Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/9/2019

A Libyan culture-enricher stabbed two people at the main train station in the Italian city of Milan. The alleged victims were culture-enrichers from the Ivory Coast and Gambia. According to the police, the incident had nothing to do with terrorism.

In other news, a lawyer for Nick Sandmann said in an interview that his client would be suing CNN, probably next week, for more than $250 million. He said the network viciously attacked his client after the incident at the Lincoln Memorial back in January.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to AF, Dora, Insubria, JD, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

» An Age of Universal Deceit
» Climate Science’s Myth-Buster
» CNN to be Sued for More Than $250m Over ‘Vicious’ And ‘Direct Attacks’ On Covington High Student: Lawyer
» Creepy Little People
» Fed-Up House Republican Releases Bruce OHR Testimony Showing Major Conflict of Interest
» Florida School Bus Aide Yanks MAGA Hat Off Student’s Head
» Lindsey Graham Doubles Down on FISA Abuse Probe as House Democrats Fire Up Post-Mueller Investigations
» SD Students Could Soon be Free From ‘Free Speech’ Zones
» University of Chicago Defends the Academic Freedom of Constitutional Law Professor Who Used N-Word in Class
» Video: Police Do Nothing as Protester Shuts Down College Republicans Event
Europe and the EU
» American Jews Are a Particular Focus of British Anti-Semitism
» Divide and Rule: DUP Slams ‘Degrading’ EU Offer to Let UK Leave Backstop Minus Northern Ireland
» France: Christian Basilica in Paris No-Go Suburbs Heavily Vandalised
» French Yellow Vest Protesters Hold 17th Weekend of Marches
» Hungary’s Orban Considering Union With Polish Conservatives
» Italy: Fincantieri Make Biggest Chinese Market Ship, Costa Venezia
» Italy: Two People Stabbed at Milan Train Station
» Mystery Sculpture Thought to be the Work of Leonardo Da Vinci is Unveiled in Italy
» Not Threatened by Climate Change: Orkney Islands
» Pope Francis Meets With Top Mormon Leaders
» UK: Brexit Bombshell: Public Do Not Fear No Deal Brexit Says Poll as Deadline for May Looms
» UK: Less Than 20 Days Left: Brexit Freedom in Sight — But May’s Fight for EU Deal Continues
» UK: School Left Red-Faced as Webpage Transforms Into Hardcore Porn Site
» UK: Teen Islamic State Supporter Guilty of Hunting Knife Suicide Terror Plot
» UK: Vegans Accused of Killing Piglets by Accident After Storming Farm to Cuddle Them
» Viktor Orban: “Hungary is a Christian Country and Not a A Place for Multiculturalism”
» Putin Thanks Women for Taking Care of the Home and Staying Beautiful on International Women’s Day
Far East
» China Develops Microwave Emitter to Quell Unrest
» Former Intern Recalls Horrific Experience of Witnessing Live Organ Harvesting in China
» Huawei and the Chinese Regime’s Counterattacks: 5 Key Revelations
» Underground Chinese Priest Suspended for Joining State-Run Church
Australia — Pacific
» Milo Yiannopoulos to Tour Australia After Visa Ban Backflip
» Shocking Moment Woman Punches a Police Officer in the Face at a Mass Brawl at Africultures Festival
Latin America
» Police Block Opposition Protesters as Tensions Rise in Venezuela
» Australia: Taxpayers Fork Out $300,000 to Fly an Asylum Seeker From Nauru to Taiwan by Private Jet to Remove Kidney Stones — and He Spent a Week Going to the Zoo and Dining at Top Restaurants
» Italy Bulldozes Migrant Shanty Town After Deadly Fires
» ‘Record-Setting’ Day as 700 Illegals Apprehended Near El Paso — Migrant Groups Hand Food, Water Through Fence
» Sweden: Still More Migration
» The Strange Death of Europe: Muslims Never Become Part of a Host Country
Culture Wars
» After Rotten Tomates Removes 93% of Reviews, Captain Marvel Still S*cks
» The Woke Corporation: How Campus Madness Entered the Workplace
» UK: ‘I Feel the Embyronic Kicking of Feminism’ — Meghan Wants Feminist Royal Baby
» UK: Culture Secretary: Amazon, Netflix Could be Forced to ‘Represent Full Diversity of UK’ Like BBC

An Age of Universal Deceit

The Democrat Party is looking more and more grotesque, with their chicanery and deception becoming increasingly obvious, their noticeable anti-semitism, their infatuation with socialism, their disdain for freedom of religion and all things Christian…

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Climate Science’s Myth-Buster

[…] In political discourse and in the media, major storms and floods typically get presented as signs of impending doom, accompanied by invocations to the environment and calls to respect Mother Nature. Only catastrophes seem to grab our attention, though, and it’s rarely mentioned that warming would also bring some benefits, such as expanded production of grains in previously frozen regions of Canada and Russia. Nor do we hear that people die more often of cold weather than of hot weather. Isolated voices criticize the alarm over global warming, considering it a pseudoscientific thesis, the true aim of which is to thwart economic modernization and free-market growth and to extend the power of states over individual choices.

Not being a climatologist myself, I’ve always had trouble deciding between these arguments. And then I met Judith Curry at her home in Reno, Nevada. Curry is a true climatologist. She once headed the department of earth and atmospheric sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology, until she gave up on the academy so that she could express herself independently. “Independence of mind and climatology have become incompatible,” she says. Do you mean that global warming isn’t real? I ask. “There is warming, but we don’t really understand its causes,” she says. “The human factor and carbon dioxide, in particular, contribute to warming, but how much is the subject of intense scientific debate.”

Curry is a scholar, not a pundit. Unlike many political and journalistic oracles, she never opines without proof. And she has data at her command. She tells me, for example, that between 1910 and 1940, the planet warmed during a climatic episode that resembles our own, down to the degree. The warming can’t be blamed on industry, she argues, because back then, most of the carbon-dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels were small. In fact, Curry says, “almost half of the warming observed in the twentieth century came about in the first half of the century, before carbon-dioxide emissions became large.” Natural factors thus had to be the cause. None of the climate models used by scientists now working for the United Nations can explain this older trend. Nor can these models explain why the climate suddenly cooled between 1950 and 1970, giving rise to widespread warnings about the onset of a new ice age. I recall magazine covers of the late 1960s or early 1970s depicting the planet in the grip of an annihilating deep freeze. According to a group of scientists, we faced an apocalyptic environmental scenario—but the opposite of the current one.

But aren’t oceans rising today, I counter, eroding shorelines and threatening to flood lower-lying population centers and entire inhabited islands? “Yes,” Curry replies. “Sea level is rising, but this has been gradually happening since the 1860s; we don’t yet observe any significant acceleration of this process in our time.” Here again, one must consider the possibility that the causes for rising sea levels are partly or mostly natural, which isn’t surprising, says Curry, for “climate change is a complex and poorly understood phenomenon, with so many processes involved.” To blame human-emitted carbon dioxide entirely may not be scientific, she continues, but “some find it reassuring to believe that we have mastered the subject.” She says that “nothing upsets many scientists like uncertainty.”

This brings us to why Curry left the world of the academy and government-funded research. “Climatology has become a political party with totalitarian tendencies,” she charges. “If you don’t support the UN consensus on human-caused global warming, if you express the slightest skepticism, you are a ‘climate-change denier,’ a stooge of Donald Trump, a quasi-fascist who must be banned from the scientific community.” These days, the climatology mainstream accepts only data that reinforce its hypothesis that humanity is behind global warming. Those daring to take an interest in possible natural causes of climactic variation—such as solar shifts or the earth’s oscillations—aren’t well regarded in the scientific community, to put it mildly. The rhetoric of the alarmists, it’s worth noting, has increasingly moved from “global warming” to “climate change,” which can mean anything. That shift got its start back in 1992, when the UN widened its range of environmental concern to include every change that human activities might be causing in nature, casting a net so wide that few human actions could escape it.[…]

[The author cites Karl Popper as his go-to regarding our use of the Scientific Method, a use the alarmists have discarded…]

           — Hat tip: Dora [Return to headlines]

CNN to be Sued for More Than $250m Over ‘Vicious’ And ‘Direct Attacks’ On Covington High Student: Lawyer

CNN is likely to be hit with a massive lawsuit worth more than $250 million over alleged “vicious” and “direct attacks” on Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann, his lawyer has told Fox News.

Lawyer L. Lin Wood discussed his decision to sue CNN for its reporting and coverage of his client during an interview that will air on Fox News Channel’s “Life, Liberty & Levin” on Sunday at 10 p.m. ET.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Creepy Little People

Creepy little people that you’ve never heard of, hiding in the shadows, reaching out to shape the kind of world you live in, and screwing up your life and millions of others—not a comforting thing to think about.

I read a Vanity Fair article, a few days ago, that was—unintentionally—at least as spooky as anything that H.P. Lovecraft ever wrote: “Inside Facebook’s War on Hate Speech.”

Click the link and look at the picture. This is Facebook’s “shadow government.” They look like a Far Left Crazy version of Rembrandt’s famous “Dutch Masters” (“Syndics of the Cloth Guild,” to give the painting its actual title), peering out of the shadows at the sunlit world—and up to no good. They’re the ones who decide what constitutes “hate speech” and who and what gets censored by Facebook. Led by a former federal prosecutor, which does seem appropriate, they are described as “Obama-administration refugees [in their 30s and early 40s] eager to maintain some semblance of the pragmatism” — what? — “that has lost favor in Washington.” We wonder what “pragmatism” that was. Nothing you’ll find in any dictionary. Words take on some rather strange meanings when leftists use them.

The article describes the presuppositions which guide the shadow government’s deliberations. It’s those presuppositions that make them so scary—that, and the fact that they are not accountable to anyone but Facebook. Let’s look at some of those…

Meanwhile, who’s the world’s best teacher? Another little bunch you don’t know from an ashtray, the Varkey Foundation. They decide, and give a million-dollar prize to whoever they think deserves it. Like, for instance, a “gay” activist who created a curriculum of LGBT-promoting lessons for grade school kids in England, and touched off massive protests by parents in Birmingham. He had to resign his last position for doing the same thing. If you’ve ever wondered where all that “gay” stuff in your local public school comes from—well, people like this guy put it there. Without asking you first. But then they never ask you first.

You can visit the Varkey Foundation website, but all you’ll learn about them there is that they have a headquarters in London, lots and lots of money, and they really like “education.” That’s another word that doesn’t quite mean the same thing it does when we use it.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

Fed-Up House Republican Releases Bruce OHR Testimony Showing Major Conflict of Interest

In a surprise move Friday, Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.), the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, unilaterally released the 268-page transcript of an August 2018 interview with Justice Department official Bruce Ohr.

Collins explained that his patience with the Justice Department “has grown thin.” He took to the House floor and asked that the full, unredacted transcript be put on the record.

In his testimony, Ohr revealed that former British spy Christopher Steele was simultaneously paid by both the FBI and the Democrat opposition research firm Fusion GPS during the 2016 election.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Florida School Bus Aide Yanks MAGA Hat Off Student’s Head

The Martin County, Florida Sheriff’s Office is investigating whether an incident on a school bus this week is crime, after a school bus aide threw a fit about a MAGA hat and was caught on tape.

Gunnar Johansson, 14, told WPTV-TV news in West Palm Beach that hats were allowed at his school this week if they donated to the March of Dimes. In his case, it was a Donald Trump cap with the MAGA slogan. That didn’t sit well with a school district bus aide, who first verbally and then physically confronted the child for his choice.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Lindsey Graham Doubles Down on FISA Abuse Probe as House Democrats Fire Up Post-Mueller Investigations

Days after the Democrat-controlled House Judiciary Committee fired off 81 document requests for their post-Mueller investigations (in anticipation of a ‘disappointing’mueller report) — Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham has revived his committee’s probe into potential surveillance abuse by the FBI.

In a Thursday letter to Attorney General William Barr — just three weeks on the job, Graham asked for all FBI and DOJ documents which would explain what steps were taken to verify the Steele dossier before it was used by the FBI to obtain a surveillance warrant on a Trump campaign staffer.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

SD Students Could Soon be Free From ‘Free Speech’ Zones

The South Dakota Senate passed a bill eliminating “free speech zones,” and ensuring that public institutions of higher education in the state cannot prohibit organizations from requiring that members agree with the groups’ beliefs.

HB 1087 was originally considered dead and did not pass the State Affairs Committee on Feb. 27.

However, amid the University of South Dakota Law School allegedly telling an organization that its “Hawaiian Day” party was not inclusive, the committee voted to advance the bill to a Senate vote, according to The Argus Leader. The bill passed by a vote of 26-7, Campus Reform learned.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

University of Chicago Defends the Academic Freedom of Constitutional Law Professor Who Used N-Word in Class


A spokesperson for the University of Chicago has defended the right of a professor of law to use the n-word in his class, done to instruct students on the “fighting words” exception to the First Amendment, after its use drew backlash and a call for possible sanctions.

Law Professor Geoffrey Stone, a prominent advocate of free speech, recently came under fire for using the slur as part of an instructional tool in his “Constitutional Law II: Freedom of Speech” class, which he has taught for decades. He has also used the anecdote for decades.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Video: Police Do Nothing as Protester Shuts Down College Republicans Event

After police refused to intervene, an individual successfully shut down an event held by the Portland State chapter of College Republicans.

The group had invited conservative blogger Michael Strickland to speak Tuesday night about an incident in 2016 during which he was arrested and convicted after brandishing a gun at a mob that was targeting him.

However, Strickland’s entire speech was shut down due to the disruption of one protester. According to a report by journalist Andy Ngo, one man up-ended the entire event by following Strickland around with a bell, shouting over him when he attempted to speak, and standing in front of a projector. Police refused to intervene with the non-violent disruption.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

American Jews Are a Particular Focus of British Anti-Semitism

When it comes to anti-Semitism in left-wing British politics, the problems begin with Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn and filter down. But the British Left has a particularly anti-Semitic reflex when it comes to its understanding of American Jews.

A good example of this came on Wednesday, when the Jewish Chronicle identified Thomas Gardiner, a Labour Party official who had ruled that the image below [see URL for the despicable picture] is not anti-Semitic, but simply anti-Israel. That finding allowed Kayla Bibby, the Labour activist who posted the picture and captioned it “the most accurate photo I’ve seen all year,” to avoid expulsion from the party.


When it comes to British leftist perspectives on American Jews and American society, the baseline attitude is distinctly anti-Semitic. Because that attitude assumes that American Jews are both perniciously wealthy and highly manipulative — a la face hugger.

This sits well with the British Left’s deep anti-Americanism, which despises U.S. foreign policy architecture, such as NATO, as well as capitalism, and individual freedom in priority over the collective. It is the commonly understood opinion of the British political classes, conservatives included, that pro-Israel attitudes in the U.S. are simply bought. I remember trying to persuade my classmates at SOAS University of London that the primary motivation for U.S. pro-Israeli attitudes was not money, but rather shared perception in the vein of a democratic nation resisting violent extremism.

But that’s what conspiratorial understandings of American Judaism and America’s affinity for Israel have wrought in Britain. And hence, why otherwise decent people allow anti-Semitism to seep into their Facebook pages, or simply tolerate it in their midst.

[NOTE: Tommy banned from FaceBook, but this hater is permitted to post his pernicious image. The British Left has always looked down on Jews and Americans. The combination sends them into paroxysms of bilious spewing. ]

           — Hat tip: Dora [Return to headlines]

Divide and Rule: DUP Slams ‘Degrading’ EU Offer to Let UK Leave Backstop Minus Northern Ireland

The Democratic Unionist Party has slammed the EU’s “degrading proposal” to allow Britain to leave the “backstop” envisioned in Theresa May’s proposed Brexit deal without their permission — as long as Northern Ireland is left behind.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

France: Christian Basilica in Paris No-Go Suburbs Heavily Vandalised

The over 800-year-old Basilica of Saint-Denis in France was heavily vandalised this week, with vandals smashing stained glass windows and severely damaging the nearly 200-year-old organ.

The destruction was discovered on Sunday morning by the basilica’s organist, who found that the engine of the organ had been damaged along with other parts of the massive instrument, designed between 1834 and 1841, Le Parisien reports.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

French Yellow Vest Protesters Hold 17th Weekend of Marches

Hundreds of protesters from France’s yellow vest movement marched Saturday for a 17th straight weekend in Paris and other cities to maintain pressure on the government to reverse policies they see as favoring the rich.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Hungary’s Orban Considering Union With Polish Conservatives

Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban is considering aligning his party with the ruling conservatives in Poland if he cannot reform the establishment European People’s Party (EPP) grouping in the European Parliament.

Prime Minister Orban alluded to the union on his conservative Fidesz party and Poland’s ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party on his Friday broadcast on Kossuth Radio.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Italy: Fincantieri Make Biggest Chinese Market Ship, Costa Venezia

Inspired by lagoon city

(ANSA) — Trieste, February 28 — Italian shipbuilding giant Fincantieri on Thursday launched its biggest ever cruise liner for the Chinese market, the Costa Venezia.

Built at Fincantieri’s Monfalcone shipyard, Costa Venezia is the first ship of Costa Asia, Costa Crociere’s brand designed and built for the Chinese market.

“As the name says, the interiors are inspired by the lagoon city, its streets and its squares, which will bring to life the passion of Venetian and Italian culture to Chinese cruise passengers,” Fincantieri said.

A jewel of style, at the same time Costa Venezia will mark the latest step in a long list of innovations from the first international cruise company to begin serving the local Chinese market in 2006. At a length of 323 meters and measuring 135,500 gross tons with a capacity of more than 5,100 guests, Costa Venezia will be Costa largest ship operating homeport cruises from China.

           — Hat tip: Insubria [Return to headlines]

Italy: Two People Stabbed at Milan Train Station

Libyan national arrested, Ivorian and Gambian injured

(ANSA) — Milan, March 8 — A 33-year-old Libyan national was arrested by Carabinieri police on Friday after allegedly stabbing and injuring two passers-by at Milan’s central station, sources said.

The injured people are a 31-year-old Ivorian and a 20-year-old Gambian. The attack is not thought to be terrorism-related, the sources said.

           — Hat tip: Insubria [Return to headlines]

Mystery Sculpture Thought to be the Work of Leonardo Da Vinci is Unveiled in Italy

Leonardo da Vinci is long thought to have made sculptures, but since his death in 1519, no three-dimensional work of art by him has ever been identified. But now, curators in Italy have unveiled what may be the only known sculpture by the artist, inventor and scientist.

The Virgin with the Laughing Child was part of an exhibition this week in Florence. The 20 inch-tall sculpture, made of red clay, depicts the Virgin Mary, with an enigmatic smile similar to that of Mona Lisa, looking down at a smiling baby Jesus on her lap. Curators say the sculpture was created around 1472, when da Vinci was a student of the Florentine artist Andrea del Verrocchio, reports The Guardian.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Not Threatened by Climate Change: Orkney Islands


Bottom Line: The Orkneys’ Historical Sites are Not Threatened by Climate Change

The Orkneys are beautiful and are the home to many important sites of historical interest. As with all ancient sites, they suffer the risks associated with intentionally exposing them to view, which also exposes them to a raft of dangers from weather, wind and rain, and from ‘too many’ interested visitors.

Orkney archeological sites are not presently at risk from sea level rise. There has been almost no sea level rise at Lerwick, Shetlands (the closest nearby PSMSL tide gauge) over the last 50 years and where the long-term Sea Level Rise trend stands at a barely discernible 0.2mm/yr. There is no need to “Save Scotland’s Heritage From the Rising Seas” — the sea is not rising in the Orkneys.

Orkney archeological sites are not currently threatened by the “increased storminess” — there has been no unusual storminess for the last twenty years. The Orkneys are adjacent to the North Sea, which is famous for storms, and experiences almost constant winds and frequent gales. Storminess was slightly elevated from 1988-1998. Sites on the shoreline within a few meters of normal high tides are naturally at risk from exceptionally strong storms, which have occurred throughout the islands’ history.

The Orkneys and their archeological treasures have been and will continue to be at the mercy of North Sea winds, rains, and storms. If society wishes to preserve these treasures, sensible pragmatic efforts should be taken to protect those sites found on exposed shorelines.

           — Hat tip: AF [Return to headlines]

Pope Francis Meets With Top Mormon Leaders

Pope Francis met with the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Vatican Saturday, the first meeting ever between the heads of the Catholic and Mormon churches.

The occasion for the meeting was the dedication of a massive new Mormon temple in Rome, the first in the Eternal City, which will take place on Sunday.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

UK: Brexit Bombshell: Public Do Not Fear No Deal Brexit Says Poll as Deadline for May Looms

PUBLIC support for a no deal Brexit is now growing after the EU’s refusal to support Theresa May’s deal, a new poll suggests.

A survey by ComRes found that 44 percent of the public now support a no deal Brexit if Brussels refuses to make further concessions. The result is a six-point rise from January with less than 30 percent disagreeing that the UK should leave with no deal. It comes as 74 senior Tory activists told Mrs May that Tory voters “do not fear a no deal” and “just want Brexit delivered.” Senior Brexiteer Steve Baker and the DUP’s Westminster leader Nigel Dodds claimed on Saturday that Mrs May’s “unchanged” deal will inevitably be voted down on Tuesday.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

UK: Less Than 20 Days Left: Brexit Freedom in Sight — But May’s Fight for EU Deal Continues

THERESA MAY’s ministers were out in force yesterday as senior Tories went on a media offensive to demand the EU give vital concessions on the Brexit withdrawal agreement ahead of Tuesday’s crunch vote.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

UK: School Left Red-Faced as Webpage Transforms Into Hardcore Porn Site

A school in Northern Ireland was left with a lot of awkward questions to answer after its web address was taken over by a hardcore porn website, writes.

Parents of children attending St Ronan’s Primary School in Newry got a lot more than they bargained for when logging onto the website to check out their child’s schedule for the week.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

UK: Teen Islamic State Supporter Guilty of Hunting Knife Suicide Terror Plot

Haider Ahmed has been found guilty of planning to commit a terror attack with a hunting knife in a plot he had hatched when he was 16 or 17.

Kingston Crown Court came to the verdict Friday after hearing that the Redhill, Surrey, resident had told contacts he wanted to conduct a suicide mission, but his mother had confiscated the large knife when she found it in his bag, reports the BBC.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

UK: Vegans Accused of Killing Piglets by Accident After Storming Farm to Cuddle Them

A farmer has accused vegans of crushing two piglets to death after causing a stampede during their efforts to cuddle the newborn pigs.

200 vegans from the group “Meat the Victims” stormed a farm in Lincolnshire in order to protest against pork.

However, in their efforts to raise awareness about the “cruelty” of pig farming, they were accused of causing distress to the animals and inadvertently causing the death of two.

Farmer Sylvia Hook, from Sandilands Farm on Newark Road in Laughterton, said the vegans terrified her family and caused damage to the farm.

She told Lincolnshire Live: “About 50 of them all piled into a farrowing house, immediately the sows are jumping up and down.

“It’s caused the death of two young piglets through being squashed and two other piglets I’ve had to be taken away to get up and running again.” …

Meat the Victims denied that the activists caused the animals stress or that they were responsible for the death of the piglets.

One of the protesters, who calls himself ‘Earthling Ed’, commented: “You cannot love animals and kill them. You cannot love animals and pay someone else to kill them. You cannot love animals and commodify, butcher and mutilate their bodies. Farms are prisons for the innocent. They are death factories.”

Lincolnshire Police said: “We are in attendance at Sandilands Farm, Newark Road, Laughterton, where a protest is taking place.

“We have a positive obligation to facilitate lawful peaceful protest and officers will remain on the scene until the protest has concluded.”

Although there was a heavy police presence at the farm during the protest, no arrests were made.

           — Hat tip: AF [Return to headlines]

Viktor Orban: “Hungary is a Christian Country and Not a A Place for Multiculturalism”

In an interview in a book published by French politician and essayist Philippe de Villiers, Prime Minister Viktor Orban says there is no place for multiculturalism in Hungary.

“What outrages our opponents the most is the fact that in our Constitution we have written that Hungary has Christian roots, that here there is no place for multiculturalism, that a child has the right to a mother and a father, and that our nation has the right to defend its borders.”

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Putin Thanks Women for Taking Care of the Home and Staying Beautiful on International Women’s Day

Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated Russian women for everything they do in life, like taking care of the home and staying beautiful. He made the remarks to a group of Russian female policewomen on International Women’s Day, which was celebrated throughout the Soviet Union.

“You manage everything at work and at home, whilst staying beautiful, bright, and charming,” Putin said, adding that “It is hard to imagine the history and development of our country without the contribution of the great Russian women.”

“What does a young woman need to maintain her figure? Three things: a workout machine, a masseuse and a suitor,” Putin told the police officers.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

China Develops Microwave Emitter to Quell Unrest

China is reportedly developing a non-lethal, microwave-based system that can be deployed for riot control, counter-terrorism and border patrols.

The novel Microwave Active Denial System, developed by the Beijing Institute of Radio Measurement under the China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp, is designed to project millimeter microwaves at targets and stimulate their nociceptors — sensory neurons commonly known as the “pain nerve” — in a bid to subdue targets and disperse them, according to the Global Times.

Sensory nerves are particularly sensitive to microwave damage. Cases of persistent neuritis and compression neuropathy — disease or dysfunction of one or more peripheral nerves, typically causing numbness or weakness — have been reported after significant microwave exposure. …

Neuropathy due to damaged peripheral nerves can occur when the nerve is subjected to microwaves of sufficient power density and the damage mechanism is believed to be thermal.

Significant injury with blisters, pain and nerve damage can occur even with exposures to strong microwaves as short as two to three seconds. Due to the deep penetration of these frequencies, the skin may be minimally affected and show no signs of damage, while muscles, nerves, and blood vessels may be significantly damaged.

Still, Chinese designers hail the system as non-lethal but highly effective and can be deployed in situations including counter-terrorist operations, anti-riot response, VIP protection during major events, plus maritime convoy missions and border defense, among others.

           — Hat tip: AF [Return to headlines]

Former Intern Recalls Horrific Experience of Witnessing Live Organ Harvesting in China


At this time, all the medical staff quickly put on surgical attire. The head nurse cut the man’s clothes open with a scissors and then swabbed him with a disinfectant from his entire abdominal region to his chest a total of three times.

Then one of the doctors took a scalpel and made a long incision from under the sternum all the way to the umbilicus. The man’s legs began to twitch. Then the doctor opened his entire abdominal cavity. Blood and intestines gushed out at once. The doctor pushed his intestines aside and quickly removed a kidney; the doctor opposite removed a kidney from his other side. They were very skilled and fast.

           — Hat tip: AF [Return to headlines]

Huawei and the Chinese Regime’s Counterattacks: 5 Key Revelations


Beijing’s use of media, legal, and psychological warfare to protect Huawei show that Huawei and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) are working as a team to target the United States and Canada.

A lot can be observed from the collective action of the CCP and Huawei and their inner workings as they try to launch a counterattack against the West.

           — Hat tip: AF [Return to headlines]

Underground Chinese Priest Suspended for Joining State-Run Church

A recently released underground Chinese bishop has suspended a priest for joining the state-run Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association (CPCA) and promoting a false “communion” between the underground Church and the open Catholic community.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Milo Yiannopoulos to Tour Australia After Visa Ban Backflip

Milo Yiannopoulos is set to visit Australia again, with the Immigration Minister set to override Department of Home Affairs advice that the controversial right-wing speaker should be banned on character grounds.

The British commentator has made a career out of attacking feminism, political correctness and Islam.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Shocking Moment Woman Punches a Police Officer in the Face at a Mass Brawl at Africultures Festival

The shocking assault was captured on video from the grounds of Wyatt Park, in Lidcombe, Sydney’s western suburbs, on Saturday.

           — Hat tip: SS [Return to headlines]

Police Block Opposition Protesters as Tensions Rise in Venezuela

Riot police blocked protesters as thousands of people took to the streets Saturday with tensions rising between opposition leader Juan Guaido and President Nicolas Maduro.

Both Guaido and Maduro, who are locked in a bitter power struggle for the right to lead the oil-rich South American nation, had asked their supporters to fill the streets of Caracas and other cities in rival demonstrations.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Australia: Taxpayers Fork Out $300,000 to Fly an Asylum Seeker From Nauru to Taiwan by Private Jet to Remove Kidney Stones — and He Spent a Week Going to the Zoo and Dining at Top Restaurants

Nisar Haji stayed for three months in the east Asian island state to have his kidneys removed, and was flown there and back on a Gulfstream plane which had been privately charted for the purpose.

           — Hat tip: SS [Return to headlines]

Italy Bulldozes Migrant Shanty Town After Deadly Fires

Hundreds of migrants were evicted this week from a make-shift migrant camp in southern Italy which has been the site of several deadly fires.

“As promised… we went from words to actions,” Interior Minister Matteo Salvini said, as bulldozers tore through the San Ferdinando shanty town in Calabria under the watch of 600 policemen.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

‘Record-Setting’ Day as 700 Illegals Apprehended Near El Paso — Migrant Groups Hand Food, Water Through Fence

Sex offenders, gang members, wanted felons and unaccompanied children as young as 2 years old are among hundreds of illegal immigrants flooding into the United States near El Paso, Texas, where Border Patrol agents arrested about 800 in the last 24 hours alone.

A group of 112 migrants were taken into custody after approaching the border wall near downtown around midnight, about the same time another 252 were apprehended near a local high school, CBS4 reports.

[Comment: Article dated March 8, 2019.]

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

Sweden: Still More Migration

Sweden’s new government, which was finally formed in January after months of delay, is introducing policies that will lead to more immigration into Sweden — despite the main governing party, the Social Democrats, having run for office on a promise to tighten immigration policies.

The right to family reunion for those people granted asylum in Sweden who do not have refugee status is being reintroduced — a measure that is estimated to bring at least 8,400 more immigrants to Sweden in the coming three years. According to the Minister of Migration, Morgan Johansson, this measure will “strengthen integration,” although he has not explained how.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

The Strange Death of Europe: Muslims Never Become Part of a Host Country

Part 7. “Immigrants devoted to their own cultures and religions are not influenced by the secular politically correct façade that dominates academia, news-media, entertainment, education, religious and political thinking today,” said James Walsh, former Associate General Counsel of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service. “They claim the right not to assimilate, and the day is coming when the question will be how can the United States regulate the defiantly unassimilated cultures, religions and mores of foreign lands? Such immigrants say their traditions trump the U.S. legal system. Balkanization of the United States has begun.”

In March 2019, the two new Muslim women in the U.S. House of Representatives, one from the stacked Muslim immigrant crowd from Detroit, and the other in “Somaliland” Minneapolis, Minnesota, move fast to enact five Muslim holidays into Federal Law. Ihan Omar of Somalia, voted into the House, and her sidekick, Rashida Tlaib, who wrapped herself into a Palestinian flag when she won a House seat, have pressed for eradication of ICE and DHS. Soon, they will submit bills to increase Muslim immigration and chain-migration numbers. With their increased numbers, they will introduce bills to enact Sharia Laws in America.

Already in Great Britain, 150 Sharia Law courts operate along with 50 Sharia Law city councils. We’re already seeing it in cities in Texas. Additionally, we see 30 Sharia Law cop cars now patrolling the streets of Muslim-dominated areas on New York City.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

After Rotten Tomates Removes 93% of Reviews, Captain Marvel Still S*cks

After Rotten Tomatoes removed over 50,000 Captain Marvel reviews, or around 93%, the movie’s audience score barely moved — rising from a dismal 32% to a pathetic 36%…

In short, the movie’s “rotten” score isn’t necessarily due to overly-aggressive feminist marketing, or star Brie Larson’s man-hating comments against white male movie reviewers. The movie simply s*cks.

           — Hat tip: JD [Return to headlines]

The Woke Corporation: How Campus Madness Entered the Workplace


Crackpot ideas that used to be confined to neo-Marxist professors in grievance studies departments have been enthusiastically embraced by the giants of capitalism. Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Goldman Sachs, Coca-Cola are all on board and anyone who publicly challenges this new orthodoxy is not merely endangering their chances of promotion, but at risk of being fired. …

Government is often vulnerable to forms of political madness. But what’s new is the spread of this extreme ideology to the corporate world. The infection often enters the system via their HR departments, whose staff now parrot the theoretical gobbledegook that originated in trendy university departments — gender studies, queer studies, whiteness studies, etc. They have convinced themselves it is their moral duty to eliminate ‘white privilege’. And so off they go, zealously spreading the gospel of wokeness. The accountancy firm KPMG used to content itself with giving money to charities working with disadvantaged children, but not any more. It is currently advertising for an ‘Inclusion, Diversity and Social Equality Manager’. That’s right, ‘social equality’ — an odd priority for a company that advises firms on how to minimise their tax burden. …

‘Diversity training’ designed to reduce ‘unconscious’ or ‘implicit’ bias is an $8 billion a year industry in the US — Starbucks recently sent its 175,000 employees on a ‘bias training’ day — and a growing sector in the UK too. Unfortunately, there’s little evidence that having been on one of these courses reduces discriminatory behaviour. On the contrary, a 2015 paper in the peer-reviewed Journal of Applied Psychology found that people who’d undertaken bias training were more prone to racial and gender stereotyping, not less. According to Lee Jussim, professor of psychology at Rutgers University, there is lots of evidence that mandatory bias training backfires and makes things worse. …

Part of the reason is that their twentysomething employees are importing this culture into the organisations, having been immersed in it at university. The strange thing, though, is how willing their bosses are to do their bidding when they demand ‘safe spaces’ and gender-neutral toilets. Credit Suisse, for instance, has a ‘Reverse Mentoring’ scheme whereby recent graduates are encouraged to take older employees under their wing and coach them about diversity issues — presumably their ‘heteronormative privilege’ and so on. At some large firms the atmosphere is reminiscent of the ‘struggle sessions’ that took place during China’s Cultural Revolution in which grey-haired professors had to sit quietly, heads bowed, while angry students lectured them on how to comply with Maoist ideology.

           — Hat tip: AF [Return to headlines]

UK: ‘I Feel the Embyronic Kicking of Feminism’ — Meghan Wants Feminist Royal Baby

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, née Meghan Markle, used an International Women’s Day event that she and husband Harry, Duke of Sussex, hope their baby will be a feminist.

“I’d seen this documentary on Netflix on feminism and one of the things they said during pregnancy was, ‘I feel the embryonic kicking of feminism’,” the American divorcee, 37, toldher audience at the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust event, hosted by King’s College London.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

UK: Culture Secretary: Amazon, Netflix Could be Forced to ‘Represent Full Diversity of UK’ Like BBC

British Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Jeremy Wright appeared to threaten heavier regulation of streaming services like Amazon Prime and Netflix to “encourage” them to “reflect and represent” the “full diversity” of the United Kingdom, like the BBC.

           — Hat tip: Reader from Chicago [Return to headlines]

13 thoughts on “Gates of Vienna News Feed 3/9/2019

  1. cnn should be sued for twice as much as that. please don’t be gullible enough to believe that the democrat party-media complex changed their tune after seeing additional video evidence. the video of the event is two hours long. the part of the video that the complex originally used was at the very end of the video. how did they see the very end of the video without seeing the earlier portions. the truth is they did see the earlier parts. the reporter from cnn that wrote the originally story of the Covington catholic students surrounding an indian man that was beating a drum also said that the students were also abusing four young black men preaching the bible. well the last time the four young black preachers are in the video is before dad came beating his drum marching into the midst of the students. that means she had to see a hell of a lot more of the video that just the last few minutes. she lied to politically smear the students as a way of smearing trump and his supporters.

  2. Yes, that China. Russia has long been prepared for war with the population of the country
    I remind you that the Rosguard is not a regular army, but an internal one.

    Russian Rosgvardiya bought two cars equipped with a system of “integrated non-lethal impact.” They can be used to disperse rallies. The system creates a noise of 135 decibels that can cause contusion, and also blinds people with a laser

    Rosgvardia will invest 200 million rubles in armored vehicles to disperse rallies

    Interesting machines are presented in the video on the links, is not it?

    • Because Islam is not a religion. It’s a judicial, totalitarian set of rules no human being can successfully follow. We don’t want it here any more than we want Communism in any its glorious manifestations.

      “Unexpected” indeed.

      • Why can’t it be both a religion and a totalitarian set of rules?

        Admittedly, the religious aspect is more like a cult compared to most of the other religions going. What else can you call a religion that kills you for leaving it? But what better way to ensure the continuance of the political structure across the generations. Bolshevism and Nazism both died within a century without the religious element to keep them going but Islam is still going strong after 1400 years. That Mohammed…what a genius!

  3. I was horrified to hear of the desecration of Saint-Denis in Paris; I was there in 2009.

    Kem Follett’s novel, “The Pillars of the Earth” (about the construction of a medieval cathedral in England), contains a vivid description of a meeting in Saint-Denis when it was new; it’s a long read, but highly recommended.

    • I read. I did not like it – too easy. I do not like narrative scenes and historical interpretations.
      For me it has always been a mystery why during the construction of these architectural masterpieces, literature was so scanty. Only Jeffrey Chaucer and the Italian Renaissance stories come to mind – very simple.

        But Saint-Denis is a pity.

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