Ireland to the Lisbon Treachery: NO THANKS

Shamrock: Nay! A reader emailed us last night to explain who was really behind the referendum. It all goes back to 1986:

THE actions of a Kilkenny man secured the right for three million Irish citizens to vote on behalf of 500 million Europeans in today’s Lisbon Treaty referendum.

Raymond Crotty’s daughter Mary, and her sister Ann, who has returned from South Africa where she works as a journalist to campaign for a ‘No’ Vote, explained the pivotal action which their father took and which could now impact on the shape and direction Europe takes in the future.

Ireland is the only country in the EU where citizens are being allowed to vote on the adoption, or not, of the Lisbon Treaty European Constitution.

“The French and Dutch, who were given an opportunity to vote on the European Constitution, voted against it. They are not being given an opportunity to vote on the Lisbon Treaty,” she said.

“We are being afforded this right, not because our government has secured it for us, but because our father, Raymond Crotty, took the Irish government to court back in 1986.

“The Supreme Court ruled in that case that in the event of any major change within the EU that impacted upon Ireland’s constitution, the government would be obliged to get approval for that change from the Irish people.

So despite the pressure from government, the media and the intelligentsia, the Irish people were allowed to vote their own minds.

Irish vote count Not that anybody who was anybody believed the Irish people would turn on their masters. The bookmaker, Paddy Power, basing its decision on what people were saying at the exit polls, paid out £80,000 on “Yes” bets until reality started peaking from behind the media curtain, telling them otherwise. It’s always amazing to me that people believe exit polls – or phone polls, for that matter. Most of the people I’ve talked to say they deliberately mislead pollsters because they think it’s none of their darn business. This is especially true if the voter thinks the poll-taker doesn’t agree with them. In this case, where “no” was quite unpolitically correct, many of the voters would have dodged…and obviously did.

Now Friday the 13th means another £100,000.00 in accounts payable for Paddy Power. Believing what you read in the newspapers can be costly. Really, bookies ought to know better than to trust the MSM.

Meanwhile, campaigners for the No vote from both ends of the political spectrum are celebrating:
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The founder of Libertas, Declan Ganley, who campaigned for a No vote, said: “The Irish people have rejected the Lisbon Treaty.”It is a great day for Irish democracy”, he added.

“This is democracy in action . . . and Europe needs to listen to the voice of the people,” Mr Ganley said. He added that the Taoiseach, Brian Cowen, “has a mandate to go back to Europe and do the best job possible”.

Socialist Party leader Joe Higgins has said the likely No vote to the Lisbon Treaty was a “huge rebuff to the political establishment” but a vindication of the rights of “tens of millions of workers” in the European Union.

Speaking in Dublin Castle, where final results of the counts will be announced later, Mr Higgins said he believed the No side had “won the argument”, despite the fact that the main political parties and “big business” were in favour of the treaty.


“This is not a disaster, which they have been trying to make out. In fact, this can be a rallying call for workers throughout Europe who have been at the brunt of this neoliberal juggernaut from the EU in terms of privatisation of services, attacking their pension rights, attacking the idea of a decent wage and a proper job.

Scroll down this page and see the graphic on the right outlining the voting by district. It may take a while for the colors to load, but you can scroll across each one to see how they voted. For example, County Wicklow was very close: 50.2% No vs. 49.8% for Yes. County Mayo, on the other hand, came in at 61.7 and 38.3, respectively.

Not all the votes have been counted yet, but that’s a mighty fine red map.

Let’s see how long it takes the EU to leave its treadmarks all over this vote.

Note: The links to the Irish Times will move behind the subscription wall in a few days.

23 thoughts on “Ireland to the Lisbon Treachery: NO THANKS

  1. According to some studies I’ve read it’s a combination of feeling as though one’s privacy is being invaded, and not being sure which “side” the pollster is on.

    When I lived in a large suburb and would be asked, I either smiled and said nothing or I lied in the cause of privacy.

  2. One effect may be to slow the Islamization of Europe. No one seems to think this idea affected the vote much, though for many of us, the idea is central: EU means Eurabia.

    Of course, an anti-EU does not mean that effective action will be taken against those who respect sharia; but today’s win suggests a greater possibility of national cultures defending themselves.

    Does what I’ve said strike you as true, simplistic, or both?

  3. Glory Be! At last a nation in Europe that wishes to remain so and has the nerve to rebuke the mighty EU.

    I’m wearing green today. God Bless the Irish!!!

  4. This is great news, but I’m not sure if the EU will respect this vote. They may go ahead and enact the lisbon treaty anyway, with some throwaway gesture towards Ireland that somehow makes it legal.

    I don’t think it’s over.

    And remember, the constitution was just voted down in 2005 and here it is again just 3 years later. Meaning we can expect ANOTHER vote in 2010. Vote after vote until they vote the right way, then never voting again. Cute huh.

  5. Well done, Ireland! The last three times the EU CON-stitution has been put before voters it has lost, in the Netherlands and France under the old style and now by Ireland under the Lisbon Treaty. While the will of the people is being usurped in France and the Netherlands by their legislatures, Irish voters have followed with another rejection.

    Throw in the recent electoral victories of conservative parties in the UK and Italy and I have gained some hope that the people in Europe, in spite of their EUSSR loving media elites and politicians, are wising up to what the whole deal is about, the destruction of their nations, cultures and freedoms. While there’s a long way to go before the EU monster is slain, indeed, it may even be too late, it’s great to see yet another blow against the empire. Don’t underestimate the lengths the EU elites will go to get this rammed down the throats of Europeans. We need to see more people in more countries demanding they be allowed to vote on the Lisbon Treaty, for starters.

    Bravo Irish, and all Europeans standing up for freedom. I’m proud to stand with you.

  6. YES!!!!!!!!! Reason finally wins one. This vote could be the start, now maybe other nations might have to force the issue.

    BTW: A short question. Would the Lisbon Treaty negate the NATO treaty?

  7. Yay Ireland!

    I don’t get the last quote, though. Where has the EU been privatizing services and attacking pension rights?

  8. Yes! EU dumb donkeys from hell! Put you where you belong, right back on the street. Now go get a job and make yourselves useful. Idiots!

  9. I’m not sure if the EU will respect this vote.

    Neither am I. I saw Barosso tonight trying to find a way to fudge the vote, and I’m sure he’ll do his ‘best’.

    The battle over the legitimacy of the system is just started. It’s been a great night, but there’s still quite a few battles to be won.

  10. Hurrah! 😀

    I’m so proud that we stood up for all of our fellow Europeans who have had no vote on this Treaty (nee Constitution) — except for the French & the Dutch, of course.

    BTW — I’ve posted those Irish Times maps on my blog here, but without the fancy mouse-over features of course.

    RTÉ (the state radio/television service) has also got maps breaking down all the votes by constituency which won’t (I’m pretty sure) go behind any subscription wall.

  11. I agree with many of you, that the EU probably has some tricks yet to pull.
    Still…a victory is to be celebrated, and hopefully many more.
    Good Job, Ireland…well played!

  12. Alex:For perhaps the first time in my adult life, I am proud of the country of my ancestors.


  13. Next in line: Britain

    The government (Labour – whatever that means) is forging ahead with its plans for a parliamentary ratification. Media at large are demanding a referendum, as are the Conservatives.

    If the MP’s of Labour have the guts to stand for principles and democracy, the Treaty may run into significant trouble there.

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