While browsing Snaphanen early this morning I came across a YouTube video about Malmö called “Welcome to the New Sweden”. Even though Snaphanen is mostly in Danish, the video seems to be from Swedish TV. But, fortunately for us monoglots, the main part of the video was from Fox News, in English with Swedish subtitles.
What’s frustrating is that sometime in the interim YouTube has gone down, so readers will be unable to see the video until the site is repaired. Fortunately I transcribed parts of the video and took screen-caps while it was still available. The embedded YouTube link is below the jump, and I hope it’s working by the time you read this.
The video focuses on the enormous influx of Muslim immigrants into Malmö, and the effect that it is having on Swedish society in general. Most of the immigrants are young, and come from various parts of the Muslim world — Iraq, Iran, Somalia, etc. Many are illiterate when they arrive, speak no Swedish, and have difficulty acculturating to a completely alien society.
The unspoken subtext, of course, is that Sweden doesn’t really require them to acculturate.
The Fox interviewer spoke to a civil servant in Malmö:
Q: You have a thousand students in a Swedish school?
A: Yeah.
Q: How many are Swedish?
A: Two.
Just 0.2% of the school’s students are “persons of Swedish background”! Many of them have to be taught through interpreters, and most of them never complete school.
Another civil servant says:
They are not part of the Swedish society, so to speak. It is difficult for them to get into the society.
– – – – – – – – – –
The video contains footage of riots and disturbances among the “youths” in the immigrant parts of the city. According to the narrator, when trouble happens in certain districts, the personnel in arriving ambulances are intimidated by the “youths”, and are told whom they may carry to the hospital, and who must be left behind.
Earlier this year a mosque was set ablaze — whether by angry Swedes or the immigrants themselves is not made clear — and, when the firemen arrived, the violent mob refused to allow them to put out the fire.
In previous discussions here about Malmö, we had at least one Swedish commenter who asserted that there are no problems in the city. He offered to give visitors a tour to prove to them that they can go anywhere, that Malmö is a normal city.
Well, which is it? Are the scenes in this video anomalies? Were they rare occurrences, unrepresentative of the “normal” Malmö? Were they staged by the Fox News crew?
How can 99.8% of the student body at a school be made up of immigrants with a different language and religion, and not affect the culture at large?
When large swathes of Swedish metropolitan areas are, de facto, no longer Sweden, what becomes of the Swedes?
Since it is official government policy to permit or even encourage this situation, to whom can the average Swede turn?
I have nothing but questions; no answers. Maybe some of our Swedish and Danish readers can offer their own opinions about what is to come.
Hat tip for additional information: LN.
I think it was ‘snouk’ yesterday who called for imemdiate deportation of recent Muslim immigrants–I agree and suggest that all immigration into Western Europe be at least temporarily stopped, and my post two days ago exhorted European women to squeeze out “one for momma, one for papa, and one for Sverige, Danemark, Norge, etc”
If all three of these steps are not taken–soon–none of us will recognize Europe in a generation
That continent is being infested ( yes, I use that word deliberately, with a full understanding of its meaning and connotation ) with hostile un-cultured aliens, may of whom clearly want to import their alien religion / death cult and conquer / absorb / kill their hosts
Choose your analogy: Muslim immigrants in Europe are a cancer; a parasite; a Fifth Column…..
I’m so very sick and tired of this: My grandfather fought and was nearly killed in France in 1918 ( 1st Infantry Division )defending Europe. My father fought and was nearly killed in Italy in 1945 ( 10th Mountain Division ) defending Europe. I was stationed in Germany for three years and England for another three–stressed and overworked and underpaid, but not nearly killed–defending Europe. I do not want my two sons to soldier over to Europe and get themselve killed or nearly so to…..defend Europe
Really, I’m too old and tired for this shit. Somebody do something, please. Europeans, for God’s sake as well as your own, ERWACHE!!!!
Wake up…………please
Meanwhile, in Norway…
What is a Norwegian?
The Equality and Anti-discrimination Ombud (LDO) has asked The Norwegian Language Council to explain its definition of the terms nordmann (Norwegian) and etnisk norsk (ethnic Norwegian) which the Council recently said were equivalent.
The matter came to the LDO’s attention after an article in the news magazine Ny Tid (New Time) and the Council has been criticized for saying that a Pakistani can never be a ‘Norwegian’ even if awarded Norwegian citizenship….
At each stage of the on going suicide of the west by political correctness, there is a price to pay to save civilization. Sweden is at such a late stage that I suspect only a victorious civil war has a chance to retain any form of decent civilization. Are Swedes willing to pay the price or is their extinction more acceptable?
Americans absolutely should not do anything beyond giving support for the European nations undergoing this crisis. Part of the problem in Europe is a lack of national self-love caused by their liberation by the Americans from the Nazis. Europe would be a psychologically far healthier place if the Nazis had taken over, then been chucked out by resistance movements a generation or so later, after falling into decadence. The idea that your nation is so feeble it can only survive due to the benevolence of the kindly American super-power is not conducive to healthy patriotism.
Rob, things would be ok in Europe if patriotism was encouraged. In Britain, English people are frowned upon when they celebrate their cultural and national identity; doing this marks you as a racist or a nationalist; either way you can be labelled a nazi, which is mad, but it’s how things are.
ear Rob,
I think it is about time I debunked a few myths. I am an amature historian, some what of an obsession on mine. I have no formal qualifications, I do not need them, or even want them, I left school on my 15th birthday and went to work down the coal mines in Yorkshire the following Monday. I can’t let a day go by without having to read . Nearly fifty years later I have my own library a somewhat pretentious word. I have my own room filled with my books, a good comfortable chair, a stool to plonk my feet on a good reading lamp and a small side table where occasionally reposes a cut glass whiskey glass full to the top with a good single Scottish Malt Whiskey.
Some Americans seem to be under the dillusion that they paid for all the war, not only materially but also in blood, and the rest of we Europeans should be grateful. As an Englishman when I put all the facts in the balance, I take my hat off to you and say thank you America, without you we couldn’t have won the war. I say it also with a sense of deep affection for your country, but let us look at the facts. When we the British stood with our backs to the wall after the evacuation of Dunkirk in 1940 we had only the R.A.F. and a somewhat antiquated navy to defend ourselves with. Everything that we need for our defence, that we couldn’t produce ourselves, had to be paid for in cash. When the war started we transferred all our gold reserves to the Sun Assurance building in Canada. We used this gold to pay for our imports until these ran out. When these ran out we had to liquidise all the assets the British had accumulated in America, these by the way were sold off at fire sale prices, it was a Buyers market, we were so desperate. The Americans even checked that we were not hiding anything from them they even insisted that the last ₤ 50,000.000 in gold be transferred to American in a British Battleship from Cape town when we were fighting for our lives and need every ship we had. Have you ever wondered why America had such a large percentage of the worlds gold reserves sitting in fort Knox after the war, now you know. When we were literally bankrupt the lend lease act was passed. It wasn’t as most American think a one way street that America paid the Bill and the rest of the world got a free ride. It was certainly a two way street for the British. While America provided ₤13,500,000,000 in lend lease the British provide ₤4,500.000.000. While in absolute terms America paid more, in relative terms the British paid the lions share, 1% of Americas gross national product was dedicated exclusively to lend lease 15% of the British gross national product was devoted to lend lease and the economy was distorted accordingly. Another thing Americans should know is that machine tools were explicitly exempt in the lend lease act. It was impossible for the British economy to modernise during the war. The capital stock of Britain was being degraded by bombs and over use and it was to cost Britain dearly and also America when the British economy collapsed during the winter of 1947, and America had to take over the obligations to certain countries in the middle east, have you ever wondered why the British got out of Palestine so quickly in 1948 now you know. Another fact you might like to know when Marshall aid was offered to Europe the goods bought had to be shipped in American ships, shipping that had been allocated to America to produce under the lend lease act. It could just have well been allocated to Britain but it wasn’t. The British lost out there, when we needed as much foreign currency we could get, to pay for the loan we had contracted with America to pay our way after they arbitrarily cut off lend lease after VJ day.
After the war Lord Keynes ( if you don’t know who his was goggle him) made an account of who had paid what and to whom during the war, it turns out that among the Allies Britain had paid 53% while America had paid 47%. of the total costs
Rob you might think that after this I am a rabid anti-American but I am not, the reasons are two fold. While I might disagree what America does, I always feel that they are done for the right reason, there is a sense of common decency behind there motives, they might get it wrong but it is done for the right reasons. The other reason is purely emotional, I was born in the middle of that bloody conflict and most of the male members of my family where up at the sharp end, my Uncle died the night I was born flying lancaster bombers over Germany another died at Anzio. We had very little and I remember very little of what was going on. I have two distinct memories one is the soldiers from our village coming back and we had a parade. The other is my Mum receiving bottles of Cod liver oil and concentrated Orange juice. The Cod liver oil was a gift from Canada for which I am eternally grateful ,the concentrated orange juice a gift from Florida, can you imagine what it is liked to be bribed with a teaspoon of concentrated Florida orange juice when you are 4 or five after you have ingested a teaspoon of cod liver oil, when the only fruit you have ever seen or tasted has been perhaps an apple or a pear. For that pure transitory experience I will always be in Americas debt. I say thank you America. But Rob, please don’t get up and Crow.
Deep regards
Yorkshire Miner
One of the things that is not taken into account is the added immigration from Denmark. Denmark has passed laws forbidding the importation of brides or bridegrooms under the age of 24. It would be quite legal for a naturalised Dane to settle in Sweden and import his underage bride or bridegroom into Sweden.. it would be nice if we could hear some comment from the Scandinavian readers of this Blogg
Yorkshireminer – thanks for that history lesson. BTW, I know of no veterans from WWII that ‘crow’. My understanding from my living relatives and their acquaintences is that they knew what they were fighting for. That is all.
Your brief synopsis of the accounting certainly makes one wonder about the French and WII. And that’s a thought that never would have crossed my mind otherwise.
yorkshireminer :
You’re right : The 8 km bridge spanning Øresund is the physical connection between the cities of Malmø and Copenhagen but at the same time spanning cultures light-years apart. I’ll give you an example from today’s MSM :
Svenske krisecentre kritiserer Danmark
The article focuses on a bizarre consequence of the Danish 24-years legislation, namely the growing numbers of young women in Malmø applying for help at the Swedish “Crisis Centers”. These young women live in violent, arranges marriages – completely isolated from society. They settled down in Sweden because of Danish anti-immigration laws.
Now, what do the relevant authorities have to say about this tragedy ?
The Swedes : “It is a Danish problem exported to Sweden” (Agneta Frick, Crisis Center of Malmoe).
The Danes : “It isn’t Danish law breeding the violence, and it isn’t me to decide who Sweden will grant a stay-permit” (Rikke Hvilshøj, Danish Integration Minister).
‘Nuff said….
Its amazing that the swedes dare to speak about this as a problem. Disguesed as critisism of Denmark, they are in realety admitting, that emigration can be a problem.
This is sort of a big step for sweden. lol
Hi everyone.
I live in the area you have been discussing, Malmö in south Sweden. I was very concerned when I read Baron Bodissey’s text about the situation in Malmö. As far as I can understand the text is totally based on the programe on FOX NEWS. However it contains several lies. I would like to inform you about the real situation and also how I look at the situation.
At frist:
You said most of the people who come to Sweden are illiterate. Not true. Most of them can read perfectly well, but the problem is many people com from countries were they use a different alphabet than we do in western Europe and in the USA.
Then you pointed out that most people don’t speak Swedish when they arrive. Does it seem strange to you that most people in Africa or Asia, or even in the US, don’t know how to speek Swedish before they ever been to the country?
Your next statement is that Swedish immigrants have “difficulty to acculturate to a completely alien society”. This is an argument used by racists groups in Sweden to make, for instance muslims, appear as bad people. The truth is most muslims “acculturate” very well. Of course this depends on what you mean by acculturate. A good example is the christmas holiday. In Malmö many muslims are celebrating christmas for their kids sake, and in some families they don’t celebrate christmas though they are not christians. Any problem with that?
You wrote that most students with parents from other coutries are tought by interpreters i school. Something I never heard of. What is truth is that many schools have engaged adults who can learn arabic, albanian, pashto, and other common mother tongue in Malmö. The reason is that many students never have got to learn their own fisrt language, more than what they speak at home. If you’re not able to speak your first lenguage, you will have big problems with learning to use your second. Think about the first time you learned a new language yourself. What you have to do is to translate the new words to a language that you understand. If you don’t have a good vocabulary in your mother tongue, it’s hard to remeber the new words, right?
It’s not like there are schools in Malmö where the student can’t speak Swedish. That is absurd. What some students have problem with is the grammar when they write longer texts. The Swedish grammar have been classified as one of the wolrds most complicated, me myself, I’m not very good at it even though both my parents are swedish.
The problems with the ambulances that you mentioned, depend on that the police several times have been using unjustified violence against innocent youths. When the abulance arrives it happens that they associate them with the police, and then get upset about the unfair treatment that is used against them. Besides this is someting that have happend a few times, absolutely not an ordianry situation.
You ask how 99.8% of the students on this certain school can be immigrats and still not affect the culture at large. You also claim that theese students have a different lenguage and different religion. My forst thougt is: different from what? In Sweden most people are not very religious. Thats means that we don’t beleive in George Bush’s stupid statement that it was gods hand who made him invade Iraq. Most swedes don’t go to the church especially often, just as most Swedish muslims dont visit the mosque any more often than Americans visit their churches. Also, in Sweden we have a law that says we are free to have any religion we want. We are free to wear any religious symbols and go to any parish we like. It’s a democratic right. I guess there is something corresponding in most other countries. On this school most of the students are muslims, and some are protestants, and some are cathilocs. And therefore they have learned to accept all different religions. Mabye that would be someting for you.
You also call this students immigrants, but in fact the mayority are born i Sweden, and have never lived in any other country. They have been a part of the swedish culture since they went to day care (in Sweden most mothers don’t stay at home with their kids).
As you say it’s impossible that those people don’t affect the swedish culture, otherwise it would be unnatural, but you seem to take fort granted that this means something bad.
Our biggest problem in Malmö is that too many people are racists. immigrants are being discriminated on every plans in the society. Just a few politicians are born in other countries, immigrants don’t get the jobs they apply for, students with foreign parents are forced to go to worse schools than other students, foreign families are not alloud to live in areas where most citizens are ethnic Sweds, and so on. This affect the youths in the way that many see theselfs as bad people, when they’re not. Almost noone have futureplans, and the feel left out from swedish society because of this.
The fact that American media has an interest in showing muslims as extreem and different from everybody else, at the same time as they were starting war on Iraq is outrageous for everybody that don’t think bombing in peece and democracy is a good idea. In Sweden we are ashamed over that the one superpower in the world don’t know how to treat people form the rest of the world with repsect. FOX NEWS used Malmö to spit on muslims from the whole world. I also have the possibility to whatch this channel on TV, but chose not to as long as they spread these lies about large gorups of people who don’t deserve it.
Rebellix —
I’m not Scandinavian, so, in order to respond to your comment I asked Steen of Snaphanen. Here is what he said:
On the whole I found the short Fox video quite all right, though “sharpened a little” — but “old-Swedes are” fleeing the city by the thousands every year – e.g. in 2001 3,600 families in a city of only 267,000 souls.
I’ve never seen statistics on literacy, but it is a fact that you don’t HAVE to learn Swedish if you immigrate there. So, of course many grown ups never do.
Statistics on the city is found here at the city’s site.
In English here (pdf), though I suspect it is “perfumed” a little:
For example: The Swedes say that only 40% of the rapes are committed by foreigners, but then they only count “foreign born” — not descendants, and they are already a majority amongst 16-19 olds in Malmö.
Similar Danish and Norwegian rape figures are 70% — and we have much fewer immigrants. That’s in short how Swedish statistics work.
If you want me to comment on specific things, please return. I have read Malmö papers for 30 years, and in DO have a house there in southern Sweden and well informed friends.
Until then
all the best — Steen