In what was evidently a failed suicide bombing attempt, a man in the lavatory of a Danish hotel injured himself when his explosive device only partially detonated . He fled the hotel and ran off into a nearby park in Copenhagen, where police arrested him. He may require hospital treatment. There is no word yet on the Mohammed Coefficient of the incident.
In other news, despite the fact that there will be no Koran-burning at the Dove World Outreach Center tomorrow, Muslim protests are continuing worldwide. At least one person was killed when demonstrations in Afghanistan turned violent.
To see the headlines and the articles, open the full news post.
Thanks to DF, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, Kitman, mriggs, Sean O’Brian, TB, Zenster, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.
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‘Immigrants as pets’
The video:
The Dove World Outreach Center appears to be reaching the wrong way. Whoever thinks he can save anything but himself by his religion is not accomplishing the first task.
Nothing against burning child pornography or Korans, but the best antidote to the Koran is to read it.
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