The Prophet at the Carlsberg Brewery

Regular readers, especially the Danish ones, are familiar with Steen and his blog Snaphanen, one of the top blogs in Denmark.

Steen has just embarked on a unique fund-raising venture, with the help of the infamous Modoggie Man. Here’s what’s afoot, as kindly explained by our Danish correspondent Kepiblanc:

A few days ago Steen of Snaphanen fame and Uwe Max Jensen — Danish painter, artist and author — visited the Swedish artist Lars Vilks, who ignited the ire of the Ummah generally and the Swedish sub-Ummah especially by drawing some long dead prophet as a roundabout dog. Those dogs are part and parcel of Lars Vilks’ ongoing and never-ending all-encompassing performance-opera and earned him a genuine death Fatwa. Accordingly Vilks now lives with a permanent security detail from the Swedish Secret Service.

However, somehow Steen and Uwe managed to slip through his ‘overcoat’:

Uwe persuaded Lars to donate one of his drawings to Snaphanen in order to raise some dough for the blog by auctioning it to a wider audience:

The Prophet and Hans Christian Andersen

(Click to enlarge)

The drawing in question depicts Danish author Hans Christian Andersen saying farewell to the prophet after guiding him through the visitor’s tour at the Carlsberg Brewery in Copenhagen.

The drawing (210 mm x 297 mm) is signed by the artist. Bids are open until Sunday March 25, 2012. The auction may be viewed online at Snaphanen and payment will be possible by the PayPal button on that page.

Steen performs an invaluable service to the Counterjihad, and to European culture in general. Norwegian, Danish, and Swedish readers are especially advised to go over and bid on Mr. Vilks’ latest fatwa-bait. Or just make Steen’s tip jar ring with a few kroner (or kronor, or pounds, or euros, or even dollars). He’s worth it.

For previous posts on Lars Vilks and the Roundabout Dogs, see the Modoggie Archives.

3 thoughts on “The Prophet at the Carlsberg Brewery

  1. They have elephants at the Carlsberg brewery? But it really doesn’t look like a brewery. And it looks like HCA is assuming a dhimmi posture.

  2. Federale, the Carlsberg Breweries (Old Carlsberg, New Carlsberg and Tuborg) have their administrative center and a museum located in the old brewery with its fine entrance, The Elephant Gate, greeting tourist welcome. It was scupltured in a time when Denmark still had some colonies in India.

  3. Federale, the Carslberg Breweries – yes, plural – have their administrative center and a museum located at the old brewery whre The Elephant Gate bids tourist welcome. It was built in a time when Denmark still had some colonies in India.

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