Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/30/2017

It is foregone conclusion that today’s election in Venezuela will create a constituent assembly that will amend the constitution and give President Nicolás Maduro the powers he wants. The opposition responded by boycotting the election, and there was violence on the streets as a huge explosion went off in the middle of a police motorcycle convoy.

In other news, the ISIS terrorists in Sydney who planned to blow up a passenger jet had constructed a homemade bomb that would have emitted a poison gas and killed everyone on the plane.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Charles Low, JD, Nick, Reader from Chicago, SS, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

Financial Crisis
» It’s Your Money But You Can’t Have it: EU Proposes Account Freezes to Halt Bank Runs
» An Interview With Julian Assange
» Court Strips Immunity From Sheriff’s Office That Raided Hobby Gardener’s Home Over Tea Leaves
» Does the World Need More Facebook?
» Far-Left Militia Group Claiming 30-Plus Branches Nationwide Training for Civil War With Conservatives, Trump Supporters
» Hackers Break Into Voting Machines in Minutes at Hacking Competition
» Jurassic Park Lied. Artificial Intelligence Just Proved That T. Rex Couldn’t Run
» Once a RINO, Always a RINO — McCain Sinks ObamaCare Repeal
Europe and the EU
» End of the EU? Wave of Populism Takes Over Bloc as Austria and Italy Prepare for Elections
» European Union Launches Legal Challenge Against Poland
» German Nightclub Shooting: One Dead
» Hamburg Terror Attacks — Killer Was ‘Known Islamist’
» Macron in Crisis — French President Summons Aides for Crucial Meetings
» Over 22,000 Evacuated as Fire Hits Spain Music Festival
» Scotland: ‘Last Big Parade’ For Famous Gordon Highlanders Regiment
» Scotland: Crowds Line Streets for Gordon Highlanders Veterans’ Parade
» Scotland: Gordon Highlander’s Act of Bravery Which Earned Victoria Cross Remembered as Regiment Pays Tribute to Fearless Men
» UK: Led Lightbulb Flicker Rate Could be Giving US Headaches, Expert Warns
South Asia
» Haj Subsidy Helped Raise Money for Hurriyat Terror Funding in J&K. Check Haj Houses to Stop Terror
Far East
» China Reveals Terrifying Military Weapons With Vast Parade
Australia — Pacific
» ‘Australian Women Need Muslim Men to Fertilize Them, ‘ Says Halal Food Chief in Facebook Rant
» ISIS Planned to Gas Everyone on Plane
» Revealed: Islamic Terrorists ‘Arrested During Dramatic Police Raids in Sydney Were Planning to Blow Up a Flight From Australia to Dubai With a Homemade Bomb Which Was Built and Ready to Use’
Latin America
» Venezuela Riots: Shocking Video as ‘Bomb’ Rips Through Police Convoy
» Venezuela is ‘Beginning to Resemble War’
» France: Toddler Among 26 Migrants Found in Refrigerated Lorry
» Portland ‘Sanctuary’ Releases Felony Illegal — Who Then Rapes Elderly Woman
Culture Wars
» Euthanasia in Its Happy Host Countries, Netherlands and Canada

It’s Your Money But You Can’t Have it: EU Proposes Account Freezes to Halt Bank Runs

If there is a run on the bank, any bank in the EU, you better be among the first to get your money out.

Although it’s your money, the EU wants to Freeze Accounts to Prevent Runs at Failing Banks.

European Union states are considering measures which would allow them to temporarily stop people withdrawing money from their accounts to prevent bank runs, an EU document reviewed by Reuters revealed. The move is aimed at helping rescue lenders that are deemed failing or likely to fail, but critics say it could hit confidence and might even hasten withdrawals at the first rumors of a bank being in trouble.

The proposal, which has been in the works since the beginning of this year, comes less than two months after a run on deposits at Banco Popular contributed to the collapse of the Spanish lender

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

An Interview With Julian Assange

CIA Director Pompeo says WikiLeaks will be dealt with as a “hostile intelligence” service, raising the stakes in the long-running U.S. government feud with Julian Assange, interviewed by Randy Credico and Dennis J Bernstein.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Court Strips Immunity From Sheriff’s Office That Raided Hobby Gardener’s Home Over Tea Leaves

The story behind it is detailed in the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals decision [PDF]. It shows the lead-up to the raid was just as much a fiasco as the raid itself. And it opens with a blistering take on the sheriff’s actions.

Law-abiding tea drinkers and gardeners beware: One visit to a garden store and some loose tea leaves in your trash may subject you to an early-morning, SWAT-style raid, complete with battering ram, bulletproof vests, and assault rifles. Perhaps the officers will intentionally conduct the terrifying raid while your children are home, and keep the entire family under armed guard for two and a half hours while concerned residents of your quiet, family-oriented neighborhood wonder what nefarious crime you have committed. This is neither hyperbole nor metaphor-it is precisely what happened to the Harte family in the case before us on appeal.

Then it goes further:

The defendants in this case caused an unjustified governmental intrusion into the Harte’s’ home based on nothing more than junk science, an incompetent investigation, and a publicity stunt. The Fourth Amendment does not condone this conduct, and neither can I.

That’s the defendants’ qualified immunity being stripped away. The lower court excused the officers’ behavior, saying they acted in good faith by relying on field tests with a 70% failure rate when obtaining a warrant. The Appeals Court is unwilling to grant these officers the benefit of a doubt. The decision dives into the events leading up to the raid, which would be comical if they weren’t so frightening.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Does the World Need More Facebook?

Mark Zuckerberg CEO of Facebook is not happy with the outcome of the election and he isn’t shy about telling everyone. Nor is he happy with the role his social media monster played in distributing information that helped Donald Trump become President. He stated last month in Chicago at a gathering of Facebook enthusiasts, that he wanted to change the entire mission of Facebook to bring people closer together. Implying that had Facebook done the job it is now poised to do, Trump would not be our President. But what is really eyeopening to me is that he “wants Facebook groups to play an important role that … churches and Little League teams used to perform.” So the church should be replaced by Facebook?…

Using their artificial intelligence software to data mine everything that is known about you, from your everyday purchases, from your patterns of where you drive, where you shop, what you wear, who you talk to, who you text ad infinitum, they will engineer a social group just for you. Facebook will choose your friends out of their 2 billion members world wide so you can be close to people you have never met face to face. Do you think there is something suspicious about their agenda, let alone their methods of data mining your entire life?

[Comment: The world needs less face-build-your-own-dossier-book. Do people even understand the word friend? Are those hundreds of “friends” on people’s facebook account really their friends?]

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Far-Left Militia Group Claiming 30-Plus Branches Nationwide Training for Civil War With Conservatives, Trump Supporters

To dismiss this movement as knee-jerk anti-Trumpism is to badly misjudge what is taking place. This organization also sponsors the formation of local chapters of the “John Brown Gun Club” — John Brown being the famous pre-Civil War abolitionist. The Phoenix chapter sent a band of armed, “rednecked” members it described as an “open carry community defense contingent” to a “Make America Great Again” rally in March. (Related: Dangerous leftists are preparing for an armed confrontation with Trump supporters.)

Why would they do that — bring firearms to a political rally? Because not only does this organization not back President Donald J. Trump and his supporters, they obviously also don’t believe his supporters should have the right to peacefully assemble either, as the First Amendment guarantees.

Why hasn’t the disgustingly dishonest “mainstream” media reported any of this? Oh — seems I just answered my own question (“disgustingly dishonest.”)

Where’s the Southern Poverty Law Center, that hoax of an organization that claims to “monitor hate groups?” Great question. A search of the group’s site using the search term “Redneck Revolt” and “John Brown Gun Club” turned up nothing, proving once again this sham organization is nothing but a Left-wing shill and front group.

Far Left Watch notes further why this organization is becoming alarmingly dangerous:

They promote several PDFs that endorse “armed struggle” and even offer a 36 page “Mini-Manual Of The Urban Guerrilla” which pictures left-wing militants using RPGs and outlines tactics for guerrilla warfare including sections on “sabotage,” “kidnapping,” “executions,” “armed propaganda,” and “terrorism.”

This all sounds like typical Leninist/Marxist ‘revolutionary’ claptrap. But these fools believe it.

Which makes taking them seriously a mandatory endeavor.

You really should be adding three things to your prepper repertoire:

  • Advanced firearms training
  • Military skills training
  • Extreme fitness training

Suddenly the hard Left doesn’t have a problem with so-called “assault weapons” anymore.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Hackers Break Into Voting Machines in Minutes at Hacking Competition

Hackers at at a competition in Las Vegas were able to successfully breach the software of U.S. voting machines in just 90 minutes on Friday, illuminating glaring security deficiencies in America’s election infrastructure.

Tech minds at the annual DEF CON in Las Vegas were given physical voting machines and remote access, with the instructions of gaining access to the software.

According to a Register report, within minutes, hackers exposed glaring physical and software vulnerabilities across multiple U.S. voting machine companies’ products.

Some devices were found to have physical ports that could be used to attach devices containing malicious software. Others had insecure Wi-Fi connections, or were running outdated software with security vulnerabilities like Windows XP.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Jurassic Park Lied. Artificial Intelligence Just Proved That T. Rex Couldn’t Run

The second part of the T. Rex study is the really groundbreaking bit, though. This is where the machine learning comes in, which was used to generate the necessary locomotion calculations and incorporate myriad hard and soft constraints in the simulation…

In the conclusions reached by the researchers, the T. Rex could not run due to its size and weight. This means it would have been unable to pursue prey at high speeds, and even its regular walking speed would have been hampered due to its unwieldy skeleton.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Once a RINO, Always a RINO — McCain Sinks ObamaCare Repeal

John McCain has made a career out of cultivating an image of being a “maverick”, or at least that’s what the mainstream media likes to call him. To anyone on the right, he’s nothing more than an egotistical blowhard who loves being a thorn in the side of his own party.

Like his toady Lindsey Graham, McCain isn’t a conservative, a nationalist, a constitutionalist, an America Firster or any other related ideology. The fact is that John McCain is nothing more than a big spending, open borders liberal who has far more in common with the Democrats than he does the Republicans.

Like Lindsey Graham (or Grahamnesty, as I like to call him), McCain has never met an illegal alien he didn’t like, nor a trade agreement that would put American workers out of work that he wouldn’t support. He’s also never seen a war that he didn’t want to start with nations that pose no threat to our national security and whose internal politics were not germane to our vital interests.

John McCain is a neocon globalist. His open borders, globalism philosophy is the product of one whose interests are aligned with the US Chamber of Commerce, not middle class Americans. He is Wall Street, not Main Street. McCain only cares about getting more non-Americans into the country, and getting accolades from the MSM for supporting a “pathway to citizenship”, i.e. amnesty.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

End of the EU? Wave of Populism Takes Over Bloc as Austria and Italy Prepare for Elections

EUROPEAN Union bosses breathed a sigh of relief when Marine Le Pen was defeated by Emmanuel Macron in France — but new studies have revealed the spread of populism is FAR from over.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

European Union Launches Legal Challenge Against Poland

The European Commission on Saturday launched an “infringement procedure” against Poland over parts of controversial judiciary reforms.

The EU executive decided on Wednesday to start legal action against Poland for violating the bloc’s law, but had to wait until Poland officially published the new law to send a letter to Warsaw.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

German Nightclub Shooting: One Dead

A gunman opened fire in a nightclub in the southern German city of Konstanz, killing one person and injuring four others, police said.

The 34-year-year old attacker suffered life threatening injuries and died after being shot by police, who rushed to the scene at about 4.30 am local time, reported German broadcaster Deutsche Welle.

One police officer was injured in an exchange of fire with the suspect.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Hamburg Terror Attacks — Killer Was ‘Known Islamist’

THE knifeman who killed one person and injured several others in a rampage in a Hamburg supermarket was an Islamist known to security forces, who say they believed he posed no immediate threat.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Macron in Crisis — French President Summons Aides for Crucial Meetings

EMMANUEL Macron has summoned his top aides for crunch meetings and ordered a political shake up amid a series of gaffes as his poll ratings plummet

The French president’s honeymoon is over as his ten-week old administration attempts to steer through a series of unfortunate gaffes and stumbling blocks that have damaged his reputation and called his credibility into question.

Mr Macron has been hit with disappointments, causing the French leader to summon his lieutenants and aides to the Elysee Palace.

It is believed policy mistakes and communications blunders will be placed under review as he seeks to regain his popularity.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Over 22,000 Evacuated as Fire Hits Spain Music Festival

More than 22,000 people were evacuated Saturday when the stage at an electronic music festival near Barcelona erupted in flames, sending revellers running.

           — Hat tip: Charles Low [Return to headlines]

Scotland: ‘Last Big Parade’ For Famous Gordon Highlanders Regiment

Hundreds of veterans of the historic Gordon Highlanders regiment have taken part in what is thought likely to be their last major parade.

The famous regiment was amalgamated in 1994 to become part of the Highlanders, with Prince Charles its last colonel-in-chief.

Saturday’s event was held in the Moray town of Buckie. It honoured recipients of the Victoria Cross, the UK’s highest award for gallantry.

Speaking before the event, retired regimental Major Grenville Irvine-Fortescue said it would be a significant day.

He said: “Some people are concerned that this may be the last big gathering, I think, of its size, it will be.”

           — Hat tip: Nick [Return to headlines]

Scotland: Crowds Line Streets for Gordon Highlanders Veterans’ Parade

Veterans of the Gordon Highlanders have taken part in what is likely to be their final major parade to remember those who received the Victoria Cross while serving in the historic regiment.

People lined the streets in Buckie, Moray, to watch a pipe band lead the parade through the town to the unveiling of a memorial plaque.

A total of 19 soldiers serving with the regiment were awarded the Victoria Cross, the UK’s highest award for gallantry.

During the First World War, the famous regiment was said to have lost more than 8,000 men.

           — Hat tip: Nick [Return to headlines]

Scotland: Gordon Highlander’s Act of Bravery Which Earned Victoria Cross Remembered as Regiment Pays Tribute to Fearless Men

Bullets flew past the 20-year-old soldier as he stormed towards enemy machine gunners.

It was the first day of the Battle of Passchendaele, a World War 1 campaign which would become infamous not only for the scale of casualties, but also for the mud.

But on that day Private George McIntosh’s bravery earned him a Victoria Cross (VC).

Born in Fraserburgh, before moving to Buckie aged 12, Pte McIntosh fought with North-east regiment the Gordon Highlanders.

The young soldier received the highest award for bravery for saving the lives of his comrades under heavy machine-gun fire during the conflict near Ypres in Belgium.

Pte McIntosh stormed forward and threw a Mills grenade into a German emplacement, killing two of the enemy and wounding a third. He then entered the dugout and found two light machine guns, which he carried back with him.

His citation reads: “His quick grasp of the situation and the utter fearlessness and rapidity with which he acted undoubtedly saved many of his comrades, and enabled the consolidation to proceed unhindered by machine-gun fire.”

Pte McIntosh went on to serve in World War 2 and was 68 when he died.

[Comment: Bydand!]

           — Hat tip: Nick [Return to headlines]

UK: Led Lightbulb Flicker Rate Could be Giving US Headaches, Expert Warns

Can bring on feelings of dizziness and pain within just 20 minutes of switching them on…

Energy-saving lightbulbs could be giving us all headaches as they flicker too much.

LED bulbs can bring on feelings of dizziness and pain within just 20 minutes of switching them on, an expert has warned.

Professor Arnold Wilkins, professor of psychology at the University of Essex, said the flickering of the unpopular lights is stronger than for traditional lightbulbs.

While fluorescent lights, such as those in offices, dim by around 35 per cent with every flicker, LED lights dim by 100 per cent. It means they effectively turn off and on again hundreds of times every second.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Haj Subsidy Helped Raise Money for Hurriyat Terror Funding in J&K. Check Haj Houses to Stop Terror

Haj pilgrimage, LoC trade, and financial links between separatists and professional stone-throwers under probe

Vijaita Singh | New Delhi | TH OnLine | July 30, 2017:: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) is focussing on a hawala racket relating to the annual Haj pilgrimage and trade fraud along the Line of Control (LoC) as two funding channels being used by separatists and terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir.

As part of its probe, which recently led to the arrest of seven Kashmiri separatists, the NIA is examining what it regards as a ‘deep conspiracy’ to ‘keep the Valley burning’, and not just individual acts of terror.

According to the NIA, some travel agents who send Indians on the Haj pilgrimage are hand in glove with associates of separatists based in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. A part of the money collected from pilgrims is diverted for terror and separatist activities, while the cost of accommodation and food are borne by these associates.

Said an NIA official: “Some of these travel agents charge around ?2 lakh per pilgrim and purchase tickets as per the subsidy scheme of the government. Around ?1.5 lakh cash given by the pilgrims is pocketed by them and transferred to separatists. The pilgrims were taken care of during their pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia by associates of the separatists in Pakistan.”

           — Hat tip: Upananda Brahmachari [Return to headlines]

China Reveals Terrifying Military Weapons With Vast Parade

Includes stealth jets, nuclear missiles, attack helicopters and thousands of elite troops

CHINA launched an awesome show of its military might — just hours after warning Donald Trump about his involvement in North Korea.

Tens of thousands of Chinese troops marched alongside tanks and nuclear weapons as stealth fighters and attack helicopters roared overhead.

President Xi Jinping — wearing his military fatigues — inspected his troops personally just hours after the latest North Korea crisis.

The Americans were warned by Beijing after stepping up the deployment of its THAAD missile defence system in South Korea.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

‘Australian Women Need Muslim Men to Fertilize Them, ‘ Says Halal Food Chief in Facebook Rant

Mohamed Elmouelhy, the head of the Halal Certification Authority in Australia, wrote on his Facebook page that Australian women needed male Muslims because men in the country “are a dying breed.”

“Australian women need us to fertilize them and keep them surrounded by Muslim babies while beer swilling, cigarette smoking, drug injecting can only dream of what Muslim men are capable of,” his post read.

He added that Muslims “have a duty to make your [Australian women] happy.”

Elmouelhy concluded that the white race in the country “will be extinct in another 40 years” if Australia “is left to bigots.”

He advised Australian men to “better go choose a plot for yourself at your local cemetery” and “if you can’t afford it, commit suicide.”

The initial comment seemed to be deleted, but screenshots as well as multiple news reports prompted a wave of anger in the comments to his posts and beyond.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

ISIS Planned to Gas Everyone on Plane

Four Lebanese men in Australia, who have been arrested for alleged Islamic State terror activity, intended to take out a commercial jet by gassing hundreds on board.

The Lebanese men were reportedly building an incredibly sophisticated, “non-traditional” improvised explosive device that emits a poisonous, sulfur-based gas, The Australian reports.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Revealed: Islamic Terrorists ‘Arrested During Dramatic Police Raids in Sydney Were Planning to Blow Up a Flight From Australia to Dubai With a Homemade Bomb Which Was Built and Ready to Use’

Airports (pictured) across Australia are experiencing long queues and frustrated travellers after Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull warned of heightened security measures.

           — Hat tip: SS [Return to headlines]

Venezuela Riots: Shocking Video as ‘Bomb’ Rips Through Police Convoy

POLICE officers were knocked from their motorcycles after a huge explosion ripped through their convoy as riots continue to spread throughout Venezuela.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Venezuela is ‘Beginning to Resemble War’

Quite where this increasingly violent political crisis is going to lead is impossible to gauge, but the view from the protest groups is that the fight is entering a new phase.

The election result was never in doubt.

How the opposition politicians, the street fighters and Venezuela’s security services react will determine whether or not the death toll rockets in the coming days.

The omens are not good.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

France: Toddler Among 26 Migrants Found in Refrigerated Lorry

Twenty-six migrants, including a two-year-old, were discovered in a refrigerated lorry at a ferry terminal near the northern French port of Dunkirk on Saturday, the emergency services said.

           — Hat tip: Charles Low [Return to headlines]

Portland ‘Sanctuary’ Releases Felony Illegal — Who Then Rapes Elderly Woman

ICE not alerted when sex assault suspect released from jail in 2016, official says

A man accused of breaking into a 65-year-old woman’s home, sexually assaulting her and stealing her car was arrested after allegedly assaulting another woman and running from police.

Sergio Jose Martinez, 31, was caught July 24 after officers chased him through a neighborhood.

According to court documents filed in March 2017, Martinez has a history of illegal entry into the United States. He has been a transient in the Portland area for more than a year and has been deported 20 times.

Martinez has at least five probation violations for re-entering the United States. His most recent removal was in November 2016, according to the March court documents.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Euthanasia in Its Happy Host Countries, Netherlands and Canada

Very recently, two senior physicians who have championed the legalization of euthanasia in their jurisdictions, Dr Boudewijn Chabot in the Netherlands and Dr Guy Robert in Quebec, have rejected current “appalling” developments in euthanasia in their countries. Yet, these developments should have been anticipated. So, why weren’t they?

Pro-euthanasia advocates focus just on individuals and only in the present — a combination of radical autonomy/ intense individualism and “presentism” — which blocks out considering both lessons from the past and likely future developments. In other words, the pro-euthanasia stance rests on a failure of people’s individual and collective human memory and imagination.

Those opposing euthanasia look to human memory — history and what the past can teach us — and imagination — what the future might hold — as well as the present. They also look beyond euthanasia’s impact just on individuals to the wide-ranging and multitudinous major issues and consequences it raises for medicine and law, for practitioners of these two professions, and for all of us as families, communities and a society. More.

Reality check: Actually, it’s too late, Somerville. It’s over.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

20 thoughts on “Gates of Vienna News Feed 7/30/2017

  1. Jurassic Park Lied. Artificial Intelligence Just Proved That T. Rex Couldn’t Run

    – very unconvincing. Given that T-Rex had a long heavy tail like a Kangaroo to ballance the two legs – I say the AI is wrong. I seen their simulation and it has the T-Rex body stiff like a rock: So – the study is clearly limited in its understanding of the dynamics of a T-Rex’s running.

    The main problem isn’t the physical shape of the T-Rex. The main problem of having dinosaurs running is the Oxygen intake. It would have been impossible under current atmospheric conditions.

    • I thought captured air samples indicated they (dinosaurs) had 30+% premium, not the 21% wheezer gas we struggle with.

  2. A.I. on T – Rex couldn’t run. Really? I wonder how many victims of those killing machines did not get to realize that 21st Century Bombshell! How many victims could have survived the sudden onslaught of a perfect killing machine, long, long, long age, had they known what the future predicted? Sarc, and about as sarc as I can get without being banned from commenting on such a stupid piece of tax-payer wasted money!

    • Does this mean that the wing mirror warning, “objects in mirror may be closer than they appear”, will have to be amended? And all those incorrect copies of “Jurassic Park” (not to mention “Toy Story 2”)?

  3. On the Chinese Parade of the typical Communist show of force; The Nazi’s were the first anti-human ideology to show off their military might with massive parades involving all the latest high-tech killing machines supported by tens of thousands of indoctrinated troops and their baggage trains.

    But, an orchestrated show of force may not necessarily provide the observer with the exact number or even the effectiveness of high-tech anti-human killing machines that the shower-off does in fact possess or is actually prepared to be readily deployed against their perceived enemy.

    A case in point; When General Rommel of the Africa Korps landed in Cairo? and that location is from my old memory, in 1941 to take on British Forces in North Africa to wrest control of the Mediterranean for the Axis Forces, his supplies of ready fighting vehicles, i.e. Tanks and armored cars, had not arrived on time as expected and so in order to keep the Allied spies ‘informed’ of the vast numbers of Tanks that the Germans had on hand at the ready, he had those Tanks and armored cars that had been ‘landed’ from the cargo ships, do a double take (drive around the block and come back again) parade in front of the assembled crowd of locals to impress them of the German numbers of fighting vehicles.

    China is currently being promoted by the Globalists as the magic panacea against Trump and Putin to impress the gullible – and there are many of them – however both leaders have indicated they do not wish to partake of the Globalist agenda. And IMO, if you have bought anything that has been manufactured in China as a consumer then you would already know that the Chinese do make things to last like we once did in the West, and that should be a good indication that what the Chinese try to impress with may not be all it is cracked up to be.

  4. Western woman has chosen to move the white race into extinction.

    Patriarchal societies will rule the world in the 21st century, mostly Muslim tribesmen.

    There won’t even be wine and roses.

    • Won’t be long before people will be ‘created’ in laboratories, as Huxley foresaw in ‘Brave New World’.

      Visit your local zoo to see what the world will look like –

      ‘In this ‘cage’ we have the patriarchal tribal primitives from Afghanistan. Don’t go too close or you may get a knife in your head. Jump into the drone Enlightened Ones, and on to the next exhibit in rural Hungary. Here we have the Christians at work, tilling their fields by hand – a just punishment for those malcontents who tried to overturn the Progressive Agenda. No need to worry. They wouldn’t harm a fly. Just stay away from that cross. It’s been known to fall on people and crush them out of pure malice. That’s all we have time for today. The Great One Soros calls. As you return to your seats, you can choose your own sex dolls and porno video for the ride back to New York.’

    • Unless present trends reverse, humanity is doomed to a brown Islamic planet of endless oppression and religious conflict about which tribe are the most pious believers.

  5. ISLAM DOWN UNDER: Shocked neighbours have said the family living in the property were ‘perfectly nice and normal people.’

    Evil wears a familiar face! I am so happy that Aussies are being inconvenienced at airports because only by suffering will they wake up!

    • From my own observations, it’s not that people won’t wake up, it seems to be more that people don’t want to see what is actually occurring around them. More like, don’t bother me with real life as I am happy to be ‘entertained’ in my make believe world.

      I doubt that reality will ever bite some folk.

  6. The EU and Poland have been in disagreement since the conservative PiS came to power in 2015 seeking a series of legal and media reforms that critics say undermine democracy and the rule of law.

    All opposition by those who don’t toe the EU line will be masked as ‘undemocratic.’ What could be more undemocratic than the EU itself?

    Poland, once again you are dealing with a belligerent foe – and behind Brussels are Hitler’s tanks. Remember the Warsaw Uprising. This time you will succeed because you don’t have Stalin waiting for your defeat before Russia invades.

    Revenge of the Warsaw Martyrs!!!

  7. Populism is being described as the ‘third force’ in Europe – with right-wing parties gaining renewed support across the bloc.

    We all know that ‘populism’ and ‘right-wing’ signal ‘Nazi, fascist, Islamophobic, white, Christian, racist bigot’.

    How is it that the vocabulary of the Marxist Left frames all debate? This is a great weakness for those of us who know we are defending Truth, Liberty, The Rule of Law and respect for the Judeo-Christian God of Love.

    We need to stop using the corrupt vocabulary of Political Correctness, and only use our own, in order to re-frame the debate and expose their deceit.

  8. There are two very interesting things about this Venezuela phenomenon.

    The first is: why does the communist leader Maduro needs to change the constitution approved under the filthy communist Chávez? Wasn’t the regime already perfect?

    The second: with so many Italians, Spanish and Portuguese immigrants and their descendants in Venezuela, with all that’s happening there, shouldn’t they get refugee status in, let’s say, Germany, faster than the millions of illiterate third worlders?

    These europeans that live in Venezuela are hard working, many had businesses, some have university degrees… Aren’t they better for european countries’ economies than Jafar or Salim, the suicide bombers wannabees from Tunisia?

    • Well, if it’s up to the EU, we won’t take any refugees from Ukraine. They are probably too white or something. Hard working Venezuelans? Nah – the EU wouldn’t want them neither. They might be Christians or something, too dangerous 🙂

  9. Redneck Revolt is a national network of community defense projects from a broad spread of political, religious, and cultural backgrounds. It is a pro-worker, anti-racist organization that focuses on working class liberation from the oppressive systems which dominate our lives,” the site notes, adding that it is “putting the RED back in Redneck.” Red, in Leftist parlance, is most often a reference to Marxist/communist political and economic principles.

    So, these morons are allowed a free ride. The antifas, funded by Soros are allowed a free ride. There are next to no prosecutions. But on the contrary, the government is pursuing those who wish to challenge the PC agenda. This from Minneapolis today –

    ‘To the FBI, they were part of a Minnesota militia group possibly gearing up for a violent showdown with the government.
    Members of the group, called United Patriots of Minnesota 3%, say they’re nothing more than patriots defending hard-won liberties secured by a handful of forefathers who stood against tyranny.’

    They are now being prosecuted as Domestic Terrorists because they are pro-constitution and anti-immigrant!!!!!

    Once again the land of the loons leads the world in PC iniquity.

  10. Re ‘It’s Your Money But You Can’t Have It,’ I’m surprised anyone anywhere in Europe keeps their money in any bank there. Having your account arbitrarily frozen ‘temporarily’ could easily become relatively permanent, or perhaps conditional on any number of things the EU might want from you. And then what? Why take the risk? Are European nationals allowed to buy gold? Why not keep 90% of your liquid assets in precious metals, equity held only in stock markets outside of Europe, and the balance in cash in hand? With every passing year there is less reason for any sane person to stay in the failing EU.

    • “With every passing year there is less reason for any sane person to stay in the failing EU.”

      I’m 28. I have a Masters in Engineering. I have no criminal convictions, not even a parking ticket. I speak, read and write a very good English (at least several British people have told me so).

      I do not reach the minimum point threshold for the Australian or New Zealander immigration point systems. Trying to go to America is a Kafkian nightmare. You need a job offer to get a visa, but very few companies would consider you for a job if you don’t have a visa already.

      If I’m in this situation what about the millions of high school level Europeans?

      “Why not keep 90% of your liquid assets in precious metals”

      Because you can’t have a gun to defend your home. If someone breaks in he will take all you have and there is not much you can do about it. Or your home might be robbed while your not there.

  11. Re “Revealed: Islamic Terrorists ‘Arrested During Dramatic Police Raids […]” The article mentions the bomb-makers were ISIS. But in practice this just means any Muslim who decides to act in the name of, and on behalf of, ISIS. Think of that. An ‘ISIS terrorist’ is not the result of years-long indoctrination and preparation. It could be literally any Muslim who decides fairly suddenly to ramp up his Islamic piety. We comfort ourselves by believing that official Islam is not the problem, and that if only a way could be found ‘to prevent radicalization’, the problem would be on its way to a resolution. This is delusional, magical thinking.

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