Another translation of “Barking up the Wrong Tree” has been published. This one was rendered into Danish by TB, and posted by Skjoldungen at Hodjas blog. A literal translation of the title is (I think) “Playing the wrong horse”.
Here’s the same paragraph in Danish that I excerpted before in Dutch:
Den militære overlegenhed som USA og andre vestlige magter besidder er ubrugelige når de konfronteres med denne taktik. Alle de enorme gevinster som man fra islamisk side har opnået gennem de sidste otte år fortsatte med uformindsket styrke alt imens koalitionsstyrkerne jagtede ‘terrorister’ i Tora Bora og afmonterede IED’er i Anbar og Helmand provinserne. For alle vores successer på disse fronter har vi givet afkald på enorme mængder territorium på alle andre fronter uden overhovedet at forstå at vi befandt os i et slag og at vi er ved at tabe det.
[Post ends here]
Hopefully your article will carom around the world now, Baron, and eventually be picked up by someone with readership in the hundreds of thousands or placed on someone’s desk who has political power.
It is an exceedingly good summary in that even those who have not really done their homework can follow the score card and be led to an epiphany.
Facebook is actually a nice tool for helping articles on their way. I just posted “Barking up the Wrong Tree” there.
That said, I’m stunned by the ineptitude of our Dear Leaders and our political systems in general. It looks like they’re infected with a ‘Poverlust virus’ that renders them hopelessly vulnerable to the Islamic powergrab.