Coming Soon to a School Cafeteria Near You

Blazing Cat Fur just posted this astonishing story about what’s going on at a middle school in the Toronto area.

I strongly recommend that you pass this report around, especially if you live in Canada, or have friends or relatives in Canada. Included are the phone numbers and email addresses of those responsible for this travesty:

Islamic Ritual Prayer Conducted at Toronto District School Board Middle School

I received this e-mail from Mark Harding. I phoned Valley Park Middle School, who in a panic directed me to call the TDSB directly @ 416-397-3000. The TDSB “Communications Dept.” is so far incommunicado -they are away at a meeting.

Islamic ritual prayers are done in my 13 year old daughter’s middle school on every Friday.

Every Friday my daughter’s school cafeteria changes into a mosque as dozens of Muslim boys and their imams (Islamic preachers) lead Islamic ritual prayers and no one else can even walk through the cafeteria.

Some imams (Islamic preachers) come from the outside of the school and lead Muslim students in the Islamic prayer and this happens at the school Cafeteria after the lunch on Fridays. All other non-Muslims are in classes in the afternoon when they are using the cafeteria as mosque. There is a mosque nearby but the Muslim kids pray in the school

School administration take part preparing the Cafeteria and making it into mosque every Friday and no one but Muslims can use the Cafeteria during the Islamic prayers on Friday.

And there are a number of other incidents involving Islam and other anti-Christian issues that I complained about, including a white convert to Islam who was a supply teacher and who openly promoted Islam and bashed Christianity last year!”

The school’s name is: Valley Park Middle School, and the address is:

130 Overlea Boulevard
Don Mills On, M3C 1B2
Phone: 416 396 2465

Hat tip: Vlad Tepes.

14 thoughts on “Coming Soon to a School Cafeteria Near You

  1. School administration take part preparing the Cafeteria and making it into mosque every Friday and no one but Muslims can use the Cafeteria during the Islamic prayers on Friday.

    I do believe, just as with America, that Canadian schools are publicly funded with taxpayer dollars. If so, that makes this wrong on so many levels as to defy imagination.

    Students, en mass, should cut class and crowd into the cafeteria during Friday prayers in order to show just exactly who has the right to be where in their own school.

    As always, everyone involved in obtaining administrative clearance for this abortion of justice needs to have their name blacklisted for future prosecution.

  2. If you are surprised by this you should come visit some of the schools in my neck of the woods,England.They might aswell just call them mosques.You havent seen nothing yet,but i can assure you,you will!


    • Prayer Service, the school is providing a venue for the Muslim student’s to have prayers at school on
    Fridays. An Imam from the neighbouring mosque comes to our school and conducts the prayers. Prior
    to this, students signed out early on Friday afternoons to go to mosque. By staying at school, valuable
    instructional time is saved for our students.


    from BCF comments

  4. I think I might puke. This is so disgusting. Is there no soul left in the West? Are our people and civilization just going to gleefully walk off a proverbial cliff?

    I follow these issues because I can’t live with myself If I don’t. The Western world is my home. To me, there is no difference between hostile foreigners living my country and a home invader living in my living room.

    I have to ask baron, how do you do this every day? The constant stream of s*** coming out of our countries on a daily basis is enough to drive one mad. I love Gates of Vienna and its compatriots, but sometimes it gets so difficult to read. It’s like hearing in painful detail about how a parent’s body was brutally and sadistically mutilated just after leaving their funeral.

  5. By staying at school, valuable
    instructional time is saved for our students.

    Oh, well that’s okay then. The muslim kids get their education in supremacy and how to take over by using the host’s resources.

    The kaffir kidz learn that some students are more equal than others by ceding space to the muslims on friday afternoon.

    Well done, Valley Park.

  6. This school is in Thorncliffe Park, ground zero of the Islamic invasion of Toronto. Right around the corner from the school is a radical mosque, chock full of bearded and burka’d fanatics. This must be where the “Imam from the neighbouring mosque comes to our school and conducts the prayers.” Wonderful.

    Though I can’t say that this is at all surprising. The only shocker here is that the school hasn’t yet forced all of its non-Muslim students to attend the Friday prayers as well. Just give them some time…..

  7. “how do you do this every day? The constant stream of s*** coming out of our countries on a daily basis is enough to drive one mad.”

    While we can connect without controls, we are blessed to bring facts to the poker table… there is no real stalemate in life..

    that’s like inventing an actual perpetual motion machine..

    oh wait.. God already did that..

    gosh darn dagnabbit..

  8. Munin said…

    I have to ask baron, how do you do this every day?

    Well, it *is* difficult at times, Munin, but this is not all he does. GoV is necessary but not sufficient to the larger goal, which is the pushback against Shariah.

    A lot of what he does really is ‘behind the scenes’. It’s simply networking with ppl in other countries who are attempting to bring about change.

    When they get ‘big’ enough, these folks can move on into Parliament, or whatever.

    Look at Gavin Boby’s work. It didn’t evolve out of our blog, certainly, but the Baron knows him, and the work both did with others in the UK led Gavin to make this courageous move to offer legal help to those who wanted to stop further mosque-buildilng in their localities:

    Law and Freedom Foundation

    In addition, the Baron strategizes extensively with others, e.g., Elisabeth Sabaditch-Wolff, whose conviction in Austria Mark Steyn called “a heresy trial”…

    He works with nat’l and local organizations here, in the UK, and in Scandinavian countries.

    No, I don’t know how he manages it either, but he does.

    BTW, what motivates the B is the deep personal relationships he’s developed over time. He continues to be awed by how things have evolved.

    The Karma Dude can set one’s life on fire sometimes — whether one has an asbestos jacket or not…

    I admire my husband’s work but I wouldn’t even attempt ten percent of what he does. Someday a younger person will come along and stand in his shoes. Until then, he just keeps on truckin’…

  9. Nilk said: “Oh, well that’s okay then. The muslim kids get their education in supremacy and how to take over by using the host’s resources.”

    Well, Certainly! They got/are getting, their practice down pat in India!


  10. We can’t pray in our schools as Christians, but to allow Islamics to use a school as a mosque?


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