Behind the Gates of Vienna

Like so many other writers who oppose Islamization, the Danish psychologist Nicolai Sennels has been lumped together by the media with the mass murdering psychopath of Oslo and Utøya. This is his response.

Behind the Gates of Vienna

by Nicolai Sennels

I am now one of those who are accused of making Anders Breivik into a mass murderer. As Gates of Vienna is also involved, I thought my answer might be of interest and maybe also inspiration for GoV’s readers:

“In his commentary ‘Behind the Gates of Vienna’ in the August 19 edition of Weekend Newspaper, Arne Hardis puts me into the same category as Anders Breivik. The reason for this is that I have called the violent conflict between the Islamic world and everyone else a Third World War. We are not at war with Islam, but Islam is at war with us. The whole thing begins in the Quran, which in reality is a declaration of war against all non-Muslims.

Islamic terror has no limits, and Muslim ghettos have no fatherland. You may call it what you like, but the war on terror is a worldwide conflict.

Hardis also thinks that I am too harsh when I predict exchanges of fire between Muslim groups and Western authorities. Unfortunately, this has already happened several places, among others at Grenoble. There, the police chief said desperately at a press conference that ‘ they shoot at us like shooting at rabbits ‘.

The Islamists’ demand for local sharia states in Europe, which I likewise have predicted, is now a reality. Does Hardis dare to believe that there are no Muslims who will take to the usual means of terror and kidnapping in order to get these demands fulfilled? Breivik was fed up with the Leftist rulers’ careless policy toward a violent and totalitarian religion, and committed crimes against the democratic principles supported by Islam-critical blogs.

Only Breivik can assume the responsibility for his deplorable acts. Those who let Islam enter the Gates of Vienna, however, and sold their voters the dream of a happy multiculture, have burdened themselves with a historically huge responsibility.

Nicolai Sennels is a psychologist and the author of “Among Criminal Muslims: A Psychologist’s experiences with the Copenhagen Municipality”.

Previous posts by or about Nicolai Sennels:

2010   Jan   6   The Eternal Victim
    Feb   19   Youths, Crime, and Islam
    Apr   11   The Stigmatization Fallacy
    May   8   Islam Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry
    Jul   28   Nicolai Sennels: An Open Letter to David Cameron
    Aug   5   Rape by Proxy
        10   Islam and Inbreeding
    Dec   17   The Connection Between Muslim Inbreeding and Terrorism
2011   Jan   10   The Dhimmification of the Red Cross
        12   Was Muhammad a Gelotophobe?
        26   Food Crises are Caused by Overpopulation
    Feb   10   Send in the Midwives!
        23   Western Quran Schools Are “Terrorist Factories”
    Mar   22   Why Multiculture Will Always Fail
        26   What is Islamization?
    Apr   3   The Psychopath’s Argument: Free Speech Kills People
    May   3   Islam’s Nancy Boys: The Psychological Background
        25   Arab Drought: Oil for Water
        28   Lean to the Left
    Jun   2   Freedom is Slavery
        11   Shame: Muslim culture’s armour. Weapon? Humour.
    Jul   29   Breivik: Inspired by Al Qaeda?

2 thoughts on “Behind the Gates of Vienna

  1. “Those who let Islam enter the Gates of Vienna, however, and sold their voters the dream of a happy multiculture, have burdened themselves with a historically huge responsibility.”

    I doubt that. The majority of politicians are 50+ years of age, totally narcissisistic, and corrupt. They figure that they will be dead and gone when the bill comes due. They only care about immediate threats to their depredations. I doubt they care about their “legacy”.

  2. “Does Hardis dare to believe that there are no Muslims who will take to the usual means of terror and kidnapping in order to get these demands fulfilled?”

    I the face of logical conclusions that one doesn’t like, it is often the reaction of the weak minded to waste time striving to discredit the obvious facts.

    This is the act of a fool.

    The person presenting the facts shouldn’t take these foolish arguments personally.

    We certainly want to force vindication of ourselves, but sometimes the best response is no response. Let the fact speak for themselves, and the the fools make fools of themselves.

    Trying to refute a fool often leads to us becoming fools in kind.

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