Vanity of Vanities

Thanks to James Wolcott and Vanity Fair, Gates of Vienna has enjoyed a little extra burst of traffic.

So, for our liberally inclined New York and Toronto visitors: Welcome! You have wandered into the lair of Satan Himself!

Please allow me to introduce myself; I’m a man of wealth and taste.

This is the realm of perdition, and we are all neocon tools of Bushitler, disciples of the Chimp Himself, ready to usher in the new Amerikkka and put all free-thinking souls into concentation camps!

Seriously, though, the Wolcott hotlink for our site escaped into yet another progressive blog, that of the Toronto Star and Antonia Zerbisias:

     Two of my favourite American progressive/liberal/lefty/sane writer/bloggers, The Nation‘s David Corn (scroll down) and Vanity Fair’s James Wolcott (here and here), are at war over the former’s joining the board of Pajamas Media. It’s a blogger agglomeration site that aspires to
coalesc(e) the internet’s brightest minds and most compelling content into a single source that will, in turn, complement and re-define journalism in the 21st century.
Wolcott’s problem is that Corn is the token non-fascist on this chorus line of White House talking points.

She goes on to quote the eloquent post of Mr. Wolcott. My favorite part, though, is this:

     Bad enough those two blogs [one of these wicked sites is us: the vile Gates of Vienna] are all about fanning the flames of anti-Muslim hatred [yup]. But other participants in the PJ game include this shrew, who makes this shrew seem reasonable and intelligent.

Since I’m not including the links, readers should note that that the first shrew is Michelle Malkin, and the second is Ann Coulter.

Michelle, you’ve come up in the world: Antonia Zerbisias thinks you’re more shrewish than Ann Coulter.

I’ll bet she thought that was an insult.

11 thoughts on “Vanity of Vanities

  1. OT:
    Italians march in support of Israel

    After suggestion from the conservative newspaper Il Foglio, and carrying Israeli flags and candles thousand of Italians yesterday demonstrated in front of the Iranian embassy in Rome against the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadenijads call for the destruction of Israel.

    Il Foglio says that more than 500 prominent Italians including politicians from both right and left leaning parties partook in the demonstration. And as much as 15,000 ordinary Romans also protested. Another protest took place in Milan with some 2,000 demonstrators. Also Turin and a number of other Italian cities saw demonstrators supporting Israel.

    Repubblica (italian)
    Italians demonstrate outside Iran’s embassy

  2. Baron: I think it’s great news that you are being trashed by liberals.

    Keep up the excellent work. If they aren’t bothered by you they wouldn’t have noticed you.


  3. On another topic:

    B&D, isn’t your congressional representative Virgil Goode?
    If so, be proud, be VERY proud. He and Duncan Hunter from California are introducing the “True Enforcement” immigration reform bill. After a quick read, it actually lives up to its name.
    More information is available at

  4. Take it from me – an insult from an airhead like Antonia Zerbisias and the Toronto Star is the best compliment Gates of Vienna and other mentioned bloggers could ask for. The combined firepower of LGF, Gates, Barcepundit, Wretchard, Fjordman, etc. blows away the timid mainstream media of which the Toronto Star is a prime example.

    Yes, I am from Toronto and I am a regular here.

  5. Baron: I wonder how many people will recognize our very favorite introduction; “Please allow me to introduce myself…”. May I be allowed to observe that while you can tell a man by his enemies, you can’t tell him much.

    The Left elites are very worried; There’s something happening here, what it is ain’t exactly clear; but they have felt the trunk, felt the legs, and they don’t have go any further to recognize that it is an elephant. They were blind, but now do see.

    Hence the screams of, We better stop, hey, what’s that sound, everybody look, what’s going down But it is clearly a case of, Quick, send in the clowns.
    Don’t bother, they’re here

    And, an extended quote from one of my favorite rock anthems, courtesy of Twisted Sister:

    Oh We’re Not Gonna Take It
    no, We Ain’t Gonna Take It
    oh We’re Not Gonna Take It Anymore

    we’ve Got The Right To Choose And
    there Ain’t No Way We’ll Lose It
    this Is Our Life, This Is Our Song
    we’ll Fight The Powers That Be Just
    don’t Pick Our Destiny ’cause
    you Don’t Know Us, You Don’t Belong

    oh We’re Not Gonna Take It
    no, We Ain’t Gonna Take It
    oh We’re Not Gonna Take It Anymore

    oh You’re So Condescending
    your Gall Is Never Ending
    we Don’t Want Nothin’, Not A Thing From You
    your Life Is Trite And Jaded
    boring And Confiscated
    if That’s Your Best, Your Best Won’t Do

    May I suggest that the new image of the Oppositional Blogosphere be a guy in pajamas wearing a red rubber nose?

  6. Unbelievable, they have to use the old tired insinuations of bigotry and racism. If they want bigotry and racism the might actually look at Islam. If this was 70 years ago, they’d most likely call you a bigot for sounding the alarm about Nazism or Militaristic Japan. How absurd can they get?

  7. I am sad to say that Toronto is probably going the way of Paris eventually. A large part of that will be due to brain abscessed nonentities like Zerbisias.

    But really, old chap. How dare you be so politically incorrect? Were you not instructed properly as a child? My dear Baron, you owe it to the common folk to hold up the standards of the better classes. Political correctness will never lead you astray.

    Ja, ja. The decadent fools are like French nobility just before the revolution.

  8. I’d like an answer from a “progressive” if any has the courage to be inclined to answer:

    How many children need to die before we cast off this politically correct baggage and name our enemy for what it is?

    Islam is the enemy. The mounds of beheaded toddlers and murdered children that continue to grow are enough for me.

  9. The raw data from a satire that never quite materialized:

    On the day that Wolcott was worrying about VDH’s grammar:
    “Hanson’s use of the phrase ‘the limits of accepted debate’–he probably meant acceptable debate-“
    and said “F*** you, Victor Dave” [without the asterisks!] when lamenting the loss of civilized debate, Gates posted on the bombings in India, and Mukhtar Mai.

    On the day that Wolcott posted through orgasmic shudders of his 2000 man climax, Gates posted on “The World Without Zionism,” and Iran’s vow to wipe Israel from the map.

    On the day that Wolcott called Jonah Goldberg a ‘Doody Head’– and then complained that single-drool GOV poster ‘TBogg’ beat him to it, Gates opened a fascinating discussion on the true nature of Islam.

    I suppose if I had a newer computer, it would have room for a bookmark to Mr. Wolcott.

    Well, not really.

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