Spain: VIPS Prefers Foreigners

As I reported earlier this week, Spain and Italy are experiencing an unprecedented flood of migration across the Mediterranean from Tunisia, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, and points south.

But this isn’t sufficient for the Spanish company VIPS, which is actively recruiting Moroccan employees in preference to native Spaniards. According to Minuto Digital:

VIPS Wants Only Foreigners

(Translation by DC)

The shop and restaurant chain VIPS signed an agreement with the authorities of the Moroccan dictatorship to hire 2,000 of its subjects over a period of five years. Meanwhile Spanish youths suffer the highest rate of job insecurity in the EU.

There are two groups of people who support uncontrolled immigration: the Left, to engage new voters, and businessmen, to obtain cheap labor. They have also agreed to promote the entry of Turkey into the European Union. Business oligarchs and progressive lords, united

Plácido Arango, who inherited the leadership of the group from his father, would rather hire Moroccans than Spaniards, Ibero-Americans or Community Europeans.

The directors of the VIPS group, owned by the family Arango and with nearly 300 stores in Spain, a framework partnership agreement signed in Rabat with the Moroccan National Agency for Employment Promotion, by hiring 2,000 Moroccan workers until 2011.

In 2001, the VIPS group signed another agreement with the Agency in effect between 2004 and 2008 to recruit 1,000 subjects of Mohamed VI. In just two years, VIPS incorporated in its staff those 1,000 Moroccans, and now wants more.

Why Teach Them Spanish?

VIPS and the Moroccan State Agency are in charge of the selection of employees, training them and even teaching them Spanish. So why does VIPS not try to employ Spanish-speaking workers? It would be save money and time, although perhaps they compensate the Moroccans with lower wages than those the Spanish subsidiaries would charge.

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Will Placido Arango give a party to its employees on the birthday of the Moroccan Sultan Mohamed VI? And in Ramadan? Arango is included in the list of Spanish friends of Morocco, as elaborated by this newspaper.

Another question is: how do Moroccans — like almost all Muslims — agree to work with pork and alcohol?

Those who go to the chain restaurants have noticed in recent years a decline in the quality of service and food. Is it due to the personnel policy of hiring untrained immigrants who rotate constantly? 67% of the staff of the group is foreign-born. If VIPS do not want Spaniards in its template, why does it wants them as consumers?

7,000 Employees of Foreign Origin

But if VIPS thought the massive recruitment of foreigners at the expense of the Spaniards could come cheap, it was wrong. About 150 employees of the Group VIPS has gathered in the Madrileña plaza of Spain to denounce the “subhuman” conditions of immigrant employees of the company, about 7,000 employees, 67% of the total.

The spokesman for CCOO, Hassan Aimani, has complained that workers in hotels and in the trade company suffer low wages, longer working hours, unpaid overtime or suppression of the freedom of association. Is that why VIPS do not want Spaniards?

2 thoughts on “Spain: VIPS Prefers Foreigners

  1. ” If VIPS do not want Spaniards in its template, why does it wants them as consumers?”

    That’s because we Euros do not care. Our defenses are really down in the floor.

    And you Americans are doing the same. Where was that “Economic Nationalism” of the 20s? Now you even buy Japanese cars!

    Here too, one third of the new (mainly family) cars are Japanese. Do we care? No!

    Talking about cars, I once said “I like Brtish, German and American cars. But Japanese cars, are only for women” half kidding half saying a little true.

    I was recieved like a witch in the middle ages because half of them had Japanese cars. Despite this, they recognised that German cars were better, American cars were great but just too (way too) pricy and that British cars were classy. But they still prefered Japanese cars to British (understandable) and Italian cars.

    Italian?? My conclusion: We, Euros buy considering only two factors: The cost and what is fashionable (that is, what the nighbour has).


    I would just say that though it is true that businessmen are also to be blaimed, I’d say for you to be aware. That’s a first step for a “National-Trotskysm” as I’ve seen in many European National web sites, saying the rich are the problem.

  2. Please dont associate America’s right-wing with the disaster that has beset our banking system.

    The steps the correct govt finds itself forced to take were pretty much guaranteed by the policies set in place DECADES ago by the Leftist Democrats who forced banks to make loans to people who would never be able to pay them back.

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