There’s an inspiring story in tonight’s feed about a young Swedish man who visited Israel and fell in love with the country. He had been a pacifist, but while he was in Israel a suicide bomber blew up 21 people at a discotheque. This caused the young man to give up his pacifist ideas and aspire to join the IDF…
Thanks to Abu Elvis, Andy Bostom, C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, PP, TB, and all the other tipsters who sent these in. Headlines and articles are below the fold.
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Financial: Fed Borrowing Could Reach $4 Trillion
Welfare spending, unemployment balloon deficit
NEW YORK — The federal government will have to issue record levels of debt in the next two years — up to $2.5 trillion in 2009 and as much as $4 trillion in 2010.
The record federal debt financing is required to fund the social welfare programs called for in the Obama administration’s nearly $1 trillion deficit-spending economic stimulus plan and to overcome a likely shortfall due to falling tax revenues, according to, a website dedicated to “tracking the government’s shameful overspending one painful day at a time.” noted that factors leading to the increased federal government borrowing needs include the cost of the Troubled Assets Relief Program, amounting to approximately $700 billion, plus the nearly $1 trillion in deficit-spending that will be required to fund the proposed stimulus package.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Lawmakers in 20 States Move to Reclaim Sovereignty
Obama’s $1 trillion deficit-spending ‘stimulus plan’ seen as last straw
NEW YORK — As the Obama administration attempts to push through Congress a nearly $1 trillion deficit spending plan that is weighted heavily toward advancing typically Democratic-supported social welfare programs, a rebellion against the growing dominance of federal control is beginning to spread at the state level.
So far, eight states have introduced resolutions declaring state sovereignty under the Ninth and Tenth Amendment to the Constitution, including Arizona, Hawaii, Montana, Michigan, Missouri, New Hampshire, Oklahoma and Washington.
Analysts expect that in addition, another 20 states may see similar measures introduced this year, including Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Nevada, Maine and Pennsylvania.
“What we are trying to do is to get the U.S. Congress out of the state’s business,” Oklahoma Republican state Sen. Randy Brogdon told WND.
“Congress is completely out of line spending trillions of dollars over the last 10 years putting the nation into a debt crisis like we’ve never seen before,” Brogdon said, arguing that the Obama stimulus plan is the last straw taxing state patience in the brewing sovereignty dispute.
“This particular 111th Congress is the biggest bunch of over-reachers and underachievers we’ve ever had in Congress,” he said.
“A sixth-grader should realize you can’t borrow money to pay off your debt, and that is the Obama administration’s answer for a stimulus package,” he added.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
$1 Billion Worth of Quasi-Secret Congressional Reports Released
Wikileaks has released nearly a billion dollars worth of quasi-secret reports commissioned by the United States Congress.
The 6,780 reports, current as of this month, comprise over 127,000 pages of material on some of the most contentious issues in the nation, from the U.S. relationship with Israel to the financial collapse. Nearly 2,300 of the reports were updated in the last 12 months, while the oldest report goes back to 1990. The release represents the total output of the Congressional Research Service (CRS) electronically available to Congressional offices. The CRS is Congress’s analytical agency and has a budget in excess of $100M per year.
CRS reports are highly regarded as non-partisan, in-depth, and timely. The reports top the list of the “10 Most-Wanted Government Documents” compiled by the Washington based Center for Democracy and Technology[1]. The Federation of American Scientists, in pushing for the reports to be made public, stated that the “CRS is Congress’ Brain and it’s useful for the public to be plugged into it,”[2]. While Wired magazine called their concealment “The biggest Congressional scandal of the digital age”[3].
Although all CRS reports are legally in the public domain, they are quasi-secret because the CRS, as a matter of policy, makes the reports available only to members of Congress, Congressional committees and select sister agencies such as the GAO.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Bill Forces Citizens to Submit DNA
Police to obtain samples for state, federal databases — without charges filed
Citizens who have been arrested may be required to submit DNA samples to authorities before being convicted of any crime — and those records would be kept in state and federal databases.
The Washington state Legislature has introduced a measure that would require police to obtain the samples from even suspects accused of minor crimes such as shoplifting, according to the Seattle Times.
The proposal is part of a new movement in several states to adopt similar measures. More than 12 states already permit police to collect samples prior to convictions and three more are considering adding the provision.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
CIA Warns Barack Obama That British Terrorists Are the Biggest Threat to the US
Barack Obama has been warned by the CIA that British Islamist extremists are the greatest threat to US homeland security.
American spy chiefs have told the President that the CIA has launched a vast spying operation in the UK to prevent a repeat of the 9/11 attacks being launched from Britain.
They believe that a British-born Pakistani extremist entering the US under the visa waiver programme is the most likely source of another terrorist spectacular on American soil.
Intelligence briefings for Mr Obama have detailed a dramatic escalation in American espionage in Britain, where the CIA has recruited record numbers of informants in the Pakistani community to monitor the 2,000 terrorist suspects identified by MI5, the British security service.
A British intelligence source revealed that a staggering four out of 10 CIA operations designed to thwart direct attacks on the US are now conducted against targets in Britain…
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Grandmotherly Ginsburg: Stalwart of the Fringe
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the second woman to sit on the high court has recently been admitted to the hospital as a precaution for early stages of pancreatic cancer treatment. This started a media frenzy of speculation about whom Obama would choose as his first appointment to the Supreme Court. Analyzing the media rumor about Ginsburg, conservative intellectual and radio host Michael Savage this week posted on his website an interesting article on Justice Ginsburg by Edward Whelan titled, “The Ginsburg Record and Standard.”
This article is amazing because when President Clinton nominated Ginsburg to replace Byron White on the high court in 1993, despite her radical legal and judicial background as well as the litany of perverted legal ideas she has pioneered for decades as an ACLU volunteer lawyer, ACLU board member and ACLU general counsel, in addition to 13 years as an appellate judge on the D.C. Court of Appeals, Ginsburg was nevertheless given a ringing vote of 96 to 3 in the Senate. For comparison’s sake, Clarence Thomas, a paragon of conservatism and original intent, barely squeaked through his nomination process with a Senate vote of 54 out of 100.
Whelan, in examining [Ginsburg’s] judicial temperament after a combined 25 years on the Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court, said, “Ginsburg had a record of extremist constitutional and policy views that placed her on the far left fringes of American society.” A summary of eight facts Whelan cited about Ginsburg to support his apologetic are below: […]
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Leon Panetta’s Niceness Maxim
Leon Panetta, a guy who has not formally held an intelligence job, is Obama’s pick for the head of the CIA and he already demonstrated the most important qualification for that office — that he is an awfully nice man.
A little on the background importance of niceness:
First, Obama has made plain that the War on Terror has been canceled outside of Afghanistan, and droves of terrorists are now leaving every country in the world except Afghanistan because they always obey the rules, just like Obama does. These developments are deeply essential to the coming victory of niceness, and because the military will no longer be involved in the War on Terror in 95 percent of the world, the CIA director’s office becomes all the more important. For projecting essential niceness, that is.
Big bold buckets of niceness for everyone is imperative! In fact, the entire reason Islamist terrorists believe that the Quran says, “Kill the idolaters wherever you find them,” is not because the Quran says, “Kill the idolaters wherever you find them.” No, Islamists believe this because liberals in the West have been insufficiently nice to murderers arrested for being murderers. You didn’t know?
The safety of 300 million people, and the Constitution, has been surrendered to people who really think that being nice to our enemies is exactly the same thing as “national security.”
Write this on the back of your eyelids, sing it in the shower, and put it on your screensaver. You cannot be too in tune with it, whether you recognize it for the terrorism that it is, or you fervently “hope” along with it. The Niceness Maxim and its national security corollary will rule the next four years of your life, and it will probably cause the deaths of millions of people. It is the proverb of the age, the rhyme of the season, the controlling fact.
Nice, isn’t it?
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Medicare Costs Will Increase Through Funding Unproven Cancer Treatments
Obama, as everyone knows, came into office with a promise to reduce the cost of medical care. According to, he will lower health care costs in part by investing in prevention. He will promote public health by, among other things, investing in preventive services, including cancer screenings. But how does increasing the expenditure for unproven and expensive drugs fit into that overall plan? In 2007, Medicare already spent $2.4 billion on anticancer drugs. Should we feed increasing amounts of money into a system that has failed to prove — in the majority of cases — that it actually increases patients’ longevity?
Might we not be better off with a system, such as Britain’s National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), which looks critically at the actual effectiveness of various treatments before agreeing to pay for them? For instance, NICE recently recommended against approving Tarceva (erlotinib) for people who have locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer, who cannot take docetaxel, and have already tried one chemotherapy regimen but it has not worked. They have also recommended against Tarceva for people who have already tried two chemotherapy regimens, including docetaxel, but they haven’t worked ( These are indeed tough decisions, but at the end of the day, aren’t patients better served by knowing what really works or doesn’t work in treatment? Doesn’t this put unproven drug treatments on a par with unproven unconventional treatments?
According to the Times, the recent Medicare change — which was quietly put through in the waning months of the Bush administration — will almost certainly raise the federal drug bill, “while making it more difficult for the new administration to rein in spending on unproven medical treatments.” So the question is this: What will President Obama do about it? We know he wants to lower health care costs. But is he ready to take on the combined forces the American Society for Clinical Oncology and Big Pharma? And what about the patient groups, some of which have been carefully cultivated for many years by these same vested interests? Won’t some of them scream with displeasure if Medicare reduces funding for new (albeit unproven or ineffective) drugs? Can Obama stand up to this sort of pressure? It will be interesting to see. It will also be interesting to hear the opinions of his chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, whose brother, Ezekiel J. Emanuel, MD, PhD, is a breast oncologist and chief of bioethics at the National Institutes of Health.
A spokesman for the Obama administration declined to comment on the new Medicare rules. But stay tuned.
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Moving Back to Uncle Sam’s Plantation
Six years ago, I wrote a book called “Uncle Sam’s Plantation.” I wrote the book to tell my own story of what I saw living inside the welfare state and my own transformation out of it.
I said in that book that indeed there are two Americas. A poor America on socialism and a wealthy America on capitalism.
I talked about government programs like Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Job Opportunities and Basic Skills Training (JOBS), Emergency Assistance to Needy Families with Children (EANF), Section 8 Housing and Food Stamps.
A vast sea of perhaps well-intentioned government programs, all initially set into motion in the 1960s, that were going to lift the nation’s poor out of poverty.
A benevolent Uncle Sam welcomed mostly poor black Americans onto the government plantation. Those who accepted the invitation switched mindsets from “How do I take care of myself?” to “What do I have to do to stay on the plantation?”
Instead of solving economic problems, government welfare socialism created monstrous moral and spiritual problems — the kind of problems that are inevitable when individuals turn responsibility for their lives over to others.
I thought we were on the road to moving socialism out of our poor black communities and replacing it with wealth-producing American capitalism.
But, incredibly, we are going in the opposite direction.
Instead of poor America on socialism becoming more like rich American on capitalism, rich America on capitalism is becoming like poor America on socialism.
Uncle Sam has welcomed our banks onto the plantation and they have said, “Thank you, Suh.”
Now, instead of thinking about what creative things need to be done to serve customers, they are thinking about what they have to tell Massah in order to get their cash.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Mr. Obama, Speak First at Touro
by Andrew Bostom
This morning at The American Thinker, I urge President Obama to acknowledge the contemporary plight of Jews beset by resurgent jihadism, and traditional Islamic Jew hatred—before he makes his widely ballyhooed conciliatory speech in a Muslim capital. And I have the ideal venue for Mr. Obama’s address to Jews—an iconic American symbol of freedom of conscience, and freedom from persecution, which President Kennedy characterized thusly, on September 15, 1963:
It [Touro] is not only the oldest Synagogue in America but also one of the oldest symbols of liberty. No better tradition exists than the history of Touro Synagogue’s great contribution to the goals of freedom and justice for all.
— Hat tip: Andy Bostom | [Return to headlines] |
White House Grabs 2010 Census Power
GOP warns Democrats attempting unconstitutional vote manipulation
In a move with major political implications for voting, districting and representation in future elections, the Obama administration has demanded oversight of the 2010 U.S. census.
The move has Republicans crying foul, alleging that transferring the power of census-taking from the Commerce Department, which normally oversees the U.S. Census Bureau, to the White House is an attempt to manipulate redistricting of congressional seats.
Bruce Chapman, director of the U.S. Census Bureau under President Reagan, explains the Republican objection and why the census is so important in his Discovery blog:
“Everyone knows that it is possible to organize a decennial census in a way that benefits one party or another politically,” Chapman writes. “One way to effectuate this otherwise unpalatable departure from the Census Bureau’s 200-year history of non-partisanship is to put the Bureau administratively under direction of the politicos in the White House. In reality, that would be a sure invitation to cook the books on the highly consequential count of Americans.”
Chapman also claims, “The only reason the White House would want to be involved is in figuring out how to add more voting power to certain states and groups within states.”
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Will the U.S. Embrace Global Socialism?
[Comment from JD: Another good article by Henry Lamb.]
Reports from the recent World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, suggest that most of the world’s leaders are convinced that the current crisis is the result of inherent flaws in capitalism, and are eager to impose new international rules to save the world.
Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is calling on President Obama to join him in creating a new economic system. “Simply tweaking the old system won’t do,” he says. He wants “a system of open markets, unambiguously regulated by an activist state, and one in which the state intervenes to reduce the greater inequalities that competitive markets will inevitably generate.”
World leaders will meet again in April, hosted by Britain’s Gordon Brown. This meeting of the so-called G-20 is a follow-up of the November meeting hosted by President Bush. The growing consensus among these leaders is that capitalism must be brought under control. More importantly, it must be brought under the control of an international authority.
This new system seeks to utilize the creative power of the profit motive while using the authority of government to direct production and distribute profits.
As the President and Congress work to enact legislation to cure the current crisis, it’s hard to miss the giant steps toward socialism. A major portion of the banking industry has been nationalized by the exchange of stock for infusions of public funds. With the infusions of public funds across private industry comes the inevitable “strings” that put government in control of the recipient industry.
President Obama and the Democrat-led Congress appear eager to apply this socialist principle by taking control of private industry in exchange for the public funds they are redistributing.
Acquiescence to Kevin Rudd’s call for a new global system of democratic socialism will destroy America’s prosperity and relegate the United States to a position inferior to the new global economic authority.
The international community first proposed its New International Economic Order in the 1970s and never abandoned its dream of controlling the global economy. Advocates now appear to be on the brink of realizing this goal.
Until now, the United States has been the primary obstacle by refusing to participate, or even recognize a new socialist global economic authority. The new Obama administration, however, is sending many signals that it will look more favorably at socialist policies, both domestically and internationally..
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Crisis: Spain, Government Issues Measures for Shoe Sector
(ANSAmed) — MADRID, FEBRUARY 6 — The Spanish government has passed a series of measures to maintain employment levels in the shoemaking sector and to make the sector more competitive. During the presentation of the support plan for the footwear and leather sector, Deputy Premier Maria Teresa Fernandez de la Vega underlined that the sector “is experiencing great structural changes” due to the current transformation in world trade. Shoemaking in Spain employs over 40,000 workers, especially in Valencia, Catalonia, Castilla-La Mancha, the Rioja and Andalusia. The measures, which are part of a decree, will give impulse to the training of workers, will favour self-employed work and provide a tax cut for entrepreneurs who employ workers of 55 years and older. There are also subsidies for contracting workers of at least 52 years old. The measures are obviously meant to reverse the trend of early retirement by employers. (ANSAmed).
— Hat tip: Insubria | [Return to headlines] |
Europe’s War on Free Speech
[Comment from JD: This summary of free speech prosecutions in EU should serve as a valuable lesson to Americans on the importance of free speech. These repressive actions are direct result of of following UN “international law” — make no mistake, Obama will push for the ratification of these same repressive laws.]
In Britain, the 2006 Racial and Religious Hatred Act, which creates a new crime of intentionally stirring up religious hatred against people on religious grounds, has led to zealousness bordering on the absurd. In Nottingham, for example, the Greenwood Primary School cancelled a Christmas nativity play because it interfered with the Muslim festival of Eid al-Adha. In Scarborough, the Yorkshire Coast College removed the words Christmas and Easter from their calendar so as not to offend Muslims. In Scotland, the Tayside Police Department apologized for featuring a German shepherd puppy as part of a campaign to publicize its new non-emergency telephone number. The postcards are potentially offensive to city’s 3,000-strong Muslim community because Islamic legal tradition says that dogs are impure.
In Glasgow, a Christian radio show host was fired after a debate between a Muslim and a Christian on whether Jesus is “the way, the truth and the life.” In Cheshire, two students at the Alsager High School were punished by their teacher for refusing to pray to Allah as part of their Religious Education class. In East London, all elected members of Tower Hamlets town council were told not to eat during daylight hours in town hall meetings during the Muslim month of Ramadan. Special arrangements were also made to disrupt council meetings to allow for Muslim prayer. Meanwhile, the council renamed a staff Christmas party as a “festive meal”.
Nor are Muslims the only ones trying to restrict free speech in Europe. In Britain, for example, the government is facing pressure from homosexual rights activists to overturn a free speech protection amendment added to a controversial “gay hate” law. The free speech protection clause, which states that criticizing homosexual practice or urging people to refrain from such conduct will not, in itself, be a crime, was added to the new offense of “incitement to homophobic hatred.” But now the government wants to remove that protection. The crime of inciting homophobic hatred includes any words or behavior which is threatening and intended to stir up hatred. It carries a maximum sentence of seven years in prison.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
France: Record Trade Deficit, Imports From Italy -9%
(ANSAmed) — PARIS, FEBRUARY 6 — The trade deficit in France is in free fall at -55.7 billion euros for 2008, which is a new record since it surpasses the 40.6 billion euro deficit last year. The new record, which comes after 5 consecutive years of deficits, is equal to 3% of the GDP. According to the French government, the record deficit “is a reflection of the crisis”. In 2008 exports increased to 409 billion euros after 401 billion last year. But it was imports which registered the biggest growth: increasing to 465.3 billion from 442 billion in 2007. According to the Secretary of State for Foreign Trade, Anne-Marie Idrac, in 2008 imports from Italy dropped by 9%, Germany -15%, Spain -23%, and -8% from the United Kingdom. (ANSAmed)
— Hat tip: Insubria | [Return to headlines] |
Italy: Muslim Law Course to be Introduced in Palermo
(ANSAmed) — PALERMO, FEBRUARY 4 — A course entitled “Introduction to the Study of Law in Arabic Countries” will take place from March 16-26 in Palermo, offered by the university’s legal studies department. The lessons will be held by Professor Sami Aldeeb, of Palestinian origin, who is an expert on Arab-Islamic law. The course is a total of 48 hours in length, and will address the study of the foundations of Muslim law and its influence on the laws of Arab states. Students can enrol directly through the legal studies department. Other than Koranic law, themes like capital punishment, sexual ethics, abortion, sexual mutilations, women in the workforce, food limitations and Islamic slaughtering methods will be addressed. “This is the third year”, affirmed Professor Aldeeb, “that a course of this kind has been organised. I consider it a mission to prepare another generation of future researchers and lawyers who, in the years to come, will have more frequent social, economic and legal relations with the Arab-Muslim world”. At the end of the course, the students will have to take an exam scheduled for March 26. (ANSAmed).
— Hat tip: Insubria | [Return to headlines] |
Italy: Indians Claim to be Victims of ‘Political Chauvinism’
Rome, 5 Feb. (AKI) — The Indian community in Italy claims it’s being unfairly targeted in a climate of intolerance which is worsening under the centre-right government of Silvio Berlusconi. Indian businessmen from the northern cities of Milan and Bologna spoke to Adnkronos International (AKI) on Thursday on condition of anonymity, and declined to identify the names of their businesses for fear of reprisals.
Many Indians are still shocked by the vicious attack on Navtej Singh Sidhu, who was burnt and beaten by youths in the coastal town of Nettuno south of Rome last weekend.
Now there are moves in several regions, including Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna, to restrict “ethnic” food outlets and defend 4,500 typical Italian products.
The conservative-run council in the Tuscan city of Lucca, a popular tourist destination, has moved to ban any new ethnic food outlets in the city’s historic centre and the anti-immigrant Northern League wants to “protect local specialties” from ethnic influence in other cities.
“They are looking for soft targets,” said an Indian entrepreneur from Milan, who spoke to AKI on condition of anonymity.
A migrant from New Delhi, the man has run a successful travel agency and restaurant that serves northern Indian specialties in the city of Milan for 30 years.
“Now they are pointing the finger at ethnic restaurants,” he said. “This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.”
He said politicians were seeking to divert the attention of “ill-informed” people by unfairly targeting immigrants.”Let’s burn the Indian or close the ethnic restaurant. It’s political chauvinism.”
Referring to the attack that left Navtej Singh Sidhu in a critical condition in a Rome hospital, the Milan restauranteur said the attackers did not represent the views of the country.
However, he said there was racial prejudice in Italy that did not exist in Spain or Germany and the Northern League was “fanning the flames” of racial intolerance.
Luca Zaia, the minister of agriculture and member of the Northern League from the Veneto region, applauded moves to clamp down on non-Italian food and said his party stood for “the safeguarding of our culture.”
An Indian-born restaurant owner in the central northern city of Bologna said it was becoming more difficult for migrants in Italy and he disagreed with the move to restrict ethnic food outlets.
“In my view, it is not good,” he told AKI. “Whether it is Bologna or anywhere else, it would be mistake.”
The restaurateur said Indian food had grown in popularity in Italy because many Italians had travelled to India. He opened his restaurant in 1997 and said almost all his clients were Italian.
However, he expressed concern about government moves to clamp down on illegal immigrants.
“There are so many things that are not good for immigrants,” he said.” It is difficult when you come from another country, it takes time. Now it is worse because of the Northern League.”
— Hat tip: C. Cantoni | [Return to headlines] |
Muslim MP: Arrest British IDF Fighters
Once again we see how Muslims will use the freedoms of the West against us. This is why Muslims should not be put into positions of power in the first place as they will just use the power to advance their Islamic agenda.
MP: Arrest British Jews fighting for IDF
Tue, 03 Feb 2009
By Fareena Alam, Press TV, London
Lord Nazir Ahmed is one of Britain’s most prominent Muslim leaders. This week, he questioned the British government about concerns that British Jews may have served in the Israeli Defense Force during Operation Cast Lead — the three-week bombardment of Gaza.
Lord Ahmed’s questions have brought attention to an issue that has significant legal and political implications but which few want to discuss in public.
The following is an exclusive Press TV interview with Lord Ahmed:
Press TV: Lord Nazir Ahmed, you raised question in Parliament about the legal implications of British Jews serving in the IDF. What was the response?
Lord Ahmed: I asked Her Majesty’s government if they were aware of British citizens who may have been involved with the war crimes committed by the Israeli Defense Force and Israeli Defense Reserves. Her Majesty’s government did not have any figures because dual nationals do not have to inform the government. However, there are reports in the Daily Mirror and The Sun with the names of British citizens who have been fighting in Gaza.
The point I was making is that war crimes have been committed, white phosphorous has been used and if there are people who have broken the 4th Geneva Convention, then whoever they are, when they return to this country, they should be arrested and charged — unlike the Major General who escaped in 2005…
[rest of interview is at link]
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Severe Weather: Polar Freeze in Spain, Alert in Six Regions
(ANSAmed) — MADRID, FEBRUARY 6 — Half of Spain lies under a pall of snow after a freezing cold front hit the peninsula. The state meteorological office is forecasting that the polar conditions will continue throughout the weekend. And a state of alert has already been declared in six areas: Madrid, Asturie, Cantabria, Paesi Baschi, Castilla y Leon and Castilla-La Mancha, with twelve mountain passes closed in the centre and north of the country. According to the general office for traffic, heavy snowfalls have disrupted traffic on state and secondary road networks in Avila, Barcelona, Salamanca, Segovia and Santa Cruz di Tenerife. The worst disruption has occurred in the ring of suburbs around Madrid where snow has slowed traffic on the ring roads linking the capital to areas in the south-west. Nonetheless, the effects of the severe weather are not on the same scale as the disruption caused by a thunderstorm one month ago, which brought traffic to a standstill and closed Madrid’s airport. (ANSAmed)
— Hat tip: Insubria | [Return to headlines] |
Spain: Spy Story, Investigation Commission Implemented
(ANSAmed) — MADRID, FEBRUARY 6 — The regional investigation commission will have to investigate on the alleged issue of espionage in the City of Madrid’s government beginning work today, informed administration sources. Five members of the Popular Party (PP), three from the PSOE and one from Izquierda Unida (IU) make up the investigative body. The commission will enter into full activity nest week and will meet every other day until February 28. The council groups have foreseen some twenty hearings, among them that of the regional president, Esperanza Aguirre, the regional vice-president, Ignacio Gonzalez, and the city councilman to Justice and the Interior, Francisco Granados, as asked for by the PSOE. The IU have also asked for a hearing with the president of the PP and leader of the opposition, Mariano Rajoy, who defined the request as “without reason”. The commission will be chaired by councillor Benjamin Martin of the PP, even if the decision, reports the EFE agency, will include socialist and IU councilmen, giving life to a heated discussion in which they took the opportunity to state that the chair of the investigative body should not be occupied by a representative of the party in question in the spy story. Another investigation has been opened regarding the affair in recent days. (ANSAmed).
— Hat tip: Insubria | [Return to headlines] |
UK: MOD Accused of Wasting Money After Producing 33-Page Guide on Dealing With Transsexuals in the Armed Forces
Defence chiefs are under attack for producing an 11,000-word guide on dealing with transsexuals in the Armed Forces.
They are accused of wasting time and money on the 33-page document while troops face helicopter and equipment shortages.
The Policy for the Recruitment and Management of Transsexual Personnel in the Armed Forces goes into extraordinary detail to explain what transsexualism is and how to avoid discriminating against people who change sex.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Industry: Croatia, Cormo Co-Financed by Banco Popolare
(ANSAmed) — ZAGREB, FEBRUARY 3 — The San Martino in Rio (Reggio Emilia) Cormo cooperative’s wooden doors and windows factory, inaugurated in January in Bjelovar, about 90 kilometres north of Zagreb, has also been financed by the Banco Popolare. The announcement was made in a statement released by the Croatian division of the Italian banking institution. The entire investment amounts to 2.6 million euro, and the Banco Popolare has granted credit of 1.5 million through the Croatian branch which acted as an intermediary. The production factory, which will employ close to twenty workers, is part of the larger Cormo complex valued at 6 million euro and with a total surface area of 5 thousand square metres. (ANSAmed).
— Hat tip: Insubria | [Return to headlines] |
Italy-Slovenia: Zaia, Trade Partnership Researched
(ANSAmed)- ROME, FEBRUARY 6 — “Slovenia will participate with us in the twinning project (to unite institutions) in Montenegro and will be our partner on the project team in the consortium proposed by Italy. We will also research with Slovenia the possibility to begin a trade partnership among companies that operate in large scale distribution”, announced Agricultural and Forestry Policy Minister Luca Zaia in a statement, after contact with two ministries and the recent meeting between the Italian ambassador and the Slovenian Agriculture, Forestry and Food Minister, Milan Pogacnik. ItalY, Zaia stressed, “has great interest in Slovenia. The Italian food and agriculture sector, in particular that of the north-east, looks with great attention at this market, as a means of penetrating the western Balkan market. The implementation of this twinning programme”, the minister concluded, “is down to good economic diplomacy in the area”. (ANSAmed).
— Hat tip: Insubria | [Return to headlines] |
Religion Lessons in Bosnia Schools Cause Uproar
A decision by the Muslim-led county council to allow religious instruction in kindergartens across Bosnia’s capital of Sarajevo has been met with a chorus of outrage from critics who fear it may deepen the country’s ethnic divide and spill over into a religious conflict.
For the classes, the Muslim children are taken to a seperate classroom where the “bula”—an intermediary between an imam and the family—teaches a basic Islamic studies class and explains how the Prophet Muhammad travelled from Mecca to Medina.
The start of the classes in October ratcheted up tensions across the country, still split among rival ethnic groups—Muslims, Serbs and Croats—who shed each other’s blood in the 1992-95 conflict.
“Every wrong move could… come back and hit us like a boomerang,” said psychologist Jasna Bajraktarevic, who feels such teaching should be confined to the family home.
“The introduction of religion classes in kindergartens is a kind of a Trojan Horse hiding a desire to provoke conflict among different confessions,” she said.
The county education ministry defends the initiative, saying it is in line with a religious freedom act in force since 2004.
“We would have been violating that law if we did not organize religious teaching,” said Srecko Zmukic, an official with the ministry.
Each faith has been invited to prepare a curriculum, but so far only Islamic classes have been organized in Sarajevo, where the weekly 30-minute lessons are funded by the city’s Muslim government.
The Catholic Church is expected to prepare its program soon but its Orthodox counterpart as yet has shown no interest, Zmukic said.
“All of this will just deepen divisions among people here, and that is wrong,” said Helena Mandic, a non-Muslim mother who leads a group of parents challenging the decision.
Muslims account for around 40 percent of Bosnia’s 3.8 million inhabitants. Some 31 percent are Christian Orthodox Serbs and about 10 percent Roman Catholic Croats.
A terrible mistake
Opponents say the Islamic kindergarten lessons place Sarajevo’s children on the frontline of a populist political battleground to capitalize on post-conflict nationalist sentiment.
They argue that such young children are unable to properly understand the subject, and warn of the consequences of separating them for the classes.
“It could prove to be a terrible mistake in a post-war society deeply divided along ethnic lines,” psychologist Bajraktarevic told AFP.
“I’m afraid that in 20 years from now we could have a country that is ethnically divided far deeper than today, and we would be very close to another conflict.”
Supporters say many parents’ time is already stretched and happily hand over the responsibility of religious instruction to educational institutions.
The kindergarten teacher who requested anonymity found the separate lessons disruptive, as only 10 percent of her classes attend them.
“It is totally unnecessary. Kids are taught much more about religious holidays through a regular curriculum,” she complained.
Freedom to publicly express religious beliefs was suppressed during the communist era when Bosnia was part of the former Yugoslavia, prior to its bloody break-up.
— Hat tip: TB | [Return to headlines] |
Gulf: Exports From Lombardy on the Increase
(ANSAmed) — MILAN, FEBRUARY 5 — Exports from Lombardy to Qatar grew by 58.12% between 2007 and 2008, while exports to the United Arab Emirates increased by 4.54%. The number of tourists coming from the Gulf to Italy and Lombardy has seen double-figures growth in recent years. Today saw the end of an entrepreneurial mission organised to the two Arab countries by the Department for Development and Tourism Competition of the Council of Ministers, together with the Foreign Ministry and Promos, Milan Chamber of Commerce’s special company for internationalisation. Over the past three days, meetings have been organised between the main professional associations in Lombardy, regional tour operators and the Gulf business world. “The tourism industry plays a vital role, as shown in the increase by 31.5% in departures from Dubai airport to Milan, the Italian city most visited by people from the Emirates, with an increase in visitors from 77 thousand in 2004 to 112 thousand in 2006”.(ANSAmed).
— Hat tip: Insubria | [Return to headlines] |
Italy-Libya: Our Investments to Top USD 10 Bln, Shalgam Says
(ANSAmed) — ROME, FEBRUARY 5 — The Libyan Foreign Minister, Abdulrahaman Shalgam, expressed the hope this morning at the Foreign Ministry that “Libyan investment in Italy will reach the sum of ten billion dollars.” Outside the meeting called by Franco Frattini on the UN reform, the head of Libyan diplomacy said that “Libyan doors are all open to Italian businesses desiring to work there.” Speaking to journalists in an aside at the meeting, Shalgam also mentioned a possible visit by Muammar Gaddafi to Italy. “Now there is no reason for it not to happen,” he said. “I cannot yet mention any specific dates, but Gaddafi is a true friend of Berlusconi.” (ANSAmed).
— Hat tip: Insubria | [Return to headlines] |
Morocco: Italian Cooperation Agreement With Rabat Govt
(ANSAmed) — ROME, FEBRUARY 5 — An agreement allowing Italian Cooperation to help the Moroccan government in its efforts to fight poverty, especially in the field of improving sanitation in the Settat province, was signed today in Rabat by Italy’s ambassador Umberto Lucchesi Palli and Morocco’s Economy and Finance minister Salaheddine Mezouar and Health minister Yasmina Baddou. Italian Cooperation has had an established presence in Settat for many years, and since 2004 it has contributed positively to programmes to provide access to water for around 18,000 inhabitants. Today’s agreement is aimed at setting up a project worth around 1,830,000 euros, 1 million 735 thousand from the Italian government and the remainder from the Moroccan government. The initiative will last two years, and will include: the reconstruction and provision of equipment for routine activities in 23 basic health centres; the training of medical and paramedical personnel from 19 hospitals dedicated in particular to maternity and neonatal services; the strengthening of local administrative skills. (ANSAmed).
— Hat tip: Insubria | [Return to headlines] |
Libya Set to Unveil Draft Constitution
(ANSAmed) — TRIPOLI, FEBRUARY 5 — Libya is set to unveil a draft constitution this month, a local television station reported today. “The government committee in charge of outlining the national accord or constitution has finished the legal aspect of the draft,” said Al-Libiya, which has ties to Moamer Gathafi’s reformist son and heir-apparent Seif al-Islam. “It will be announced at the end of February, when it will be presented to the People’s Congress,” which acts as parliament in Libya, it added. Libya said in December that a government panel would start drawing up the country’s first constitution since the 1969 coup that brought Gathafi to power. “We want to have a constitution, laws and institutions and not everything revolving around one person or one group,” Seif al-Islam said in Tuesday’s edition of the pan Arab daily Asharq Al-Awsat. The country has been moving to shake off its staunch socialist economy and embrace reforms and globalisation since mending ties with the West after it abandoned its quest for weapons of mass destruction in 2003. “Work on this project is not starting from zero. There are some references already,” judge Abdel Rahman Bututa said in December, citing the Green Book — Gadafi’s collected thoughts — and a 1988 declaration on people’s committees. In 2007, Seif al-Islam outlined plans to reintroduce a formal constitution, drawn up in collaboration with European and US experts. But he also said there were certain “red lines” that could not be crossed, including Gathafi’s role as leader of the country and Libya’s adherence to Islam. Libya sits on reserves of 43 billion barrels of oil and is Africa’s third largest oil producer. (ANSAmed).
— Hat tip: Insubria | [Return to headlines] |
Ex-UNRWA Official Blasts Agency for Politicizing Palestinian Refugee Issue
A former top legal official with the United Nations relief agency charged with providing for Palestinian refugees — UNRWA — issued a report last week critical of some of the organization’s practices, accusing the organization of preoccupying itself with the political aspects of the refugee issue.
James Lindsay, who served as UNRWA’s legal advisor and general counsel from 2002 until 2007, said the agency needs to adopt reforms if it is to adequately address concerns that it has politicized the Palestinian refugee issue. Among Lindsay’s recommendations are the need to end UNRWA assistance to hundreds of thousands of Jordanian citizens who qualify as refugees; shifting from a “status-based” system — whereby anyone who was defined as a refugee received aid even though he or she was more well-off than others — to a “needs-based” system of aid delivery; avoid involvement in political affairs; conduct more stringent background checks on its employees so it does not hire Palestinians who are members of terrorist organizations; and to enable those who wish to leave refugee camps to do so by expanding loans.
An UNRWA spokesman slammed the report, accusing the author of bias and a failure to employ a sufficiently wide range of sources.
“The agency is disappointed by the findings of the study, found it to be tendentious and partial, and regrets in particular the narrow range of sources used,” Andrew Whitley, director of the UNRWA representative office at UN headquarters in New York, said.
— Hat tip: Abu Elvis | [Return to headlines] |
Mideast: Fatah Condemns Hamas’ Alleged Theft of UN Aid
Ramallah, 6 Feb. (AKI) — The West Bank ruling Fatah in a statement on Friday condemned Gaza’s Islamist Hamas rulers for allegedly seizing a United Nations aid shipment earlier this week, Palestinian news agency Maan reported. Police in Gaza confiscated over 3,500 blankets and 406 food parcels meant to be distributed to Palestinian civilians in Gaza, UN officials said.
Barakat Al-Farra, a Fatah official, condemned the alleged actions by Hamas, while praising UNRWA’s “decades-long” commitment to Palestinian refugees in Gaza and the West Bank, Maan reported.
He applauded the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA)’s actions in Gaza during Israel’s devastating three-week assault there, as well, particularly the “bold statements” they made against Israel’s “crimes” during the war.
“We previously warned [Hamas] and called on them to stop any attack against UNRWA,” Farra said.
“We had previously tried to stop this problem, but it seems nothing has changed—in fact, the problem has worsened,” he added.
Hamas security forces (photo) confiscated the UN humanitarian aid after UNRWA staff had earlier refused to hand over the aid supplies to the Hamas-run ministry of social affairs. The police subsequently broke into the warehouse and seized the aid by force. The aid was due to be distributed to 500 families in the area.
UNRWA said it was the first time they were aware that anyone had stolen aid in Gaza.
“How can Hamas ask for a larger role in the reconstruction of Gaza? How can they who steal food and support donated for our people be considered reliable?” Maan quoted Farra as asking.
Hamas was harming the image of Palestinians “in front of the entire world,” al-Farra said.
He called on Hamas leaders to “think more logically and work for the sake of their nation.”
UNRWA also expressed its disappointment in the apparent theft, saying the aid agency “condemns in the strongest terms the confiscation of its aid supplies and has demanded that it is returned immediately,” according to a statement.
However, Hamas Welfare Minister Ahmed al-Kurd denied the accusations and had been asking UNRWA to provide the ministry with information about the assistance it gives. Al-Kurd said the ministry was ‘investigating’ whether UNRWA was working with any unlicensed non-governmental organisations in Gaza “that have a political agenda.”
The three week long Israeli aerial and land offensive with the stated aim of ending Hamas rocket attacks killed over 1,373 Palestinians and injured at least 5,400, leaving many without shelter.
— Hat tip: C. Cantoni | [Return to headlines] |
Son of a Preacher Man
‘Fredrik” recently finished basic training in the 51st Battalion of the Golani Brigade. Together with thousands of other soldiers, he is waiting on a base a few miles from Gaza, ready to be deployed in case the cease-fire collapses. The only difference is that he is not an Israeli citizen, or even Jewish. He is a 29-year-old Swedish Pentecostal Christian.
Fredrik came here for the first time nine years ago as a tourist. “It was love at first sight. I stepped out of the airplane, looked around and felt that this was a country I could die for.” He returned to his small Swedish hometown, where his father serves as a pastor in the local Pentecostal church. “I always commit 100 percent to things that I do and I felt strongly that this is where God wanted me to be,” he explains, so he wrapped up his own career as a youth pastor and moved here. The love he felt for the land was uncompromising.
Soon after his arrival, a Palestinian suicide bomber blew himself up along with 21 young people in a discotheque in Tel Aviv. “Suddenly I realized that not everybody is nice,” Fredrik says with a touch of irony. “When I was called up to do army service in Sweden, I had refused to carry a gun.”
After having experienced terrorism up close, he stopped being a pacifist. “I realized that there are situations when one needs to use weapons to defend oneself.”
That insight led him to an IDF conscription office in the summer of 2001, where he explained that he wanted to join the IDF…
— Hat tip: Abu Elvis | [Return to headlines] |
The Gaza War: a Small Part of the Nationalist-Islamist Conflict
In decades to come, when the Middle East’s history for this era is written, the current war in Gaza will be deemed a skirmish in the great Arab-Persian; Sunni-Shia; Arab nationalist-Islamist; Iran-Syria versus Egypt-Saudi Arabia conflict that is going to be the region’s—and perhaps world’s—main feature for the rest of our lifetimes.
The Arab-Israeli conflict, as it existed from 1948 to the late 1980s or thereafter, is over. Whatever they say in public, all the Arab states except for Syria have basically withdrawn from active participation. Indeed, strong statements in speeches and media have long been a substitute for action. Egypt, Jordan, and the PLO signed peace agreements with Israel, which may not have yielded warm relations but certainly ended their direct involvement in any conflict. The Persian Gulf and north African Arab states are just not focused on it.
Why has this happened? There are basically four reasons why the Middle East today is totally different from that of the previous period.
First, almost all the Arab states—Syria being the exception—concluded that they could not defeat and destroy Israel. This came about both due to the experience of war and to the collapse of the Soviet bloc, their main ally in the conflict. To stir people’s passions over an unwinnable conflict is profitable for rulers—to distract them from their own dictatorial government—but defeat by Israel could bring down the regimes. Even Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein turned toward trying to dominate the Persian Gulf rather than fight Israel.
Second, the Arab states have become preoccupied with other problems. Those with oil—Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates—focus on making money and enjoying the good life. Those without—Egypt, Jordan, Morocco—strive to survive. Both groups need good relations with the West: the poor to get aid, the rich for markets and safe places to invest.
Third, they concluded the Palestinians were incapable of defeating Israel militarily or making peace with Israel diplomatically. Once the PLO signed an agreement with Israel in 1993, intended to produce a political settlement, Arab states were freed from their obligations. They didn’t even give the Palestinians much economic aid, most such help coming from the West. Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat was quite unpopular in the Arab world, being viewed as corrupt and untrustworthy. His successors were seen as weak. Why, they asked, should Arab rulers let Arafat and the PLO determine their policy?
Fourth, the Arab world is beset by a new conflict which takes up much of its attention and resources: the radical Islamist challenge to Arab nationalist regimes. Â In every country, the conflict is waged, sometimes violently, at others times through propaganda battles and electoral maneuvers. The Palestinians, too, fought among themselves along these lines. After winning an election victory and then making a deal for a coalition government, Hamas turned on its nationalist rivals and drove them out of Gaza by force.
Every Arab state is battling Hamas’s friends inside its own borders. In Lebanon, Hizballah Shia Islamists bully Sunni Muslim, Christian, and Druze rivals. Bloody civil wars between Islamists and nationalists erupted in Algeria and Egypt; terrorist campaigns swept Saudi Arabia and Iraq.
Finally, the Arab states face a powerful Iranian-Syrian axis whose clients include Hizballah, Hamas, and Iraqi insurgents. This is a danger far exceeding the largely fabricated one from Israel and Arab rulers know it. In response to the Hamas attacks on Israel, Tariq Alhomayed, editor-in-chief of Al-Sharq al-Awsat, proclaimed that Hamas is the tool of Iran and “Iran is a real threat to Arab security, as today it launched a war against Egypt, tomorrow against Saudi Arabia, and then the whole house of cards will collapse.”
That is how the current fighting is being viewed in the leading circles of the Arab world, not as an Arab-Israeli struggle but as part of the Islamist-nationalist conflict. Hamas and Hizballah, Egyptian Foreign Minister Aboul Gheit proclaimed, are at war with Egypt and want to bring war and chaos to Egypt as they have in their own countries.
Aside from the catastrophic cost and bloody defeat that this strategy entails, Qassem is leaving out a lot more. The Palestinian Authority-ruled West Bank isn’t besieged, it’s prospering. There’s no fighting because the nationalists there don’t glorify the sacrifice of everything to carry out an ultimately losing jihad.Â
Inasmuch as the West rescues Hamas from its own mistakes, the result will be strengthening radical forces throughout the region, demoralizing moderates, and ensuring even more violence and suffering in future. Vladimir Lenin, leader of the previous big revolutionary movement, Communism, predicted that democratic states would sell their enemies the rope that would be used to hang themselves. Radical Islamists are counting on it. Relatively moderate Arab nationalists fear it. Israel is fighting to prevent it…
[read the rest at link]
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Top Hamas Leader Comes Out of Hiding
GAZA CITY: A top Hamas leader emerged yesterday from six weeks in hiding, leading a delegation to Egypt for cease-fire talks and saying the group is “flexible” over who should lead reconstruction in the devastated territory.
Mahmoud Al-Zahar, who is one of Gaza’s top two leaders, and three other Hamas officials crossed from Gaza into Egypt yesterday, en route to Cairo.
Egypt is mediating indirect talks between Israel and Hamas to reach a durable truce. Hamas wants Israel and Egypt to lift their 20-month border blockade of Gaza.
On the Egyptian side, Al-Zahar told reporters Hamas would be flexible about who will take charge of reconstruction.
Thousands of homes and buildings were destroyed or damaged during Israel’s 22-day war on Palestinians, causing an estimated $2 billion in damages.
Hamas initially insisted it should supervise the spending. However, international donors are reluctant to hand huge sums to Hamas. “We are flexible on who should be in charge of rebuilding,” said Al-Zahar who, apparently fearing assassination, had been in hiding during the three-week offensive and even after a tentative cease-fire took hold in mid-January.
Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh still has not appeared in public.
In the West Bank, the Palestinian Authority’s Health Ministry accused Hamas of turning some of its medical facilities in the Gaza Strip into detention centers.
After Israel stopped the aerial and ground attacks, “Hamas unfortunately used several facilities, mainly a large number of hospitals, as stations for summons, interrogation, torture and detention,” the Ramallah-based ministry said in a statement.
The ministry also claimed Hamas sacked tens of employees, loyal to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah movement, who ended a strike and returned to work after Israel launched it assault on Dec. 27.
Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said he will transfer $50 million in emergency aid to Gaza.
— Hat tip: TB | [Return to headlines] |
Lebanon: Trial Underway for 2007 Attack on Unifil
(ANSAmed) — BEIRUT, FEBRUARY 5 — UN troops deployed in southern Lebanon (UNIFIL) “are an occupation force like the Americans in Iraq,” said a Palestinian man to a military court in Beirut. The man has pleaded guilty to participating in an attack in 2007 against a UN patrol between Sidon and Tyre, respectively 40 and 80km south of the capital. According to pan-Arab daily al-Hayat, Salim Kayyed was heard yesterday together with seven other defendants by the judge of the military court for the trial against the alleged instigators and executors, Palestinians and Lebanese, of the bomb attack on July 16 2007 on the Qasimiya bridge (around 70 km south of Beirut) against a patrol of Tanzanian UNIFIL troops, who were not harmed. The group is also accused of being responsible for explosions, also in 2007, in two Christian villages: Rum, near Jezzin, and Kfar Falus (a few kilometres east of Sidon). According to the daily, Kayyed has confessed that he planted the bomb on the Qasimiya bridge in order to detonate it at the moment the UNIFIL vehicle passed by. He allegedly received instructions and materials from the Palestinian fugitive Abd al-Rahman Awad. Awad, on the other hand, is alleged to blame, along with two other Palestinian fugitives, for recruiting fighters to send to Iraq and “engage in Jihad”. (ANSAmed).
— Hat tip: Insubria | [Return to headlines] |
Saudi Suspects Seeking to Revive Al-Qaeda
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) — One of the men on the Saudi Arabia’s new most-wanted list is married to Osama bin Laden’s daughter while another was involved in a plot to kill the U.S. ambassador in Yemen. A third smuggled militants into Iraq from Syria.
Documents profiling the 85 wanted men — 83 Saudis and two Yemenis — reveal that many of them either took part in planning attacks targeting oil, security and other installations in the kingdom or provided al-Qaeda members with weapons, safe haven, false documents and money.
The documents illuminate the extent of Saudi participation in the shadowy extremist networks struggling to rebuild in the Arabian peninsula after a series of harsh crackdowns in past years. All the men on the list are hiding abroad, many in neighboring Yemen.
The official said the men are active members of al-Qaeda or local offshoots and planned to re-establish the terror network in Saudi Arabia following the kingdom’s aggressive campaign, which had netted hundreds of members and sympathizers.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
UAE: ‘Pink’ Buses to Encourage Women to Use Public Transport
(ANSAmed) — DUBAI, 6 FEB — In an attempt to attract and encourage more women to use public transport, the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) will soon launch ‘Pink’ buses in Dubai. Essa Al Dossari, CEO of Public Transport Agency in the RTA, told Khaleej Times that the pink-coloured standard buses will run on some select routes. The move follows the recent introduction of Pink Taxis for women. “We decided to paint the buses with pink as it is the favourite colour of most of the women and will be attracting to them. We are presently deciding on some other additional features inside these buses which could attract them even more,” Dossari said. Seven per cent of the passengers who use RTA buses, are women, he said. “We have been doing a survey to identify the routes on which the number of women passengers is more. One of the routes is No.5, which passes through Karama and the Deira areas, and another is Route 3 which covers Al Ghusais, Muraqqabat, Trade Centre and Satwa areas,” Dossari said. To cater to a larger number of women passengers, the RTA is making efforts to upgrade the bus services and facilities. “The number of seats in buses on some of the routes will be increased in order to accommodate more women passengers,” he stated. The official said that the studies would be over in three weeks, after which the decision on the number of pink buses and the increase in the number of seats will be taken. “For the moment, in order to facilitate the women passengers and to encourage them to use more public buses, we have issued certain instructions. Women can now travel standing in the ladies’ section of the buses,” he said.
— Hat tip: Insubria | [Return to headlines] |
Russia: Young Hero Died Protecting Sister From Molester
A seven-year-old boy who died defending his older sister from a potential rapist has been honoured posthumously. Zhenya Tabakov’s mother received the order of courage medal on behalf of her son.
Just over two months ago Galina lost her son and she’s still struggling to get over the shock.
Zhenya was brutally murdered by a robber, as the boy was trying to save his 12-year-old sister from being raped.
It all happened in late November, in the small military town of Noginsk-9 — a place where even small crimes are rare.
Around midday, a man rang the bell of the flat where Zhenya and his family lived.
“I asked who it was. The man said he was the postman, and he needed to give us a telegram and get a signature. So I opened the door,” recalls Zhenya’s sister Yana.
The little girl says the man held a knife to her throat, and demanded that her brother bring him all the money he could find. Zhenya did as he was told. But when the man started undressing his sister it was more than the boy could bear.
Zhenya seized a knife from the kitchen and plunged it into the man’s back. This didn’t kill the attacker, but it was enough to set Zhenya’s sister free. She ran for help. But it was too late for her brother — he was stabbed eight times.
Thirty-five-year old Sergey Kiyashko is in custody accused of the murder. Police say they have all the evidence they need to convict him.
The entire population of the little town seemed to show up for the farewell ceremony. The heroic death of seven-year-old Zhenya was something that the federal prosecutor’s office could not pass by either. The chief inspector Aleksandr Bystrykin paid tribute to the boy’s courage.
“At the prosecutor’s office, we witness many atrocities on a daily basis. But this case has sent many of us into shock. And it’s played a part in the drafting of a new law on tougher punishment for those who commit crimes against children,” Bystrykin said.
Receiving the order for her son, Galina was unable to speak.
Nothing can bring Zhenya back to life again, but the little boy’s heroism has become the pride of the town — and of his school in particular.
The boy’s photo now occupies the desk where he used to sit. Later on a special plaque will be fixed onto it. And only the best pupils will have the chance and honour of taking that place.
— Hat tip: Abu Elvis | [Return to headlines] |
Indonesia: Aceh Exiles Want Probe Into Ex-Rebels’ Murders
Jakarta, 5 Feb. (AKI/Jakarta Post) — A group of Acehnese living abroad have demanded international bodies investigate the murder of three former separatist Aceh rebels who have been shot dead this week. The murders occurred ahead of upcoming local elections and could threaten peace in the Muslim-devout province.
The three murdered Transition Commission (KPA) officials were all former members of the now-defunct Free Aceh Movement (GAM) which ended its separatist armed struggle in 2005 when it signed a landmark peace accord with the Indonesian government.
KPA secretary Abu Karim was shot in his car by an unknown gunman in Pulo Kiton area, Bireun, on Tuesday.Two other members were killed on Wednesday while driving in the Kajhu area of Aceh Besar.
M. Nur, who was behind the wheel died and Zakaria was taken to the hospital.
State news agency Antara quoted an unnamed source who linked the murders to legislative council elections due in April.
WAA coordinator Tarmizi Age said the situation threatened peace in Aceh.
“We urge all parties that support peace in Aceh to participate in stopping this new type of unrest in Aceh,” Tarmizi said.
During the 29-year separatist conflict in Aceh in which an estimated 15,000 people died, many GAM members lived in exile in Scandinavia.
The WAA said it would pass information about the shooting to the Crisis Management Initiative (CMI) in Helsinki and to the Finnish and Danish foreign ministries, Tarmizi added.
It will also inform the European Union, the US Embassy in Denmark, Amnesty International in Brussels and Human Rights Watch in New York about the shootings, he said.
“We think it is important for them to know so they can help do something to support the continuation of peace in Aceh,” he said.
Last month there was a grenade attack on vehicles belonging to the Aceh Party in the provincial capital of Banda Aceh. The party mainly comprises former GAM members.
Analysts predict that the Aceh Party will win a majority of the seats in the provincial legislature in the April elections.
Under the 2005 Helsinki peace deal that ended decades of separatist conflict, local political parties can run in the provincial legislative elections.
— Hat tip: C. Cantoni | [Return to headlines] |
Malaysia: Islamic Media Campaign Against Catholic Newspaper, Which Cannot Defend Itself
The Islamic media are trying to stir up trouble by accusing the newspaper of using the word “Allah” and bringing every evil upon the country. The archbishop of Kuala Lumpur is remaining silent — possibly in order to avoid provoking useless tension — and is waiting for the decision from the High Court. The Church has, in fact, taken the government to court because the ban violates religious freedom as guaranteed by the Constitution.
Kuala Lumpur (AsiaNews) — The Catholic newspaper of the diocese of Kuala Lumpur, the Herald, is undergoing a campaign of insults and criticism because of its use of the word “Allah.” The attack is coming from much of the Malaysian press, and in particular from Utusan Malaysia, a national newspaper. Recently, since February 1, Utusan has started publishing an article every day insulting the Catholic newspaper and accusing it of proselytism. It is trying to stir up outrage among the Muslim population over the use of the word “Allah” in reference to the Christian God, and is accusing the publication of wanting to ruin the nation.
Murphy Nicholas Xavier Pakiam, the archbishop of the capital, has published a statement in which he says that the diocese and the newspaper “will not make any comment” about the campaign in the press until “the decision of the High Court which will be made at the appropriate time.”
The prohibition of the use of the word “Allah” dates back more than a year, and the Herald even risked being shut down if it did not comply with the decision of the Interior Security Ministry, which sees use of the word as a possible source of confusion for Muslims, and of conflict between the two communities.
The diocese has sued the government, and is waiting for a verdict from the High Court because it maintains that the ban is a violation of religious freedom and expression, guaranteed by the Constitution.
According to observers, the media campaign against the Herald is aimed at provoking Christians to create tension and conflict, which would support the stance of the Interior Security Ministry.
Academics and politicians have repeatedly noted that the use of the word “Allah” on the part of Christians dates back to long before Mohammed himself, and that in Indonesia, a neighboring Muslim majority country, Christians have used the word for centuries to refer to the Christian God, without causing any scandal.
— Hat tip: C. Cantoni | [Return to headlines] |
Orissa: Hindu Temple Being Built Atop Rubble of Batticola Church
Hindu radicals had previously tried to destroy it in 2000. The situation remains tense. Christians are humiliated and marginalized, unless they convert to Hinduism.
New Delhi (AsiaNews) — The foundations have been laid for a Hindu temple on the rubble of the church in Batticola, in the district of Kandhamal (Orissa). And the Christians returning to their villages are being pressured to convert to Hinduism. This information comes to AsiaNews from Sajan George, president of the Global Council of Indian Christians, who has received eyewitness testimonies from the northwestern state.
The church in Batticola was rased to the ground and burned last August, at the beginning of the violence against Christians. Now, a foundation about one meter high has been laid in order to build a Hindu temple there. “On Feb 2nd around 12 noon, about 17 people, mostly men, left the G. Udaygiri relief camp to check on conditions at the Dokewadi hamlet in Jhimangia village before returning there. These Christians were surrounded by the Hindu villagers and given a dire warning: if they wanted to come back to the village, they had to convert to Hinduism.”
Batticola is one of the primary targets of the anti-Christian campaign. Sajan Geogre says that last October, a Hindu fundamental group released a falsified document purported to be the minutes of a Batticola Catholic parish council meeting on May 25 that allegedly conspired to assassinate 85-year-old Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati. The killing of the swami last August 23 was the spark that ignited the series of attacks that killed at least 500 people, destroyed thousands of homes, burned hundreds of churches, and made more than 50,000 Christians flee.
The text of the minutes falsified by the extremists depicted the Christians as wanting to “offer sacrifices” against the “Satanic activities that stand opposed to the expansion” of the parish. The only problem is that the ritual words used in the document — in the Oriya language — belong entirely to the Hindu tradition, not to the Christian tradition, leading to the suspicion that the document is a complete fake.
This news from Batticola is a sign that the situation on the ground is not calm, although the government continues to give assurances that the danger has passed, and is closing the refugee camps, sending Christians back to their ruined homes.
Other sources say that some Christians who have gone back to Batticola have faced constant humiliation and discrimination. The Hindus in the village have instituted 15 unwritten rules against the Christians. One of them is that Christians should always give way to Hindus in the street; that in the public baths, the Christians should bathe last; etc.
All of this — the sources say — is very strange, because until recently “these people have lived together, celebrated festivals together, and basically a communitarian spirit prevailed, and yet there is a perverted sense of superiority and crushing the dignity of the Christians.”
The Catholic church in Batticola was inaugurated in 1995. The Hindu radicals, under the leadership of Swami Laxamananda, tried to rase it to the ground in 2000.
— Hat tip: C. Cantoni | [Return to headlines] |
Pakistani Taliban Release Tape of Pole’s Murder
KOHAT, Pakistan (Reuters) — Pakistani Taliban militants released a video tape Sunday of them beheading a Polish geologist whom they said they killed because Pakistan’s government refused to release Taliban prisoners.
The Islamist militants said Saturday they had executed the Polish engineer, Piotr Stanczak, who they kidnapped in September, because the government had refused to free 60 captured militants before Friday’s deadline.
A tape was delivered to the office of a Reuters reporter in the northwestern town of Dera Ismail Khan showing two masked men cutting off Stanczak’s head.
Before he was killed, Stanczak was seen on the tape appealing to the Polish government not to send troops to Afghanistan.
He also urged Poland to severe ties with Pakistan, which he said had made no effort to secure his release, said a Reuters reporter who saw the tape.
Assaults on foreign aid workers, company employees and diplomats have increased in Pakistan over the past year, especially in areas near the border with Afghanistan, where government forces are battling the Taliban and al Qaeda.
— Hat tip: PP | [Return to headlines] |
Australia: Fire Death Toll Rises to 84
The number of dead may rise even further as blazes continue to ravage the state with more than 200,000 hectares affected as 3000 firefighters struggle to contain seven major firefronts. At least 640 homes have been destroyed.
The largest firefront is in the Kinglake area, where more than 120,000 hectares have been burnt and at least 12 people have been killed. More than 80,000 hectares have been burnt in Gippsland.
Stories from victims recount the horror of the blazes as they ravaged towns surrounding Melbourne and other parts of Victoria.
Police suspect some fires were deliberately lit yesterday despite warnings that it was the worst day in Victoria’s history for fire conditions.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Zim Donations for Mugabe’s Birthday
Poor Zimbabweans have been coerced into donating cash, cows, goats and pigs for elaborate celebrations planned for President Robert Mugabe’s 85th birthday.
A recent UN report estimated that as many as seven million of the country’s nine million people faced critical food shortages.
But that has not deterred a spirited fund raising campaign for Mugabe’s birthday celebrations.
According to the state owned Sunday Mail “well-wishers” have, so far, donated 80 cows, 70 goats and 12 pigs.
Mugabe celebrates his birthday on 21 February.
The fundraising is being conducted by the 21st February Movement which comprises fanatical youths from the ruling Zanu-PF party.
Somehow the fundraisers have also raised US$10 000 in cash, probably from poor Zimbabweans who are struggling to make ends meet.
Verification of the sources of donations remains impossible as the Zimbabwe government maintains its hostile stance against foreign media.
Oblivious to the plight of the poor, fundraisers expect to get more animals and cash for Mugabe’s bash.
— Hat tip: Abu Elvis | [Return to headlines] |
Caritas Roma: Immigrant Assistance Strengthened
(ANSAmed) — ROME, FEBRUARY 6 — The Caritas diocese of Rome over the next weeks will strengthen assistance healthcare activities for immigrants without stay permits, reported a statement from the Catholic organisation. Caritas in Rome, the note goes on to read, is preparing to face “the serious consequences of what could be approved by the security package bill that includes the elimination of the prohibition of reporting illegal immigrants in healthcare structures”. “Even with the knowledge that the bill must also be passed by the Chamber”, Caritas continues, “and that is not yet in force, and also knowing that the code of conduct for healthcare workers would call for them to obstruct this activity, as stressed many times by the Order of Physicians as well as organised labour and similar bodies, Caritas holds that the measure could have dangerous, immediate effects on public healthcare for the climate of fear that it is creating”. For this motive Caritas Rome will inform immigrants that at the moment they can use the services without any risk of being reported. (ANSAmed).
— Hat tip: Insubria | [Return to headlines] |
Illegal Labour; From Syria to Sardinia
(ANSAmed) — ORISTANO, FEBRUARY 6 — After more than a year of investigations, the Oristano police has wiped out a criminal organisation specialised in recruiting illegal construction workers. The men were recruited in Middle Eastern countries (and in particular, Syria), and transferred to Sardinia through Greece, the Balkans and Lombardy on their way to construction jobs at projects which were won by offering very low prices for the work. After the police operation involving the provinces of Sassari, Varese, Milan, Rome and Imperia, the police have remanded six men and women of Syrian, Egyptian, Moroccan and Brazilian nationality, whilst a further two people were stopped for checks. The Public Prosecutor’s Office of Oristano has charged all five of criminal association in aiding and abetting of the stay of illegal immigrants in Italy and exploitation of illegal manpower, as well as forgery of identification documents and residence permits and handling of stolen goods.(ANSAmed).
— Hat tip: Insubria | [Return to headlines] |
Italy: Senate, Doctors May Report Illegals
(ANSAmed) — ROME — Foreigners who come into Italy or stay there illegally are committing a crime, but will not risk imprisonment. A fee must be paid to obtain or renew residence permits. Doctors may report illegal immigrants whom they treat. These are some of the measures contained in the security bill passed by the Italian Senate today. The bill has to be passed by the Chamber of Deputies before it becomes law. RESIDENCE PERMIT FEE — To obtain or renew this, a fee must be paid, which will be fixed by the government at a minimum of 80 and a maximum of 200 euros. A ‘repatriation fund’ will be set up to send foreigners back to their country of origin. If a foreigner wants a residence permit he must sign an ‘integration agreement’, which the government must define within 6 months of the law coming into effect, in which the immigrant will be required to meet some as yet undefined objective (a possible example would be the Italian language) before the residence permit can be renewed. ‘TRAMPS’ REGISTER — All those with no fixed abode must be registered as such at the Ministry for the Interior. DOCTORS CAN REPORT ILLEGALS — The law which forbade doctors to report illegal immigrants has been abolished. Doctors may now act according to their conscience. The opposition Democratic Party warned that this would ‘‘lead to a parallel health system’’ and that illegal immigrants would ‘‘no longer have health checks’’. The Northern League gains a victory with this point, but another three of their amendments will be changed to agenda items (not therefore included in the law): to make foreigners pay for health care; a ban on the wearing of the burka and chador in public places; a stop to immigration for two years due to the economic crisis. MARRIAGE TO HOME HELPS MORE DIFFICULT — A foreigner who marries an Italian citizen must live in Italy for at least two years before obtaining citizenship. YES TO ANTI-MOSQUE RULE IF SUSPECTED OF TERRORISM — If an association, group or non-recognised organisation (including Islamic) is suspected of carrying out terrorist-related activities, the Ministry of the Interior can order it to be disbanded and have its assets confiscated. (ANSAmed).
— Hat tip: Insubria | [Return to headlines] |
Italy: Senate Approves Law for Doctors to Report Illegal Immigrants
Rome, 5 Feb. (AKI) — Doctors will be able to report illegal immigrants to the Italian government, under legislation approved by the Senate or upper house of parliament on Thursday. The move has already drawn criticism from the centre-left opposition and from the Doctors without Borders medical charity in Italy.
“This crosses the line between rigour and persecution,” said the opposition’s chief whip in the Senate, Anna Finocchiaro, after the legislation was approved by 156 votes to 132 with one abstention.
The move will discourage illegal immigrants from seeking medical attention, Finocchiaro warned.
“The disease of fear is spreading in the country,” she said.
The opposition Democratic Party’s chief whip in the lower house of parliament’s social affairs committee and former health minister Livia Turco agreed.
“This senseless and barbarous legislation will drive away from the national health service those who have no other hope of medical attention,” Turco said.
“This will leave all of us more vulnerable to infectious diseases.”
She urged doctors, nurses, volunteers as well as all Italian citizens to lobby MPs to reintroduce a previous ban on doctors from reporting illegal immigrants to the authorities.
Doctors without Borders Italy said it was “deeply worried and alarmed” by the Senate’s lifting of the ban on doctors being allowed to report illegal immigrants.
“This could cause the dangerous ‘sanitary exclusion’ of a group of foreigners living in Italy,” the group stated.
It said it hoped the lower house of parliament would reject the Senate’s move.
The amendment to the previous ban was tabled by the anti-immigrant Northern League party, which is part of the conservative ruling coalition.
The parliament on Wednesday approved a new law imposing a 200 euros charge for immigrants requesting a permit of stay in Italy, also the initiative of the Northern League.
— Hat tip: C. Cantoni | [Return to headlines] |
Italy: Govt Okays Local ‘Vigilante’ Patrols
The so-called ‘Padania’, is a recent political construct and an alternative geographical name for northern Italy used by anti-immigrant Northern League party. The Northern League is currently part of Silvio Berlusconi’s People of Freedom ruling coalition.
Rome, 5 Feb. (AKI) — Anti-Immigrant vigilante groups in Italy could begin organising themselves to start street patrols to monitor any ‘illegal activities’ by immigrants. The move was made after the Italian senate approved on Thursday legislation allowing the patrols.
However, the opposition Democratic Party (PD) introduced an amendment banning the patrols from carrying arms and limiting their role to notifying authorities of any ‘wrongdoing’ by immigrants.
“From today, we abandon do-gooding. From now on it will be a tough battle against criminality and illegal immigration,” said Northern League Senate whip Federico Bricolo, who also dismissed claims of racism by members of opposition parties.
Maurizio Gasparri, one of the presidents of the parliamentary groups of the centre-right People of Freedom Party in the Senate and the Lower House, said the bill was to safeguard the rights of Italians.
“These are laws that give precedence to the rights of Italians, because for us, Italians come first. We are not racist, the opposition should be ashamed of themselves.”
“When I take my daughter to school in the morning, I would rather see an old man with a coloured vest, (carrying out vigilante duties) rather than someone dealing drugs,” said Gasparri.
The patrols will be able to point out “events that can cause harm to public security, or situations of environmental distress,” the legislation states.
A phone number has also been set up in northern Italy, to recruit volunteers for the patrols. The move was organised by the northeastern Veneto region’s branch of the conservative Italian political party Forza Italia.
“In every province, in every commune, we will give our support for the birth of volunteer groups that want to organise themselves to point out to the authorities possible criminal acts,” said Dario Bond, regional councillor for Forza Italia.
Ahead of Italy’s April 2008 general election, Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia party and the National Alliance party announced they would merge to form the People of Freedom party.
In addition, the legislation includes a provision calling for a ‘census’ of homeless people. The data collected will be entered into a database held by Italy’s interior ministry.
Doctors will also be able to report illegal immigrants to the Italian government under legislation approved on Thursday by the Italian senate. Another law imposes a 80-200 euros charge for immigrants requesting a permit of stay in Italy, also an initiative of the Northern League.
However, before passing into law, the legislation must be approved by the lower house.
— Hat tip: C. Cantoni | [Return to headlines] |
New ‘Fairness Doctrine’ Seen as Threat to Christian Radio
Would Gospel need to be ‘balanced’ with Islamic, atheist programming?
WASHINGTON — As the National Religious Broadcasters convened today in Nashville, an ominous shroud cast by political chatter about the reimposition of the so-called “Fairness Doctrine” in the nation’s capital hung over the gathering.
NRB President Frank Wright said he sees the move as a credible threat under a Democrat-dominated Congress and with President Obama in the White House.
“And we have a personal concern,” Wright told Broadcasting & Cable. “The only radio station that ever lost its license under the fairness doctrine regime was a Christian radio station in Red Lion, Pa. We are only responding now to the statements the Democrats themselves are making.”
“The fairness doctrine has a tremendous potential for constraining free speech, but hate crimes (legislation) has the potential of criminalizing it,“ he said. “In the short run, the fairness doctrine has the immediate threat of being applied to Christian broadcasters and to the church in a very deleterious way. Hate crimes legislation, if that is enacted, will evolve over time and bleed over into speech and have a negative effect, but not right away. The fairness doctrine will have a negative impact the day it is implemented.”
He said he expects religious broadcasters, largely Christian, to be particularly hard hit because of the doctrine’s requirement for so-called “balance.” If an opposing view must be found for every matter of controversy, Christian broadcasters could find themselves in the unenviable and untenable position of seeking out other religious viewpoints — Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist or atheist — to counter what ministers of the Gospel say on the air..
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
United Nations Population Fund Leader Says Family Breakdown is a Triumph for Human Rights
MEXICO CITY, February 3, 2009 ( — A leader in the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has declared that the breakdown of traditional families, far from being a “crisis,” is actually a triumph for human rights.
Speaking at a colloquium held last month at Colegio Mexico in Mexico City, UNFPA representative Arie Hoekman denounced the idea that high rates of divorce and out-of-wedlock births represent a social crisis, claiming that they represent instead the triumph of “human rights” against “patriarchy.”
“In the eyes of conservative forces, these changes mean that the family is in crisis,” he said. “In crisis? More than a crisis, we are in the presence of a weakening of the patriarchal structure, as a result of the disappearance of the economic base that sustains it and because of the rise of new values centered in the recognition of fundamental human rights.”
Leonardo Casco, a member of the Pontifical Council for the Family and a citizen of Honduras, told LifeSiteNews that he wasn’t surprised that the UNFPA was denying the crisis in the family.
“They definitely have to deny that there is a crisis in the family, because they have created the crisis,” he said.
Calling the UNFPA “bureaucrats at the service of death,” Casco observed that “after 45 years of birth control, the pill, disrespect for marriage for the family, for children, etc, this is the result. Because of that we have violence, war, lack of respect of women, children.”
Through their promotion and distribution of contraceptives the UNFPA has become “a birth control agency at the service of the most powerful countries” said Casco. “They have destroyed the family, values, this is undeniable, it’s what everyone says … but they always have to deny it.”
Regarding Hoekman’s comments about “human rights,” Casco responded that UNFPA bureaucrats “have invented a series of new ‘human rights’,” that did not exist when the concept was defined in 1948, “with which they wish to justify all of their actions.”
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Is There a Conspiracy?
Although conspiracies exist in all societies, but the conspiracy theories are often convenient inventions by those people who do not have the courage to admit their mistakes or face their failure where all the blame is thrown on the others. The conspiracy theories are usually comfortable retreats for the minds of those people who are unhappy about their misfortunes, or those who cannot come to terms with their own under achievements. This world of conspiracies is the favourite resort for the tired minds of the Muslims who are never happy in the real world and would rather be in a world of fantasy which they shape in their own imagination and to their own satisfaction.
The Islamic threat to our civilization is real; the Muslim terrorists proved many times their extraordinary capabilities to take terrorism to previously unknown frontiers. As a former Muslim I can explain the Muslims’ motivations to destroy our civilization, because I know the Muslims’ mindset and how Islam halts its followers’ abilities of rational reasoning. However, I find it difficult to understand the endless western apathy towards such an obvious menace. I am not normally a fan of the conspiracy theories, but I am afraid that my inability to explain the western determination to cave in to Islam is pushing me to ask some inevitable questions: Is it conceivable that the western nations, who lead the world in science and technology, can miss such an obvious danger to all what they stand for? Is it conceivable that the western nations have reached a stage where they cannot tell the right from the wrong on simple matters? Or is there a well planned policy to subjugate Europe and the rest of the western world?
The west has reached a stage where the authorities think ahead and take action before the Muslims even notice it!
— Hat tip: Fjordman | [Return to headlines] |
NATO: Completely Useless
NATO was created during the midst of the Cold War to prevent Soviet domination of Eurasia. Europe was a notorious freeloader on the U.S. even then, but the conventional wisdom was that Washington had to defend the Europeans even if they weren’t terribly interested in defending themselves. Both Great Britain and France created independent nuclear forces, but these arsenals were viewed as adjuncts to America’s nuclear umbrella.
Europe’s dependence on the U.S. makes no sense today. The Cold War is over, and with it Moscow’s potential for dominating the continent. Even before the economic crisis Russia’s global pretensions exceeded its capabilities. The victory over tiny Georgia demonstrated that Moscow could defeat a small neighbor, not conquer any of the populous and prosperous countries in Old Europe, the traditional center of America’s defense efforts. The Russian economy has since taken a huge hit and political protests are increasing. Georgia might turn out to be Moscow’s high water mark before its own social problems force Russians to turn inward.
Even if the Europeans face a serious security threat, they do not need America’s help. The European Union has a larger population and GDP than does America; the EU also has begun forging a continental perspective on foreign policy issues. Yet the Europeans have proved to be the worst sort of military deadbeats, with neither the will nor the ability to project much force anywhere. This isn’t just an American judgment. British Defense Secretary John Hutton declared in mid-January: “Free-loading on the back of U.S. military security is not an option if we wish to be equal partners in this trans-Atlantic alliance.”
Contrary to the judgment of Britain’s three retired commanders, their nation’s nuclear force could be highly useful, giving Europe some heft in dealing with a resurgent Russia. After more than a half century, the U.S. should insist that its European dependents take over responsibility for their own security. Which should include sharing today’s bi-national nuclear deterrent to ensure that Europe won’t have to call upon Washington for military assistance in the future.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Since Obama’s earnest drive to convince the nation to weaken its economic strength through redistribution as well as weaken its national defense, COUPLED WITH HIS UNPRECEDENTED WHITE HOUSE TAKEOVER OF DECENNIAL CENSUS TAKING FROM THE COMMERCE DEPARTMENT, has confirmed the very threats to our Republic’s survival that the Constitution was designed to avert, it no longer is sustainable for the United States Supreme Court and Military Joint Chiefs to refrain from exercising WHAT IS THEIR ABSOLUTE CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY TO DEFEND THE NATION FROM UNLAWFUL USURPATION. The questions of Obama’s Kenyan birth and his father’s Kenyan/British citizenship (admitted on his own website) have been conflated by his sustained unwillingnes to supply his long form birth certificate now under seal, and compounded by his internet posting of a discredited ‘after-the-fact’ short form ‘certificate’. In the absence of these issues being acknowledged and addessed, IT IS MANIFEST THAT OBAMA REMAINS INELIGIBLE TO BE PRESIDENT UNDER ARTICLE 2 OF THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION. Being a 14th Amendment ‘citizen’ is not sufficient. A ‘President’ MUST BE an Article 2 ‘natural born citizen’ AS DEFINED BY THE FRAMERS’ INTENT.