Fisticuffs in Dundas Square, Part 2

As we reported last month, the Canadian journalist David Menzies was physically attacked by a Muslima for taking photographs in a public place in downtown Toronto.

Six weeks later, the woman who punched Mr. Menzies has not been charged. The police have stonewalled him in his efforts to acquire more information about his case. They have even treated him as if he were the perpetrator of a crime that day in Dundas Square — an indication that the civic authorities in Toronto are now prepared to enforce sharia law, even on non-Muslim citizens.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for uploading this update from Mark Bonokoski’s program on SUN TV:

7 thoughts on “Fisticuffs in Dundas Square, Part 2

  1. Menzies should not have to lay charges himself. The whole point of a criminal justice system, and a crime has been committed, is for the state to lay such charges with the objective of making justice and preserving public order.
    Canada is lawless.
    Or, perhaps I should say, subjectively lawful.
    And where the law has no objective existence, it is not reason.
    And in the West, in this case, it is non-existent.

  2. My head is in danger by muslims

    There is fresh pictures and news also in english about jihadist threat in Finland against my life

    Islam- ja maahanmuuttokriitikko
    Seppo Lehto

    = Minkälaista vaikenemisen politiikkaa ja puoluekuria harrastavat viranomaiset, puolueet ja media islamista ja sen palvojista Suomessa?

    Arvon blogisti – Ilta-Lehdessä uutisoitiin vajavaisesti oheinen mm. kokonaistuomioni 2 v 5 kk alennettiin toisin ja taustoista ei tuotu esiin että tuo tunnettu muhammed videoni on johtanut päänkatkaisuvaatimuksiini oheiseen tapaan.

    Osaatko sinä tai yhteisösi antaa asialle ansaitsemansa huomiota englannikielisenä tiedotteena mikä ei ole itselle ihan vahvimpia tapoja itseilmaisuun?

    Prominent Jihadist Calls for Murder of Finnish Far-Right Activist Seppo Olavi Lehto

    Prominent Jihadist Calls for Murder of Finnish Far-Right Activist Sep 16, 2011
    A prominent jihadist called upon Muslims in Finland to “cut off the head” of Seppo Olavi Lehto, a Finnish far-right activist who videotaped himself drawing a pig and calling it the Prophet


    The other sources:…/1111-prominent-jihadist-calls-for-…
    2 days ago – The jihadist, Abu Suleiman al-Nasser, provided Arabic- and … Enter your E-Mail or Username … A prominent jihadist called upon Muslims in Finland to “cut off the head” of Seppo Olavi Lehto, a Finnish far-right activist who videotaped himself drawing a pig and calling it the Prophet Muhammad. The jihadist …

    Al-Qaeda – SITE Monitoring Service
    – [ Käännä tämä sivu ]
    11 Sep 2011 – Enter your E-Mail or Username … A prominent jihadist called upon Muslims in Finland to “cut off the head” of Seppo Olavi Lehto, a Finnish far-right activist who videotaped himself drawing a pig and calling it the Prophet Muhammad. … Abu Suleiman al-Nasser, a prominent member of the jihadist forum …

    I got conditional freedom 6.9.2011 after 1 year 2 months and 2 weeks prisonery

    Yours Sincerely
    Seppo Lehto Muhammed caricaturist

    Tampere – Finland – Europe

  3. Having watched both installments regarding this I have concluded that the police didn’t want a riot. Therefor, the white citizen can pound sand…
    Events like this play out in the UK the same way, even worse, every day.
    Canadians of the non Muslim variety will soon count themselves lucky if they are not arrested as they seem to be in the UK in order to “maintain the peace.”

  4. It is much easier to tell Mr. Menzoid and his young son to go away than it is to arrest a burka clad woman in the company of angry Muslim males.
    Muslims the world over count on the risk of violence to get what they want.
    In this case what they wanted was to harass a white male citizen without repercussion in a public space. The police officer granted it.

  5. @babs: “the white citizen can pound sand…”
    Don’t play their racist game for them.
    This has nothing to do with skin colour, or race or even really culture. It is a purely political-ideological takeover.

  6. babs: Muslims the world over count on the risk of violence to get what they want.

    In doing so they themselves must also “count on the risk of violence” being used against them as a last resort to quell their predatory behavior.

    Live by the sword …

    Islam’s unfailing resort to violence literally assures that it will meet with a violent end.

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