Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/3/2017

North Korea launched another ballistic missile on Tuesday (i.e. tomorrow morning, from the perspective of EDT) that flew for 40 minutes and then landed in the Sea of Japan. The missile was said to have used a “lofted” trajectory, which would make it difficult to intercept with Japan’s American-supplied missile defense systems. The Japanese government lodged a strong protest with North Korea.

In other news, at Logan Airport in Boston a taxi driver ran his vehicle into a group of fellow cabbies, injuring ten people before his vehicle ran into a wall. The incident is thought to have been an accident, and not a deliberate action on the part of the driver.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to AF, Charles Low, Fjordman, JD, LP, Reader from Chicago, SS, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

Financial Crisis
» Germany: Re-Elect Me and I’ll Eradicate Unemployment, Merkel Pledges
» Illinois Economic Collapse is Near, Two Other States Will Follow in Its Footsteps
» CNN’s Fake News Machine
» Free Our Internet (FOI) Rolls Out July 4 Campaign to Save Internet From Soros Censorship Rules
» Good Samaritan Tries to Help Lost Toddler — Her Dad Beats Him Up and Drives Him Out of Town
» MSP: Vehicle Crashes Through Pedestrians Near Logan, Injuries Reported
» New Jersey Homeland Security Officially Lists Antifa as a Terrorist Organization
» Obama Warns Americans About Too Much Patriotism — On July 4th Weekend!
» Reminder: CNN Sponsored a Trump Assassination Play
» Report: Jared, Ivanka, Conway, Dina Powell Spotted at Hamptons Party With Soros, Schumer, Fake News Journos
» So-Called ‘Antifascism’ Groups Becoming Bigger Threat to U.S. Says Intelligence Expert
» The Media is the Greatest Enemy of a Free Press
» The Seditious and Toxic Atmosphere of the Globalists
» US Navy Weighing Options for Boosting Fleet Size, As Hostile Maritime Forces Grow
Europe and the EU
» 1 Killed, 6 Injured in Drive-by Shooting in Toulouse, France
» 2,000 Islamist Extremists in Sweden: Security Police
» British Terror Plotter Who Eyed Elton John’s 9/11 Memorial Concert Receives Life Sentence
» Emmanuel Macron: Man Charged With Plotting to Kill French President
» France to End State of Emergency in Autumn
» Go on, Have Dessert: New Study Finds Chocolate Helps Memory, Cogntitive Function
» Italian Mafia Are Forced to Head North to Germany Because the Sicilian Economy is So Bad
» Italy: Venice Residents Protest Against Tourist Influx
» Macron Seeks to Cut Number of France MPs by a Third
» Norway PM Solberg Cuts Off Interview After China Dissident Question
» Seawater is the Secret to Long-Lasting Roman Concrete
» Swedish Music Festival Sees Another Series of Sex Assaults
» The 2nd Amendment Comes to Europe: Czech Republic Expected to Enshrine Right to Bear Arms in Constitution
» U.S. No Longer a ‘Friend’ In Merkel Election Program
» UK: Algerian Who Was Jailed for Spraying Food With Faeces and Urine Still Can’t be Deported Despite £250,000 Legal Battle to Kick Him Out
» UK: Teenage Arrested on Suspicion of Terrorism Offences
» UK: Teenager Who Plotted Terrorist Attacks Across London on 9/11 Anniversary Jailed for Life
Middle East
» German Bishop Condemns Turkey Church Confiscations
» ISIS Preacher Executed for Suggesting Baghdadi’s Dead, Report Says
» ISIS Recruiter Sally Jones ‘Wants to Return to Britain’ From Raqqa
» ISIS Barbarians Douse 12 Caged People With Oil and Burn Them Alive
South Asia
» India Woman Attacked With Acid for Fifth Time
Far East
» China Warns Rising Tension With North Korea Could be Disastrous
» ‘Lofted’ North Korean Missile Flies for 40 Minutes, Lands in Sea of Japan
» Russian and Chinese Leaders to Sit Down for Third Time This Year to Sign $10bn of Deals
» South China Sea: China Calls USS Stethem Warship ‘A Provocation’
» US Playing Political Games With Latest South China Sea Patrol, Chinese Media Says
Australia — Pacific
» ‘Folks, It’s Been Real’: Controversial Muslim Speaker Yassmin Abdel-Magied Reveals She Will Leave Australia for London — Following ANZAC Day Facebook Post Uproar
» Germany and France Finally Agree to Take More Migrants as Italy Buckles Under Weight
» Important Votes This Week to Get Killer Illegals Off Our Streets
» Italy Agrees to Draw up Migrant Rescue ‘Code of Conduct’ With France and Germany
» Massive Search Under Way for 52 Migrants Feared Lost at Sea Heading to Spanish Costas
» Slovenian Comic’s Parody Has Merkel Dancing With ‘Zombie’ Refugees
» Sweden: Muslim Migrant Gets Month in Prison for Raping 13-Year-Old Boy, Won’t be Deported
Culture Wars
» Canadian Baby ‘First Without Gender Designation’ On Health Card
» Facebook Refuses to Install a ‘Crucifix Button’ Despite Demands From Christian Users

Germany: Re-Elect Me and I’ll Eradicate Unemployment, Merkel Pledges

German Chancellor Angela Merkel unveiled an ambitious plan to achieve full employment as part of her hotly favoured bid to win a fourth term in September elections, hitting back at criticism she was simply content to rest on her laurels.

As she gears up for a high-profile week on the world stage hosting a G20 summit with guests including US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, Merkel presented a programme she said was focused on bolstering Germany’s economic strength and social cohesion.

The clear front-runner in the race for the September 24 poll, Merkel said the signature pledge for her conservative Christian Democrats and their Bavarian allies, the Christian Social Union, would be to slash the jobless rate by 2025 to three percent — defined by economists as full employment — from about 5.5 percent today.

“This is a government programme that will bring the country together and not divide it,” she told reporters.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Illinois Economic Collapse is Near, Two Other States Will Follow in Its Footsteps

The mismanagement of Illinois by government bureaucrats and politicians have plunged the state into a dire economic abyss. But SGTReport is predicting that other states will fall just as quickly, and you won’t be surprised in the least when your hear which ones are doomed to suffer an economic collapse soon.

Illinois could be expected to slash pensions to 30 cents on the dollar to help stave off the harsh reality of nanny state policies and socialist promises. But problems with finances began when the state failed to realize that a stranglehold on the economy spells disaster and political promises are failures waiting to happen. The mass exodus of property owners began when the land of Lincoln decided to jack up property taxes in an attempt to cover for their awful Ponzi scheme mismanagement, and the spiral into an almost $15 billion debt crisis began.

According to the video below by SGTReport, the situation is worse than we are being told. The mainstream media is almost coddling the public over the “ red alert” created by the socialist policies in Illinois. And California and New Jersey are most likely next thanks to the government awarding pensions they cannot pay for. The suggestion? Invest in gold or silver because Illinois will soon look like Venezuela and the dollar will be all but worthless.

The state of Illinois doesn’t have a monopoly on ignorant, power hungry, or corrupt politicians, and that’s why the warning is going to California and New Jersey. Since the end of World War II, those ignorant politicians have been promising American Baby Boomers more and more entitlements while never collecting nearly enough money (stealing enough from others in the form of taxation) to cover them all, and it all began with the Ponzi scheme of social security. Although most media outlets will try to do mental gymnastics to explain why social security’s non-voluntary participation is not a Ponzi scheme, the facts remain.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

CNN’s Fake News Machine

by Daniel Greenfield

In April, media types were crowing that CNN had brought in Eric Lichtblau who had been, in the Washington Post’s words, at “the forefront of the New York Times’s reporting on the relationship between the Trump presidential campaign and Russia.” It was “an investment in investigative reporting and the sprawling Russia story”. It didn’t take long for the investigative investment to sprawl badly.

Lichtblau has resigned from CNN in a growing scandal over a Fake News story about a Trump associate. …

It’s how the New York Times and the Washington Post found themselves in the black. And why CNN is suddenly in big trouble. The dirty business of conspiracy theories is a dangerous one. It depends on walking a fine line by implying things without saying them out loud or actually stating falsifiable facts.

That’s why Comey madness was so useful. But there was only so much mileage that could be gotten out of him. And as the media turned back to splicing together conspiracies about real people, the bell rang.

CNN’s hit team had made their big mistake with Scaramucci. After all the money spent on buying BuzzFeed’s pranksters and big city paper hitmen like Lichtblau, Trump is the one claiming the scalps.

           — Hat tip: AF [Return to headlines]

Free Our Internet (FOI) Rolls Out July 4 Campaign to Save Internet From Soros Censorship Rules

“Let Freedom Ring” campaign aims to repeal Soros-inspired “Net Neutrality”

The non-profit citizen group Free Our Internet (FOI) is launching on Independence Day, July 4, a new campaign aimed at combatting efforts by big government, Silicon Valley monopolies and the tech-left to hijack the Internet.

The “Net Freedom Ring” campaign will commence on July 4th and calls for internet independence from government regulations such as the FCC’s 2015 so-called “Net Neutrality” rules pushed by President Obama that were designed institutionalize the censorship that Internet portal giants Google, Facebook, and Twitter impose on conservative and libertarian websites including

Beginning on July 4, the campaign will include social media outreach, a platform for concerned digital citizens to submit comments to the FCC on the issue, and a Snapchat campaign in Washington, D.C.

The campaign launches ahead of the July 12 planned “Day of Action”, an effort coordinated by well-funded, Soros-backed pressure groups and Silicon Valley monopolies like Amazon, Netflix and Twitter to protest the rollback of the Obama rules.

“In 2015, Silicon Valley content gatekeepers, together with globalist elites like George Soros and their leftist activist allies in Washington launched a coordinated campaign with the Obama Administration to establish government control over our internet,” said Free Our Internet executive director Christie-Lee McNally.

“As predicted, the tech-left and Silicon Valley moved almost immediately after the rules were passed to tighten their grip on this critical platform for the free flow of ideas and free expression,” McNally continued.

“Ironically, the very same Silicon Valley monopolies who pushed hardest for government rules to prevent blocking, throttling and censorship of internet content, today stand accused of the exact same behavior they denounced only two years ago. McNally.

The Net Freedom Ring Campaign will work to educate the public and provide the American people with a voice to advocate for a truly free and open internet by rolling back the partisan “Net Neutrality rules passed by Obama’s FCC in 2015.

As has repeatedly warned, Soros-allied forces on the far-left coined the intentionally deceptive “Net Neutrality” phrase to deceive the public into thinking the Obama-era rules would preserve the Internet as a free marketplace of ideas, when the reality remains “Net Neutrality” rules were designed to accomplish precisely the opposite.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Good Samaritan Tries to Help Lost Toddler — Her Dad Beats Him Up and Drives Him Out of Town

According to witnesses and the police, the man was trying to help the young girl locate her parents

Many a parent has experienced the sheer panic which comes with realising their young child has somehow wandered off .

Two Florida parents recently went through this after their two-year-old daughter became separated from them during a busy softball game.

A Good Samaritan in the crowd luckily noticed the toddler was by herself, looking lost, and decided to help.

This is what went down, according to Lakeland Police Department .

“A citizen who was at the at the game visiting a few friends noticed the young girl wandering by herself and believed that she was lost.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

MSP: Vehicle Crashes Through Pedestrians Near Logan, Injuries Reported

BOSTON- Several people have been injured after a taxi ran into a group of people near Logan Airport, according to Mass. State Police.

Emergency responders told Boston 25 News 10 people were taken to hospitals with injuries. However, the varying severity of the injuries was initially unclear.

Police said the crash happened at the Boston Logan taxi Stand on Porter Street at Tomahawk Drive.

Sources told Boston 25 News the operator stayed on scene and appeared to have accidentally hit the gas instead of the brake.

The 56-year-old taxi driver remained on scene to be interviewed by police. MSP spokesperson Dave Procopio said some of the injuries were serious.

Sky25 captured live video over the scene shortly after the accident. We could see debris scattered around several picnic tables and the cab remained smashed into the side of the building…

           — Hat tip: Vlad Tepes [Return to headlines]

New Jersey Homeland Security Officially Lists Antifa as a Terrorist Organization

Feds slap extremist anti-Trump group with domestic terror label

The Department of Homeland Security in New Jersey has officially listed Antifa as a domestic terrorist organization after a rash of violent attacks by the group targeting supporters of Donald Trump.

Under the heading ‘Anarchist Extremists: Antifa’, the website characterizes Antifa under the designation of “domestic terrorism”.

“In the past year, Antifa groups have become active across the United States, employing a variety of methods to disrupt demonstrations,” states the advisory, before going on to list a number of violent disruptions, including Milo Yiannopoulos’ speaking event at the University of California Berkeley on February 1st, which was cancelled after members of Antifa violently attacked free speech advocates.

The advisory also lists how Antifa has engaged in doxxing of individuals to expose them to abuse and violent harassment.

The designation is of course completely valid since Antifa fits the very definition of terrorism, which is “the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.”

[Comment: About time. Now extradite Soros to Russia, where a nice room in Siberia is waiting for him.]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Obama Warns Americans About Too Much Patriotism — On July 4th Weekend!

Barack Obama visited Indonesia this weekend, and in a series of appearances, attacked love of country and the policies of Donald Trump

While most Americans are gathering with family and community this weekend to celebrate the most exceptional country in the history of the world, Mr. Hope and Change is halfway around the world talking doom and gloom — and criticizing his successor.

Barack Obama visited Indonesia this weekend, and in a series of appearances, attacked love of country and the policies of Donald Trump.

[Comment: More proof he is a puppet of the globalists who seek to take down the USA.]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Reminder: CNN Sponsored a Trump Assassination Play

Yet it complains about ‘violent’ POTUS wrestling tweet.

This is an appropriate time to remind Americans that last month, CNN’s parent company, Time Warner, sponsored a public theater production of Julius Caesar, which saw Donald Trump as the protagonist being brutally murdered night after night on stage with fake blood spraying everywhere.

Somehow, according to CNN, that doesn’t count as inciting violence — in fact CNN host Fareed Zakaria called it a ‘masterpiece’.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Report: Jared, Ivanka, Conway, Dina Powell Spotted at Hamptons Party With Soros, Schumer, Fake News Journos

While most Americans were working and looking forward to hot dogs and fireworks on the Fourth of July some Hollywood celebs, media types and political operatives — including some in President Donald Trump’s inner circle — were partying at the tony Southhampton home of Washington Post owner/editor Lally Graham Weymouth this weekend.

According to Politico’s Playbook — which issued one correction on its piece about misidentifying the Koch brother who attended — a wide range of people were invited — and accepted the invitation — to Weymouth’s annual summer party, Politico Playbook reported on Sunday.

“Sighted” at the party were Alan Patricof, a good friend and campaign contributor to Bill and Hillary Clinton, George Soros and his wife Tamiko Bolton, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), and Steven Spielberg. Former Florida Governor and Senator Bob Graham, a Democrat, and Rep. Lee Zeldin, a Republican, also made the invite list.

[Comment: Oh no!]

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

So-Called ‘Antifascism’ Groups Becoming Bigger Threat to U.S. Says Intelligence Expert

Antifascist (ANTIFA) groups in the United States have become far more organized, equipped, funded, and even trained in special camps to bring about large-scale social disruption, public and private property damage (arson and looting), destruction of businesses, financial loss in the public and private sectors, and high-profile violent clashes with law enforcement preferably with the news cameras capturing police using force against ANTIFA members, according to intelligence and security expert Dr. Lyle Rapacki.

These groups are sorely underestimated by many city and other elected officials, while other officials actually encourage them to participate in violence and destruction. For example, during her presidential campaign Democrat Hillary Clinton compared police officers to the radical Islamists who comprise the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Do not confuse these zealots with the hippie rioters of the Vietnam War era of the late 1960’s, said Dr. Rapacki in his email intelligence briefing.

He noted that members of ANTIFA are extremely mean-spirited and prone to violence. Recruitment programs seek members as young as 6th graders in public school. The current government education system encompasses indoctrination into Marxism that is hardly hidden; whether for young students or college age adults (18-28) who comprise the largest block within the organization.

“Today’s teachers are more concerned with indoctrinating students than in educating them. Their idea of educating youngsters is more in line with the Hitler Youth in Nazi Germany or the Palestinian terrorist children’s summer camps in the Gaza Strip,” said former police detective and military intelligence operative Michael Snipes.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

The Media is the Greatest Enemy of a Free Press

When the White House fights the media cartel, it’s upholding a free press.

by Daniel Greenfield

[…] Vox dubbed Karem “heroic” for defending “CNN’s honor.” The media’s “honor” has fallen so low that it needs defending by the red light district. If the media’s honor gets any lower, its honor will need an assist from the Mafia, Mexican drug cartels, NAMBLA and the Toxic Waste Association of America.

Karem claimed to be inspired by the tantrums of CNN’s Jim Acosta. CNN was particularly upset by the White House denying the network the precious video that it needs to show off its latest Trump attacks.

Off-camera briefings are a good start. Off-media briefings would be even better.

Under the illiterate headline, “We Stood Up to the Administration Today Because Free Press is Crucial,” Karem wrote at Playboy, “The administration supports the First Amendment — just not the people who practice it.”

And the only people entitled to practice the First Amendment, according to the media, own the media. They don’t need to know basic grammar. They don’t need to have their facts right. They just need to be part of huge media conglomerates with left-wing politics whose mission is attacking conservatives. …

Why does the media believe that Playboy, but not Breitbart or the Daily Caller, have a right to be heard?

“I don’t like the entire institution of the press and free speech being castigated,” Brian Karem wheedled. “The foundation of a free republic is a free press.”

The media has reached rock bottom when a porn magazine’s correspondent starts claiming to be foundation of a free republic.

And when the media enthusiastically agrees. …

The obscene efforts of the media cartel to wrap itself in the tattered shrouds of the First Amendment are as disgusting as a man who murdered his parents begging the court to have mercy on an orphan.

The media is waging a ruthless campaign to censor its opponents under the guise of “Fake News”. Yet it plays the victim when it is criticized (rather than censored) for the dishonest lies of its partisan agenda.

           — Hat tip: AF [Return to headlines]

The Seditious and Toxic Atmosphere of the Globalists

The Democratic Party, academia, Hollywood ( Be sure to see the DVD “Hollywood’s War on God” it’s great) and the media have systematically created the toxic atmosphere we now have to contend with. They have set the tone for what is occurring today. This is war…every Democrat and Demopublican RINO’s like Sen. John McCain, his partner Lindsey Graham and Paul Ryan across the nation needs to be voted out. The primaries are the most important votes we cast, and we need to fund and fight for the true and honest constitutional conservatives to run against the Democrats and Demopublicans.

The left needs to be destroyed, and that includes the left leaning Republicans. We all know who they are, Ryan, McCain, Collins, Graham, McConnell, and many more. Our nation absolutely cannot survive more of these communist agitators fomenting rage because their globalist goals have been set aside by voters who chose freedom…

Andrew McCarthy’s recent article in National Review stated,

Whether it is Berkeley or Benghazi, it is standard operating procedure among the most influential, most allegedly mainstream Democratic politicians to rationalize rioting as mere ‘protest.’ In their alternative reality, violence in the name of sedition is ‘free speech’ — a passionate expression of political dissent — started me on this while the actual political speech they so savagely suppress is the atrocity.

What McCarthy went on to say reminded me of something my mother said long ago when I was a teenager and then a young adult. She was right when she said that we were headed for a war of ideals…righteousness and freedom or slavery to the state. God how I miss my amazing mother who started me on the journey to save America at the ripe old age of five.

One of the worst legacies of those 1960s Days of Rage was the failure of will to prosecute violent leaders of the radical Left to the full extent of the law — particularly the likes of Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, Weather Underground terrorists who got a complete pass. In its madness, the nation drew a moral equivalence between anti-American terrorism and the excesses of American government agents who pursued the terrorists, as if warrantless searches and spying, however concededly outrageous, were comparable to plots and attempts to commit mass murder. The government did not want the depths of its misconduct explored, so charges were dropped in some cases and pled away for a song in others — denying an exploration of the depths of the terrorists’ depravity. “Guilty as sin, free as a bird,” crowed Ayers, waxing nostalgic on the eve of the 9/11 attacks.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

US Navy Weighing Options for Boosting Fleet Size, As Hostile Maritime Forces Grow

U.S. Navy officials are weighing options for boosting the size of their fleet, which appears increasingly inadequate to handle growing maritime threats from China, Iran and Russia.

The Navy has 276 vessels, but while up to 100 are deployed globally, many are dry-docked for months — or even years —waiting for maintenance, upgrades or certifications. With China, Iran and Russia expanding their navies and taking more aggressive actions on the high seas, there is an urgent need for America’s currently idle ships and submarines to head out to the open sea.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

1 Killed, 6 Injured in Drive-by Shooting in Toulouse, France

At least one person has been killed and six others wounded in a shooting in the French city of Toulouse, local media report. The shooting took place in the Abbal square in Toulouse around 9:00pm local time when several assailants riding a motorcycle opened fire on a crowd before fleeing the scene.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

2,000 Islamist Extremists in Sweden: Security Police

Two thirds of some 3,000 violent extremists currently in Sweden are believed to have Islamist motives, the head of the country’s security police Säpo said on Monday.

Speaking during Almedalen Week, Anders Thornberg mentioned the figure following an interview last month in which he stated that extremists had soared from a couple of hundreds a few years ago to thousands.

Although “few extremists” have “the will and ability” to carry out attacks, they must be found and closely followed. “It’s important that everyone in Sweden takes responsibility to end this trend,” he said.

Thornberg said there are around 3,000 violent extremists in Sweden. Some 2,000 of those are believed to have Islamist motives, and the remaining originate from far-right and far-left movements.

A 2010 Säpo report estimated the number of violent Islamist extremists in the country at 200.

Jihadist or sympathizers from Sweden have been linked to several terrorist attacks in recent years.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

British Terror Plotter Who Eyed Elton John’s 9/11 Memorial Concert Receives Life Sentence

A guilty plea by would-be Elton John concert bomber Haroon Syed landed the British man a life sentence on Monday.

Roughly 50,000 people who attended an Elton John concert in Hyde Park in 2016 were the target of a terrorist attack involving machine guns and a suicide vest. The “martyrdom” goal set by Syed, 19, never materialized because he came into contact with MI5 officers in his search for weaponry.

“Two things. Number one, machine gun and we need someone who can make a vest you know the dugma [button] one,” the west London man told an agent, BBC reported Monday. “So after some damage with machine gun then do itishadi [martyrdom] … that’s what I’m planning to do.”

In addition to targeting Mr. John’s concert — a 9/11 memorial event — Syed admitted to plotting terror attacks for Buckingham Palace and Oxford Street between April and September last year.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Emmanuel Macron: Man Charged With Plotting to Kill French President

A suspected far-right extremist has been charged with plotting to kill French President Emmanuel Macron at the Bastille Day parade later this month.

The 23-year-old was arrested in a Paris suburb last Wednesday after police were alerted by users of a videogame chat room where he allegedly said he wanted to buy a gun.

He also said he wanted to attack minorities, a judicial source told AFP.

Mr Macron has been giving a state-of-the-nation-style address in Versailles.

He has been outlining his priorities in the speech, taking place during a special session of both houses of parliament at the Palace of Versailles.

However the French president is facing criticism over the address, with far-left leader Jean-Luc Mélénchon accusing him of behaving like a “pharoah”.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

France to End State of Emergency in Autumn

French President Emmanuel Macron said Monday he will “this autumn” lift a state of emergency in effect since the jihadist attacks in Paris in November 2015 that killed 130 people.

“I will re-establish the freedoms of the French people by lifting the state of emergency this autumn, because these freedoms are the precondition of the existence of a strong democracy,” Macron said in an address to both houses of parliament.

The French leader last month set out a tough new anti-terrorism law designed to allow the lifting of the state of emergency, which has been extended five times.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Go on, Have Dessert: New Study Finds Chocolate Helps Memory, Cogntitive Function

Go on, treat yourself. A recent Italian study has found that eating chocolate not only helps improves memory and cognitive function in the short term — it can even help prevent cognitive decline as we age.

           — Hat tip: Charles Low [Return to headlines]

Italian Mafia Are Forced to Head North to Germany Because the Sicilian Economy is So Bad

It is indelibly associated with the rolling hills of Sicily, but the mafia is now being forced to move to Germany after years of economic decline on the island.

The Italian clans have suffered over recent years due to a slump in the construction industry, one of its key businesses, and a determined police crackdown.

This has forced them to head north, as demonstrated by the arrest of 19 suspected drug traffickers in the southern German city of Villingen-Schwenningen on June 21.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Italy: Venice Residents Protest Against Tourist Influx

Thousands of Venetians on Sunday took to the streets to protest against mass tourism in the lagoon city.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Macron Seeks to Cut Number of France MPs by a Third

French President Emmanuel Macron has proposed a radical overhaul of the country’s government.

Speaking at the historic Palace of Versailles, he said he planned to cut the number of lawmakers by a third.

Doing so would produce a more efficient government and put France on a “radically new path”, said Mr Macron.

The French president says he has a broad mandate after sweeping wins in presidential and parliamentary elections this year.

If his proposed changes were not passed by parliament within a year, he said he would take the decision to a referendum.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Norway PM Solberg Cuts Off Interview After China Dissident Question

Norway’s prime minister Erna Solberg and foreign minister Børge Brende have both declined to answer questions about the release of terminally ill Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo, who was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize in 2010.

The EU has requested that China release the dissident, reports broadcaster NRK.

The long-term opponent of China’s one party system was sentenced to eleven years’ prison in 2009 after he wrote and signed a political manifesto calling for democracy and reforms in China.

The 2010 Nobel Peace Prize award caused a diplomatic crisis between China and Norway which was not resolved until Solberg visited Beijing earlier this year — the first Norwegian PM in a decade to do so.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Seawater is the Secret to Long-Lasting Roman Concrete

Ancient recipe has lasted 2,000 years thanks to chemical reactions that result in a rare mineral.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Swedish Music Festival Sees Another Series of Sex Assaults

At least 11 sexual assaults so far of young girls.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

The 2nd Amendment Comes to Europe: Czech Republic Expected to Enshrine Right to Bear Arms in Constitution

While most EU governments are eyeing more restrictive gun laws, the Czech Republic is about to add the right to bear arms to its constitution.

Czech Lawmakers have passed legislation in the lower parliament that would see the right to bear firearms enshrined in the country’s constitution in a move directed against tighter regulations from the European Union.

The legislation was passed with 139 deputies agreeing to the amendment to the constitution with only nine deputies voting against. The amendment will now be considered by the Czech Senate where it will require a supermajority of three-fifths of the members in order to pass into law, Die Presse reports.

Similar to the U.S. second amendment to the Constitution, which gives Americans the right to keep and bear arms, the Czech legislation reads: “Citizens of the Czech Republic have the right to acquire, retain and bear arms and ammunition.”

The amendment also notes that the right is there to ensure the safety of the country, similar to the provision of a “well-regulated militia” in the American amendment.

After the bill passes through the senate, it’s expected to be signed into law by President Milos Zeman, who changed his mind on privately owned guns last year. “Earlier I spoke often about limiting the ability to have large quantities of weapons. But after the terrorist attacks, I have changed the idea.”

Though the Czech Republic has always had loose gun laws compared to its neighbors, this law represents a major shift in the European public’s stance on firearm ownership. If anything, it could be just the tip of the iceberg. All across the continent, as migrants grow more violent and as terror attacks become more frequent, we’re seeing Europeans buy more firearms. In some cases, firearm sales have spiked by 350%.

If there’s any silver lining to the massive influx of migrants into Europe over the past few years, it’s that it has taught ordinary Europeans how important it is to let civilians own firearms.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

U.S. No Longer a ‘Friend’ In Merkel Election Program

In their campaign program for the German election, Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives have dropped the term “friend” in describing the relationship with the United States.

Four years ago, the joint program of her Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and its Bavarian sister party, the Christian Social Union (CSU), referred to the United States as Germany’s “most important friend” outside of Europe.

The 2013 program also described the “friendship” with Washington as a “cornerstone” of Germany’s international relations and talked about strengthening transatlantic economic ties through the removal of trade barriers.

But the words “friend” and “friendship” are missing from the latest election program — entitled “For a Germany in which we live well and happily” — which Merkel and CSU leader Horst Seehofer presented on Monday ahead of a Sept. 24 election.

Instead, the United States is described as Germany’s “most important partner” outside of Europe.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

UK: Algerian Who Was Jailed for Spraying Food With Faeces and Urine Still Can’t be Deported Despite £250,000 Legal Battle to Kick Him Out

An Algerian man who was jailed for spraying food with his own excrement in supermarkets still can’t be deported — despite a £250,000 legal battle to kick him out of the country.

Chemist Sahnoun Daifallah, 50, was jailed for nine years at Bristol Crown Court in 2009 for contaminating food, wine and books at four businesses in May 2008.

Daifallah squirted a mixture of urine and faeces from a 1.5 litre weed killer container — concealed within a laptop bag — at the Air Balloon Pub in Birdlip, before moving on to a Waterstones bookshop in Cirencester.

           — Hat tip: AF [Return to headlines]

UK: Teenage Arrested on Suspicion of Terrorism Offences

A 17-year-old boy has been arrested on suspicion of terrorism offences, police said.

Detectives from the Wales extremism and counter terrorism unit (Wectu) detained the teenager just after on Friday (30 June) following a search warrant.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

UK: Teenager Who Plotted Terrorist Attacks Across London on 9/11 Anniversary Jailed for Life

A teenager whose phone passcode was “Isis” has been given a life sentence after planning terrorist attacks across London.

Haroon Ali Syed will serve at least 15 years before being considered for parole after he pleaded guilty to preparing for acts of terrorism between April and September 2016.

The 19-year-old from Hounslow admitted trying to get a machine gun, suicide vest and handguns but when he was unable to do so, settled on attempting to source a nail bomb.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

German Bishop Condemns Turkey Church Confiscations

“Mass confiscations” by Turkey of churches belonging to Arameans of biblical origin have been decried by Berlin’s Protestant bishop. Markus Dröge says “cultural destruction” is taking place in southeastern Turkey.

Bishop Markus Dröge called on the international community on Monday to lodge protests over powers of confiscation decreed recently to Turkey’s religious authority Diyanet.

“Deliberately intended acts of cultural destruction,” were taking place, said Bishop Dröge, who also chairs the German Protestant churches’ Middle East Commission (EMOK).

His call follows a warning last week by EU parliamentarian Renate Sommer of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s CDU conservatives that the “nationalization of thousands-year-old early Christian heritage is absolutey unprecedented” in Turkey’s southeast.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

ISIS Preacher Executed for Suggesting Baghdadi’s Dead, Report Says

The Islamic State reportedly executed a top leader who revived suspicions that the group’s runaway leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, may have been killed.

Abu Qutaiba was burned to death in Tal Afar, west of Mosul, Iraq, after being arrested for “stirring sedition” in a prayer sermon where he started crying and suggested Baghdadi’s possible death, Iraqi News reported.

The group had previously ordered a punishment of 50 lashes to whoever brought up the issue of Baghdadi’s survival, according to Alsumaria News.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

ISIS Recruiter Sally Jones ‘Wants to Return to Britain’ From Raqqa

Sky News is told Jones — one of Islamic State’s top recruiters — has been “crying and wants to get back to Britain”.

Sally Jones — the former punk rocker who became the leading female recruitment officer for IS, married a now-dead jihadist and took her son to Raqqa — wants to come home to Britain, it has been claimed.

That is, at least, the view of ‘Aisha’, the wife of another immigrant to the so-called Islamic caliphate now under Kurdish guard in a refugee camp in Syria.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

ISIS Barbarians Douse 12 Caged People With Oil and Burn Them Alive

ISLAMIC State (ISIS) brutes have burned 12 people alive in cages after they tried to flee Iraq, as the area controlled by the terrorist group continues to crumble. …

The news comes as ISIS’ control in Iraq continues to slip away as the Iraqi army continues to push the fighters out of the Old City of Mosul and into a corner next to the Tigris river.

The number of ISIS militants fighting in Mosul has dwindled from thousands at the start of the government offensive more than eight months ago to a mere couple of hundred now, according to the Iraqi military.

           — Hat tip: AF [Return to headlines]

India Woman Attacked With Acid for Fifth Time

A woman in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh who survived an alleged gang-rape and four separate acid attacks has been targeted again by an acid-thrower.

The woman, 35, had been receiving round-the-clock police protection because of the previous attacks, which were linked to a property dispute.

Anger is growing at the authorities’ inability to protect her.

She was allegedly gang-raped and first attacked with acid by two men in 2008, over a property dispute, the details of which are not clear.

The same two men are then accused of throwing acid at her twice more — in 2012 and 2013 — to try and get her to drop the criminal charges against them.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

China Warns Rising Tension With North Korea Could be Disastrous

China’s U.N. ambassador warned Monday that further escalation of already high tensions with North Korea risks getting out of control, “and the consequences would be disastrous.”

Fears of a conflict on the Korean Peninsula, which has been divided between the American-backed South and communist North since the 1950-53 Korean War, have escalated as the North’s young leader, Kim Jong Un, has expanded a nuclear arsenal and developed ballistic missiles that can carry nuclear warheads. His government says these are needed to avert a U.S. invasion.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

‘Lofted’ North Korean Missile Flies for 40 Minutes, Lands in Sea of Japan

North Korea launched a ballistic missile from its west coast that flew for 40 minutes and landed within Japan’s economic exclusive zone in the Sea of Japan on Tuesday, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said.

The launch, which occurred around 9:39 a.m., was conducted on a steep “lofted” trajectory, a high-ranking Japanese official said later in the day.

A missile on such a trajectory poses a grave threat to Japan because it falls at a much faster speed than a conventional launch, making an exceedingly difficult target for any U.S.-developed anti-missile defense systems deployed by Japan.

South Korea’s Yonhap news agency, meanwhile, quoted that country’s military as saying the projectile was a ballistic missile, test-fired from Banghyon, North Pyongan Province, near the border with China.

“This is a clear violation of United Nations Security Council resolutions,” Suga told a news conference.

           — Hat tip: LP [Return to headlines]

Russian and Chinese Leaders to Sit Down for Third Time This Year to Sign $10bn of Deals

Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinxing are to hold a high level meeting in Moscow ahead of the G20 summit in Hamburg. The Chinese leader will make a two-day stop in Russia en route to Germany, for what has been billed as a “major event in bilateral relations”.

The official visit will begin tomorrow, Tuesday, and Mr Putin is scheduled to bestow the order of St. Andrew the First-Called on Mr Xi, one of Russia’s highest honours.

It is a testament to the pair’s close relationship, with the two leaders agreeing on a number of key issues — particularly around defence.

They are both critical of the US THAAD missile defence systems in South Korea, with Mr Xi claiming it is “disrupting the strategic balance in the region”.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

South China Sea: China Calls USS Stethem Warship ‘A Provocation’

Beijing has called the presence of a US warship near a disputed island in the South China Sea “a serious political and military provocation”.

The USS Stethem sailed close to Triton Island, part of the Paracel Islands archipelago, claimed by China and others.

China responded by sending military vessels and fighter jets to the area.

It happened hours before US President Donald Trump and Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping spoke on the phone.

During the call, Mr Xi told Mr Trump that “negative factors” were affecting US-China relations, according to a read-out of the call carried on Chinese state TV.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

US Playing Political Games With Latest South China Sea Patrol, Chinese Media Says

Chinese state media accused the U.S. on Monday of playing political games with its latest patrol in the South China Sea, adding that similar actions would not deter further construction work in the territory.

“U.S. provocations cannot change the present situation in the South China Sea,” the Global Times said in an editorial, according to Reuters.

The comments come after the Pentagon dispatched a U.S. Navy warship to sail within 12 nautical miles of Triton Island on Sunday, which is part of the Paracel Islands located in the South China Sea between China and Vietnam. The destroyer was trailed by a Chinese warship during its voyage.

The move comes as the U.S. steps up pressure on Beijing to do more to pressure North Korea over its nuclear and missile programs. The Trump administration imposed sanctions Thursday on two Chinese citizens and a shipping company for helping North Korea’s missile programs and accused a Chinese-owned bank of laundering money to the rogue regime.

Trump spoke to Chinese President Xi Jinping and Japanese President Shinzo Abe on North Korea Sunday.

Xi warned Trump that “some negative factors” are hurting U.S.-China relations.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

‘Folks, It’s Been Real’: Controversial Muslim Speaker Yassmin Abdel-Magied Reveals She Will Leave Australia for London — Following ANZAC Day Facebook Post Uproar

Prominent Islamic public speaker Yassmin Abdel-Magied will leave Australia for the UK following months of controversy.

           — Hat tip: SS [Return to headlines]

Germany and France Finally Agree to Take More Migrants as Italy Buckles Under Weight

GERMANY and France today pledged to take in thousands more migrants under the EU’s relocation scheme as Italy continues to buckle under the pressure of record rates of new arrivals.

In a joint statement Paris, Berlin and Rome set out a series of proposals for bringing the current migration chaos under control including upgrading camps in Libya and sealing off the country’s southern border.

Italy has been forced to take drastic measures, including threatening to turn rescue boats away from its ports, with more than 10,000 people arriving across the Mediterranean every week.

Along with Greece it is supposed to benefit from Brussels imposed quotas, which automatically relocate migrants to other member states, but the scheme has fallen into chaos amid bitter infighting between member states.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Important Votes This Week to Get Killer Illegals Off Our Streets

As she lay there dying, Kathleen Steinle said, “Dad, help me, help me.” Her father, Jim Steinle, will for the rest of his life see his daughter bleeding out in front of him. Dead because of an illegal alien.

Illegal aliens have been murdering Americans, aided and abetted by the U.S. Congress, both parties including presidents going back to Ronnie Reagan. The blood from innocents drips from hands of departed Johnny Wino Boehner, Paul Ryan, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Charles Schumer, Mitch McConnell, Dirty Harry Reid and the whole damn bunch. There are exceptions, but they are few: Sen. Jeff Sessions, Ted Cruz (the man with no citizenship that can be verified) and a few others from both chambers.

The Outlaw Congress buzzed out of DC last week to enjoy the three day ‘holiday’ while thousands of families will live in agony as their loved ones are murdered every day in this country by scum crossing the border and coddled by the dirty traitor in the White House and his equally treacherous minions, i.e., Dir. of Fatherland Security, Jeh Johnson.

There will be no Independence Day celebrations for these AMERICANS:

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Italy Agrees to Draw up Migrant Rescue ‘Code of Conduct’ With France and Germany

France, Germany and Italy said on Monday they have agreed to draw up a “code of conduct” for charities operating boats in the Mediterranean to rescue migrants crossing from Africa to Europe.

The code would be an attempt to regulate operations in the sea where the Italian coast guard, European border patrol forces and NGOs currently operate vessels which pick up stranded migrants.

Italy has also been pushing for other European countries to open up their ports to rescue ships to share the burden around.

More than 83,000 people have been rescued and brought to Italy so far this year after attempting the crossing from Libya, while more than 2,160 have died trying, the UN and the International Organization for Migration says.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Massive Search Under Way for 52 Migrants Feared Lost at Sea Heading to Spanish Costas

A huge search operation is underway for a small boat packed with 52 migrants heading for the Spanish Costas. The craft left Morocco in Africa at around 8am on Saturday heading across the Med — but has since vanished.

Desperate men, women and children have been risking 14ft waves during the perilous 100 mile trip from north Africa in tiny boats.

So far this year more than 6,000 migrants have reached Spain to claim asylum — more than double the figure for the same five months last year.

The Costas, popular with millions of British holidaymakers, are dealing with a mounting migrant crisis.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Slovenian Comic’s Parody Has Merkel Dancing With ‘Zombie’ Refugees

Klemen Slakonja plays the German chancellor in the YouTube video, along with a cast of dozens. Merkel dances with the German national soccer team as well as with “refugees” made up to resemble zombies. Adolf Hitler and Trump make brief cameo appearances.

“Refugees coming to Europe … don’t have the opportunities that they should get, so they are like the living dead here,” Slakonja explained to Reuters.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Sweden: Muslim Migrant Gets Month in Prison for Raping 13-Year-Old Boy, Won’t be Deported

An Afghan claiming to be 19 years raped during the brutal forms a real child, a boy, a HVB home. Now he is sentenced to a month in prison and avoid deportation because he already had become a Swedish citizen — even though he was previously convicted of violent crimes.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Canadian Baby ‘First Without Gender Designation’ On Health Card

An eight-month old Canadian baby has been issued a health card without a gender marker, in what could be the first case in the world.

Parent Kori Doty — a non-binary transgender person who identifies as neither male nor female — aims to allow the child to discover their own gender.

The health card has been issued with a “U” in the space for “sex”, which could be for “undetermined” or “unassigned”.

Kori Doty is fighting to omit the gender from the birth certificate.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

Facebook Refuses to Install a ‘Crucifix Button’ Despite Demands From Christian Users

CONSERVATIVE Christians have been left bitterly disappointed after Facebook rejected demands for a ‘crucifix’ reaction emoji on the social media platform.

It comes just weeks after the social network unveiled a ‘rainbow flag’ reaction emoji, allowing users to celebrate and honour the LBGTQ community.

           — Hat tip: Fjordman [Return to headlines]

4 thoughts on “Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/3/2017

  1. Zuckerberg’s operation is anti-Christian and, frankly, anti-human.

    He works well with the Red Chinese. God help us.

    • And he is considering a run for President. I don’t know why anyone joins Face Book. It’s a totalitarian “social” medium.

      • Indeed. A few years ago, my youngest brother introduced me to a “Facebook friend” of his. I asked whether this man would come to his funeral, and he said not, so I said he wasn’t really a friend; my brother didn’t seem to get it.

        (I still love him lots).

      • The profound damage being done by Social Media is barely beginning to surface. Be it suicides due to cyber-bullying, an almost complete disconnection from our surrounding environment (especially nature), online sexual predators or pedestrian fatalities caused by “distracted walking”, Social Media platforms (and mobile device applications in general) are a major driver of these destructive behaviors. Spend two minutes watching the following video. It will chill your blood.

        I Forgot My Phone

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