The Counterjihad Calendar for 2009

I didn’t have time this year to make new images for the Counterjihad Calendar, so 2009 will just have to recycle the same images that appeared in 2008. See the Café Press store, or go straight to the calendar page at this link.

A reminder: the purpose of the calendar is twofold:

1.   To enhance a sense of community among the inhabitants of the countries of the West. We can show solidarity with one another even as we remain patriots within our own countries. The West doesn’t require an artificial and corrupt empire like the EU or the UN to maintain its collective identity. There is something that binds us together, a common heritage that enables us to resist Islamization.
2.   To facilitate a greater awareness of the struggle we are all facing and how it is approached in different countries, by listing Counterjihad blogs and websites on the sidebar for each country. Sites outside of the Anglosphere often post at least some of their articles in English, and, if they don’t, machine translation is available to help.

And so we say:

Så er det nok!
Genug ist genug!
Nu får det vara nog!
Ως Εδω!
Genoeg is genoeg!
¡Basta ya!

Counterjihad 2008

Small versions of the individual months are below the fold.
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You may click any of these images to see a larger version. The full-resolution image for each month is used on the printed calendar.

The Eiffel Tower in Paris

January France: The Eiffel Tower in Paris

Christiansborg — Folketinget

February Denmark: Christiansborg — Folketinget

The Brandenburg Gate in Berlin

March Germany: The Brandenburg Gate in Berlin

Somnath Temple in Gujarat

April India: Somnath Temple in Gujarat

The Stadshus in Stockholm

May Sweden: The Stadshus in Stockholm

The Coliseum in Rome

June Italy: The Coliseum in Rome

The Statue of Liberty in Manhattan Harbor

July USA: The Statue of Liberty in Manhattan Harbor

The Acropolis

August Greece: The Acropolis

Big Ben at Westminster

September UK: Big Ben at Westminster

A Dutch Windmill

October The Netherlands: A Dutch Windmill

The Sydney Opera House

November Australia: The Sydney Opera House

Santiago Matamoros and the Mezquita in Córdoba

December Spain: Santiago Matamoros — Mezquita, Córdoba

11 thoughts on “The Counterjihad Calendar for 2009

  1. Great Baron! Some updates on the Swedish blog front since last year:

    The most important addition is the excellent blog:

    And here are three more important ones missing on your list:

    And this one has been deleted in the year that went:

    I would also add the portal:
    This is a very important web address since it links to all essential anti-Jihad blogs (and more).

    It even works as a portal for Gates of Vienna:
    Check that one out! It’s very cool, and useful.

  2. Thanks for the revisions and additions, everyone. Unfortunately, since the URLs are built into the original images, I don’t know when I’ll get to altering them — it’s a very time-comsuming process.

    However, it’s something that needs to be done, so I’ll hang on to these suggestions and implement them eventually.

  3. C’mon, Tuan Jim, you know better than that. Hindi is not the common tongue in India; English is.

    If I used Hindi for India, I would be offending people whose provinces speak Tamil or Telugu or any other of the more than 400 non-Hindi languages spoken in the subcontinent.

    In fact, here is a list of all the living languages of India, of which English is the common tongue for the educated classes:

    Aariya; Adi; Adi, Galo; Agariya; Ahirani; Aimol; Aiton; Allar; Amri; Anal; Andaman Creole Hindi; Andh; Angika; Apatani; A-Pucikwar; Arakanese; Aranadan; Assamese; Asuri; A’tong; Awadhi; Badaga; Bagheli; Bagri; Balochi, Eastern; Balti; Bareli, Palya; Bareli, Pauri; Bareli, Rathwi; Bateri; Bauria; Bazigar; Bellari; Bengali; Bhadrawahi; Bhalay; Bharia; Bhatola; Bhatri; Bhattiyali; Bhilali; Bhili; Bhojpuri; Bhunjia; Biete; Bijori; Bilaspuri; Birhor; Bishnupriya; Bodo; Bodo Parja; Bondo; Braj Bhasha; Brokskat; Bugun; Buksa; Bundeli; Byangsi; Chakma; Chamari; Chambeali; Changthang; Chaudangsi; Chaura; Chenchu; Chhattisgarhi; Chin, Bawm; Chin, Falam; Chin, Haka; Chin, Khumi; Chin, Mara; Chin, Matu; Chin, Paite; Chin, Tedim; Chin, Thado; Chinali; Chiru; Chodri; Churahi; Darlong; Darmiya; Deccan; Degaru; Deori; Dhanki; Dhanwar; Dhatki; Dhimal; Dhodia; Dhundari; Digaro-Mishmi; Dimasa; Dogri; Domari; Dubli; Dungra Bhil; Duruwa; Dzongkha; English; Gadaba, Bodo; Gadaba, Mudhili; Gadaba, Pottangi Ollar; Gaddi; Gahri; Gamit; Gangte; Garasia, Adiwasi; Garasia, Rajput; Garhwali; Garo; Gata’; Godwari; Gondi, Northern; Gondi, Southern; Gowlan; Gowli; Groma; Gujarati; Gujari; Gurung, Western; Hajong; Halbi; Harauti; Haryanvi; Hindi; Hinduri; Hmar; Ho; Holiya; Hrangkhol; Hruso; Idu-Mishmi; Indian Sign Language; Indo-Portuguese; Irula; Jad; Jangshung; Jarawa; Jaunsari; Juang; Juray; Kachari; Kachchi; Kadar; Kaikadi; Kamar; Kanashi; Kanauji; Kangri; Kanikkaran; Kanjari; Kannada; Karbi; Kashmiri; Katkari; Khaling; Khamba; Khamti; Khamyang; Khandesi; Kharia; Kharia Thar; Khasi; Khirwar; Khowar; Kinnauri; Kinnauri, Bhoti; Kinnauri, Chitkuli; Kinnauri, Harijan; Koch; Koda; Kodagu; Koireng; Kok Borok; Kolami, Northwestern; Kolami, Southeastern; Koli, Kachi; Koli, Wadiyara; Kom; Konda-Dora; Konkani; Konkani, Goanese; Koraga, Korra; Koraga, Mudu; Koraku; Korku; Korlai Creole Portuguese; Korwa; Kota; Koya; Kudiya; Kudmali; Kui; Kukna; Kulung; Kumarbhag Paharia; Kumauni; Kupia; Kurichiya; Kurmukar; Kurumba; Kurumba, Alu; Kurumba, Betta; Kurumba, Jennu; Kurumba, Mullu; Kurux; Kuvi; Ladakhi; Lambadi; Lamkang; Lepcha; Lhomi; Limbu; Lisu; Lodhi; Lohar, Gade; Lohar, Lahul; Magahi; Magar, Eastern; Mahali; Maithili; Majhi; Majhwar; Mal Paharia; Malankuravan; Malapandaram; Malaryan; Malavedan; Malayalam; Maldivian; Malvi; Manda; Mandeali; Manna-Dora; Mannan; Marathi; Maria; Maria, Dandami; Marwari; Mawchi; Meitei; Merwari; Mewari; Mewati; Miju-Mishmi; Mina; Mirgan; Miri; Mizo; Moinba; Mru; Mugom; Mukha-Dora; Mundari; Muria, Eastern; Muria, Far Western; Muria, Western; Muthuvan; Na; Naga Pidgin; Naga, Angami; Naga, Ao; Naga, Chang; Naga, Chokri; Naga, Chothe; Naga, Inpui; Naga, Kharam; Naga, Khezha; Naga, Khiamniungan; Naga, Khoibu; Naga, Konyak; Naga, Liangmai; Naga, Lotha; Naga, Mao; Naga, Maram; Naga, Maring; Naga, Monsang; Naga, Moyon; Naga, Mzieme; Naga, Nocte; Naga, Northern Rengma; Naga, Phom; Naga, Pochuri; Naga, Poumei; Naga, Puimei; Naga, Purum; Naga, Rongmei; Naga, Sangtam; Naga, Southern Rengma; Naga, Sumi; Naga, Tangkhul; Naga, Tarao; Naga, Tase; Naga, Thangal; Naga, Tutsa; Naga, Wancho; Naga, Yimchungru; Naga, Zeme; Nagarchal; Nahali; Nahari; Nefamese; Nepali; Newar; Nicobarese, Car; Nicobarese, Central; Nicobarese, Southern; Nihali; Nimadi; Nisi; Noiri; Önge; Oriya; Oriya, Adivasi; Oriya, Desiya; Pahari, Kullu; Pahari, Mahasu; Paliyan; Panchpargania; Pangwali; Paniya; Panjabi, Eastern; Panjabi, Mirpur; Panjabi, Western; Pankhu; Pao; Pardhan; Pardhi; Parenga; Parsi; Pattani; Pengo; Phake; Phudagi; Pnar; Powari; Purik; Rabha; Rajbanshi; Ralte; Rathawi; Ravula; Rawang; Rawat; Reli; Riang; Rongpo; Ruga; Sadri; Sajalong; Sakechep; Samvedi; Sansi; Sanskrit; Santali; Saurashtra; Sauria Paharia; Savara; Sentinel; Seraiki; Shekhawati; Shendu; Sherdukpen; Sherpa; Shina; Sholaga; Shom Peng; Shumcho; Sikkimese; Simte; Sindhi; Singpho; Sirmauri; Sora; Spiti Bhoti; Stod Bhoti; Sulung; Sunam; Surajpuri; Sylheti; Tamang, Eastern; Tamil; Telugu; Teressa; Tharu, Dangaura; Tharu, Kochila; Tharu, Rana; Thulung; Tibetan; Tinani; Tiwa; Toda; Toto; Tshangla; Tukpa; Tulu; Turi; Ullatan; Urali; Urdu; Vaagri Booli; Vaiphei; Varhadi-Nagpuri; Varli; Vasavi; Vishavan; Waddar; Wagdi; War; Yakha; Yerukula; Zakhring; Zangskari; Zome; and Zyphe.

  4. Hi there!

    I (M.J on Islamofoben) would like to be included in your Counterjihad Calendar 2009 if it´s possible.

    I feel very strongly about resisting the ongoing islamization of Europe, and the preservation of our common judeo-christian heritage.

    I hope that my political background as an former anarchist(many many years ago) is not hold against me as it is of utmost importence that the anti-jihad movement seeks to broadens its base. If it has to be sucessful it must convince the whole political spectra of the dangers islam.

    The adress of my blogg is

    Best Regards


  5. M.J.

    What can I say, the only good anarchists are the ex-anarchists 🙂

    As long as you object to pop culture, gay marriage and abortion we will hold nothing against you… No, just kidding.

    Welcome to the group! I checked out your blog. Very nice! Unfortunately I have missed it before. It’s a pity it’s not linked from

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