Mitred and Malicious

A highly irrelevant group of dhimmified bishops from the Church of England has decided that nothing will do but that they should apologize to Muslim leaders for the war in Iraq.

     In the absence of a Government apology, a “truth and reconciliation commission” involving religious leaders could be formed to apologise for the West’s “errors”, the bishops say in a new report.

And precisely what “errors” are those, Your Graces? Freedom from Saddam Hussein, perhaps? Did “the West” harm Iraq by removing the festering wound of the Hussein family from power?

Or perhaps it was the mass graves? It that what Your Excellencies regret stopping?

Maybe it was the Oil for Food Program? Were any of you in on this mercy mission and wish to see it resume?

Perhaps it’s the Iraqi voting that annoys you? You prefer the old ways, where everyone voted for Saddam or else? Here’s what one Iraqi has to say about it:

     The Iraqi elections were truly a source of pride for Iraqis and a scene of bravery that deserves a lot of respect from the world and the time has come for the people to be rewarded for their bravery by their elected future leaders who need to address their responsibilities towards their people.
At the time the media and the interested observers are busy emphasizing on the violence in Iraq counting bodies (like war reporters do) they’re missing a great revolutionary change being made in Iraq towards democracy.
The talks for democracy are much louder a sound than the noise of guns; words and logic are the victors beyond any doubt and the effects of the change in Iraq are spreading across the region.
… Waleed Junbulat, the prominent Lebanese opposition leader who was against the war on Saddam at the beginning said “I was wrong. The sun that rose on Iraq on the 9th of April is now shedding her bright light on the rest of the region”.

With some exceptions, the Western mainline Christian churches are a disgrace. When they are not pandering to the Muslims with this kind of mindless claptrap, they are either voting for victimhood or prattling on about their anti-Semitic views regarding the Middle East. If they were not so irrelevant they’d be dangerous.

Thoughtful Christians of a less socialist bent than these fellows seem to have two choices when it comes to the expresssion of their religion: they can either become Evangelicals or they can contemplate joining the Roman Catholic Church. The ranks of both these groups are growing, while the withered flanks of the Anglican Communion run to catch up with the latest unappetizing but politically correct piece of ecclesiology served by one of their innumerable committees.

The Church of England is as good an argument for the separation of church and state as any I’ve seen put forth.

Hat tip: David Gillies at Daily Pundit.

UPDATE: Norm Geras has an excerpt of Nick Cohen’s essay in The Evening Standard. Here is a small snip and a suggestion to follow the link and rtwt (read the whole thing) —

     Iraq has been the greatest generator of hypocrisy of our times. It has sent the left lurching to the far-Right, pushed secularists into the arms of religious fundamentalists and spun round Liberal Democrats so violently that the real victims of the most illiberal and undemocratic regime on the planet – the Iraqi people – are faced with a wall of turned backs.
The power of the conflict to make everyone the opposite of what they pretend to be was confirmed this week by the splendid spectacle of bishops preaching in favour of sin.
Forget for the moment that it is cheap and pointless for bishops to apologize for a war they didn’t support, and consider their claims to be champions of truth…

Mr. Cohen goes on to point out that many of those in the mass graves of Saddam Hussein were Assyrian Christians, fellow pilgrims that the C.of E. (were its upper ranks not made up of blithering idjits-ed) should be supporting:

     I’m an atheist. But if I’m wrong about the afterlife, the bishops may one day have to explain the moral basis of their toleration of mass murder to a higher authority than newspaper scribblers.

Amen, Brother Cohen, Amen.

7 thoughts on “Mitred and Malicious

  1. The outrage of the day is clearly making the rounds. I saw it on a few websites.

    Which Muslims are they going to apologize to? The Iraqis want us there but the jihadists, that strike daily and kill Iraqi civilians, don’t. I guess it’s the latter. They and their supporters are the only ones who want an apology.

  2. It is always so emotionally satisfying to apologise for other people’s sins. It’s a threefer: you don’t have to examine yourself; you can ascribe the worst motives to your opponents; and you get to look both humble and holy.

    Bill Clinton loved to do it.

    The good bishops should read their C.S. Lewis, who wrote specifically about this charade.

  3. The Church of England is dying a slow death, at least here in Canada. Craven behaviour (and this is only one example) has made the church irrelevant in the lives of most Anglicans. On occaision I have attended the church my mother belongs to and I would guess the average age of the congregation is about 75. This is in a neighbourhood with many young families so it’s not the neighbourhood demographics. The United Church is just as bad in this regard.

  4. Don’t be so impressed with the Catholic Church as being much better. To take one of your specific examples:

    Maybe it was the Oil for Food Program? Were any of you in on this mercy mission and wish to see it resume?

    Well, um, yeah, we had the infamous Fr. Benjamin… And certainly in the runup to the Iraq invasion we had the Vatican demanding that the US do no such thing. Even had the Iraqi archbishop who was kidnapped and released and proceeded to lecture us on how the US should withdraw from Iraq.

    You gotta face it, we’re no prize either. If it weren’t for their wacky non-theology, I guess I’d have to be an evangelical…

    cathy 🙂

  5. cathy f–

    The theology of evangelical Christianity is not the same as that of Roamn Catholicism, but they definitely have one. Where RC emphasizes the sacraments and a more hierarchical ecclesiology, evangelical Christianity’s rigor lies in its emphasis on the kerygma of the church in the world.

    By no means is it whacky or non-theological. It is simply not Roman or Mediterranean. More like Christianity filtered through Northern Europe and then rural America.

    I often wonder what the Christian Church would look like today had not Islam so totally annihilated it in the Middle East. Don’t forget that RC monasticism began with the Egyptian desert Fathers, esp. St. Anthony.

    I offered those two choices — Catholicism or the evangelicals because they each have some of what Episcopalians want. I could have also mentioned the Greek Orthodox Church which is growing also, and not just from family enlargement. People are looking for a home.

    My Roman Catholic mother became an RC evangelical in her old age. It was an interesting combination and certainly enlivened her.

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