The Norwegian court has handed down its verdict: Anders Behring Breivik has been ruled officially sane, and will be sent to jail rather than committed to a psychiatric establishment.
Before and during the trial it was widely reported that Mr. Breivik would serve a maximum of twenty-one years in prison. That is not the case, however — his sentence is indefinite. Our Norwegian correspondent The Observer explains the confusion surrounding the sentence:
Breivik was handed a forvaringsdom (literally meaning ‘custody sentence’) which gives the authorities the opportunity to keep him locked up indefinitely. There are inmates in Norway who have been locked up for almost 40 years, due to the fact that they were handed (forvaringsdom). If a person receives a 21- year forvaringsdom, he could in theory be locked up for life.
Here are some translated excerpts from the wiki on forvaringsdom:
“In a forvaringsdom the court shall affix a time frame that generally shall not exceed 15 years and cannot exceed 21 years. Following a request from the prosecution, the court nonetheless can extend the sentence by up to 5 years at a time. The application for an extension instituted by the court shall occur no later than three months before the expiration of the sentence. There should also be determined a minimum period of detention which must not exceed 10 years. Containment is currently the only remedy the Norwegian courts have at their disposal to impose a real life sentence as there is no upper limit for the duration of such a judgment…
“Containment is one of the so-called ‘criminal sanctions’ introduced to the Norwegian courts in 2001. Offenders that the courts considered accountable (criminally sane) can be sentenced to forvaring (custody) if there is a real risk that the offender might repeat the crime or is considered to be a danger to society.”
Most criminals in Norway are not handed forvaringsdom, however — only a small percentage. If you receive a non-forvaringsdom sentence, you are normally let out of prison after having served only two thirds of the sentence, and in some cases even sooner.
People who receive forvaringsdom are generally psychopaths, etc.
Mr. Breivik’s primary goal was to be declared sane, so he will begin his stretch behind bars without appealing the verdict. Except that he won’t be behind bars — his incarceration will take place in a well-appointed suite of rooms resembling the accommodations at a modest Nordic hotel.
The Observer offers these additional comments on today’s news:
Anders Behring Breivik has been found to be criminally sane by the court in Oslo, which means that he is going to serve his sentence in a prison as opposed to a closed ward in a psychiatric hospital. Not that it really matters that much in the big scheme of things; he would have been transported back to his isolated custom-designed hypermodern state-of-the-art wing at Ila prison regardless of whether he was found insane or not.
The fact that Breivik will spend the rest of his life in relative cushy surroundings paid for by the Norwegian taxpayers bothers me, but there are other aspects about this depressing case that bother me even more, such as the signals the Norwegian authorities are sending out to the rest of the world. They are basically telling the terrorists of the world to head for Norway and engage in bloody carnage. And if the terrorists take them up on their offer, the effeminate Norwegian authorities will not mistreat them, and under no circumstances will they dream about violating their ‘sacred’ human rights.
Nor will the terrorists have to worry about failing their missions, as the Norwegian police and intelligence agencies are blatantly incompetent and will never be able to foil any terrorist attacks. An added bonus is that under no circumstances will these agencies execute their job properly — which would be to, under exceptional circumstances, risk their lives in order to save innocent people from being slaughtered in front of their very eyes. In such scenarios they will begin debating among themselves what the proper legal response is and then await confirmation from their superiors before they act.
The Norwegian authorities will even supply the terrorists with a platform from which they can disseminate their hateful rhetoric and propaganda while they smirk and revel in their own cleverness and the stupidity of the ‘Norgies’.
Because who’s to say that Al Qaeda or some other parasitic terrorist organization won’t take them up on their offer? Pretty much anywhere else, such parasites would get a bullet in the head upon capture.
One social commentator, Hanne Nabintu Herland, dared to challenge the enforced state sanctioned consensus and suggested what any person of a sound mind was already thinking, namely that the police upon learning about the massacre at Utøya should have quickly scrambled a helicopter and sent a sniper to Utøya to kill Breivik to prevent him fulfilling his mission. For this she was vilified by the political correct morons who decide what ‘proper political’ discourse in Norway is and what isn’t. Their response was to rebuke her for daring to suggest such a thing; didn’t she know that even an individual like Breivik has rights?
It’s hard to come up with an appropriate response to such absolute nonsense, but then again if people are that far gone ideologically, common sense and logic will never be able to permeate their indoctrinated leftists’ brains. They will never be able to see the irrationality of their arguments.
Earlier today I watch a story on the news about Mark Chapman, the guy who assassinated John Lennon in NYC in 1980. Evidently Mr. Chapman was denied parole yet again. I think this was his seventh parole request. The parole board’s refusal to grant him his wish was based on what they perceived to be the sanctity of human life and Mr. Chapman’s blatant disregard for it when he chose to aim his gun at John Lennon and squeeze the trigger. Chapman has spent almost 32 years behind bars for killing one person. Breivik killed 77 plus he blew up a governmental building in downtown Oslo and was only handed a 21-year sentence by the Norwegian courts.
These very two different ways of reacting speak volumes for how human life is valued in the US versus Norway. In Norway human life is cheap. The murderer gets the silk glove treatment and the family and friends of the victims gets the fist in the face treatment. In the US the killer gets the punch in the face and not the next of kin of the victims.
Breivik was handed the ‘strictest’ sentence available to the courts in Norway, which is 21 years. But even so it is highly unlikely that the psychopathic monster will ever be able to enjoy life as a free man again. The forvaringsdom gives the prison management the opportunity to keep him locked up indefinitely if they should arrive at the conclusion in 2033 that he still constitutes a threat to society, and I am 99.9 percent sure that this is the conclusion they will arrive at.
If my daughter had been on Utøya that horrible day and fallen victim to the madman, I would have made it my life’s task to extinguish every bit of life in Anders Behring Breivik, and I wouldn’t really care how long this endeavour might have taken me or what the consequences were.
I would also have publicly demanded that the authorities execute the monster upon sentencing. But in Norway you’re not allowed to express such views, and if you do you’re ostracized from the ‘sanctimonious flock’. My hope is that maybe one day in the future Norwegians will find the courage to break free from the shackles of the current totalitarian climate and speak their minds. I also hope that in the future things will change politically in Norway and that we can rid ourselves of the disease of politically correctness and multiculturalism, but I fear that it will never happen, at least not until it is too late.
The political situation in Norway really upsets me. The only good thing that this sorry case has done for my country is to produce the July 22 report, which has highlight the numerous flaws that exist in Norwegian society — not that I think we are going to see any changes as a result of it.
Previous posts about the trial of Anders Behring Breivik:
“I also hope that in the future things will change politically in Norway and that we can rid ourselves of the disease of politically correctness and multiculturalism, but I fear that it will never happen, at least not until it is too late.”
I hope so too but I guess they won’t do it because every change Breivik wanted to do is seen as his victory and I personally think the Norwegians won’t let him “win” so they won’t change their political attitude.
And, for its sentence of this mass-murderer, Norway demonstrates itself to be insane.