Photos From Luton, Part 1

A reader and EDL member named Arthur was at yesterday’s demonstration in Luton. He kindly sent us a set of photographs of the event, and included this note:

I am from Luton, UK, and my wife and I attended the EDL Demo yesterday and took these pictures. This was our first time we took part in an EDL demo, and we found it an enjoyable and rewarding experience.

       — Arthur from Luton

Many thanks to Arthur for the excellent photos. The one of the kid with the sign is particularly striking, and there’s a good one of EDL members gathering by the coaches at the end of the demo.

EDL Luton #15
EDL Luton #16
EDL Luton #17

There are four more of Arthur’s photos below the jump.

EDL Luton #18
EDL Luton #19
EDL Luton #20
EDL Luton #21

2 thoughts on “Photos From Luton, Part 1

  1. There looks to be 18 or 19 coaches there. If each contain 55 people then that makes about 1000+ people at the rally. Plus, of course all who came by car and bus.

    Well done to all of you.

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