An Interview With British Al Qaeda Members

Erick Stakelbeck of CBN managed to chat with some representatives of Al Qaeda (including the notorious Anjem Choudary) when he was in London. His interview with them is set to air next Tuesday on CBN, according to this press release:

CBN Terrorism Correspondent Erick Stakelbeck Sits Down in London With Al-Qaeda Linked Terrorists

Segment Featuring These Alarming Interviews To Air On The 700 Club On Tuesday, Feb. 9

WASHINGTON DC (February 4, 2010) — With our highest government officials warning of another likely terror attack in the USA over the next three to six months, CBN terrorism correspondent Erick Stakelbeck traveled to London to interview several Al-Qaeda linked terrorists in order to get a window into Al Qaeda’s mindset. Despite several of these men being wanted by authorities in the United States, they are actually living in London as free men.

“Some of the most wanted men in the free world are walking the streets of London with the full knowledge of the British government,” says Stakelbeck. “London is a major hub for terrorists.”

Stakelbeck sat down and interviewed several men with either known ties to Al-Qaeda or suspected ties, including:

  • An hour-long interview with a Saudi national named Saad Al Faqih, an Al-Qaeda linked Islamic “scholar” who was designated by the US State Department and the UN as a Global Terrorist in ‘04. The interview was conducted in his living room in London, sipping tea. In the interview Faqih said he believes “More confrontation is coming between the West and the Muslim world, with terrorist attacks even bigger than in 2001.”
  • An hour-long interview with a Libyan named Noman Benotman, a former confidante of Bin Laden and Zawahiri but now condemns Al Qaeda. Benotman knows the organization from the inside and met with Bin Laden face to face as recently as 2000. He told Stakelbeck, “There is nothing that excites Bin Laden more than killing innocent civilians. The more American women and children that are killed, the happier Bin Laden is. It’s an obsession with him.”

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  • A 1-hour interview with the most infamous Islamic radical in the UK, Anjem Choudary of Al-Muhajiroun. Choudary, the pro-jihad mouthpiece who has been called Britain’s most hated man, told Stakelbeck terrorism isn’t a threat, just a “reality check.” He also said, “I think that the British government is sitting on a tinderbox. You know, full of dynamite. And they have the matches in their hand and they’re being very flippant. They’re not dealing with it properly. It could all blow up in their face and it could be a very vicious situation.”
  • An interview with Yasser Al Sirri. He was an associate of Al-Qaeda’s second in command, Ayman al-Zawahiri, and is strongly linked to Al Qaeda’s hierarchy. He was sentenced to death in absentia in Egypt in ‘93 and now has asylum in London. Stakelbeck’s interview was the first time he will ever appear on American television.

Stakelbeck will televise portions of these interviews during a CBN News segment on The 700 Club on Tuesday, February 9th. Check local listings for airtime and channel.

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Chris Roslan
DRC Inc. Public Relations
(212) 966-4600

When the online version of the program appears, we’ll post it here. Stay tuned.

2 thoughts on “An Interview With British Al Qaeda Members

  1. Though not Christian myself and sometimes, formerly, uncomfortable with some statements made by 700 Club founder (I believe) Pat Robertson, I increasingly rely on CBN for important news, especially in the areas of anti-jihad and “clash-of-cultures.” No one else on TV is doing the job, virtually at all, let alone as well. Good job, CBN, and a belated “thank you” to Mr. Robertson.

  2. The war has not begun. Time is NOT on our side. It is only a matter of time before one of these Islamic groups obtains and deploys an effective WMD. Nuclear weapon is most likely, but in any case the size of the war and the damage inflicted will be at an entirely new level.

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