In the southern Indian city of Bangalore, pubs are now refusing to serve black Africans. The city has a large number of sub-Saharan residents — mostly students, known generically as “Nigerians” — and business owners consider them likely dope dealers and troublemakers, so the pubs won’t allow them in.
Indians are usually considered “brown” people. So, is their behavior “racist”? Or must the heads of the politically correct now explode?
In other news, MI6, Britain’s foreign intelligence service, successfully hacked an Al Qaeda website and substituted a cupcake recipe for what were supposed to be downloadable instructions for building bombs from household materials.
To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.
Thanks to AC, C. Cantoni, Caroline Glick, Fjordman, Gaia, Insubria, JD, TV, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.
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Send ’em all to Pakistan!
I assume the “Nigerians” are all Muslim.
MI6, Britain’s foreign intelligence service, successfully hacked an Al Qaeda website and substituted a cupcake recipe for what were supposed to be downloadable instructions for building bombs from household materials.
More like conspire than inspire, MI6 edit Al Qaeda’s in-house promomag – think about it.
@ in hoc. A conspiracy theorist to boot?
Kudos to MI6 but I wonder why no-one ever did it before.
There are many criminal hackers and I rather think that USING them (poacher turned gamekeeper) would be far more beneficial that gaoling them. Turn their criminal skill to good use.
The city has a large number of sub-Saharan residents — mostly students, known generically as “Nigerians” — and business owners consider them likely dope dealers and troublemakers, so the pubs won’t allow them in.
Indians are usually considered “brown” people. So, is their behavior “racist”? Or must the heads of the politically correct now explode?
Priceless. Even the Third World is discovering the joys of discrimination and prejudice. As if Nigeria hasn’t already made itself an international pariah.
Due to how prevalent the “Nigerian Scam” is, many large American corporations simply block ALL email originating from that African country. Is that “racist” or just good common sense?
If anything, it is a solid example of how brazen criminality, left unpunished, goes on to taint an entire people who willfully countenance such thievery.
How ironic that even semi-destitute Third World regions have come to understand the predatory nature of so many who originate from Africa. It’s long past tea for the Dark Continent to wear its millstone in proper fashion.
bewick: Turn their criminal skill to good use.
Ummmm … no. That would be allowing criminals to profit from their crimes. Something that only encourages perpetrating even more cyber crime.
Hackers and virus writers deserve the Cyber Death Penalty* and nothing else. There are scads of legitimate IT experts who can slice, dice and chop terrorist web sites into mincemeat. Let them profit from their adherence to law and make further legitimate contributions to society.
We have already gone up the learning curve of how insanely stupid it is to reward criminal behavior in the IT sector. There is no need to repeat the lesson.
* The Cyber Death Penalty is an stepped series of escalating restrictions imposed upon computer criminals that ― upon repeat offenses ― gradually and irreversibly limit any unmonitored access to the web and, eventually, even their ownership of computers or employment with firms that use computers. A lengthy suspended sentence of lifetime imprisonment accompanies conviction for severe or repeated offenses.
This is the topic for one of my future essays.
“Kudos to MI6”
You miss the point if MI6 were involved in this it only demonstrated their incompetence – that particular issue of inspire is available intact and their glory hunting (in seeking kudos) has acted as PR for inspire.
Legitimate IT experts hack with a heavy conscience.
Re Indians and racism.
Nothing new here.
The Indians have a very long history of racial discrimination,it’s called the ‘caste system’.
Indians have assured me that their preference for “light-skin” spouses is not racist, only ‘Europeans’ are racist.
The usual Third World hypocrisy.