I wrote earlier today about the Muslim Brotherhood’s patient long-term strategy for subverting and overthrowing the democratic institutions of the West in preparation for the creation of sharia states, and eventually a worldwide Caliphate.
It’s important to remember that Islam’s time horizon can be measured in decades — if not centuries. While our leaders are squawking and squabbling and embezzling and scheming about the next election, the Ikhwan is working quietly throughout the world towards a common goal.
The article below gives an idea of what they’re up to. It won’t draw much attention. After all, why would Arab countries bother investing millions of dollars in lightly-populated Pacific archipelagoes?
Answer: Votes at the UN.
Islam will consider it money well spent if it helps guarantee a majority for the OIC position the next time an anti-“Islamophobia” vote or a pro-“Palestine” resolution hits the floor of the General Assembly.
I tell you, these guys play a mean game. We will be totally screwed if we don’t wake up pronto and realize what’s being done to us.
According to ANSAmed:
Arab League ‘Courts’ Pro-Israeli Pacific Islands
(ANSAmed) — SYDNEY, AUGUST 11 — The Arab world has launched a “seduction offensive” in the South Pacific, where most of the region’s 14 archipelago-states traditionally support Israel within the United Nations and other international bodies, hindering the votes of much more populous nations. The daily paper The Australian has today reported on the Arab League’s decision to send an official delegation to the Pacific and to open its own office in the region. Moreover, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have created a 38-million-euro development fund for the islands and will be the location of the headquarters of the new Arab-Pacific Cooperation Forum.
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The paper reported that the plan had been outlined at the summit of the two regions in June in Abu Dhabi, where the 14 states were represented by heads of government or Ministers for Foreign Affairs, preceded by a visit to the region by the UAE Foreign Minister, Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan.
In a document released at the end of the summit, the Pacific states “note the concern on the part of Arab states over the conflict in the Middle East, especially in Palestine, and the need to resolve disputes on the basis of UN Security Council resolutions and the principles of the Road Map, and recognise that the positions of Arab states are crucial for peace which is fair, comprehensive and permanent.” (ANSAmed).
Hat tip: Insubria.
It would appear that Islam has taken a page out of Communist China’s playbook. The Red Chinese use this exact same strategy to diplomatically isolate Taiwan.
As is the case with Taiwan and other small island nations, one would think that they might have a stronger understanding of the dangers arising from their increased vulnerability.
Sadly, thinking is in short supply, especially amongst the striped trouser set. Consequently, far too many within the diplomatic community cannot see past the golden carrot dangled forth by Islam in order to glimpse the shari’a stick that it is always suspended from.
Again, as the proverbial canary in the coal mine, Israel’s plight at Muslim hands should provide a stark object lesson to these similarly tiny nations. Instead, their poulations will be mere hors d’oeuvres for Islam’s cannibals to devour in earnest once the world’s back is turned.
Considering that Japan is doing exactly the same thing in whaling (getting landlocked African nations onto the whaling commission for votes), I can’t say it’s exclusively a Chinese thing.
This is a bribe. And considering that Indonesia is the biggest country in the region (its population is ten times the size of Australia’s), brutally occupied East Timor (the Indonesians were rather stumped when the independence referendum was carried, and have view East Timor as a contemptuous, rebellious province), and are even today denying West Papuans their right to protest, it is well that the Pacific should be wary of Islam’s standard bearer in the Pacific region.