Viking Tidbits

Our Danish correspondent TB checks in today with the latest on the upcoming election:

The polls keep getting better…

Today Asger Aamund, the most important businessman and supporter of Ny Alliance, said that Naser Khader and his team better come out of their holes and state that they for sure will vote in favor of AFR [Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the current prime minister and leader of Venstre].

If they don’t he will himself not vote for Ny Alliance (and his own daughter is listed for the party).

At the same time, VKO [the current ruling coalition] keeps looking more and more secure. It’s only ½% from a majority, independent of the votes from the North Atlantic (Greenland and Faeroe Islands) and Ny Alliance.

The Communists are just barely back in the parliament with 2%, but let’s see… Really hope that they will disappear on Tuesday.

And on another topic:
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I just stumbled over another bizarre post in Jyllands-Posten.

Some days ago a police officer with Palestinian roots had his car blown up. He is now under police protection: a police officer under police protection, right here in Denmark! It just cannot reach more absurd levels than this.

Why was he attacked?

Well, his countrymen (and I don’t mean the Danes) see him as a traitor after he joined the force. So, what do they do? Make his life as miserable as possible. Threats, firebombs… you name it!

The article I have linked to describes an outcry to the politicians from Peter Ibsen of the police union. He says in short that the situation is now critical, and then he continues criticizing the politicians for not dealing with these issues during the election campaign.


“Det er lykkedes os at komme så langt ud, at politiet skal have politibeskyttelse. Smag lige på det…,” siger en oprørt Peter Ibsen fra Politiforbundet.

“We have succeeded getting this far out, that the police need police protection. Taste that…,” says an outraged Peter Ibsen from the police union.

Other articles about the incident are here and here.