Al Qaeda Targets Austrian Copts

Our Austrian correspondent ESW sends this report about the breaking news of Al Qaeda’s threats against Copts in Austria.

Fifteen Coptic Christians in Austria on Al Qaeda death list

by ESW

Today the Austrian tabloid ÖSTERREICH reports that a new Al Qaeda spin-off, Al Daula Al Iraqiyah Al Islamiyah (Islamic State of Iraq), has released a list of death threats against more than a hundred Coptic Christian human rights activists worldwide, including fifteen Copts living in Austria, five of whom are Austrian citizens.

William TadrosWilliam Tadros is one of the persons mentioned in the list. In an interview with ÖSTERREICH, Tadros reports that he informed the Office for the Protection of the Constitution and Terrorism Prevention when he found out that his name was on the death list. “Al Qaeda wants to kill us because of what we are doing for the Christian minority in Egypt.”

FPÖ party leader Heinz-Christian Strache has written a letter to interior minister Maria Fekter asking her “not to remain inactive when Coptic Christians, who trust in our safety, are being threatened. The Ministry of Interior must act before there are victims!”

The new Al Qaeda group claimed responsibility for the massacre in a church in Baghdad in late October, which left more than 50 dead, as well as the recent suicide attack in Stockholm. The Baghdad massacre took place in direct correlation with the Egyptian Copts because they did not comply with a demand made by this Al Qaeda group. These two attacks prove that this group must be taken seriously. International intelligence services have added Al Daula Al Iraqiyah Al Islamiyah to their watch lists.

The exiled Copts are a danger and menace to the Islamists because of the Copts’ increasingly effective information campaign about the cultural genocide against Christians taking place in the Islamic world. Now that the Jews have successfully been expelled from Islamic countries, the Coptic Christians are next in line. It is the Islamists’ goal to establish a monocultural bloc ranging from the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans.

The group’s website cites the following: “For this reason, the war ministry of the Islamic Iraqi Republic announces that all Christian centers, organizations and clubs with all of its members are deemed justifiable targets for our mujaheddin.” However, those in charge of the death list are targeting the entire free world. It is their explicit goal to establish a fundamentalist Islamic state in Iraq and to act against all Jews and Christians worldwide. The group’s homepage is found in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Tadros will “not be deterred by those threats. We will continue to fight for the rights of Christians.”

7 thoughts on “Al Qaeda Targets Austrian Copts

  1. The exiled Copts are a danger and menace to the Islamists because of the Copts’ increasingly effective information campaign about the cultural genocide against Christians taking place in the Islamic world. [emphasis added]

    The historical record is littered with the hulks of cultures and governments for whom the truth had become “a danger and menace”. Islam is no exception.

    More importantly, Politically Correct Austrians will now get a powerful dose of their own medicine as they try to sort out which of these “Noble Savages” they must line up behind.

    Far too many Austrians retain some sense of their Christian identity for them to blithely ignore death squads roaming their nation in search of fellow Christians to kill. It also will be just too much of a stretch for anyone to protray the Copts as being a threat to Austria’ Muslim population. That sort of garbage might play on the West Bank but not in a placid and well-heeled European nation.

    Moreover, there should be some sort of outrage about how Austria has thousands of its troops in Iraq helping to liberate that cesspit of Islamism, not to mention that almost 10% of Muslims in Austria are Iraqi Kurds. Yet, here we have an Iraqi terrorist organization trying to hunt down peaceful minority ethnic Christians on Austria’s soveriegn territory.

    Let’s see how well that plays out in the face of Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff’s trial for denigrating Islam.

    It becomes difficult to imagine exactly what standard of proof Europe’s Politically Correct cadres will require before they finally admit to the threat that Islam poses for them and all other non-Muslim cultures.

    Something like a trout in the milk pail is what I suspect it will take. Of course, by then much of Europe will be under shari’a law and all of this will be fodder for historians as those of us who still resist Islam will be hunkered down behind the barricades.

  2. Zenster some of the PC left will never admit the truth, to them the truth is what serves their cause best. Thus when it will help the left to admit that Islam is a threat they will, until then they will continue to support the Moslems.

  3. The copts are under attack also in Sweden, where their church in Gothenburgh was closed for the holydays because of threats, and 100+ copts from Canada are on an Al Qaeda hit list.
    The Copts are running from Egypt because of Muslim persecution and are being followed by these same muslims around the globe.

    GoV has also posted a story about a copt that is harrased in Amsterdam for wearing his cross.. by the police!

  4. It becomes difficult to imagine exactly what standard of proof Europe’s Politically Correct cadres will require before they finally admit to the threat that Islam poses for them and all other non-Muslim cultures.

    Its doubtful they’ll ever learn, not even during their last seconds on Earth when they’re trussed up in an orange jumpsuit and with blood spurting out of their jugular as their heads are being separated from their bodies by Allah Akbar-screaming Muslim demons.

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