Riots and Terror Plots in Flanders and the Netherlands

Our Flemish correspondent VH sends another roundup of the latest news on Muslim riots and terror plots in Belgium and the Netherlands:

SlotervaartOn New Year’s Eve in Amsterdam Slotervaart — where the Jihad Riots recently took place — Moroccans put the police station under siege, smashed windows, and set fire to three Police cars and two others.

When the Mobile Unit (Mobiele Eeenheid) of the police appeared to help release their colleagues, the Moroccans disappeared in the neighborhood. Again, as during the Jihad Riots, no one got chased, caught, or arrested.

Elsewhere in Amsterdam two ambulances on their way to an emergency were blocked — really nasty; that’s been happening more often last couple of years. One had a narrow escape and another got its windows smashed. They both returned; what happened to the emergency situation they where heading for is unclear.

In the neighborhoods of Leiden and the Hague there have been similar events. During riots in those places eight police officers were wounded, dozens of cars torched, and 188 people were arrested.

In Vlaardingen — part of Eastern Rotterdam — the traditional Christmas tree burning is also not what it used to be and blasted the windows out of eighty houses (video link).

Update on the terror alerts

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The three Muslims who were arrested by heavily armed teams of the Special Intervention Service on December 31 in Rotterdam on terrorism charges were ready to execute a bloodbath on the Erasmus bridge in Rotterdam that same evening.

A true disaster and a massacre of immense proportions has been prevented by the last-minute arrests. That evening, about 15,000 people were expected to crowd together on and around the Erasmus bridge (also called “The Swan”, a contemporary landmark of Rotterdam) for the New Year’s Eve party. A mass of people that would be almost impossible to secure.

As a precautionary measure, that evening no one was allowed on the bridge.

The two Moroccans both have a dual nationality (Moroccan and Dutch); the Sudanese is illegally in the Netherlands.

It is not clear yet if there’s a connection between these terrorists and the fourteen who were arrested (and have already been released) in Belgium. The Belgian suspects were also planning a bloodbath on New Years eve.

33 thoughts on “Riots and Terror Plots in Flanders and the Netherlands

  1. I wonder what sort of death toll will be required for the Dutch to finally understand that they are currently at war with their immigrant population. The Europeans had better grasp the concept of reverse immigration real soon if a bloodbath is to be avoided.

    Other than in elitist screeds, where is it written that industrialized countries are obliged to accept the dregs of the earth into their lands? This sort of White Guilt based altruistic nonsense is going to see a lot of people die for no reason at all save to delight Europe’s vampire elite.

  2. About 15 years ago I had a roommate that apparently was on the forefront of international jihad. He was a Moroccan and while his brother had moved to the Soviet Union for his education, he moved to Norway to further his. He was a foreign exchange worker for the city water department in San Diego. He had a lot of Scandinavian friends and since it occurs to me that they like jihadists very much because they appreciate other cultures just so long as they’re “other” and not like their own. We had some interesting conversations too and one of the things that impressed me the most was his insistence that the Muslims were going to take over the West by mimicking and eventually taking over the civil rights movement. Although I was very doubtful of this at the time I now see that it figures that one powerful movement based on the eternal promulgation of guilt would eventually be taken over by a totalitarian culture based on eschewing shame.

  3. These “terror plots” are a security service hoax from the white supremacist hegemon, besides 15,000 dead would be a legitimate response to their ceaseless efforts to defame Islam.

  4. “besides 15,000 dead would be a legitimate response”

    Hey, if murder is on your mind can you fault anyone who would like to see you and your ilk expelled or imprisoned at the least? More and more Westerners are realizing that the Muzzies need to be isolated from modern civil society so that they can practice evil amongst themselves, and if need be, to be exterminated en masse as the vermin they are.

  5. Now, now. . . . Extermination may be going a little far. A simple expulsion to the piss holes that they crawled out of would be more than sufficient. Then they can kill each other! The sooner the West wakes up to the necessity to expel the Muslims followed by sequestration the better. Yeah, I know, there are lots of good Muslims. Well I say: PROVE IT!

    If you want to stay denounce your Islamic hate ideology and embrace the West. Even then, as Isabella discovered, the Muslims cannot be relied upon to be honest. They will lie to stay among us like a cancer waiting to destroy the host organism.

  6. Annoymouse said:

    “We had some interesting conversations too and one of the things that impressed me the most was his insistence that the Muslims were going to take over the West by mimicking and eventually taking over the civil rights movement.”

    Do you know what happened to this person?

  7. Annoymouse: “if need be, to be exterminated en masse as the vermin they are”

    There are so many reasons why this is not a very clever thing to even hypothetically propose. An immediate one is that, if not this time, so next time your comment will surely be deleted by B or D. The other ones you are big enough to already know.

    This sentence of yours is excellent however:
    “Although I was very doubtful of this at the time I now see that it figures that one powerful movement based on the eternal promulgation of guilt would eventually be taken over by a totalitarian culture based on eschewing shame.”

    Zenster also has a wonderful way with words:
    “Other than in elitist screeds, where is it written that industrialized countries are obliged to accept the dregs of the earth into their lands? This sort of White Guilt based altruistic nonsense is going to see a lot of people die for no reason at all save to delight Europe’s vampire elite.”

    Both above quotes have the intellectual and poetic qualities that I so appreciate; reflecting an inner fire and a sharpened mind.

  8. Conservative Swede —

    Actually, I’m going to let him skate this time, because of the conditional nature of the clause (“If need be…”).

    But be warned, Annoymouse: advocating extermination of people does get comments deleted here. It breaks rule #2 (must be temperate) of the GoV comments rules.

  9. Baron,

    I wouldn’t have held it against you if you had deleted it this time, in spite of the conditional. However, there are also other aspects, such as how a deletion can destroy a thread. The conditional, however, didn’t make deletion mandatory.

    Your moderation policy is anyway obviously a success. The example of Zenster is very illustrative of that, in how he was first corrected (got a post deleted) and subsequently came to applauding GoV for it’s very wise moderation policy.

    That’s what I call good leadership!

  10. Charles Martel: If you want to stay denounce your Islamic hate ideology and embrace the West. Even then, as Isabella discovered, the Muslims cannot be relied upon to be honest. They will lie to stay among us like a cancer waiting to destroy the host organism.
    [emphasis added]

    This is why I can foressee no other alternative than the total destruction of Islam. While sequestration represents a temporary solution at best, there is no possible way to retain any Muslim population without taking concommitant risks.


    There is no way for Islam to genuinely or verifiably renounce taqiyya. Short of using fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) to analyse every Muslim immigrant’s brain activity patterns during interrogation, no one on earth could possibly determine with any sureity that Muslims had, in fact, renounced taqiyya.

    Were it not for Islam’s explicit quest after global domination, perhaps taqiyya would not represent quite such a danger. Combine the two and you have a philosophical equivalent of binary nerve gas. Taqiyya represents one of the most profound moral and ethical crimes. It automatically predicates an underclass of people who can be lied to at every turn while removing any possibility of repercussions. The only way of making sure that Islam is no longer a threat is by eliminating it in all forms, period.

    There is no choice in the matter. Islam has intentionally made this struggle one of the “all or nothing” variety. Remember, Islam would not have it any other way. It is an extremely dangerous combination of triumphalist and apocalyptic visions. The amalgamation of two such fatalistic ideologies makes it impossible to reform and precludes any chance of productive negotiation. After all, how does one negotiate with an opponent who will say anything, do anything, ink any pact, promise to uphold any truce yet still turn around and violate every single condition they have agreed to? This is what Islam has done and remains prepared to do at any time so long as it reaches its goal of universal shari’a law. Life under a global caliphate is such a horrific proposition that, most certainly, the living would envy the dead.

  11. Zenster wrote:
    There is no way for Islam to genuinely or verifiably renounce taqiyya. Short of using fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) to analyse every Muslim immigrant’s brain activity patterns during interrogation, no one on earth could possibly determine with any sureity that Muslims had, in fact, renounced taqiyya.

    Might be a good idea to use it on our own politicians as well… But then again maybe they don’t realize that they’re lying!

    Thing is that “taqiyya” is not solely an Islamic trait, but it is a trait of a traitor as well.

  12. Zonka: Thing is that “taqiyya” is not solely an Islamic trait, but it is a trait of a traitor as well.

    And exactly how does this alter the incredibly evil nature of Islam? The fact remains that our traitor political elite enjoy nothing remotely approaching the cohesive alignment found throughout Muslim cultures. Even if Islam is not totally monolithic in nature, enough of it is whereby the danger that Muslims present to Western civilization is totally overwhelming. Yes, political betrayal at the hands of our traitorous vampire elite warrants some truly vigorous opposition and punishment but that does not change the overarching nature of Islam’s threat.

    The concept of a billion-strong, relatively unified quasi-political body that openly sanctions the intentional practice of deceit constitutes an evil that is orders of magnitude beyond the reprehensible dissembling of venal Western politicians. Islam’s institutionalized perfidy must be assigned a far greater price tag than it currently carries.

    Unfortunately, there is neither any way to verify Islam’s abandonment of this accepted treachery nor is there any useful reason to assume that they will do so in the absence of extremely violent coercion. All of this militates towards the most undesirable outcome in terms of human casualties. Most important of all is that the West be made to understand how such a tragic result is the upshot of dealing with those who refuse to negotiate in good faith. Were Islam to honorably engage the West in genuine dialogue with the intent of peaceful coexistence things might be quite different. Instead, nothing could be farther from the truth. Islam seeks to deceive all who attempt to parlay with it in good faith and treats all such honorable intentions as a distinct weakness. This is duplicity at a level that transcends all honor and decency.

    How shall the West respond to such punishment for practicing its most cherished ideals? How can we reconcile being penalized with violent attacks for adhering to goals that only apply to those who are legitimate players in the pursuit of sincerely peaceful aims? Islam will have none of it, so why should we?

  13. Zenster wrote:
    And exactly how does this alter the incredibly evil nature of Islam? The fact remains that our traitor political elite enjoy nothing remotely approaching the cohesive alignment found throughout Muslim cultures.

    It doesn’t! I’m not trying to excuse or minimize the problems with Islam. But rather to the point that without the corrupt/ignorant/lying political elite Islam would not be the problem that it is today. And Islam will continue to pose a significant threat until we can dispose of said elite.

  14. Baron,
    I tried to delete my intemperate comment once I posted it. I should know better to post a comment when I am pissed… not to mention that I haven’t been posting for a long time and was unaware of the “sarcastic” remark… I just sorta saw red for a moment there. I promise to be more thoughtful in the future.

    My more temperate view is that fences make good neighbors and when I think of Israel’s problems in the Gaza strip I truly hoped that any moral authority that the Palestinians had to attack Israeli’s would diminish once they were afforded self-rule. If they were to vote for intolerance and more war visa vie Hamas, then there would be no more innocents caught up in a hellish war, they would be, democratically speaking, all collectively culpable for the acts of the fledgling Palestinian state. Considering the brainwashing that they subject their children to, there are no innocent’s young or old, and when nominally decent people can no longer see a vestige of humanity in its boroughs, genocide will surely follow.

    Kinda dreaded logging back on and seeing what sort of hornets nest that I stirred up but am glad to get off with a slap on the hand. Keep up the good work.


  15. Zonka: Islam will continue to pose a significant threat until we can dispose of said elite

    Thank you for clarifying, Zonka. While our vampire elite pose a serious problem in how they abet Islam’s predation upon the West, it is Islam that continues to remain the true issue. Any complicity of our politicians will need to be addressed through the legitimate avenues of democratic government, if not our judiciary. Islam, on the other hand, requires a resolute military response and little else. I’m glad we could clarify this important matter.

  16. Zenster wrote:
    Any complicity of our politicians will need to be addressed through the legitimate avenues of democratic government, if not our judiciary. Islam, on the other hand, requires a resolute military response and little else.

    You’re having a “Catch-22” moment there… Without the support of our ruling politicians there will be no resolute military response, and without that Islam will become a greater and greater threat. So don’t count on our governments and the instruments that they have to help us in this struggle — they won’t!

    At least not until we figure out how to get decent and responsible politicians (if such beasts still exists) into the seats of power.

    Otherwise we have to strap our safetybelts and wait for things to get so bad that our governments falls and people take the power of their own. And hope that it’s not too late, and that perhaps we have fertilized the ground well enough for the right people to be victorious in that battle.

  17. There is a muslim army in each country of western europe,waiting for orders,organising,and as we have seen stock-piling weapons,which the french police were unprepared for,and there is no reason to assume that England is any different,we find them practising military techniques in our national parks,or holidaying with al quaidr in pakistan,and these skirmishes that are begining to become routine ,in france and the low countries,are meerely probes to evaluate the strength of resistance to thier planned usurpation of the indigenous peoples of our respective countries,which is why we must take to the streets and show our strength of feeling ,do it now or eventually you will have to do it ,with a gun in your hand.

  18. Well Englishman, as is now becoming painfully clear the vampire elites would side with a muslim insurgence.

    I told you didn’t I? The death camps are coming back and they will be for people like us.

  19. Zonka: You’re having a “Catch-22” moment there… Without the support of our ruling politicians there will be no resolute military response, and without that Islam will become a greater and greater threat.

    Not necessarily. You neglect to consider that at some point our military may refuse to allow any further betrayal of America’s national security by its politicians. It is not very difficult to imagine the public giving popular support to a military body that demanded immediate deployment against our Islamic foes. One single nuclear terrorist attack on American soil could easily drive such a scenario, especially if a spineless democratic president resisted launching any form of retaliation. Our military continues to be respected as one of the single most trustworthy American institutions. Far beyond the level of trust allocated to our politicians. In the wake of an American city being nuked, many people would be likely to support an independent military response.

    Europe and its intentionally weakened militaries are another matter entirely. Such an independent move as I suggest would have almost nil chances of happening.

  20. Zenster,

    The idea of such an independent move was brought up recently by Thomas Sowell. Discussed here at VFR, where Fjordman and also I contribute.

    I agree that such an “independent move” in America is a good thing and in fact the best hope for the whole of the West. Also, as you say, such an “independent move” cannot happen in Europe. Here it would have to be something like the march of the angry peasants to the capital city.

  21. Conservative Swede, between this post and your link to Raymond Kraft’s article in the China thread, I cannot but be impressed with your evident appraisal of my own stance. Please permit me to reciprocate some of the appreciation that you have shown for my own contributions. To be specific, I am immensely grateful for the confirmation provided by Kraft’s work.

    Personally, I detest the notion that America might have to experience anything even remotely resembling a military coup. That said, I’d sooner see such a thing happen than have our nation remain immobile in the face of a major terrorist atrocity. I feel that this has happened already and that any sort of disproportionate retaliation has yet to occur in any way, shape or form. Again, thank you very much for contributing evermore powerful tools to the resources I currently possess. It is difficult to express sufficient gratitude for such important additions to my personal arsenal.

  22. Zenster,

    I agree that such an incident would trigger some very harsh response regardless of what our politicians would do or not do. And should such an incident happen, I think you will have more than a military coup, but outright pogroms against muslims in the streets and possible civil wars throughout the West.

    But I am still hoping, perhaps in vain, that there is still some hope of averting such a scenario, by building up a a popular demand that our politicians stop undermining our defenses and start doing something about the Islamic threat.

    However, failure at that will in the end lead to a very bloody showdown.

  23. Regarding Holland total Muslim score for New Years Night was 28 schools and 300 cars. Total replacement cost in excess of 35 million euros to be added onto the cost of their handouts. Reaction from Minister of Finance and Prime minister (Bossie and Adriaan) er None !!

  24. Zonka: And should such an incident happen, I think you will have more than a military coup, but outright pogroms against muslims in the streets and possible civil wars throughout the West.

    Quite some time ago I predicted that another major 9-11 style atrocity or a nuclear terrorist attack here in America could possibly trigger a Muslim kristallnacht. Our ineffectual and dithering political elite are pretty much guaranteeing this will happen. Through sheer idiocy, Muslims are being protected from the rightful consequences of their predation upon the West. Any animal trainer can tell you that not punishing bad behavior is the equivalent of rewarding it and that such laxity allows improper conduct to become entrenched. In our stupidity, we have allowed Muslims to freely exercise their limitless sense of entitlement. This has both reinforced their already over-inflated sense of superiority and made ourselves appear weak willed in the bargain. Endowed with this false sense of security, Muslims are going to continue applying pressure until the public’s patience snaps. Once that happens, the ugliness will start faster than the devil can get his shoes on.

    I, for one, have already lost even the most remote sense of personal sympathy for any Muslims who get caught up in such a firestorm. Through their voluntary inaction against jihad, deafening silence about terrrorism and refusal to oppose Islamic antagonism, Muslims everywhere have depleted any presumption of innocence they might once have deserved. Nobody, Muslim or otherwise, can be allowed to bear witness to such evil as Islamic terrorism and remain silent. There are certain responsibilities we have to collective humanity and demonstrating a vigorous opposition to terrorism is one of them.

  25. Zonka: And should such an incident happen, I think you will have more than a military coup, but outright pogroms against muslims in the streets and possible civil wars throughout the West.

    “More than”?

    You are mixing up two scenarios that are, if not mutually exclusive, heading each in different directions.

    A military coup scenario is the one with the least amount of civil wars , “pogroms” etc. A military coup leads to stability, order, peace and less violence. Study military coups in history and you’ll find that (there are enough examples just in recent history).

    Leftist minds, however, think of “stability, order, peace and less violence” as violence. Consider e.g. their attitude towards the police.

    Zenster, btw. I answered you in the other thread.

  26. As a frequent visitor to Flanders I am appalled by the way Muslims are ‘invading’ the Low Countries and trying to ‘Islamicise’ the area. Not for them the philosophy “when in Rome, do as the Romans do”. They want to colonise!
    It is the same in the UK. click on and see what enlightened people in Scotland are doing and saying about it!

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