000 administrative jobs and up to 2,000 jobs in production will likely be cut, with the impact “jointly shared between both partners.”

           — Hat tip: Insubria [Return to headlines]

We’ll Ask UN to Return to Libya — Gentiloni

Premier in New York for General Assembly

(ANSA) — Rome, September 20 — Italy wants the United Nations to return to Libya, Premier Paolo Gentiloni said in New York on Wednesday ahead of his General Assembly address. “We are devoted today to the Libya issue,” Gentiloni said. “There’s a meeting involving the principle leaders and I’ll see (Libya Prime Minister Fayez al-) Sarraj in a few minutes to prepare. (The aim is) to call on the UN to return to Libya. It is necessary for the peace process and for the migratory issue because the conditions of refugees in Libya must be monitored and improved on the human rights front”.

           — Hat tip: Insubria [Return to headlines]

Exclusive: Storm in a Bubble Tea Cup: How a Private Schoolboy Destroyed a Sydney Cafe and His Fiancee Smashed a $120 Bikini Birthday Cake — All Because Her Drink Wasn’t Sweet Enough

The husband of a beautician who destroyed a birthday cake at a shop because her bubble tea was not sweet enough has been fined for his role in the fracas.

           — Hat tip: SS [Return to headlines]

Muslim Extremist Murdered His Wife in Front of Their Children and Gouged Out Her Eye Before Dumping Her at a Melbourne Tennis Club Because ‘She Didn’t Want Him to Go to Syria to Fight for Islamic State ‘

An Islamic State (stock image) sympathiser has admitted murdering his wife, whose mutilated body was found dumped in Melbourne. The victim’s right eye was gouged out and two fingers cut off.

           — Hat tip: SS [Return to headlines]

‘She Had a Zombie Leg’: Girl, 13, Struck Down With Flesh-Eating Ulcer as Third-World Disease Spreads Across Australia — and Doctors Don’t Know Why

Victorian girl Ella Crofts, 13, was struck down by flesh-eating bacteria mycobacterium ulcerans that caused an angry red palm-sized ulcer across her knee that left her limping for six months.

           — Hat tip: SS [Return to headlines]

Italy: Asylum Seeker Sexually Abuses Woman Worker

Two other asylum seekers intervened to help

(ANSA) — Bergamo, September 20 — A woman worker at a migrant reception centre in the northern province of Bergamo on Tuesday was allegedly sexually abused by a 27-year-old asylum-seeker from Sierra Leone, Bergamo chief prosecutor Walter Mapelli said Wednesday. The asylum seeker allegedly locked the woman, aged 26, in a bathroom and abused her. The woman called for help and two asylum seekers at the complex intervened, breaking down a door. The attacker jumped from the first floor of the complex but was subsequently tracked down by Carabinieri police and arrested.

The woman was admitted to hospital.

           — Hat tip: Insubria [Return to headlines]

Muslim Refugee, 35, Who Forced a 14-Year-Old Girl to Marry Him Cries in Court and Claims He Thought He Was ‘Rescuing’ His Child Bride

Mohammad Shakir, 35, sobbed as he told a Melbourne court he thought he was ‘rescuing’ his 14-year-old bride when he married her at a Muslim ceremony at Noble Park Mosque.

           — Hat tip: SS [Return to headlines]

Romania to Expel Over 100 Migrants

Caught by the border police on a boat adrift in the Black Sea

(ANSA) — BUCHAREST — Over 100 migrants from the group that attempted to illegally enter Romania last week will be expelled from the country. According to The Romania Journal, they were caught on a boat adrift in the Black Sea and saved by the border police officers. 61 migrants have been sheltered in the centers accommodating foreigners so far, with 49 of them asking for political asylum. There were also three children in the boat and they have been taken over by the Child Protection. Two boats with migrants have reached the Black Sea shore in the past two weeks. Last week, the Border Police took over 157 people in a boat floating adrift.

Interior minister Carmen Dan was warning in a recent interview that there were also persons presenting risks for the national security among the migrants who had entered Romania.

Yet, she explained there is no concerning number and that they are in custody.

           — Hat tip: Insubria [Return to headlines]

This Border Wall Reduced Illegal Immigration by Over 99%

There is a border wall in existence that reduced illegal immigration by over 99%. Viktor Orban, the Prime Minister of Hungary put up a double fence along the border of his country with Serbia, and the results were staggering.

           — Hat tip: Charles Low [Return to headlines]

Prominent Muslim Sheikh Slams Same-Sex Marriage as ‘Evil’ And Describes Homosexual Men as ‘F****ts’ In Anti-Gay Rant to Thousands of Followers

A fundamentalist Muslim sheikh Jamil El-Biza says gay marriage is ‘evil’ and described homosexual men as ‘f****ts’ in a vile Facebook post to his thousands of followers, including the Grand Mufti.

           — Hat tip: SS [Return to headlines]

Serbia’s Leader to Attend Gay Pride March for First Time

Police have cordoned off central Belgrade

(ANSA) — BELGRADE — Serbian police have cordoned off central Belgrade with metal fences to secure a gay pride march that is expected to be attended by the conservative country’s first ever openly gay prime minister, AP reports.

Ana Brnabic was elected earlier this year in what was seen as part of Serbia’s efforts to embrace change and improve its image as it moves toward European Union membership.

Serbia’s embattled gays have faced widespread harassment and violence from extremists. More than 100 people were injured during a gay pride event in 2010 when police clashed with right-wing groups and soccer hooligans.

On Sunday, helicopters could be heard flying over the Serbian capital. Hundreds of police deployed along metal fences to control crowds in the downtown area hours ahead of the march.

           — Hat tip: Insubria [Return to headlines]

‘You Are a Backwards, Homophobic Idiot’: Liberal MP Called ‘One of Hitler’s Children’ After Posting a Photo Saying it’s OK to Vote ‘No’ In Same-Sex Marriage Ballot

Conservative Liberal MP Ian Goodenough, from Perth, has been called ‘one of Hitler’s children’ and subjected to vile abuse online after declaring his intention to vote against same sex marriage.

           — Hat tip: SS [Return to headlines]

Another Major Study Confirms the IPCC’s Climate Models Were Wrong

Another group of prominent climate scientists have published research claiming humanity may have a couple extra decades before pushing the world past what the U.N. calls “dangerous” levels of global warming.

           — Hat tip: Charles Low [Return to headlines]

2 thoughts on “Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/20/2017

  1. Business Insider just posted an SJW-penned article titled:

    “The world’s most persecuted minority: What you need to know about the Rohingya crisis.”

    I love the patronizing title, as if these people with toilet paper degrees could educate me about anything.

    All I need to know is that problems should be solved efficiently.

  2. Mohammad Shakir, 35, sobbed as he told a Melbourne court he thought he was ‘rescuing’ his 14-year-old bride when he married her at a Muslim ceremony at Noble Park Mosque.
    A Muslim refugee from Burma that is to say a Rohingya who is really a Bangladeshi.

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