Patience Will Be Rewarded

The Norwegian documentary below concerns the Muslim Brotherhood and its long-term plans for Islam’s demographic conquest of Europe. What comes across clearly throughout the film is the extended time-horizon of the Ikhwan, and its patient assurance that Europe will belong to Islam in a generation or so.

There’s been a lot of discussion lately in our comments about the “moderate” Muslim, and the fact that so-called moderates are a part — and a necessary one, at that — of the process of Islamic conquest. The presenter and narrator in this piece is a “moderate” Muslim from Norway who seems genuinely worried and perplexed about the threat posed by the Muslim Brotherhood to his adopted country and the rest of Europe.

Regardless of his motives in producing this documentary, it presents an accurate picture of the Ikhwan, its ideology, its modus operandi, and its plans for Europe. This is material that the Muslim Brotherhood would rather not be widely understood by native Europeans:

Hat tip: DF.

9 thoughts on “Patience Will Be Rewarded

  1. Thank you for posting this video. Everyone in the US Federal Government should watch it. Everyone in the US should watch it. But I know that nearly no one in the US will watch it.

  2. Are the maker of this documentary and several of those he interviews true “moderate Muslims?” How are they able to reconcile the tenets of Islam with liberal democracy? How can they divorce their religion from Shariah? What’s going on here?

  3. Thanks for sharing this. When was it made?

    This is the way to discredit those who pursue an illiberal agenda, not by labeling or name calling, but by a presentation of facts and in their own words.

    The Left can learn a lot when Leftists of reason confront these issues.


  4. The brother of Mr. Al-Banna is more honest than the grandson of Al-Banna.
    Great documentary and more honesty than I’ve seen in a long time coming from the Muslim world.

  5. You watch this documentary for 49 minutes…and you then know more about the Muslim Brotherhood than our Director of National Intelligence.

    I hate to get into the debate about the “mythical moderate Muslim,” but I know that the more guys out there like this film-maker who are emboldened to go on the attack against the jihadis, the better for us. These guys take their life in their hands to warn us and encourage us to defend our own civilization, I will always respect that!

  6. “Regardless of his motives in producing this documentary, it presents an accurate picture of the Ikhwan, its ideology, its modus operandi, and its plans for Europe.”

    “I hate to get into the debate about the “mythical moderate Muslim,” but I know that the more guys out there like this film-maker who are emboldened to go on the attack against the jihadis, the better for us.”

    Relatively rosy comments such as these may be more or less correct — as long as our mainstream Western society can see that the Muslim Brotherhood and other “extremists” are not extremists at all, but, in their turn, entirely mainstream reflections of Islam.

    What these moderate Muslims are doing is sounding the alarm about “Islam hijacked”. In doing so, in our current Western context of the mainstream dominance of PC MC, they are reinforcing the idea that Islam is not a problem, only its “extremist hijacking”.

    We all know this is not only erroneous, but dangerous.

    Why is this so difficult to grasp?

  7. Hesperado —

    I don’t understand why you are certain that I fail to grasp what you describe. What evidence have you that I fail to grasp it?

    My statement that you quote is a simple statement of fact. As far as I can tell, the narrator of this film presents accurate information on the Ikhwan. Did you find any of it inaccurate?

    I believe that he would be commonly labeled by most people in the media as a “moderate” Muslim. Do you think that he would not be so labeled?

    I was not arguing about whether the man is dangerous or not. That would indeed be an interesting discussion, but it was not part of this post.

    Do you think my failure to address this issue here somehow added to his dangerousness?

    Do you think it proves that I am oblivious to the dangers you point to?

    Or do you have some other issue that I have missed?

  8. Wow.

    In a no-doubt-total-coincidence, this extremely insightful and detailed and effective dissection of the Muslim Brotherhood by an assimilated Iraqi Muslim living in Norway…HAS NOW BEEN CANCELED OUT OF YOUTUBE. The gentleman has now closed his YouTube account.

    Terror of the assassins had nothing to do with it.

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