The Undead London Mega-Mosque

Mega-Mosque, LondonA few months ago it seemed that the local council in Newham had managed to kill the plans for London’s Mega-Mosque. However, government higher-ups have now overruled common sense and breathed new life into Tablighi Jamaat’s mega-project.

Alan Craig of Newham Concern just issued this press release about the newly-revenant mosque:

Tablighi Jamaat Islamists “may continue on Olympic mega-mosque site” rules government Planning Inspector

Successful appeal by fundamentalist sect “ominous, unjust and divisive” says opposition campaign

Today’s decision by a government Planning Inspector that separatist Islamic sect Tablighi Jamaat may continue to use the current temporary mosque on the site of their proposed Olympic mega-mosque at West Ham has been roundly condemned by local opposition group Newham Concern who say that the decision will provide succour to Islamic radicals and will further boost the capital’s reputation as “Londonistan”.

“For years Tablighi Jamaat have deliberately flouted building regulations and planning laws,” said Alan Craig, Newham Concern’s campaign director and former leader of the Opposition on Newham Council. “After much delay and procrastination Newham Council at last took the right action and told them to move off site. But the Planning Inspector has overturned this and apparently decided that illegality pays and they can stay on site with temporary planning permission for a further two years.

“This is ominous for the future development of this key site. It is unjust, as the rest of us are expected to act within the law of the land or we get penalised,” said Alan Craig. “And it is divisive as it puts Tablighi Jamaat in a privileged protected position.

“Nonetheless our campaign will continue and we will up our opposition. East London is a great place to live and for the sake of our tolerant diverse east London communities, we cannot allow their massive monument to separatism, bigotry and misogyny to be constructed.”


Alan Craig
Campaign Director of Newham Concern
07939 547198

8 thoughts on “The Undead London Mega-Mosque

  1. And our assimilation continues…

    We know it damages us but we couldn’t possibly violate our principals in our own defense.

    Worshiping at the altar of Political Correctness is a dangerous thing. Especially when it comes to embracing the Multi-Culturalism dogmas disallowing our rejection of someone else’s belief system. Especially when their belief system seeks to destroy our own belief system.

    In this, we become the tool of our own destruction.

    Very sad. Very tragic.

  2. Sad to say this but UK govt has just become suicidal.

    Does the planning inspector even read the unholy Koran. Do they not realise that all there is in Koran is about killing the infidel. There is nothing much there to preach (apart from torturing the women).

    A very sad day. Just thinking about another unholy mosque makes me puke.

  3. Public insurrection is coming closer every day. You must not allow this mosque to be built. Having exhausted legal channels, the rest is obvious.

  4. If a massive terrorist attack is launched on the Olympics from this mosque, who will answer for it? Will the Newham Planning Inspector be held accountable for this Islamic military installation being set up right across the street?

    Who, aside from countless dead innocents will have to pay the price?


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