Crushing the Class Enemies of the People’s Republic of Norway

Soviet Norway

The following article describes a proposed law that was brought before Parliament today in Norway. Its purpose is to criminalize “hate speech” on the Internet — the sort of thing that Hillary Clinton has been salivating over since the Istanbul Process began last year.

The examples described in the article would lead the average reader to believe that the principal targets of the law would be neo-Nazis and “Islamists” who advocate and/or plan to murder people. However, given the high-tech lynching that has been administered to Fjordman over the past seventeen months, it’s a safe bet that ordinary non-violent dissidents — identified by the Powers That Be as “right-wing extremists” who “inspire” the likes of Anders Behring Breivik — will also be in the crosshairs of the fully totalitarian sharia-compliant Norwegian state.

Fjordman sends these remarks about the proposed legislation:

The excuse they use for this law is what could be seen as threats against the police posted by some stupid person on his blog.

As another excuse, they also use the comments made by militant Muslims.

None of this changes the fact that this proposed law contains totalitarian impulses designed to silence peaceful dissidents using the Internet.

Many thanks to our Norwegian correspondent The Observer for this translation from

The Government wants to criminalize hatred on the internet

It could be a lot easier to prosecute online hate speech in the future if Minister of Justice, Grete Faremo gets the go-ahead for a new quickly drafted law following the ‘blogger case’ in Bergen [city on the west coast].

The proposal will be submitted to Parliament on Friday. The government wants to have the option to prosecute people for hate speech and incitement to criminal activities in a Norwegian court, no matter where in the world the statement was made.

“I think it is high time that we are given the legal means to pursue criminal speech on the Internet. The bill will correct the deficiency of the current law, as pointed out by the Supreme Court in the so-called ‘blogger case’ earlier this summer,’ says Faremo AP [Labour].

The police dropped the case against the so-called extreme blogger Eivind Berge after the Supreme Court ruled that it didn’t consider a written message on a blog to be a public statement. They relied on a 110 year old definition of criminal law, because the new Penal Code of 2005 hasn’t, for a variety of reasons, come into effect yet.

A few weeks before his arrest last summer, Berge wrote on his blog that he planned to attack a policeman with a knife on Torgallmenningen [the city square] in Bergen.

The majority of the Supreme Court’s appeals committee pointed out, however, that calls for the killing of police officers on the internet is clearly a crime, even though it falls outside the current definition of a public statement.

The bill could make it easier for police to prosecute Norwegian Islamists for statements made on social media.

This translation came in early this morning, and I haven’t yet heard what happened in Parliament today. Stay tuned for further news on this topic.

5 thoughts on “Crushing the Class Enemies of the People’s Republic of Norway

  1. The WHOLE point of forcing muslim into Europe from the VERY BEGINNING was to make SURE that totalitarianism would be permanent eventually.

    This is exactly what the Baha’i wanted to happen to the world with their multiculturalism dogma.

    The New World Order is guaranteed now

  2. The scant information available doesn’t necessarily indicate that there’s something sinister afoot. On the contrary, it could seem as this amendment to the law would be effective at clamping down on islamist agitators.

    Let’s hold our horses for now.

  3. Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
    John F. Kennedy

  4. The left love closed systems. Closed systems allow narrow-minded idiots to impose their views on everyone, and anyone who disagrees with them can be punished.

    The internet is an open system. If you don’t like what people say, you can go elsewhere – but nobody is forcing you to do or say anything.

    If the internet ever becomes a closed-system (like TV is these days) people will abandon it in droves and find themselves a new open system.

  5. @ mriggs: a closer study of history would probably amend your point of view. There is already way too much “nothing to see here, move along” already.

    @Vale…precisely. Open systems are where change is created. Right now you can still carve out a career in the computer field but it is fast becoming a guild as the universities take charge of handing out doctorates in the subject. The really inventive folks can be found elsewhere, though.

    The managed media is ossified and knows it. The frantic scramble to stay ‘relevant’ is sad to watch…sometimes.

    BHO’s re-election was partly due to the cut-‘n-paste machinations of the MSM. But in four years, who knows how much further its influence will have waned – and what open system will have begun to take its place…

    …thus the move to centralize & consolidate power while they can.

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