Veteran’s Day 2008: “In Memory of Brave Men of Honor”

The title of this post is the one attached to the video I chose to commemorate Veteran’s Day. It seems redundant, though. They are brave men. Brave men are by definition men of honor.

Or so it would seem to me.

Choosing this video required going through the many choices available on You Tube. So much hope, so much loss, so many tears.

It made me ponder: would the Vietnam War have gone differently if we had been able to access another view besides what the MSM permitted us to see back then? I think it might have been a crucial difference, one which affected the outcome of our subsequent history. Our country would be in a very different place now, a place as different as it would have been had the American South won the Civil War.

Our defeat in Vietnam was that important and that life-changing for us as a people.

Instead, we listened to the MSM; those in charge decided to cut and run. We executed an ignominious, immoral withdrawal and the North Vietnamese descended on the south like vultures to wipe out those who had cooperated with the Americans.

Some escaped. The boat people floated away on leaky, unseaworthy vessels that were a vast improvement on staying behind in a tortured homeland.

Many of them eventually washed up on our shores. They were smart, productive, and proud of their heritage. I will always find it amazing that their sense of betrayal due to our dishonorable abandonment did not become an excuse for them to join the ranks of the professionally aggrieved and resentful. The character of the Vietnamese is not like that. They don’t play victim, though some of the outlaw types certainly play “aggressor” to the hilt.

Many boat people joined our armed forces. They have served in Iraq and Afghanistan, just as other American soldiers did.

We used to exchange emails with a soldier named Minh Duc, one such survivor of Vietnam who grew up here and went on to serve with honor in Iraq. He started a blog when he came home.

But now Minh Duc has disappeared and I don’t know what happened to him. All I know is that he has long ceased updating his blog or answering our emails.
– – – – – – – –
Still, I think of him, and sometimes I go over to read again his posts. They remain relevant because Minh Duc, a naturalized citizen of America knows (better than any cradle-born member of our country could) what the costs of freedom are and what it takes to bear that price. He paid, in honor and courage, long before he ever reached manhood.

Today, I went to State of Flux again, just to see if perhaps he’d left a newer post. But there it remains, that last one from April, 2006.

Here is a post from the previous month. Here, Minh Duc gives us a first-person look at the way the black market operates in a place where government has its fingers in all the pies:

Even Black Market Is Better Than Government

The common argument among government intervention advocates is that without government regulation and intervention, a free market would lead to chaos, people would exploit one another. Here is a personal story that will debunk that myth.

I remember the period in Communist Vietnam from the late 70s through early 80s and the economic condition back then. It was a time I cannot forget because of the food shortage and other shortage of essential goods.

The Communist Forces took over the South in April 1975 and soon after completely nationalized the economy – even small and pop business was illegal. And within a year of it, consumer goods disappeared from the market. I remember standing in line with my mother for half a day to shop at Cooperative stores and by the time we get to the store, there was nothing worth buying. And in the rare occasions when there are something to buy, it is substandard and inferior products. And when I say substandard, I mean standard of a third world country – which is almost no standard.

One maybe able to tolerate not having toothpaste or soaps, but the worst experience is not having food. The collectivization of agriculture result in the worst food shortage experienced since World War Two. Those were the years of food shortage. The food shortage was experience exclusively in urban area. It happened because of two reasons. The first problem was distribution, food was gathered at central locations; and because of government bureaucracy, and they rotted in centralized warehouses. Second, there was little economic incentive for farmers to product more rice that they need for themselves. So farmers would grow just enough for their family. Congee (rice soup), to increase the volume of food, was the common meal. And it was barely enough to fill one stomach. I remember going to bed hungry. The situation was so bad that on many occasions we had to eat cattle feeds as substitution for rice.*

As a natural reaction to the economic situation, the black market emerged. At first, it was simply people battering goods and services. A fisherman would give a fish to a barber in exchange for a haircut. Since farmers were not allowed to sell their agricultural goods. However they could exchange it for other things. Illiterate people would give my mother chicken in exchange for reading lesson. This form of battering would later evolved into the black market, as complex as any market.

During the war, my mother was an elementary school teacher. My father was a music professor and a city councilman. It did not matter to the victorious Communist that my father was a member of the opposition party. He was considered to be a member of the former regime. He was arrested, jailed for a couple of years and was forced out of the job (he would be arrested again later but it is another story). The salary of an elementary teacher was not enough to feed my family so my mother quit. She and my father entered the black market as fabric merchants…

This represents about half of his essay on black market economics and the fortunes of his family. You would benefit from reading the rest of his tale as you may eventuallyl be living some milder version of this life as governments around the world repeat these mistakes – all for our own “good”.

Minh Duc has become, for me, the soldier missing in action. He didn’t put up a farewell-I’m-tired-of-blogging post. Is that indicative of anything bad? I don’t know. He seemed a determined man, one who finished what he started. He was also a courteous person and didn’t appear to be the kind simply to walk off the stage without so much as a by-your-leave. To simply abandon his blog a year and a month after he began it seems uncharacteristic of whom he was.

If you go through his posts, you’ll see what I mean. And if it hasn’t been removed, there is a photo in there somewhere, one of Minh Duc posed proudly in uniform in Iraq.

So on this Veteran’s Day, I salute you, Minh Duc, wherever you may be. Your life is a testament to courage in its many forms. State of Flux is not a closed blog to me, it is simply interrupted. You will remain on our rolls as long as Gates of Vienna is permitted to exist.

37 thoughts on “Veteran’s Day 2008: “In Memory of Brave Men of Honor”

  1. You will remain on our rolls as long as Gates of Vienna is permitted to exist.

    The Democrats may introduce “Net Neutrality” legislation. The CEO of Google (and Blogger) is said to be a personal friend of President-elect Obama. Might it be possible to move your blog to an foreign hosting service if it comes to that?

  2. I liked the great video. I just pitty it is so fatalist. Too many tears, too many deaths… It should be more… glorious.

    But glorious the essay was. Great tribute, Dymphna.

    “We executed an ignominious, immoral withdrawal and the North Vietnamese descended on the south like vultures to wipe out those who had cooperated with the Americans.”

    Dymphna, I beg to differ. And what about the many American soldiers saying “it apears we are fighting the wrong bastards”? Was it a MSM invention as well?

    Besides, your bombings and the use of the Orange Agent was pretty… dirty.
    Too many Americans died and the South Vietnamese were just not that focused on fighting THEIR war against Communism. I think America’s retreat was not that immoral. Not as much as the war, or the means used in that war.

    I think we must not confuse “individuals” with “Nations”. America had no obligation towards the Southern Vietnamese. The same cannot be said of Portugal, for instance, concerning the black soldiers who loyally fought for the Portuguese Empire against their own local Africanist movements just to be betrayed afterwards by out “bloodless democratic Revolution” in Lisbon and consequently exterminated, that’s the word, exterminated by the “Freedom movements” (some supported by the U.S. decolonisation festival).

    After this betrayal, what happens? We open the door to black massive immigration. Not the ones who think the Portuguese Empire had vallue, but those who bash it repeatedly, those who focus only in “the same language” despite they can hardly speak it; in one word, the sons of the exterminators.

  3. I was in Saigon for the evacuation, and my last mission was Operation Babylift, on the heels of Operation New Life.
    I will never forget the eyes and the tension of the Vietnamese people. Perhaps I saw the child that would become Minh.
    I still feel the anger I felt then, when our Congress betrayed the people of South Viet Nam.

    I think of all of my veteran brothers and sisters, each year on this day, but view it mostly as a time of celebration for those of us who lived on. Memorial Day is the day that truly chokes me up.

    Of course, our magnificent USMC celebrated it’s 233rd birthday yesterday, and I always think of Mitchell Paige, when I think Marine. He was also the inspiration and image, that inspired the action figure “G.I. Joe.”
    His personal statement.

    “I am proud to be a citizen of a nation whose objective is peace and goodwill for all mankind. A nation which has contributed so much for the benefit of peoples all over the world. A nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all. I am proud to be an American. I can never believe it is old fashioned to love our Flag and Country nor can I ever believe it is being square to stand in readiness behind our flag to defend those ideals for which it stands against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

    Mitch Paige, MOH

    To all veterans, thank you for your service to our great nation.

    dymphna, a nice video. Here’s one I have always enjoyed.
    Bagpipes Cryin’.

    Here is how we welcome our newest veterans home at D/FW airport. No cries of “baby killer” could ever be heard, or would be tolerated.

  4. Defiant Lion: If you’re going to attack at least have the integrity to cite facts. But as I’ve told you before you are a disingenuous debater, a sneak who resorts to ad hominem by inuendo and smear. You have more in common with our enemy, they are also quick to resort to the same gutter tactics.

    Well, well. It appears as though someone else has taken exception to straw men and mobile goal posts.

    Seems we can lay in to any country but not the US. Where have I heard this tactic before?

    Not from me, not ever. We could not be in more agreement about both the USA and Europe’s abundant traitor elite. But, as the Baron noted, dodging the spittle becomes tiresome after a while. I will say that it is good to see you defend the basic norms of proper debate. It will make me a little less likely to just scan past your diatribes in the future.

  5. no2liberals–

    Good videos. What a difference the years make.

    I cannot imagine how you must suffer at those memories.

    I hated the anti-war crowd then, and I still despise them. Nothing worth dying for, right? May John Kerry choke on his special hat.

    Our Congress betrayed us and it continues to do so, warping our history, ruining our future.

    The Imperial Legislature is nothing now but “Operation Evil Embodied”. It has metastasized beyond healing. Would that a gracious God might take it behind the barn and give it a bit of Transcendent Justice…oh I wish…

    I did another block on Nov 10th, the birthday of my beloved Marines. Second year in a row that it has occurred.

    Frankly, what has happened to me is that this time of year brings back the anniversary of the Big Betrayal of all our work. The body carries its own memories and they operate out of our conscious awareness sometimes.

    So now, thanks to the evil that wafted in here back then, my PTSD goes into overtime. I have learned to wait these things out…by mid-December, it will have passed.

    Meanwhile, to know we won that particular battle does much to ease the sensations that wash over me, recalling that painful betrayal by Chazzer and his minions.

    What has been most interesting is to watch his disintegration. He is a fellow human being so it’s hard to see him do this slow dissolve. What a sad shame for him…


    A belated but very gung-ho birthday, jarhead!!

    BTW, John Boyd may not have been a Marine, but they were the ones who were smart enough to study him before anyone else.. And he certainly had the fighting spirit of the USMC.

    My favorite Marine remains Chesty Puller. VMI must have been celebrating him last night, don’t you think?

  6. Afonoso–

    This is my veteran’s day post. Don’t urinate on it again. Don’t even touch it.

    If you do, I’ll wield my Chazzer Johnson lizard banning stick and beat on your head all the way to the door, at which point I will open the portal and cast your butt into the outer darkness, where you can continue talking to yourself.

    War is NOT glorious, boy. It is bloody, boring, unfair, and tragic. It is bitter, nasty, and horrible for those who serve.

    “Glory”??? What in heaven’s name are you smoking?


    If you make one more utterance about black people on this blog, I will delete you until I have blotted out everything.

    You are ruining the reputation of my blog with your sloppy, mean thinking and I have had enough.

    I will not have your — or any one else’s — casually racist comments dirtying up my blog.

    I have to live here and I’m tired of the mud you and others keep tracking in here.

    You’re not the only one — the rest know who they are, too.

    We can celebrate our culture without having to attack another because of their color.

    Have I made myself clear yet? If not, I will continue all the way down the page explaining it to you until you finally comprehend what you may and may not say on this blog.

    Celebrate being Portuguese. Leave the rest alone.

    I’m as serious as a heart attack about this, Afonso. You are not being cute and ingenuous, you are being divisive.

    Be warned: I usually don’t pay much attention to your comments because they can be very long and I am very fatigued.

    But that will change as of this moment. Every day, I will check the comment section to see if you’re posting any remarks. If what you have to say seems even slightly ugly, your words are history.

    You’ve gotten away with too much for too long and your carelessness is hurting my work.

    Effective immediately.

  7. Yeah, Chesty was one of the greats, no doubt.
    With Mitch, the fact that God directly intervened in his battle, having him fall back at the precise moment, that the bullets intended for his head, sailed in front of his chin, was a profound event. He was truly blessed.

    As for my experience in the evac of Saigon, it has been thirty eight years, and seldom does a day go by that I don’t think about it. Lost some good friends during that time.
    I have visited many of the operation babylift sites, over the years, with the intention of trying to find out what happened to the little four month old girl I held in my arms, from the PI to Hawaii. Thi Teui Nguyen Van Hong, was her name, but my spelling may be wrong. It always chokes me up, terribly, and I have never found her. There are some excellent videos about the op, and a trailer to a documentary that was to be released this year. I’m proud of what we were able to accomplish, in such a short time. We wanted to get all 10,000 orphans/refugees out, but could only get out about 3100, before we had to halt flights into Tan Son Nhut.
    Didn’t I forward the story I wrote about my coming home?

    It’s been a year already?
    I still haven’t reached the point where I am willing to grieve over CJ’s deconstruction. I visit lgf2, and it appears he has become even more unhinged than ever. They have been asking questions about CJ’s attacks on VB there, and I have directed them here for info. With the info that it has been a year, will help me find the links where his false claims were so thoroughly debunked.

    As for our legislature, our task has been made more difficult, but as long as I have breath, I will continue the fight for our liberties.

    Oh, and Bravo on your reply to afonso.

  8. Men do not go off to war to lose – they go off to win, so there is certainly glory in war – leaps and bounds of it. Thank God, we’ve been at the right end of the glory stick.

  9. Joanne-

    Of course men and women don’t go off to war to lose. But they learn quickly that the glory is a thin veil hanging over a lot of horror and gut-wrenching fear interspersed with long stretches of boredom.

    Men go off to war because they think some things are worth defending. The glory becomes, for those who have been blooded, reserved for when it’s all over.

    Right now, it’s not all over.

  10. And then, Mrs Michelle (Obama’s girl) is the not-classy-enough girl. Oh wait, this may be racist of me, right? Anyway:

    “This is my veteran’s day post. Don’t urinate on it again.”

    “I’ll wield my Chazzer Johnson lizard banning stick and beat on your head all the way to the door, at which point I will open the portal and cast your butt into the outer darkness, where you can continue talking to yourself.”

    “War is NOT glorious, boy.”

    Tell that to your beloved administration. Wait, tell that to the United States of America.

    “It is bloody, boring, unfair, and tragic. It is bitter, nasty, and horrible for those who serve.”

    So, why do they serve?
    Why are you so excited glorifying them?
    Something is not resonating well, now, is it?

    “If you make one more utterance about black people on this blog”

    What’s your problem? Delete it if it makes you happy! Do you really think I care that much…
    My English may be bad, very bad indeed, but it’s not that bad that I don’t know what I am saying.

    “I will not have your — or any one else’s — casually racist comments dirtying up my blog.”

    Which ones? Can you tell me WHICH racist comment? Why is it that you cannot?

    “I’m tired of the mud you and others keep tracking in here.”

    “You’re not the only one”

    Uhh… Charles Johnson style!

    “We can celebrate our culture without having to attack another because of their color.”

    Which I do repeatedly, don’t I? Yes, I am always “attacking people”…
    And, “because” of THEIR COLOUR? Are you even serious? Are you even serious, Dymphna?

    “I’m as serious as a heart attack about this…”

    Oh boy…

    “If not, I will continue all the way down the page explaining…”

    Please do. It will be very ammusing. But count reality in please, ok?

    “You are not being cute and ingenuous, you are being divisive.”

    Care to explain?

    The interesting thing is that I am indeed a fool. I started my comment with: “I liked the great video (…) Great tribute, Dymphna.”
    And that has not changed.
    However I went so far as to say “Dymphna, I beg to differ.” Such a fool that I was… this is Dymphna’s place and no one is aloud to differ. But in the end, this is your place indeed, and I respect it a lot, private property is an important vallue so, I’ll let you imagine you are right, I’ll let you be happy in your private home. Be happy, Dymphna.

    Funny statements also:

    “War is NOT glorious, boy. It is bloody, boring, unfair, and tragic. It is bitter, nasty, and horrible for those who serve.
    “Glory”??? What in heaven’s name are you smoking?”

    “glory is a thin veil hanging over a lot of horror (…) Men go off to war because they think some things are worth defending. The glory becomes, for those who have been blooded, reserved for when it’s all over.”

    Quotes from the same person. The difference is because the sayings are directed at two different persons. Great Dymphna, just great.

  11. P.S. – Dymphna, do you recall some threads ago you were upset because I said something like “Erich is quiet of an anti-racist. In a better way than Dymphna” while I was trying to defend Erich for charges of racism?

    Do you recall your reaction? It was so hysterical that I refrained from comment it thinking “it’s not worth it”, “it will do no good to anybody”.

    Well, ask an independent person to read this thread and its comments and then, then you may understand why I said what I said and what I meant.


  12. I thought Dymphna’s comment was unfair, because in this thread, Afonso’s reference to the black soldiers who supported the Portuguese was not racist, he was criticizing the Portuguese for betraying allies. So, maybe Dymphna didn’t read Afonso’s comment closely enough.

    Also, if we can’t criticize a group of people who are of another race, even if that race is behaving badly toward us, how can we defend ourselves? If we can only say that people who are invading our country and ruining it are really swell, but they need to appreciate the Constitution, I don’t think that will solve our problems.

  13. I think the point is that this is just SUPPOSED to be a nice solemn thread (that happens once a year) in tribute to the veterans. Common sense would dictate that it is not the time nor place to raise foreign policy wars or rehash history. Once again it is just common sense. There are plenty of other threads to do this on. Cant we have just one that doesnt!?

  14. First things first:

    no2liberals, thank you for serving our great country. These feeble attempts to express the gratitude felt by myself cannot convey what I hope to relate.

    Please permit me to share with you a personal experience:

    Beginning in Silicon Valley and continuing some 50 miles north to San Francisco, California’s highway 280 is frequently voted one of the most beautiful freeways in America. While the total absence of billboards is a likely reason, its status as such more likely resides with the incredible scenery of the Pacific coastal range as it passes through. Passing over SLAC and the San Andreas Fault , while presenting some flawless vistas of the entire Bay Area probably does little to dispel this impression.

    As the journey northward nears San Francisco, a strikingly somber tableau greets the motorist’s eye. It is the Golden Gate National Cemetary. My grandfather, along with countless thousands of other war veterans is buried there.

    One simple statistic continues to stun me. So many of the war dead interred there and at Arlington—where my grandfather was entitled to be buried—were casualties of the World Wars. They came from numerous and varied small towns, only to be thrust into the unloving arms of a drill sergeant wherefrom they were sent off to a European conflict where their collective life expectancy was all of six weeks.

    My grandfather was forced to live through so many bombardments whereby he finally learned to sleep during artillery barrages. On one ocassion, he awoke to find that the adjoining tent next to his was a smoking crater. All of which he dozed though undisturbed, with shellshock being his only alternative to finding restful sleep. He had the courage to single-handedly storm a German machine gun nest and dispatch a half dozen of its occupants with his sidearm.

    As an artillery Captain he was attacked with chlorine gas in the Argonne forest that damaged his lungs for life, for which he was awarded all of a Purple Heart. To this day, I preserve his woolen horse blanket—embroidered with a blazing cannonball—which carries the holes of having had two different mounts shot out from beneath him.

    Still, it simply defies comprehension that so many American troops died within an average of six weeks of their arrival in Europe. America’s youthful flower, thrown into some of the most brutal fighting in this world’s history, only to swiftly perish on the shores of places they would never normally see in their regular lifetimes.

    All of this so that ordinary American citizens like me could enjoy the liberty and security that is now taken so for granted. It humbles the living crap out of me and spurs me to shake the hand of every soldier in uniform and veteran that I meet in daily life.

  15. Afonso–

    People volunteer to serve in the military because they know some things are worth defending. And the point of Veteran’s Day is to honor their courage.

    Spackle said:

    Common sense would dictate that it is not the time nor place to raise foreign policy wars or rehash history. Once again it is just common sense. There are plenty of other threads to do this on. Cant we have just one that doesnt!?

    My deep anger at your comment is reflected in these sentiments Spackle expressed.

    Just one thread someone doesn’t derail into bitter talk about being invaded.

    Did these black people have a nationality when they were part of the Empire? Or is their identity just “the blacks”?

    Your jab at those you feel invaded your country gives them no identity beyond their color. That
    is racist. And if you cannot grasp this point, then I was right: your comments bear watching.


    latté island
    Also, if we can’t criticize a group of people who are of another race, even if that race is behaving badly toward us, how can we defend ourselves? If we can only say that people who are invading our country and ruining it are really swell, but they need to appreciate the Constitution, I don’t think that will solve our problems.

    Well,latté island, here’s how I see it:

    defending our country against invaders does not require the reductio ad absurdum you suggest. This is simply sarcasm and it does nothing to further your point.

    Are you referring to the illegal Mexicans currently invading our country?

    Yes, it’s true: Mexicans desperate for jobs are coming into our country illegally. Their huge numbers wreak havoc on our states’ economies and on the social fabric of towns which have to absorb too many foreign people too quickly.

    To say this and to want to defend against it is not racist.

    However, this is an argument for sovereignty. It is an argument in favor of nationalistm.Implied in this argument is the fact that no group can absorb too many strangers at one time. To attempt to do so causes social turmoil and economic hardships for those already here.

    I believe national boundaries are important. I also know that the oligarchy in Mexico suppresses the economic growth of its citizens. In their fight to make life better for their families, they come here. Meanwhile, the leftist agitators cynically use these folks by stressing their grievances to them. Opportunists organize groups like La Raza, whihc is built on a racist foundation. La Raza is wrong. Under our Constitution, it ought to be disbanded. Any group calling themselves La Blanco would be shut down in a minute.

    If the leftists in this country were morally consistent they would declare this group as being a race-based group. But they aren’t morally or philosophically consistent except in their support of any anti-American group which carries a chip on its shoulder.

    Such groups serve the larger purposes of the left. As soon as they have outlived their usefulness, they will be disbanded. But not yet. Right now they are useful idiots so they are permitted to march, carry flags, and yell anti-American slogans.

    The American radical left learned its lessons well from its European mentors. They then went on to subvert American institutions to serve their purposes.


    Patriotism is simply jingoism.

    Religion is another form of superstition that “real” grown-ups toss aside.

    Sovereignty is an outmoded idea that needs to join the refuse heap of history along with reiligious superstition.

    These folks succeed through their various methods of divide and conquer, pitting different factions against one another. And the more sharply they can draw the lines, the more successful they become.

    Their greatest coup was to credentialize “journalism”. Want a media job? You have to go through one of the J schools or get a degree in “communications.” IOW, you have to be indoctrinated first. When you come out, you will be a member of the MSM echo chamber. You will be “safe”.

    Find another path through the thickets of social unrest. At least while commenting on this blog, don’t pick the path of least resistance — i.e., dismissing someone based on their color.

    There are many different ways to address this issue of “invasion” without stooping to racist name-calling.

    Just as we don’t permit profanity in the comments here, I don’t want any more race-based remarks on it, either.

    If someone is so limited in his or her rhetoric that they cannot argue without resorting to profanity or racial discourse, then they should simply remain lurkers…or read another blog.

    Our country is polarized enough without GoV permitting personal attacks, profanity, or arguments based on race to go on in our comment section.

  16. Zenster-

    My Irish Great-Grandfather John Casey fought in the Argonne offensive as well. Just another Doughboy slogging it out in the trenches. I have a wonderful photo of him in uniform on horseback. Which is quite funny considering he was raised in NYC five points. He was awarded a couple of medals. A victory medal and one for the Argonne offensive. One was passed down to me and I lost it. It kills me to this day. So hold on to those keepsakes. They are priceless. Unfortunately things didnt end well for John Casey. He was so screwed up from the war he was never the same. He became a raging alcoholic and eventually drank himself to death.

  17. zenster,
    I thank you, and would like to add, it was my immense pleasure, both in spite of and because of, the experiences I had.
    My family served this country in time of war, in every conflict from the Revolution to Desert Storm.
    The several oaths I have taken to defend the Constitution, still reside in my heart, even though I am no longer legally bound to them.

    I attended the Veterans Day parade yesterday, and it filled my heart with pride, and my eyes with tears. So many wonderful men and women, that have given of themselves for our great nation, are more than worthy of one day to recognize their service.

    God Bless your grandfather. I can’t imagine the horrors he faced, and had to live with. That war was the transition from the Napoleonic style, to the present. Mr. Maxim certainly accomplished what he had set out to do.

    I was able to shake the hands of many veterans yesterday, of many different branches and many different ages. Sadly, those of the WWI era have nearly all left us. They will never be forgotten.

    I know several of the names listed on the “Wall.” From childhood friends, to those I served with. I generally honor them, and remember them on Memorial Day. For me, it is nearly as somber a day, as the day of my mother’s passing.
    Veterans Day is a time of celebration, of the honor and pride of men and women that answer the high calling of defending and protecting this nation.

  18. What?
    W.I. sees race.
    I see a member of the United States military.
    The limited understanding some have shown on the topic of race is disturbing.
    I am concerned about how people behave, not their skin color.
    I am also appalled by the behavior of those who only see skin color.
    Any man or woman that is willing to serve this great nation, deserves my respect. Any that oppose what this nation stands for, is an enemy of the state, and my enemy.

  19. As someone who never served in the military I can only pass on what I have heard. God and country and race go out the window once the bullets start flying. It all becomes about you and the guy next you that you are fighting for. So I would like to ask W.I. this question. If it was you and a black man in the same fox hole would you really care about his color or weather or not he had your back?

  20. Race is one of many factors involved in the whole debate but there is no reason for it to be the only or primary factor. Definitely not skin colour as the only factor. Nothing is so simple.

    And, good grief, W.I, get a grip!

  21. I’ve deployed to Iraq and am deployed in Egypt with black, hispanic, and asian soldiers. All of whom I’ve had to depend on at varying times for food, clothing, ammuntion, and perimeter security. I am currently, at this moment, kept secure within my base perimeter solely by Colombian infantry, and a few miles further out on the Egyptian border with the Gaza Strip, Fijians who secure the border crossings.

    Race is nothing; culture, on the other hand….

  22. Western Initiative–

    I am letting this second comment of yours stand, even though I deleted the uglier, more racist one from yesterday as soon as I saw it.

    I chose that video because I liked that video. I must have watched at least two dozen videos before settling on this one. And I used it in particular for its music, the quality of the images, and the mood it created re the honor and courage of our military.

    There was another video almost as good, but it was specifically Canadian so I went with this one.

    If you don’t like pictures of black people, then go somewhere else. In fact, perhaps I’ll collect a whole bunch of pictures of African Americans just to use as a hex sign to keep you away from here. Kind of like the deer repellent people use in this area to keep those noxious creatures out.

    I loathe your attitude, but thanks for commenting because you just made my case for me.

    As for my being a “liberal” — well, you got me there. I thought I had it hidden so well, too. Oh well, I’ve been outed.

  23. Afonso–

    A 1600+ word post, divided into four parts, is still 1600 words.

    If you want the “careful attention” to your thoughts that you requested, learn to be brief. Practice being pithy.

    You derailed a Veteran’s Day commemoration post with verbiage.


  24. A man I respect, and an internet buddy, Jim Baxter, posted the following story on his blog The Choicemaker.

    “Big Jim” Causey

    Carl V. “Sam” Lamb and I served side-by-side as rifle-squad leaders Fox Company, 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division. He wrote a book about his experiences in that conflict, 1950-1951. He included my remarks about an incident in which one of our people threatened to punch-out a fellow squad-leader who had black skin.

    + + +

    by Carl V. Lamb Page 296 (1951)

    James Fletcher Baxter

    Sam and I had a lot in common. We both resisted evil. After I got out of the hospital, Big Jim Causey told of driving along in his police cruiser and hitting a black man in his head with his pistol. He thought it was funny how the guy sprawled into the street. When he made this comment we were in a card game. I didn’t say anything, but then he said he was going to kick the shit out of Joe Goggins and I had heard enough. I said, “If you’re going to try that, you’ll have to go through me to get to him. I’m willing to give my life for a country that values each individual. If that isn’t true, I don’t want to fight for that country – but, it is true, so I’m not going to let you rob me of the very good reason I may lose my life tomorrow or next week. If you attack him, you attack me. I may lose, but I guarantee I will make it very expensive for you to get to him. Let me know what you decide.”

    He got up from our card game and said, “I’ll have to think about it.”

    I said, “Let me know. I’ll be here.”

    He came back a little later and said, “You’re right. I was wrong.” I thanked him for his manliness.

    Joe Goggins came to me later and thanked me. He had tears in his eyes.”

    Words and deeds many could, and should, live by.

  25. Mauser Medic–

    I had no idea you’d deployed! Or have you always written your blog under these conditions? NOw I have to go over and look.

    I was telling a young man the other day about how much he’d enjoy your blog. He wrote down the info so he could google it since we weren’t near a computer.

    You know what got his interest? My description of your “Ugly Gun” posts. He’s a gun afficianado so he wanted to see these horrors.

    I told him that the Hello Kitty gun was *not* either a horror. It’s cute. He told me that they have Hello Kitty camo gear, too.


  26. no2liberals–

    What a story that guy had. I went over to his blog and read his bio and some of the posts.

    Boy, they don’t make teachers like that anymore. His students were lucky.

  27. Mauser Medic really has deployed to a very large sandbox.


    Go read how he spent Veteran’s Day, or, as he says, in the old-fshioned way: Armistice Day

    Also, look at some of his “Ugly Gun Sundays”. His email is in his info if you have time to drop him a line.

    Must get boring at times.

  28. dymphna,
    No ma’am, they don’t, and I said the same thing when I first met him a few years ago, his students were very lucky.
    He was the first to tip me off about Liberation Theology in the early months of the past election cycle. He encountered it years ago, doing missionary work in S. America, and saw first hand how destructive it was.
    Jim is a wonderful man, and I feel privileged to have encountered him.

    I went to mausermedic’s blog and saw his Veterans Day post. I’ll return when I have more time to peruse.
    My first deer rifle was a Mauser, that I had a gunsmith, who trained in Switzerland, sporterize for me, and re-chambered it for the 7.62NATO round. I had been deer hunting since I was eight, with a .410 slug gun. I have had first hand experience with surplus Mausers in need of a medic, before.

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