Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/7/2013

Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/7/2013According to an alarming new survey, Germany is being transformed from a racist society into an Islamophobic one. Instead of directing their hatred towards the “Turks”, Germans are now hateful of “Muslims”. Despite the best efforts of German Muslims, the overwhelming majority of whom are peaceful, more than two-thirds of Germans have a negative attitude towards Islam.

In other news, under pressure from the debt crisis, the Greek government substantially raised taxes on heating oil. With a record number of Greeks out of work, the move has priced fuel out of the reach of many ordinary citizens. The result has been a massive increase in the use of wood for heating homes, creating a smoggy cloud over Athens and putting a dangerous amount of particulate into the air.

To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, CSP, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Steen, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

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15 thoughts on “Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/7/2013

  1. To a lesser degree, we of the superstorm Sandy have also been burning more firewood to save on energy prices.
    Here in the NE heating oil has been fluctuating from $4.25/gal to $3.65/gallon.
    When we moved here in 97′ it was $.99/gal. So over the last 15 years we have seen a 400% increase in fuel to heat our homes.
    There is nothing more we can do to save on energy. I sit here in a huge robe while fully dressed to type this to you.
    I am aware that things will only get worse under our current administration.
    Hey D, still waiting for a thank you note. Maybe I should have spent it on heating fuel.

  2. “… more than two-thirds of Germans have a negative attitude towards Islam.”
    Then there’s still hope for Germany.
    Next step is that they take action and throw the muslims out of Germany


  3. “In other news, under pressure from the debt crisis, the Greek government substantially raised taxes on heating oil. With a record number of Greeks out of work, the move has priced fuel out of the reach of many ordinary citizens. The result has been a massive increase in the use of wood for heating homes, creating a smoggy cloud over Athens and putting a dangerous amount of particulate into the air.”

    Would socialists quietly hope for deaths by freezing and fires, thereby reducing the number of people who actually need that dirty, evil heating oil?

    Naaaah. They caaaaaaaaaaaare too much for eeeeeeeeeeeverybody.

    (sorry, can’t find a smiley that shows cynicism and sarcasm)

  4. What’s the betting that the figures for Germany (“more than two-thirds of Germans have a negative attitude towards Islam.”) are mirrored throughout the West.

    If I had to put money on it I’d guess that this figure is growing – and it’s not too difficult to imagine a scenario where the only ones in the West having a positive attitude towards Islam will be the politicians, their useful idiots, and of course the followers of Islam.

    In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if we’d reached that stage already, or at least are somewhere near it – 66% as against 33% in Germany have a negative attitude towards Islam. That really is great news – but it doesn’t come as much of a surprise does it?

    I would have thought that together, politicians, Muslims, bureaucrats, educators, liberals, and lefties would account for slightly more than 33% of the population, and that adds to the good news. It suggests (if my guess is accurate) that there is even doubt in the pro-Islam camp.

    The worm is turning.

  5. A nice, happy news story. I would have never known, but I’ve always suspected.

    More than two-thirds? I suppose that includes muslim citizens; for actual Germans it must be overwhelmingly high.

    The story is how the German media and government aggressively promote the opposite view of the people. And how they get away with it.

  6. ‘You New’ said: “The story is how the German media and government aggressively promote the opposite view of the people. And how they get away with it.”

    An even bigger story is how the German, Norwegian, Swedish, French, British and Spanish medias and governments aggressively promote the opposite view of the people. And how they get away with it.

    That’s some coincidence, eh? or should I say that’s some set of coincidences.

    Who’d have thought that such a thing could happen? In one or two countries maybe, but throughout the Western World each Western government/establishment is engaged in exactly the same policies that if left unchecked must inevitably lead to the destruction of the very people whom they purport to represent.

    And as well as sharing the same strategic imperative, they all employ the same tactics against their respective populations as a means of achieving it.

    I wonder what the statistical significance of all those coincidences is.

  7. Lucky French for getting the chance to say they want a referendum on gay marriage. Here in Britain we were never asked and Nick Clegg of the Liberal Democrats made it plain that he thinks anybody opposed (probably the majority of us) is a bigot. In fact I think he is still going on in that vein.

    Is it just a coincidence that the gay marriage issue is suddenly coming up before parliaments all over Western Europe? Perhaps the Marxist masters of the New World Order have it pencilled in in their diaries and are instructing are so-called “democratic” leaders to get on with it, especially if it can lead to Christians being called fascists.

  8. The Turks were “Gastarbeiter”, Guest Workers, a few decades back. What happened? Why didn’t they return home?

  9. Reading about governments in the West doing the opposite of what their electorates want reminded me that I believe that I read that somebody tried to get a bill before the British parliament confirming that what is being done to this country constitutes genocide under the United Nations Charter. Needless to say it was dead in the water.

    How about writing to the UN Secretary General regarding the same thing, could anybody do that for us? – waste of time?

    Finally, there’s the European Court of Human Rights. Surely it conflicts with our right to life and liberty somehow? I suppose Geert Wilders would have already thought of that one.

    Oh well, next step bloodshed I suppose.

  10. First the Nazi Guilt the new generations of Germans had to live with for decades after 1945. Then, the plague of islam.

    Time for Germans to say: Enough is enough! What they are actually doing, now with this survey.

  11. Why do they want to deny people the right to their own homelands? Why is this assimilation and race-mixing in ALL White countries and ONLY White countries so important to them? Why do the anti-Whites never talk about flooding Africa with millions of non-Blacks and assimilating them into the Black population to “end hate”, or to “make it more diverse”, or to “fix the economy”, or to “have a perfect harmony”?

  12. Thanks for the above comment, anonymous. The blogger today has just told us that Britain’s Dennis Healey said in 2001 that to say that the Bilderbergers are aiming for one world government is an exaggeration but not entirely unfair.

    Third worlders are probably going to lack the iq and the wherewithall to resist. So lower the average iq levels of those who have through intermarriage or encourage the low iq people to kill off the high iq people. Europeans have the intelligence and the wherewithall to resist if we all got together as one. So we must be fragmented through mass immigration or if necessary eliminated. White genocide is a sure way of ensuring the plutocracy achieve their aim.

  13. It’s our weakness that has been exploited for years. We are the silly Goyim and the idiot Kuffers.
    We just don’t know how to handle these tough desert tribes. Will we
    ever learn ?

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