The Jihad Driving School

The Jihad Driving School

Steen sent me a link to the above photo, which can be found on the Swedish blog Norra Grängesbergsgatan. It was taken in Malmö, the South Swedish city which is notorious for its crime, its unemployment, and its huge number of immigrant residents, most of them Muslims.

Steen isn’t much for translating things, but I’ll go out on a limb and gloss the name of the business as:

“Jihad Driving School — Private Lessons”

(“Körkort” means “driving license”.)

That’s all I know about it. We’ll have to wait for the Swedes to show up so that they can give us more background on this fascinating topic.

[Nothing follows]

17 thoughts on “The Jihad Driving School

  1. How can you expect to fulfill your religious obligation to oppress the blind, the drunk, or the Jew without first being given the necessary training?

    If this is anything like the Jihad pilot classes, do they teach them how to stop the car or are they expected to hijack them while in transit?

    – Sodra

  2. The text under the picture says:
    Comments not necessary. Everybody who experienced driving in central Malmö knows what it’s all about.

    The company name seems to be “Jihad driving school”. Intense training, private lessons.

  3. Sorry, but you got it right.

    I did a little research: the “school” is not listed in any of two diffenrent swedish yellow pages. Not by adress og by the mobile number……..which I guess is one of these pay card mobiles, that Udo Ulkotte writes 8 pages about in his book “Der Heiliger Krig in Europa”.

    I wonder if the deal in drivers licences at all , very mysterious indeed.

  4. papajoe —


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    The third way (and the most annoying one) is to keep closing the comment window and opening a new one, so that new comments are visible.

    These are the only ways I can think of. I hope they help!

  5. ‘Jihad’ is, as I know, actually not that uncommon as a name in the Middleeast.

    Some irony and symbolism (if you are into that kind of stuff):
    One of the victims killed by suicidebombers in a hotelwedding in Jordan a few years ago was named ‘Jihad’. That fact made the headlines of obvious reasons. Same irony showed up when one of the victims in the London 7/7 bombings was a young girl named ‘Islam’.

  6. TB said…
    – ‘Jihad’ is, as I know, actually not that uncommon as a name in the Middleeast.
    – – – – –

    JIHAD + genetive S + KÖRSKOLA = 100% correkt Swedish.

    Aren’t you all trying to be unnecessary funny?

    What is wrong with:
    Bodissey’s Driving License Theorie
    Come and Train with us
    Strids Körskola = Battle’s Driving Lessons

  7. So does this mean they teach you how to start it, drive it, aim for pedestrians and airport lobbies, but don’t bother with how to turn you wheels when you park on a hill?

  8. ln said…
    TB said…
    – ‘Jihad’ is, as I know, actually not that uncommon as a name in the Middleeast.
    – – – – –

    JIHAD + genetive S + KÖRSKOLA = 100% correkt Swedish.

    Aren’t you all trying to be unnecessary funny?

    What is wrong with:
    Bodissey’s Driving License Theorie
    Come and Train with us
    Strids Körskola = Battle’s Driving Lessons

    Trying to take all the fun out of it? Well, Jihad may be a perfectly fine fellow, but a religion that thinks so highly of holy wars for conquest that the name children that, well, I just don’t know. In the USA, anyway, ‘Crusader’ may be a name for a football team (see Holy Cross), but not for children

  9. I thought the same thing as Smarter.

    “Students Needed”

    “We’ll teach you all you need to know to become a successful car bomb martyr.” Apply Within…

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