A Little Good News for a Change

The Religious Policeman reports a Happy Ending.

Since they are so rare in sorry Saudi Arabia, his news needs widespread coverage. And since it’s good news, we won’t bother waiting for the MSM:

there’s a happy ending for Abdul Lateef Noushad, whom I reported back in December after, according to official reports, a court order in Dammam has been issued to terminate vision of an eye”. For those not yet accustomed to the language of Saudi Political Correctness, “to terminate vision of an eye” means a Shariah-court-approved eye-gouging. (Just as “to halve the manual dexterity” means to amputate a hand, “to induce an orthopedic imbalance” means to amputate the opposite foot as well, and “to disconnect jugular circulation” means to chop a head off). The unfortunate Abdul Lateef, an Indian gas station attendant, had had an encounter with a Saudi youth who no doubt demonstrated all the racial and cultural tolerance for which we are renowned.

It seems that several years ago, an Indian gas station attendant, named above, got into a fist fight with Saudi boy and the former injured the latter’s eye. Said gas station attendant has been languishing in jail for three years now, waiting to have his eye gouged out (somehow I don’t think they handle this as a surgical procedure, but maybe they do. Maybe they even allow follow up medical care. Never can tell with those Saudi sadists).

However, through the work of his sponsor – and Lord knows what amount of money and how many intricate machinations – the Saudi courts (which seem to operate on the whim theory) have decided to “pardon” him.

Mr. Noushad is still in jail, but his sponsor is working on that. It seems that the impoverished Abdul is anxious to return to his work so that he can send money home to his family, which is the only reason a desperately poor person would ever show up in Saudi Arabia anyway.

Is there a country quite so casually, callously cruel as Saudi Arabia? Iran doesn’t count; their militarism and messianic ambitions put them on a separate plane. If you gave the average Iranian half a chance, Iran would be a functioning country in a heartbeat. And then who would care if they had atomic weapons or not? We don’t worry about India, do we?

I loathe the House of Hell Saud. And I wish I were going to be around when they run out of oil and sink back into the sand from which they were pulled by Europe.

Go see the rest of the stories at The Religious Policeman. He is one of the blogosphere’s treasures.

3 thoughts on “A Little Good News for a Change

  1. You said:
    “…waiting to have his eye gouged out (somehow I don’t think they handle this as a surgical procedure, but maybe they do.”

    I’m far from an expert on Saudi corporal law, but I saw a documentary showing how they do in fact use surgical procedure (except the head removal). To mo that makes it even more barbaric somehow…checking into a hospital to be intentionally maimed. Whatever happened to the Hypocratic oath? Oh right, it was discarded by Dr. Mengela.

    BTW, why are the number of characters I have to type in increasing? Pretty soon I’ll be able to publish the test characters as full text essays.

  2. Scottsa–
    BTW, why are the number of characters I have to type in increasing? Pretty soon I’ll be able to publish the test characters as full text essays.

    It’s a Zionist plot. The other day, one of my verifcation letter jumbles actually contained the word “jew” — that’s how I know.

    The verifcation for this one is short, six letters. And they’re spaced far apart for a change. And the “font” is legible.

  3. Zionist plot? Oh dear Dymphna!
    Read this on my blog!
    Now that’s a zionist plot!

    (Not to mention some shameless advertising!)

    BTW my verification actually has the word ‘pig’ in it !!

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