Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini has barred the migrant-ferry Eleonore from entering Italian waters. The ship is owned by a German NGO, and is carrying more than 100 “refugees”.
In other news, a woman was cradling her baby when she was shot in the head and killed in the culturally enriched southern Swedish city of Malmö.
To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.
Thanks to Insubria, JD, Reader from Chicago, SS, WRSA, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.
Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.
Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.
Consumers Still Very Confident in the U.S. Economy Despite Festering China Trade War
The numbers: U.S. stock markets took a big hit in August and business leaders fretted after the U.S. trade war with China intensified, but consumers still have a lot of confidence in the economy.
A closely followed survey of consumer confidence index fell slightly to 135.1 in August from a revised 135.8 in July, the Conference Board said Tuesday. The index remains close to an 19-year high, however.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
“Common Sense” Gun Laws Are a Trojan Horse
Common sense gun control is a trojan horse for ushering in the complete disarmament of the general population. So, says José Niño, a long-time gun-rights activist and political thinker from Venezuela. We discuss it on this episode of Tenther Talk.
José worked as a gun rights lobbyist in Washington D.C. and believes in a “no compromise” right to keep and bear arms. His experience and as a lobbyist and the fact that he’s from Venezuela gives him a unique perspective on the gun control debate. Ultimately, he thinks disarmament is the end-game for the gun control movement — no matter what they tell you about “common-sense measures.”
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Anti-Confederate Flag Billboard Vandalized
ELYRIA — A billboard against the sale of the Confederate flag at Lorain County Fair was vandalized sometime Saturday.
The billboard on Oberlin-Elyria Road, which was put up by the Fair-minded Coalition of Lorain County, was partially covered by three flags.
Two were Confederate flags — “the Stars and Bars” and one with the blue X. The third flag was yellow with “Don’t tread on me,” which is the Gadsden flag that was used in the Revolutionary War.
The Gadsden flag has been used as a symbol of the American Tea Party movement and Libertarians. It is often compared with the Confederate flag.
The Fair-minded Coalition has taken a stance only against the Confederate flag, which have been used as a symbol of white supremacy.
Jeanine Donaldson, leader of the Fair-minded Coalition, said that whoever put the flags up are only proving the coalition’s point.
“The flag is controversial,” she said. “It brings out the worst in people, and so it shouldn’t be sold at the county fair…
— Hat tip: WRSA | [Return to headlines] |
Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak doesn’t do many media appearances. But when he does, people listen. This week, in a Bloomberg interview, Woz weighed in on the topic of antitrust in big tech and said that big tech companies should be broken up.
“I’m one of the four founders of the EFF [Electronic Frontier Foundation] so I am really against monopoly powers being used in unfair antitrust manners,” Wozniak said.
He stated that big tech has been using its power in “unfair ways” and that “they can get away with a lot of bad things”.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Beto O’Rourke: ‘America Has More Guns Than Human Beings’
As part of his ongoing push for a forced buyback of certain firearms, Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke lamented that “America has more guns than human beings.”
[Comment: Of course comrade o’rourke laments. Communists cannot take over America as long as American citizens won’t give up their guns.]
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Beto O’Rourke Ejects Breitbart News Reporter From Event at Historically Black College
COLUMBIA, South Carolina — Former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX) has styled himself as a champion of press freedom, tweeting last October: “The press is not the enemy of the people but the best defense against tyranny.”
It is now August, and with his poll numbers falling in the Democratic presidential primary, O’Rourke has decided that he is entitled to abuse members of the press who cannot be relied upon to provide favorable coverage.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Biden Goes Far Left Calling for the “Radical Decarbonization” Of US Economy
Joe Biden just went way too far to the left by calling for the “radical decarbonization” of the US economy.
He was speaking at a Hanover, New Hampshire campaign event when he was asked if his climate plan will be enforcing a radical decarbonization of transportation, energy and food systems. The woman claims her sons won’t have a chance for good health unless there is radical decarbonization…Note that the leftists in the audience snap their fingers in approval.
Biden responds: “Absolutely…yes”…but does he even know what he’s talking about?
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Buying a Chromebook? Don’t Forget to Check That Best-Before Date
Google’s little-known Auto Update Expiration D-Day leaves users bereft of auto software refreshes and more — here’s how to check yours
It is unlikely to be printed on the box, but every Chromebook has an “Auto Update Expiration (AUE) Date” after which the operating system is unsupported by Google.
The authoritative document on the subject is here, where Google explains that it “provides each new hardware platform with 6.5 years of Auto Update support”. While 6.5 years sounds reasonable, Google starts the clock ticking “when the first device on the platform is released”. The exact definition of a “hardware platform” is not provided, but it presumably relates to the motherboard used. Later models may use the same hardware platform, which means they are not supported for as long. It is nothing to do with the purchase date.
What happens when the dreaded AUE date passes? This means there will be no more automatic software updates from Google, no technical support from Google, and “business and education customers… should not expect that they can manage their devices as expected using the Google Admin console”.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Thanks to a loyal reader we discovered that Facebook has blocked traffic to Gateway Pundit. Facebook now has a warning box that pops up when you click on our Facebook page. Facebook decided to start using fact-checkers AFTER they eliminated a majority of conservative content on their platform.
And Facebook continues to lie to Congress and government officials and pretend this isn’t the case.
Facebook eliminated over a billion page views to conservative websites from 2017 thru 2018. Thanks to James O’Keefe we know this was their plan all along.
Then Facebook decided they needed to hide their criminal acts and pretend they are a non-biased platform which is what they tell their users, the public, their shareholders and DC lawmakers.
Recently Facebook hired some unknown website Lead Stories to fact-check (conservative) websites.
If you look up Gateway Pundit you get a warning that “Lead Stories” has flagged several of our articles.
Thanks to our loyal reader for researching this junk website.
So thanks to our reader we discovered that “Lead Stories” was started by washed-up CNN hack Alan Duke who has a total of 8,000 followers on Twitter. Alan gets to decide who is granted the right to Free Speech in America today. It’s quite a privilege. It’s a very important position.
Facebook has eliminated traffic to conservative sites, lied about it, then started using a far left CNN hack to cover their tracks. Their actions have cost conservative publishers traffic, influence and income.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
During last weekend’s latest Antifa terrorist rage fest CNN journalist was sent to Portland to “report” on the scene and “interview” some of the attendees.
In what passes for “journalism” in the far left fake news media, CNN’s Sara Sidner goes to interview Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio. What follows was a cringe-fest of Sidner going off on opinionated monologues under the guise of questions, inserting her own opinions into Tarrio’s answers, repeatedly pulling the microphone away from Tarrio, and changing the subject in the middle of Tarrio’s sentences as he’s answering her in an articulate and concise manner.
It was an outrageous display.
The topics ranged from Antifa’s domestic terrorism, to what exactly the Proud Boys are, to accusations of racism, to Sidner comparing the Portland event to the Charlottesville massacre from two years ago.
Enrique Tarrio, by the way, is of Cuban decent.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Deconstructing Google’s Excuses on Tracking Protection
Blocking cookies is bad for privacy. That’s the new disingenuous argument from Google, trying to justify why Chrome is so far behind Safari and Firefox in offering privacy protections. As researchers who have spent over a decade studying web tracking and online advertising, we want to set the record straight.
Our high-level points are:
1) Cookie blocking does not undermine web privacy. Google’s claim to the contrary is privacy gaslighting.
2) There is little trustworthy evidence on the comparative value of tracking-based advertising.
3) Google has not devised an innovative way to balance privacy and advertising; it is latching onto prior approaches that it previously disclaimed as impractical.
4) Google is attempting a punt to the web standardization process, which will at best result in years of delay.
What follows is a reproduction of excerpts from yesterday’s announcement, annotated with our comments.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Divorce Filing: Wife Says Democrat Consultant Had Affair With Ilhan Omar
The wife of a Democrat consultant alleges her husband engaged in an extramarital affair with freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) in recent months, according to a report.
The New York Post, citing divorce filings obtained by the newspaper, reports Dr. Beth Jordan Mynett said her husband Tim Mynett admitted to having an affair with Omar in April. Dr. Mynett also alleges her spouse dropped a “shocking declaration of love” for the far-left lawmaker and dumped her soon after, state filings submitted to the Superior Court of the District of Columbia on Tuesday.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Ex-Clinton Aide: Hillary Will Run Again in 2020
Mark Penn, a former adviser to the Clintons, believes Hillary Clinton will make another run for president in 2020.
Penn, a frequent contributor to The Hill, co-wrote a Sunday op-ed for The Wall Street Journal with Andrew Stein, a former Democratic Manhattan borough president and president of the New York City Council.
“True to her name, Mrs. Clinton will fight this out until the last dog dies,” the pair wrote. “She won’t let a little thing like two stunning defeats stand in the way of her claim to the White House.”
They said Clinton will not allow her “humiliating loss” to President Trump during the 2016 presidential race end her political career.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Facebook Blacklists Ads From the Epoch Times
The Epoch Times has not adopted a rabidly anti-Trump stance. It has also been subject to numerous hitpieces from the mainstream media, notably NBC News.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Facebook Goes to Extremes to Shut Down Conservative Voices Before the 2020 Election
The latest censorship from facebook prompts a personal story calling for a return to free speech:
Barack Obama was the first to use social media as a political tool to win the election in 2009.
Coincidentally, it was about that time that our family had the rug pulled out from us when our very successful auto dealership was shut down with one FedEx letter during the auto bailout. Obama made a clear choice of rewarding the unions over the auto dealers. How could this happen? With the snap of a finger, thousands of family businesses were shut down.
I had never been politically active, but what happened to our family was an awakening. My neighbor happened to be Democrat Rep. Gary Peters, but that didn’t stop me from asking him for help getting our business back. He did nothing to help us after promising to. Being a novice at politics, I hadn’t realized his empty promises were just that…empty.
I did something I never thought I’d do. I became a political activist overnight because I wanted to fight the injustices of Obama’s policies and call attention to what happens when government picks winners and losers.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Far-Left Host of ‘The Young Turks’Says ‘America Deserved 9/11’ (Video)
The Left continues to show their total hatred for America every day.
This time, Hasan Piker, a host for the far-left media company ‘ The Young Turks,’said that “America deserved 9/11” during an online stream.
Piker also made fun of Republican Congressman and former Navy SEAL Dan Crenshaw for losing his eye in Afghanistan.
Piker is truly a sick and deranged individual.
WATCH Piker’s disgusting anti-American comments here:…
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Fast Company: Silicon Valley is Building a Communist-Style ‘Social Credit’ System
Citizens whose score drops low enough can find themselves subject to strict punishment, including bans from the use of public transport, exclusion from top jobs, and prohibitions on their children attending top-rated schools.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Google Bans Politics, aka Embarrassing Stuff That Gets Leaked, From Internal Message Boards
Google may be lax in policing policy violating videos on YouTube, but at least it’s adding oversight where it’s needed — to mute overly opinionated employees.
The ad biz, having weathered employee walkouts over payouts to execs accused of sexual harassment, protests over a censor-friendly search engine for China and US military contracts, and other employee-driven clashes, has issued Community Guidelines directing workers to avoid contentious discussions in the workplace.
CEO Sundar Pichai is said to have announced the conversational guardrails, which are distinct from the company’s Code of Conduct, in an email to employees on Thursday. According to Bloomberg, Google is also building a tool to allow employees to flag disruptive posts and creating a group of internal communication moderators to oversee internal forums and mailing lists.
[Comment: aka “Operation Stop Showing The World We Are A Bunch Of Rabid Leftists.”]
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Gun Control Advances and Gun Owners Get Nothing
[G]un control advocates don’t refer to [the FBI 3-day background check limit] as a “compromise” anymore. Today, this provision is known as the “Charleston loophole” because the FBI failed to process the 2015 Charleston, South Carolina, church shooter’s background check before the 72-hour clock expired.
Right now, Democrats are demanding that the Republican-controlled Senate go into emergency session to pass the Enhanced Background Checks Act of 2019 (H.R.1112). This bill would undo the 72-hour compromise and extend it to give the FBI 10 business days to perform an “instant” background check. If someone wants to appeal a rejection, the FBI would have another 10 business days to process the appeal. This would allow the government to take 20-21 business days before giving a final determination on a background check that is supposed to be instantaneous.
When you fill out a Form 4473 to start a background check, that application is only valid for 30 calendar days. If you haven’t taken a gun home within 30 days of filling it out, you must go through the process again so the FBI can make sure you haven’t committed a crime in the meantime. In any given year, somewhere between seven and nine months have 21 or fewer business days. This means that if the FBI has 20-21 business days to give a final answer, the government would suddenly have the power to run out the clock on millions of gun purchases every year.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Jefferson County Board Puts Chicago Separation Question on Ballot
MT. VERNON (WSIL) — Should Chicago be its own state?
The idea of southern Illinois separating from the city has been around for decades but in March, Jefferson County residents will be asked about it in the next election.
Randy Edwards, vice chairman of the Jefferson County Board, doesn’t like how Chicago guides the political agenda in Illinois.
“I feel like the people of southern Illinois aren’t being properly represented due to us being so outnumbered by Cook County. Their values are different than ours. We look at things definitely than they do,” Edwards said. “I can’t see where Cook County values are what we need down here.”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
A defense lawyer for Jeffrey Epstein on Tuesday expressed deep skepticism that the wealthy financier died by hanging himself in a Manhattan federal jail while awaiting trial on child sex trafficking charges, as a medical examiner has ruled.
The injuries suffered by Epstein are “far more consistent with assault” than suicide, the lawyer, Reid Weingarten, told Judge Richard Berman in U.S. District Court in Manhattan during a hearing.
Weingarten cited the defense’s own medical sources. Broken bones were found in Epstein’s neck during an autopsy after he died Aug. 10.
Such fractures are somewhat more common in cases of strangulation than in hanging.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Liberal Search Engine Expert: “Hillary Has Long Depended on Google for Money and Votes”
According to Dr. Robert Epstein, a search engine expert, psychologist, and liberal Hillary Clinton supporter, the disgraced former presidential candidate has “long depended on Google for both money and votes.” Dr. Epstein has come forward proving Google is manipulating elections in favor of tyranny.
Epstein, who was a Clinton supporter during the 2016 election, blasted Hillary on social media after she falsely claimed his research proving there was a pro-Clinton bias from Google in 2016 had been “debunked.” Dr. Epstein’s research has not been debunked, in fact, more evidence comes to light every day about the lengths Google is going to censor dissent and hide content they don’t want to be seen.
Remember when Google censored a YouTube video exposing Google’s censoring and political bias?
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Man Assaulted by Angry, Drunk Mob for Wearing MAGA Hat Into Portland Bar
A man in Portland took his wife out for a night on the town on Friday, and he ended up with a gashed and bloody nose, with two suspects facing charges, all over the man’s apparently support of President Trump.
The modern day left strikes again.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Map Shows Where Monstrous Health Problems May Soon Arrive as 5G is Fast-Tracked Across America
5G Rollout Goes Forward Despite Health Concerns Expressed By Experts Around The World
In the map that we’ve created seen below, we used this new story over at Android Police as our source to map out every city/major region of America that either already has had 5G installed or will soon be getting it fast-tracked in within the near future, with each major telecommunications carrier bringing their own 5G networks in despite major developments recently concerning the negative health aspects of 5G radiation going viral thanks to a recent Drudge Report story link as heard in the final video at the bottom of this story.
As Android Police reported, AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint and Verizon are all unveiling 5G across America with networks going up from sea to shining sea, and while their story reported that they are being unveiled too slowly, believing like many ‘tech’ outlets do that 5G will do no harm, as this August 24th story over at the Wall Street Journal reports, all across the nation, cities are saying NO to 5G despite the bullying from the FCC.
And while the Wall Street Journal story attempted but failed to debunk the health dangers of 5G that have been reported upon by the Independent media across the political spectrum, with left and right and independents agreeing on the dangers of 5G, as we had reported on ANP back on May 16th in this story titled “Does The NY Times Want Us All Dead? ‘Gray Lady’ Blames Russia For ‘5G Economic Warfare’ While Launching Massive Cover-up Of Proven 5G Health Dangers”, the ‘slimestream media’ has seemingly gone ‘all-in’ to protect the rollout of 5G across America. Why?
So with a battle going on within America this very moment about 5G, its overall safety and whether or not more studies should be done before it completely ‘envelops’ America, we’ll be taking a look within this ANP story at where 5G is now and where it’ll soon be rolled out, the health dangers that 5G are expected to bring to America as well as ‘preparing’ for the roll-out of 5G in our own areas withing the final section of this story below with particular attention paid to protecting America’s young children who will be much more susceptible to the negative health effects of wireless radiation due to the the relative thin-ness of their skulls compared to the skulls of adults…
As Mac Slavo had reported in this February story over at SHTFPlan, the rollout of 5G across America and the world is at the very least a ‘massive biological health experiment’ upon ALL of us that could lead to cancers, kill off wildlife in mass numbers, damage a large number of plant species, cause DNA damage within humans and plant and animal life, cause heart problems, diabetes, alzheimer’s, lead to insomnia, low sperm counts in males, headaches, tingling skin, and much more. And at worst, as others are warning as we had reported in this July 24th ANP story, it could even be used to carry out genocide with 5G using the same EMF waves as the Pentagon’s ‘crowd control systems’ .
And as this April of 2019 story over at Take Back Your Power reported, Brussels, Belgium had recently become the world’s first major city to halt the rollout of 5G due to the negative health effects that have already been proven despite what the FCC here in the US might argue, with ‘profit margins’ once again put above ‘health’.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Nestlé Plan to Take 1.1m Gallons of Water a Day From Natural Springs Sparks Outcry
The crystal blue waters of Ginnie Springs have long been treasured among the string of pearls that line Florida’s picturesque Santa Fe River, a playground for water sports enthusiasts and an ecologically critical haven for the numerous species of turtles that nest on its banks.
Soon, however, it is feared there could be substantially less water flowing through, if a plan by the food and beverage giant Nestlé wins approval.
While Nestlé extracts millions of litres from their land, residents have no drinking water In a controversial move that has outraged environmentalists and also raised questions with authorities responsible for the health and vitality of the river, the company is seeking permission to take more than 1.1m gallons a day from the natural springs to sell back to the public as bottled water.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Paper Says Past Tweets Should be Used Against Politicos, But Not Journalists
It is, according to the New York Times, a dark effort to undercut legitimate reporting and intimidate journalists.
The article’s essential message is that a loosely affiliated group of Trump supporters is using digital research to bully reporters and editors.
Obviously, I’d be concerned if this group was using private eyes or shadowy methods to uncover personal and private information about those in the news business.
But hold on a minute.
What these Republicans are doing is calling attention to past tweets and other online postings by journalists at major news outlets. In other words, these are comments that the journalists made for public consumption, broadcasting them to the world.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Professor Uses Fake News to Call for Boycott of Olive Garden
A tweet from a California college professor regarding a boycott of Olive Garden over its support for President Trump went viral over the weekend, currently racking up over 51,000 retweets and 60,000 likes.
There’s just a bit of a problem: The tweet was based on bogus information.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Professor Forced to Resign for Supporting Antifa
A professor at an Iowa community college was forced to resign after some of his social media posts supporting the radical left group Antifa came to light.
Jeff Klinzman, an adjunct professor of English literature at Kirkwood Community College told local reporters last week “I affirm that I am antifa.” Klinzman was responding to one of his social media posts that appeared to threaten Donald Trump.
In response to a tweet from President Donald Trump calling antifa “gutless Radical Left Wack Jobs who go around hitting (only non-fighters) people over the heads with baseball bats,” Klinzman had written, “Yeah, I know who I’d clock with a bat…” on Iowa Antifa’s Facebook page.
The school claimed that Klinzman was not removed due to his beliefs, but that their decision was “based solely on their commitment to harboring a safe learning environment for our students, faculty and staff.”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Reliable After 50 Years: The Apollo Guidance Computer’s Switching Power Supplies
We recently restored an Apollo Guidance Computer, the revolutionary computer that helped navigate to the Moon and land on its surface. At a time when most computers filled rooms, the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) took up just a cubic foot. This blog post discusses the small but complex switching power supplies that helped make the AGC compact enough to fit onboard the spacecraft.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
‘Tech Witch Hunt’: Here’s How 20 or More States Plan to Take on Big Tech
States preparing to fight back against Big Tech’s oligopoly
More than 20 states could be digging into big tech with a joint antitrust investigation.
The specific number of states is unknown, however, a source familiar with the probe said up to 20 or more may partake in the effort involving state attorneys general, The Wall Street Journal reported Monday.
Bipartisan attorneys general from New York, North Carolina, Mississippi, Arkansas, South Carolina and Texas all expressed interest in an investigation into big tech as privacy issues and the threat of monopolies continue to lead the conversation.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Trump Enrages Left by Skipping G7 Climate Meeting
Climate change action meant to consolidate globalist control.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Varney: Trump ‘Dominated’ The G-7 Summit ‘Like No Other President Has Done in Years’
Fox Business Network’s Stuart Varney has a message for Americans, after a deluge of criticism of President Trump’s performance at the G-7 meetings in France.
“No matter what you read and hear from the media, this G-7 was all about Trump re-aligning the world — reshaping the world economy with America’s interests first and foremost,” said Varney on Fox Nation’s “My Take.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Who is Antifa? What You Need to Know
Antifa was and is primarily a global Communist movement using fascist tactics
There is no strong Fascist movement in America, but there is a strong Communist presence. Popular phrases such as social justice that Obama put into fashion are popular communist signals
Antifaschistische Aktion, abbreviated as Antifa or anti-fascist, was an organization affiliated with the Communist Party of Germany that existed from 1932 to 1933. In the postwar era the historical organization inspired new groups and networks, known as the wider Antifa movement, many of which use the aesthetics of the historical Antifaschistische Aktion, especially a modified version of its logo. Wiki
There is much confusion as to who Antifa is, and what they stand for. First, let’s define fascism that they say they are against: Fascism is a set of political beliefs that includes strong control of society and the economy by the state, and the halting of any resistance. In a fascist nation, private enterprise would continue, but all private commercial endeavors would be heavily controlled by the state. Examples would be Nazi Germany and Mussolini’s Italy.
In a Communist society, all means of production would be owned and controlled by the state. Communism is theoretically classless and egalitarian. In reality, the ruling class always does very well. Examples would be the former Soviet Union, Communist China, Cuba, Vietnam, Laos and North Korea. All have had to introduce some form of capitalism to survive, some more than others. There are no pure Marxist systems in existence today. It simply does not work.
Hitler expelled the Communists from Germany in the early thirties as they were stealing his thunder and his voice. The Fuhrer was very impressed with Mussolini’s fascism and how effective it was, hence the fascist/Nazi alignment during World War II. These deported German Communists hit the U.S. college circuit, joining every major university, until they have now almost completely taken over our education system.
Fascism and Communism are not opposite ends of the spectrum, rather, they are first cousins on the left. Both are secular socialist with power being absolute with no opposition tolerated, especially from God. No natural rights, only that which they choose to dispense.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Workplace Bias: 1-in-5 Managers Won’t Hire Pro-Trump Workers
American workers who like President Trump face sweeping bias against them, with some managers refusing to hire his supporters and those already employed facing discrimination and mockery, according to a new study.
In a survey of hiring managers and workers shared with Secrets, the marketing firm Airtasker found that left-leaning firms are especially anti-Trump, with 20% vowing to reject a job candidate who backs the president.
And those who support Trump and who are already in the workplace face substantial mockery, including name-calling. The survey listed the responses to several examples of what pro-Trump workers face:
28%, joking about them. 23%, overly critical of them. 21%, being dismissive of them. 11% facing name calling.
The survey found that even more than Trump, a job candidate’s view on race and gender politics will help, or hurt, their chances of getting a job.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
A New Species of Canadian Gall Mite Challenges Current Classification of a Major Lineage
A new species of gall mites (Setoptus tsugivagus) associated with the Western hemlock (a common coniferous tree at the west coast of North America) has been described by a group of scientists from Russia, Serbia and the U.S. The researchers believe that the current classification of the Setoptus mites and other groups should be reconsidered, because species that were previously considered as closely related do not have a common ancestor. The results of the study were published in Systematic and Applied Acarology.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
In 2017, as The Gateway Pundit previously reported, Dr. Michael “Hockey Stick” Mann committed contempt of court in what was dubbed the “climate science trial of the century”.
Dr. Mann defied the judge presiding over the case and refused to surrender his data for “open court examination”. This is routine practice for scientific study to determine if the results will stand up against examination. But Dr. Mann refused to turn over his data.
Principia Scientific noted the following:
“Only possible outcome: Mann’s humiliation, defeat and likely criminal investigation in the U.S.”
79-year-old Canadian climatologist Dr. Tim Ball is the defendant in the libel trial and told his attorneys to “trigger mandatory punitive court sanctions, including a ruling that Mann did act with criminal intent when using public funds to commit climate data fraud”.
even back in 2017 scientists knew the defeat of Dr. Mann would only vindicate President Donald Trump in his claims that climate change is a hoax. The graph below from Principia Scientific shows “Mann’s cherry-picked version of science [that] makes the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) disappear and shows a pronounced upward ‘tick’ in the late 20th century” — this is the blade of Mann’s now infamous “hockey stick”.
Below Mann’s graph is Ball’s, which uses much more reliable and easily attainable public data, which accurately shows a significantly warmer Medieval Warm Period with temperatures that are drastically hotter than the modern day’s.
Last week the court case against Dr. Tim Ball was decided by the Supreme Court of British Columbia, with Mann’s case thrown out, and him ordered to pay the defendant’s legal costs, no doubt a tidy sum of money.
This is a blow to junk scientists everywhere!
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Eurocrats Threaten to Block Future Trade Deal Over Divorce Bill
The EU has threatened to block a future trade deal if the UK refuses to pay the £39 billion ‘divorce bill’ in the event of a no-deal Brexit.
Senior MEP and fanatical EU federalist Guy Verhofstadt, who came to the UK in May to campaign with the anti-Brexit Liberal Democrats ahead of the European Parliament elections, wrote on Sunday: “If the UK doesn’t pay what is due, the EU will not negotiate a trade deal. After a ‘no deal’, this will be a first condition of any talks. Britain is better than this.”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Far-Right Vies for Lead in German Regional Election, Poll Shows
Social Democratic Party are barely holding their ground against the insurgent far-right Alternative for Germany in two states holding elections on Sunday, two polls showed.
The SPD, which has governed the eastern state of Brandenburg since German reunification in 1990, gained 2 points to 21% there. It is neck and neck with the anti-immigration AfD, which also gained 2 points compared with a survey three weeks ago, according to a survey by Insa published in Bild newspaper.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Fearing Criminal Revenge Attacks, Swedish Police Ask for More Anonymity
Swedish police have called on the government to remove their full names and social security numbers from official identification, fearing the information could be used by criminals.
The request comes after the police authority noted last year that many officers were reluctant to show their official police identification due to fears of retaliation as the identification cards can be photographed and given to criminals, Sweden’s Police Union magazine reports.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
France: Macron Fires Back at Brazil’s Bolsonaro for Insulting His Wife
France’s President Emmanuel Macron has fired back at the Brazilian leader, calling him ‘extraordinarily rude’, after Bolsonaro insulted his wife over social media.
The Brazilian president appeared to endorse a sexist Facebook comment posted by one of his supporters which mocked 41-year-old Macron for being married to a woman who is almost 25 years older than him.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Italy: Crunch Time for Govt Talks
Mattarella to end 2nd round of consultations with M5S 19:00 Wed
(ANSA) — Rome, August 26 — It is crunch time for talks between Italian political parties aimed at setting up a new government to avert an early general election.
The leaders of the two main current suitors, the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S) and the centre-left Democratic Party (PD), respectively Luigi Di Maio and Nicola Zingaretti, met at the premier’s office Monday evening with the idea of the last premier, Giuseppe Conte, possibly heading a new executive one of the main points of contention.
The parties had until seven o’clock Monday evening to give their “indications” to President Sergio Mattarella.
Mattarella said Monday he would start a fresh round of consultations with the parties at four o’clock in the afternoon on Tuesday.
The consultations will last two days, ending with the M5S, the biggest parliamentary force, at 17:00 on Wednesday, Mattarella’s office said.
On Tuesday Mattarella will phone his predecessor Giorgio Napolitano, then will receive Senate Speaker Elisabetta Casellati at 16:00, and House Speaker Roberto Fico at 17:00.
Meetings with the parties will follow, first with the smaller ones on Tuesday and following with the larger ones on Wednesday like Brothers of Italy (FdI), Forza Italia (FI), the League and the Democratic Party (PD), before lastly the M5S.
M5S bigwigs also went into a huddle Monday afternoon while its caucuses will meet at seven in the evening Tuesday and the PD said it would hold a meeting of its directorate at six o’clock Tuesday evening.
PD Senate Whip Andrea Marcucci said there was no veto on caretaker premier Conte staying on at the helm of a new M5S-PD government, but Zingaretti earlier appeared to contradict this.
“There are no vetoes, we’re talking about content”, said Marcucci.
Zingaretti had reiterated earlier that a change is needed in a government team that could be the fruit of any deal between the PD and the M5S.
Zingaretti appeared to reiterate his opposition to Conte taking over at the head of a new M5S-PD executive.
“Discontinuity is needed,” he said.
Zingaretti also reiterated that he thought that a “turning-point” government was needed marking a clear break from the policies of the previous M5S-League government.
“I am, and I remain, convinced that a government is needed for this country, a turning-point government,” he said.
M5S leader Luigi Di Maio’s insistence that Conte should get a fresh term as premier has so far blocked a deal.
Zingaretti made it clear the possible new government must mark a “change” from the 14-month M5S-League administration, Italy’s first all-populist government.
The stalemate has boosted the chances of President Mattarella calling a fresh election at the end of October.
There is even a chance that the M5S may get back together with the nationalist League amid overtures from League leader Matteo Salvini, who pulled the plug on the government citing M5S inaction August 8.
But Salvini, who is riding high in opinion polls thanks to tough anti-migrant policies, would be the biggest beneficiary from an early election — although his numbers have fallen since he brought down the government.
League Farm Minister Gianmarco Centinaio told ANSA Monday the League was ready to renew its collapsed alliance with the M5S to last the rest of the legislative term until 2023.
“We’re not interested in short-term things or things done against someone but in a pact to renew and take forward the government programme,” he said.
In his resignation address on August 20 Conte made a blistering attack on Salvini’s policies including the hardline anti-migrant stance that has most helped boost his poll ratings — earning the premier plaudits from the left.
One of the conditions the PD has set for a government with the M5S is reversing Salvini’s policy of closing Italy’s ports to NGO run migrant rescue ships.
One of the key conditions the M5S has set is to cut the number of Italy’s MPs and Senators from 945 to 600.
An opinion poll by Demopolis Monday put the League on 33%, down 4% in the last week, and its possible rightwing allies Brothers of Italy on 6.8% and Forza Italia on 6.2%, giving the centre right a clear majority.
The M5S, boosted slightly by the Conte effect, are up from 17% to 19% while the PD is still second party with 23%.
— Hat tip: Insubria | [Return to headlines] |
Sweden: Woman Was Cradling Baby When She Was Fatally Shot in Head
A woman in her 30s was fatally shot in the head in the multicultural Swedish city of Malmö on Monday morning, with police arresting one man.
Gunshots were heard around 10 am on Monday morning near the centre of the city, Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet reports.
Police spokesman Calle Persson said of the attack: “We are on-site and have blocked the area. Right now, intensive police work is underway.”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
UK: Corbyn Leads Remainer MPs in Plot to Pass Law Stopping No-Deal Brexit
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has joined forces with cross-party Remainer MPs in a plot to pass legislation to stop no-deal Brexit.
The leader of the Opposition met on Tuesday morning with representatives from the Liberal Democrats, the Green Party, the Scottish National Party (SNP), the Welsh nationalist Plaid Cymru, and the pro-EU Independent Group for Change. While Conservative MPs Dominic Grieve, Caroline Spelman, and Oliver Letwin all oppose Brexit, no Tories attended the meeting.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
UK: Far-Leftist Corbyn Complains No-Deal Brexit Would Result in Trump Trade Deal
Far-left Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has expressed his fear that a no-deal Brexit would be a “Trump-deal Brexit”.
Writing in the Independent on Tuesday, Mr Corbyn said “our prime minister is cosying up to Trump because a no-deal Brexit is really a Trump-deal Brexit”.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
UK: Nigel Farage: ‘If Boris Johnson is Brave Enough, A Brexit-Tory Alliance Would be Unstoppable’
Brexit leader Nigel Farage has invited British Prime Minister Boris Johnson to be courageous and to do “the right thing” and deliver a full, World Trade Organisation-rules Brexit, promising his support in a “non-aggression pact” if he did so.
In a speech where Mr Farage hailed the Brexit Party for having brought down “the worst and most duplicitous Prime Minister in British history”, the Brexit leader tore into Boris Johnson’s record but said there could be hope if Mr Johnson was willing to work in the interest of the nation.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
UK: Social Media-Loving Schoolgirl, 15, Killed Herself After Spending Hours in Quest to Get ‘Likes’
A social media-loving schoolgirl killed herself after spending hours in her bedroom trying to get likes on her posts.
Ruby Seal, 15, who lived in Carlisle, Cumbria, would spend evenings and weekends attached to her smartphone switching between different profiles.
In February 2017, after a row with her mother about racking up a £200 phone bill and posting online but receiving no response, Ruby took her own life.
Now mother-of-three Julie, 42, has called for social media to be banned for under-16s and said: ‘I’m sure if social media wasn’t a thing Ruby would still be with us.’
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
A woman who robbed pensioners and other vulnerable people — including an 87-year-old — on London buses has been jailed for two years and eight months.
Bus bandit Gloria Makanjuola, 28, struck at least a dozen times around the Hackney area of east London last September and October, with her victims aged 18 to 87.
The oldest victim, an 87-year-old pensioner, was targeted by Makanjuola as he travelled on a No 30 bus.
She sat next to the victim and tried to put her hands in his pocket.
He told her to stop, but she managed to grab around £80 cash before fleeing.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
PA President Abbas: ‘Millions of Fighters’ Will Take Over Jerusalem
Abbas went on to rally those in attendance to swarm the city of Jerusalem and destroy all Jewish people living there. His remarks are the clearest sign to date that the leader has no interest in playing a role in a revamped peace process spearheaded by President Donald Trump’s White House.
“To Jerusalem we march, martyrs by the millions!” he was quoted as saying, according to a translation by the Middle East Media Research Institute, or MEMRI, a media watchdog site.
“We shall enter Jerusalem—millions of fighters! We shall enter it! All of us, the entire Palestinian people, the entire Arab nation, the Islamic nation, and the Christian nation,” Abbas said. “They shall all enter Jerusalem.”
Homes and cities built by Jews and other ethnic groups living in Israel “will all go to the garbage bin of history,” Abbas said.
“We shall remain [here], and nobody can remove us from our homeland,” the leader continued. “If they want, they themselves can leave. Those who are foreign to this land have no right to it. So we say to them: Every stone you have [used] to build on our land, and every house you have built on our land, is bound to be destroyed, Allah willing.”
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Now Christians Attacked After They Die
Christians are the most persecuted religious group worldwide. Who can forget the stunning reports from the Middle East in recent years of jihadists crucifying, burning and beheading Christians?
Now, Christians even are being attacked after they die.
Raymond Ibrahim, a senior fellow at the Gatestone Institute and the David Horowitz Freedom Center, writes of the destruction of Christian graves.
“Although the persecution by members of some religions of live human beings, such as Jews and Christians, is certainly more monstrous, attacks on inanimate religious symbols possibly give an even clearer indication of a deadly hate borne for the ‘other,’“ he says.
Such an act is largely symbolic as no one is physically injured. But it also is “reflective of a committed hatred that transcends, say, responding to a physical threat,” writes Ibrahim.
“While the persecution of a Christian can be motivated by particular circumstances — conflicts, sexual attraction, convenience, gain, and so on — attacks on inanimate symbols would seem to reflect a hatred for Christianity and its followers that needs no ‘reason’ and seemingly gains nothing.”
It’s being done in Arab, African and Asian nations, he says, by terrorist organizations such as ISIS and al-Qaida as well as by “religious mobs” and “theocratic governments.”
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Tulsi Gabbard Was Right About Syria
It worked like this: The CIA set up shop across the border in Turkey and Barack Obama authorized $500 million in military aid—including anti-armor TOW missiles—which ended up in the hands of the Nusra Front and an array of other Islamist groups. At the peak of the mission, $1 in every $15 the CIA spent went to the Syria assistance mission. The blowback, so to speak, was the resurrection of al-Qaida, the empowerment of Islamic State, and the turning of much of Syria into a jihadi stronghold.
It all bore disturbing similarity to Operation Cyclone, the failed, 9/11-catalyzing, CIA assistance mission to the equally theocratic Afghan mujahedeen in its battle against the Soviets from 1979 to 1988. In this tragic counterproductive redux, Turkey stood in as Pakistan, once the way station for arms and cash to the mujahedeen. The U.S., Western Europe and the Gulf States performed an encore as the largest backers of rebels, and all the blowback was essentially the same—if no worse—in the Syria reprise.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Turkey: “Death to Jews” At Summer Camp
Turkey’s Jewish community is still reeling from the content of a video that went viral at the end of July. The video shows what appears to be a summer camp at which young children, with a group of burqa-clad women behind them, are being led in an anti-Semitic cheer in Turkish by a young girl or woman counselor.
In the 39-second clip, when the girl says, “The Jews,” the women and children reply, “Death!”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
New Video Emerges of 6-Ton Russian Drone That Can Stay Aloft for 24 Hours
The Russian Ministry of Defense has unveiled new footage of a 6-ton unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), capable of flying long-duration missions for 24-hours.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
7 New Species of Insects That Can Walk on Water Discovered
Scientists of the Zoological Survey of India have discovered seven species of water treaders, semi-aquatic insects that can walk or run on the surface of water.
The newly described species belong to the genus Mesovelia whose size ranges from 1.5 mm to 4.5 mm and are equipped with hydrophobic setae (bristles) on their legs. The combination of hydrophobic setae and water surface tension prevents them from sinking. The insects are pale green with silver-white wings with black veins on the basal half which make them stand out over the green mat of aquatic weeds
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
The Norwegian martial artist accused of choking a British man to death in a Thai hotel resort stormed into his supposed’s victim’s room via the balcony, police confirmed as they released the suspected killer on bail.
Roger Bullman, 53, has been charged with the manslaughter of Amitpal Singh Bajaj after launching a frenzied attack because the father from Southall, west London, confronted him for making too much noise.
Authorities in Bangkok have now said that Bullman used armed forces training to strangle Amitpal in his room at the Centara Grand Resort in Phuket where he was staying with his wife and young son.
Karon police major Techin Deethongon said: ‘They fought, and because of his military background the Norwegian strangled the victim.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
China Ordains First Bishop Since Inking Deal With Vatican
ROME — A representative of the state-controlled Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association ordained a new bishop Monday, the first to be ordained since the signing of last year’s Vatican-China deal regarding the naming of bishops.
Yao Shun, referred to as a “liturgical expert,” was consecrated as bishop of the diocese of Ulanqab in North China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region at a ceremony concelebrated by some 120 priests and attended by more than 1,200 Catholic faithful.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
China’s Spies Are on the Offensive
In early 2017, Kevin Mallory was struggling financially. After years of drawing a government salary as a member of the military and as a CIA and Defense Intelligence Agency officer, he was behind on his mortgage and $230,000 in debt. Though he had, like many veteran intelligence officials, ventured into the private sector, where the pay can be considerably better, things still weren’t going well; his consulting business was floundering.
Then, prosecutors said, he received a message on LinkedIn, where he had more than 500 connections. It had come from a Chinese recruiter with whom Mallory had five mutual connections. The recruiter, according to the message, worked for a think tank in China, where Mallory, who spoke fluent Mandarin, had been based for part of his career. The think tank, the recruiter said, was interested in Mallory’s foreign-policy expertise. The LinkedIn message led to a phone call with a man who called himself Michael Yang. According to the FBI, the initial conversations that would lead Mallory down a path of betrayal were conducted in the bland language of professional courtesy. That February, according to a search warrant, Yang sent Mallory an email requesting “another short phone call with you to address several points.” Mallory replied, “So I can be prepared, will we be speaking via Skype or will you be calling my mobile device?”
Soon after, Mallory was on a plane to meet Yang in Shanghai. He would later tell the FBI he suspected that Yang was not a think-tank employee, but a Chinese intelligence officer, which apparently was okay by him. Mallory’s trip to China began an espionage relationship that saw him receive $25,000 over two months in exchange for handing over government secrets, the criminal complaint shows.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Hong Kong Catholics Called to Play Central Role in Protests
It is essential for Hong Kong Catholics to continue to play a central role in the massive protests against laws that could jeopardize important freedoms, a new editorial proposes.
“Any new law that raises the specter of extradition from Hong Kong’s autonomous justice system to mainland China must concern the city’s 580,000 Catholics,” write the editors of the U.S.-based National Catholic Register. “Catholics and other Christians recognize what is at stake, knowing as they do the terrible situation facing all Christians, Catholics especially, on the mainland.”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Report: Hong Kong Police Are Randomly Arresting Bystanders at Protests
Innocent people being held prisoner for days
A report in the South China Morning Post Monday claimed that the Hong Kong police in cracking down on demonstrations are grabbing innocent bystanders and arresting them without due process.
The report notes that the police are accusing people who are there to document the events, or even just observing, of participating in “unlawful assemblies.”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Trump Announces “Tremendous” $7 Billion Trade Deal With Japan Helping US Farmers and Ranchers
President Trump is at the G7 Summit in France working deals with world leaders like Japan’s Prime Minister Abe Shinzo
The two leaders just announced a new trade deal that would bring in $7 billion to the US.
Detractors are complaining because the US and Japan have only agreed in principle on the trade deal, but the two leaders and the countries have a very good relationship with each other. The deal will likely be signed into an agreement at the end of September when both leaders plan to attend the UN General Assembly.
President Trump is standing up for our farmers and ranchers!
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Trump Says China Ready to Deal ‘On Proper Terms’
President Trump said Monday that trade talks with China were going better because both sides had reached a mutual understanding on the terms.
“I think we’re going to have a deal, because now we’re dealing on proper terms,” Trump told reporters at the G-7 summit in Biarritz, France. “They understand and we understand.”
He added, “This is the first time I’ve seen them where they really want to make a deal. And I think that’s a very positive step.”
Earlier in the day Trump tweeted, “Great respect for the fact that President Xi & his Representatives want ‘calm resolution.’ So impressed that they are willing to come out & state the facts so accurately. This is why he is a great leader & representing a great country. Talks are continuing!”
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Trump Dramatically Increases Seizures of Chinese Contraband at U.S. Border
White House taking gloves off on customs enforcement and securing border.
[Comment: Communist China using drugs to destabilize the USA, just one part of its asymmetric war against the USA. ]
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
What Globalism Did Was to Transfer the US Economy to China
Offshore production started in earnest with the Soviet collapse as India and China opened their economies to the West. Globalism means that US corporations can make more money by abandoning their American work force. But what is true for the individual company is not true for the aggregate. Why? The answer is that when many corporations move their production for US markets offshore, Americans, unemployed or employed in lower paying jobs, lose the power to purchase the offshored goods.
I have reported for years that US jobs are no longer middle class jobs. The jobs have been declining for years in terms of value-added and pay. With this decline, aggregate demand declines. We have proof of this in the fact that for years US corporations have been using their profits not for investment in new plant and equipment, but to buy back their own shares. Any economist worthy of the name should instantly recognize that when corporations repurchase their shares rather than invest, they see no demand for increased output. Therefore, they loot their corporations for bonuses, decapitalizing the companies in the process. There is perfect knowledge that this is what is going on, and it is totally inconsistent with a growing economy.
As is the labor force participation rate. Normally, economic growth results in a rising labor force participation rate as people enter the work force to take advantage of the jobs. But throughout the alleged economic boom, the participation rate has been falling, because there are no jobs to be had.
In the 21st century the US has been decapitalized and living standards have declined. For a while the process was kept going by the expansion of debt, but consumer income has not kept pace and consumer debt expansion has reached its limits.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Meshel Laurie hit out at universities for not providing enough services to international students to make sure they understand the course material.
— Hat tip: SS | [Return to headlines] |
Police in New Zealand are struggling to cope with the number of incidents fuelled by a culture of ‘drinking to get plastered’.
— Hat tip: SS | [Return to headlines] |
Delingpole: Amazon Fires — A Big, Fat Nothingburger of a #FakeNews scare Story
All this week, the mainstream media have been trying to scare you with heartrending tales of burning Amazonia — a conflagration the like of which we have never seen before. Supposedly…
But almost everything you have read or heard about the Amazon fires in the mainstream media is #FakeNews.
Like so many of the environmental scare stories which grip the world’s media periodically, it is a panic which has been deliberately and cynically stoked by left-leaning eco-activist groups for a number of purposes:
To generate public hysteria in order to precipitate expensive and unnecessary government action which no sober cost benefit analysis could ever justify
To raise ‘awareness’ — and, by extension, money — for the green cause
To discredit conservatives, especially those who are properly sceptical of the green agenda, such as President Trump and his Brazilian counterpart Jair Bolsonaro
To reinforce in the popular imagination the notion that economic growth and expressions of national sovereignty — in this case the interests of Brazilian farmers — are intrinsically bad for the environment
To promulgate the common received idea that the Amazon is the ‘lungs of the planet’ and therefore sacrosanct and inviolable in much the same manner as polar bears, glaciers, Pacific islands, the Great Barrier Reef, etc.
To lend false credibility to the global left’s claim that the planet is experiencing a #ClimateEmergency
To invoke the spectre of the Green New Deal and, by extension, to rain on the parade of Trump 2020
To exploit the mainstream media’s insatiable demand for environmental scare stories, especially in the August “silly season” when there’s a shortage of real news
Here is the truth about the Amazon fires:
The fires are mainly on agricultural land — not virgin rain forest…
Turns out the Amazon Rain Forest fires aren’t exactly as advertised.
Read for yourself: fires are mainly in agricultural areas as farmers prepare their land for planting. The land was cleared in the past.
— Ryan Maue (@RyanMaue) August 24, 2019
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Hide Your Nuts! This Saber-Toothed Triassic Squirrel Seeks Your Snacks
It seems like prehistoric times were pretty petrifying, especially when you consider creatures like apex predators, badass bugs, sharp-toothed marine animals, monster penguins, and even humongous parrots. But new evidence of a wicked giant squirrel that once scampered about during the Triassic Period foraging for primeval grub has us running for the hills!
Paleontologists in Argentina have discovered a 231-million-year-old saber-toothed squirrel that bears an uncanny resemblance to the toothy Scrat character in the Ice Age movies. Officially named Pseudotherium argentinus, meaning false Theria from Argentina, the animal’s fossillized remains were unearthed in Ischigualasto alongside two of the oldest dinosaurs known to date.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Massive Fentanyl Shipment From China Seized in Mexico… Enough Fentanyl to Kill Estimated 7 Billion
Two days ago, President Trump laid into China, warning that he’s fed up with China stealing our intellectual property. He also notified Fed Ex, Amazon, UPS and the US Post Office that he was ordering them to search and refuse all deliveries of Fentanyl from China, saying that President Xi said he would stop it, but he didn’t. In his tweet, Trump claimed that Fentanyl kills 100,000 Americans a year.
Today, the Mexican Navy stopped a massive shipment of fentanyl coming from Shanghai, China that was headed to the notorious Sinaloa Cartel. Ryan Saavedra of the Daily Wire did some math and discovered the Mexican Navy apprehended enough fentanyl to kill over 7 billion people.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Venezuelan Bishops: Accusations Against Prelate Are Attack on Pope Francis
ROME — The Catholic bishops of Venezuela have thrown their support behind the Vatican’s number-three man, Archbishop Edgar Robinson Peña Parra, claiming accusations of sex abuse leveled against him constitute an attack on Pope Francis.
In July, the former papal nuncio to the United States alleged that the “third most powerful person” in the Vatican curia had been credibly accused of sexual abuse prior to his appointment, which Pope Francis “essentially ignored.”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
3 Dozen Children Freed From Suspected Traffickers
Police raids launched at international border hubs
Police officers working under the supervision of an international law enforcement authority in Africa have hit the jackpot with their latest border security operation.
They’ve freed up to 100 potential human trafficking victims, including 35 children, confiscated a stash of solid gold bars being moved across international boundaries and prevented the distribution of thousands of pounds of illegal pharmaceuticals.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
The German government is handing out residence permits to foreign family members of “refugees” like candy while homelessness among Germans skyrockets.
In 2019, approximately 9,000 residence permits have been given to foreign family members of so-called ‘refugees’ by German authorities, even though a new report has suggested that homelessness in the country has increased by as much as 20 percent. Chancellor Merkel doesn’t seem to be doing much to address the housing shortage in Germany. With rising prices and limited space, proper housing — especially in the big cities — is extremely difficult to come by.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
African Migrants Protest Denial of Passage Through Mexico to U.S.
Hundreds of African migrants are finding themselves trapped in Mexico’s southern border region after new immigration rules no longer allow them safe passage to the U.S. The rule changes now say they must naturalize in Mexico or exit through its southern border.
A Cameroonian migrant, Esteban Azu, 37, said he paid human smugglers $8,000 to get him into the U.S. He said his journey took him from his home country to Turkey, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, and finally to Mexico, Animal Politico reported.
[Comment: And where did he get $8000? From Soros NGO?]
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Democrat NC Governor Vetoes Bill That Requires Sheriffs to Cooperate With ICE
Gov. Roy Cooper of North Carolina, a Democrat, vetoed a bill on Wednesday that would have required sheriffs in the state to cooperate with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents seeking to obtain custody of illegal aliens for whom detainers have been issued.
House Bill 370, “An Act to Require Compliance With Immigration Detainers and Immigration Warrants” — mandating that sheriffs cooperate with ICE — passed the North Carolina State Senate in June and was brought to Cooper for his signature after it easily passed in the North Carolina House of Representatives on Tuesday. Republicans have a majority in both houses of the state’s legislature.
“If the administrator or other person in charge of the facility is unable to determine if [a newly incarcerated] prisoner is a legal resident or citizen of the United States or its territories, the administrator or other person in charge of the facility holding the prisoner, where possible, prisoner shall make a query of Immigration and Customs Enforcement of the United States Department of Homeland Security,” the bill states.
“When any person charged with a criminal offense is confined for any period in a county jail, local confinement facility, district confinement facility, satellite jail, or work release unit, and the administrator or other person in charge of the facility has been notified that Immigration and Customs Enforcement of the United States Department of Homeland Security has issued a detainer and administrative warrant that reasonably appears to be for the person in custody, the following shall apply,” the bill continues:
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Like all Western European countries who’ve taken in large numbers of Middle Eastern and North African Muslim migrants, Denmark has had a difficult time stopping these non-Western migrants from ghettoizing. They’ve had an even more difficult time getting them to work.
Former Danish migration minister Inger Støjberg said, “If you no longer need our protection and your life and health are no longer at risk in your home country, and specifically in Somalia, you must, of course, return home and rebuild the country from which you came from.”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Europe: “Mediterranean Taxis” For People-Smugglers
Italian authorities have seized a Spanish migrant rescue ship after a three-week standoff between the Italian government and the Spanish charity operating the vessel.
Interior Minister Matteo Salvini had refused to allow the Open Arms rescue ship, carrying more than 80 mostly African migrants, to dock in Italy. The refusal was in line with his crackdown on migrant smuggling that has effectively closed Italian ports to migrant rescue boats since June 2018.
Salvini has accused European non-governmental organizations (NGOs) of coordinating with people-smuggling mafias to pick up migrants off the coast of Libya and transport them to Italian ports. Italian officials have referred to the charity rescue boats as “Mediterranean taxis” for people-smugglers.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Even as More Migrant Boats Land, 40,000 UN-Deported Failed Asylum Seekers Remain in UK
The number of failed asylum seekers who should be deported from the United Kingdom has near doubled in five years, and new refugees are arriving into the country every week with 28 individuals known to have landed in Kent overnight.
There are now 39,932 individuals who are “subject to removal action” — otherwise known as failed asylum seekers who should be deported — in the United Kingdom, a figure which has grown from little over 20,000 in 2014. The large number of individuals remain in the country despite having no right to do so, and the government being theoretically obliged to encourage them to leave, or to deport them.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
France Rescues 22 Migrants Heading for Britain
Lille (France) (AFP) — French rescuers picked up 22 migrants including 11 children whose vessel broke down as they tried to cross the Channel in a bid to reach Britain, French maritime authorities said Tuesday.
A British fishing boat had alerted French officials on Tuesday afternoon after spotting the boat in distress.
The migrants were eventually brought back to Boulogne-sur-Mer in northern France and handed over to border police.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Germany: New Official Figures Show 3.12 Million “Asylum Seekers”
Official figures released by the German government have revealed that there are 3.12 million “asylum seekers” currently living in Germany—substantially more than the “one million” often claimed by the controlled media and other crooked establishment figures.
The new population figures, released by the German Government’s census bureau, Destatis, revealed that the population of Germany as of end December 2018 stood at 83 million, of which at least 25 percent had a “migration background.”
Because the German figures do not differentiate on the basis of race, not all of this “migration background” population are of nonwhite or Third World origin. Of those who came for family or employment reasons, 72% and 85% respectively came from European countries led by Poland, Romania and Italy.
A person of “migrant background,” is officially defined as a person who is a migrant or has at least one parent not born as a German citizen.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Greece: Athens Police Raid Squatter Camps Sheltering Illegal Migrants and Far-Left Anarchists
Police in Athens carried out several raids on apartments and buildings in the Exarchia district which have been known to shelter illegal immigrants and far-left anarchists.
According to the Greek Reporter, “The police sweeps, which began last week, are being undertaken with an aim to combat drug trafficking and illegal immigration as well as squatting in vacant buildings.”
Thanks to Monday’s operation, authorities were able to detain over 100 illegal migrants with no valid documents. Police also combed through the apartments and buildings used for squats searching for weapons and drugs.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
ICE Captures Honduran Fugitive Alien Released in North Caroline Despite Child Rape and Sex Crimes
The arrest came nearly two months after the Mecklenburg County Sheriff’s Office refused to honor an ICE detainer, or even notify ICE of the release, and instead released Pacheco from local criminal custody following his arrest on first-degree rape and indecent liberties with a minor charges, according to a report submitted to the National Association of Chiefs of Police.
By releasing a previously deported alien facing serious criminal charges, Mecklenburg County chose to release a serious public safety threat onto the streets of Charlotte where he was free to potentially harm others for nearly two months until his capture by ICE.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Italy: Salvini Praised for Standing Up to the EU Over Mass Migration, The “Wave of Organized Crime”
Justin Schembri, a local councilor from Malta, has applauded Italy’s populist Interior Minister Matteo Salvini for opposing the European Union’s pro-mass migration policies, and for not allowing “his country to be accomplices” in the “wave of organized crime” that’s taking place on the Mediterranean Sea.
Schembri referenced a screenshot of an article where Salvini reiterated the promise that as long as he is a minister in the Italian government, no one would enter the country without permission. Schembri went on to say that he hoped that Maltese leaders would follow Salvini’s lead.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Migrant Rapist, Spared Deportation by Plane Mutiny, Claims to be ‘Suicidal’, Seeks to Stay in UK
Somalian Yaqub Ahmed, who was part of a gang that raped a 16-year-old girl, should have been deported from Britain last October; however, a revolt by people on board the plane scuppered his removal.
A rapist who dodged deportation from the UK in October after plane passengers, unaware of his crime, helped him stay on in the country is now seeking to be allowed to remain in Britain because of a “deterioration” in his mental health, writes MailOnline.
The bail tribunal hearing at Feltham, South West London, last Monday, revealed both the length to which Ahmed had gone to avoid deportation, and the legal wrangling entailing moving convicted foreign criminals out of the UK.
His barrister, Mark Allison, revealed that Ahmed, who was granted refugee status in the UK in 2003, was applying for a judicial review of his case. The man had also told a psychiatrist that he was suffering from “mental trauma”.
The rapist, 30, was part of a gang that subjected a 16-year— old girl to a terrifying rape and was jailed for nine years.
In 2010, Ahmed, who still denies his crime, was first told he was liable for deportation. However, upon lodging an appeal against his removal, he was only put on a plane last October.
Fellow passengers on a flight to Turkey felt sorry for Ahmed, who began screaming that he had been separated from his family.
Thinking they were doing a good deed, the passengers stirred up a veritable mutiny before their aircraft left Heathrow.
I would of given the passengers who mutinied a travel ban on all planes for life and taken away their passports and red flagged them and deported him anyway and banned Yaqub Ahmed from returning to the UK for live. — Black Dog. (@cockfield_paul) August 25, 2019
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
NYT Echoes Kamala Harris: Anchor Baby Policy ‘Enshrined in Constitution’
Last week, Trump told the media is he is “very seriously” looking at signing an executive order that will end birthright citizenship in the U.S., calling the policy “frankly ridiculous.” White House senior adviser Stephen Miller confirmed on Sunday that Trump is reviewing “all legal options” to end the “crazy” birthright citizenship policy.
To date, the U.S. Supreme Court has never explicitly ruled that the children of illegal aliens must be granted birthright citizenship, and many legal scholars dispute the idea. Despite this, New York Times editor Patrick Lyons writes that birthright citizenship cannot be ended because it is “enshrined in the Constitution.”
[Comment: Demoncrat Propaganda arm — lie, Lie again, then lie some more.]
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Over 42 Percent of German Children Now Have Foreign Backgrounds
The number of German residents with an immigrant background has reached a new high at 25.5 percent of the total population. Meanwhile, the number of young children in Germany with migrant backgrounds is even higher at 42 percent.
The figures come from a new statistical report published by the German Federal Statistical Office which revealed that there are now 20.8 million German residents who have immigrant backgrounds, meaning they have at least one parent born in a foreign country, Kronen Zeitung reports.
More than 52 percent of those 20.8 million German residents with migrant backgrounds hold a German passport. The remaining 48 percent are citizens of foreign countries.
The report also revealed that the primary reason which led immigrants to move to Germany was family reunification, also referred known as chain migration. Of the 13.5 million immigrant residents, 48 percent of them cited family reunification as the main motivation for making the trip.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Salvini Bars Eleonore From Entering Italian Waters
German NGO run rescue ship carrying 101 migrants
(ANSA) — Rome, August 27 — Interior Minister Matteo Salvini on Tuesday barred the German-flagged migrant rescue ship Eleonore from entering Italian waters with over 100 migrants it picked up off Libya on Monday.
Anti-migrant Euroskeptic League party leader Salvini has closed Italy’s ports to NGO-run migrant rescue ships and there have been several standoffs which have ended with the European Union agreeing to take the migrants.
The Eleonore is run by German NGO Lifeline.
Salvini signed a decree prohibiting the entry, transit and stopping of the Eleonore in Italian waters.
The measure has already been sent to the Italian defence and transport ministers.
The ship is carrying 101 migrants it rescued from a sinking dinghy off Libya.
— Hat tip: Insubria | [Return to headlines] |
Somali Immigrant Convicted of Gang Rape Says He’s Too Depressed to be Deported
Victim laments mental health of perp being put above hers.
The woman he was convicted of raping spoke out about the plane incident, expressing outrage at citizens who impeded the deportation.
“How could you defend a rapist?” she said in April. “How could you intervene? He was in handcuffs, he was being taken out of the country… who are you people to interfere with justice?”
The victim, now 27, also reacted to Ahmed’s latest attempt to avoid deportation.
“It’s ridiculous — his mental health is being put above mine,” she said. “It’s absolutely disgusting and I’m appalled that he is using this excuse to try and avoid deportation”
“I am currently without any mental health support, yet he has been assessed by a specialist psychiatrist. He thinks things have been tough. Well he should have lived my life these last few years,” she continued.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Spanish Warship Picks Up 15 Migrants to Fire Political Shot
MADRID (Reuters) — A Spanish warship collected 15 rescued migrants from an Italian port on Tuesday, having sailed halfway across the Mediterranean to fetch the small group in a high-profile maneuver that sharply contrasted with Italy’s refusal to accept them.
Madrid dispatched the ship a week ago to pick up the migrants at the end of a prolonged standoff between Italian authorities and a Spanish-registered private rescue boat which had plucked more than 100 people, most of them Africans, from seas off Libya.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Lako Eludas Rasas, 26, who now lives in Queensland admitted to pushing a man so hard he broke his thigh bone at Brisbane District Court on Monday.
— Hat tip: SS | [Return to headlines] |
U.S. Bishops ‘Condemn’ Homeland Security Rule for Immigrant Children
The Chairman of the U.S. Bishops’ Committee on Migration has “condemned” the final rule published by the Department of Homeland Security last week “relating to the care and custody of immigrant children under the Flores Settlement Agreement.”
“This rule will have heartbreaking consequences for immigrant children — those whom Pope Francis has deemed ‘the most vulnerable group’ among migrants,” said Bishop Joe S. Vasquez of Austin in a communiqué posted on the Bishops’ website.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Venezuelan Migrants Flood Into Ecuador Ahead of New Visa Restrictions
BOGOTA (Reuters) — More than 85,000 Venezuelan migrants crossed into Ecuador from Colombia in the last month, ahead of new visa restrictions from Quito that took effect on Monday, the Colombian government said.
The number of migrants entering Ecuador at the Rumichaca border crossing reached 11,000 over the weekend, an uptick of 30% compared to normal traffic, according to figures from Colombia’s migration agency.
Colombia is home to some 1.4 million Venezuelans who have fled a deep political and economic crisis that has caused long-running shortages of food and medicine. Hundreds of thousands of others have passed through the country on their way to Ecuador, Peru, Chile and other destinations.
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
America’s values are shifting at a pace that is unlike anything that we have ever seen before. During the 2020 election season, we are going to hear a lot about “the generation gap”, and the numbers clearly tell us that this gap is very, very real. And as older generations of Americans slowly die off, it appears inevitable that the values that are dominant among younger generations of Americans are going to become the values of the country as a whole. Essentially, “American values” are going to mean something completely different from what they meant to previous generations, and that should absolutely terrify all of us.
A Wall Street Journal/NBC News survey that was just released has some very revealing results. Among other things, those conducting the survey asked respondents about the importance of “patriotism” and “religion”, and the differences between the age groups were quite striking…
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Under the new laws, transgender people in Victoria will have the freedom to have their legal documents reflect the sex they identify with socially even prior to undergoing reassignment surgery.
— Hat tip: SS | [Return to headlines] |
College Suggests Students Respond to ‘Offensive’ Language With ‘Ouch!’
Indiana University Southeast is encouraging students to say “ouch!” to others who use “offensive” language, in order to convey that the words “had a negative impact” on them.
The university publishes and maintains a guide instructing students on how to “reduce bias in language” and offers some tactics for responding to others who use language they find offensive. One of these tactics is to “say ‘ouch!’“ to others who utter “stereotypes, offensive or biased comments.” The university asserts that saying “ouch!” in these situations is an effective tool “simply to convey what was said had a negative impact on you, regardless if it was directed toward you.”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
Firestorm Over Drag Queen Event Pushes City to Change Library Policies
The Leander, Texas City Council voted 5-2 on August 15 to end library room rentals to the public in the wake of outcry over a controversial Drag Queen Story Hour presentation.
The Council also voted 6-1 to require background checks for presenters to children aged 17 and younger, reported Community Impact Newspaper.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
LOL! John Travolta Mistakes Drag Queen for Anti-Trump, Taylor Swift… Tries to Give Him Award [Video]
In one of the funniest moment in recent tv, iconic actor John Travolta, who played a woman in the hit movie “Hairspray,” was supposed to give the “Video of the Year” award to Taylor Swift at the annual MTV’s VMA (Video Music Awards) Show, when instead, he hilariously attempted to hand the VMA award to drag queen Jade Jolie.
Jolie was on the stage with Swift when the award was given out. The drag queen just finished joining Swift in a live performance of her new hit single, “You Need To Calm Down,” a song dedicated to the LGBTQ community.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Meet the “Virtuous Pedophile” Network Protected by Twitter — the “Minor-Attracted Persons”
Social media now has an out in the open pedophile movement pushing to (among other things) add P for “Pedosexual” to the LGBT acronym, and it’s being led by pedophile expert and Director of the Toronto Sexuality Center, Dr. James Cantor. Cantor also believes necrophiles and zoophiles should be LGBT-included as well for good measure.
Twitter — of course — is taking them seriously. We’re not making any of this up.
But Cantor is not merely a prominent figure in the movement, he’s the one responsible for pedophiles enjoying special protected status on Twitter.
Last year, he wrote a letter to Twitter’s Trust & Safety Department that urged Twitter to restore the suspended accounts of all “Minor-Attracted Persons” (MAPs). The letter warns that if pedophile accounts are not restored, they might not be able to help themselves and could end up raping children in the real world.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
MSNBC Guest: Dems Must ‘Burn Down’ Conservatives With No ‘Survivors’
Mainstream media rhetoric reaches dangerous levels.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Rocklin Parents Protest Approved LGBT Curriculum by Keeping Children Out of School
Parents objecting to a Rocklin School District Board decision to include a curriculum in the early grades touting the achievements of LGBT people did not allow their children to go to class Friday in protest. They say at least 700 students stayed home in the 12,000 student district.
A heated Board meeting on Wednesday resulted in a 3-2 vote to include a curriculum approved by the state law that seeks to introduce more inclusiveness in school teachings.
But parents say young children are not ready for discussions that may confuse them and that parents, not the district, know the maturity level of their kids the best.
They offered a compromise to introduce the study materials after the fifth grade as some other school districts have done. But a legal opinion by district counsel said that wasn’t possible.
District attendance figures weren’t immediately announced but district officials did expect to lose some state attendance funding and lamented the lost day of instruction for some students.
It says that the curriculum will be tweaked to take into account some concerns raised by parents but some parents suspect that the decision was predetermined.
Some say they will know of parents signing up their kids for homeschooling and charter schools or private school. More can be learned from a website established to educate parents who are not aware of the board decision at
[Comment: Parents should pull their child out of public school indoctrination centres en masse. Collapse the public school systems. Nothing else will work.]
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
This is the modern day left in action. Pure insanity.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Top Leaders: Parents Must Get Children Out of Public School
Among the leaders who have joined the growing nationwide chorus were talk-radio king Rush Limbaugh, evangelist Franklin Graham, Christian leader David Lane, and Catholic talk-show host Mother Miriam. And this may be just the start.
Speaking on his radio show, which estimates suggest is heard by over 15 million Americans, Limbaugh blamed government education for the sorry state of affairs in America. And for the first time ever, he brazenly urged parents to pull their children out and homeschool them.
“I think it’s becoming very apparent to Millennial parents, parents of Millennial kids,” Limbaugh said. “Their kids are struggling in the wretched, horrible circumstances of the public school system.”
“One of the answers to this mess (sobbing) ‘What’s happening to our children?’ is homeschooling,” he added. “It’s not just conservatives and Christian-oriented people who are choosing to pull children out of public schools.”
Speaking on Fox’s Todd Starnes Radio Show, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan’s Purse chief Franklin Graham also urged parents to get their children out. In a conversation about New Jersey’s new law mandating LGBT lessons to school children, Graham said the time had come.
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
UK Birth Rate Plunges to Lowest Level in 80 Years as More Women Choose Careers Over Motherhood
Across the developed world, birth rates have fallen to some of their lowest levels since the practice of annual record keeping began. In the US and Japan, according to the Daily Mail, birth rates have fallen to their lowest levels in decades, if not their lowest levels of all time.
For example, official birthrate data delivered in Tokyo marked the latest in a series of alarming milestones:
with 921,000 births last year, Japan has posted the lowest birth rate since the country began keeping track in 1899 — coming in below 1 million for the third year in a row.
In the US, the most disturbing data released so far this year pertained to the general fertility rate, which dropped 2% between 2017 and 2018 among females aged 15 to 44.
[Comment: Globalist goal accomplished. Reducing population was always the goal of feminism. Women work so ther are now fewer babies produced in the population. Population is weakend and replaced via mass migration.]
— Hat tip: JD | [Return to headlines] |
Video — I Am a Woman. And I Have a Penis.
From Roundhouse Poetry Slam in London:
“The future is not female. The future is intersectional. The future is black, trans and non-binary.
The future is lesbian women, disabled women and sex workers. We are the future.
I am a woman. And I have a penis.”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago | [Return to headlines] |
“They offered a compromise to introduce the study materials after the fifth grade as some other school districts have done. But a legal opinion by district counsel said that wasn’t possible.” Fifth grade sounds reasonable and should very well be possible. Obviously kindergarden children will know the difference between a boy and a girl, but a first sex-ed lesson as such shouldn’t, in my opinion, be before third grade. So within those two years children would learn the basics of “intercourse”, “pregnancy” or “protection” and, due to porn being everywhere nowadays, it’s probably reasonable to make them realize they shouldn’t just go down on anybody. And then in fifth or sixth grade, just before most kids hit puberty, they could be made familiar with the concept of homosexuality. But not in a promotional way, just made be aware of it and use the opportunity to make them aware of sexual predators (because we teach our girls to be careful, but most people don’t realize boys could become victims of older gays and get confused). That’s pretty simple, right? Doing it any other way is just promoting unhealthy sexual habits that won’t do any good to anybody.
“[Comment: Parents should pull their child out of public school indoctrination centres en masse. Collapse the public school systems. Nothing else will work.]” Unless you are willing to pay for the tuition of everybody who can’t afford it on their own then this isn’t going to work. You also have to understand lower social classes generally don’t value education as much + there’s a racial context on the value of education as well, so those people will consider paying for education a waste of money and just keep their children in the public system. Hence the only outcome this would produce is an indoctrinated army of not very bright people on one side and the rest who poured money in private education and I leave to your imagination what a social split on such a scale would cause.
Then you have the problem with state intervention. Either they would begin to enforce indoctrinating lessons in private schooling (and we all know most schools would cave in if it’s that or getting shut down) or, after dozens of public schools closed, teachers would pour into the private sphere and, true to the leftist style, pretend to be against indoctrination while doing it in a less flashy way.
Homeschooling might work, but not everybody has that option and you can’t exactly homeschool craft (unless you’re an artisan yourself) or college education (talking about proper majors like engineering, not social studies, of course).
So it really isn’t that easy and, in my opinion, a parents-enforced reform of the public education system is a much easier task than pulling everybody out of the system. The only shame is that most people just won’t realize how it all ties together and some will still go and vote democrat…
Schools should not be teaching sexuality at ALL beyond the basic mechanics in senior high school. It is NOT their job to teach morality or “acceptance”. Period. Ever. Not even a little bit.
That is a parental responsibility and it is NOT the purview of the schools to determine if it has been accomplished adequately.
This is just further destruction of the family with substitution of the state for the parents.
Flame-throwers legal in the civilian market can be used to incinerate fecal piles found on sidewalks.
Tulsi’s been right, often while teh US Conference of Bishops pushes globalism, socialism, and law breaking….including continued cover ups for their predator clergy.
Excuse me for my stupidity, but I did not realize that the Betsy Ross Flag was also called the Stars and Bars in Ohio. I also did not know (until today) that the Betsy Ross Flag was used by the Confederacy. I guess I should turn in my degree in History, if I am so out of touch with what is being taught these days. . .