Denmark Tightens Immigration Rules

Once again, Denmark leads the way. Our Danish correspondent Kepiblanc has translated a brief report from Jyllands-Posten about the newest restrictions that have been imposed on immigration:

Further restrictions on immigration to Denmark

Today the Danish Government and its supporting party, the Danish People’s Party, signed an agreement further restricting laws on immigration to Denmark.

According to the Danish news agency Ritzau the agreement will impose harsher conditions on family reunions. Up until now spouses could not be granted reunion if they had received welfare benefits within one year. That period will be extended to three years.

Furthermore, the agreement will change the rules for asylum-seekers who want to visit their country of origin. If they do so — without special permission — they will be denied access to Denmark for ten years. Up until now, no such condition existed.

The right to vote

Foreigners’ right to vote in municipal elections will be changed. From now on such rights will be granted after four years, as opposed to three. The road to a permanent residence permit will be via a system of merit. Points are granted on such issues as the applicant’s ability to work, his language skills, and his willingness to engage in Danish social life.

It gets easier, too

Additionally, the Danish People’s Party and the government agreed to facilitate immigration in some respects. The Liberal Party, The Conservative Party and The Danish People’s Party will grant a permanent residence permit after only four years as opposed to the present seven years.

Kepiblanc adds this commentary:
– – – – – – – –

All of this bureaucratese translates as follows: We don’t want any more Muslims in this country.

The chapter on family reunions and spouses will first and foremost ruin the Ummah’s primary tactic of importing huge families whose members all live on the dole. And the Muslims’ habit of going “on vacation” to their various Barbaristans each year is history. And the few Muslims who actually vote at municipal elections are the most shrewd ones, the hard-core jihadists.

But he real culprit here is the chapter on “willingness to engage in social life” — which pretty much excludes all Muslims.

Finally, facilitating “in some respects” means easier entry for Chinese, Vietnamese, Indians, Poles, Americans and all other civilized and skilled people.

18 thoughts on “Denmark Tightens Immigration Rules

  1. I had understood that immigration law was largely in the hands of the EU now. Could someone clarify this?

    Is the story simply that a European country can prevent unwanteds from taking up residence, but cannot prevent unwanteds from paying a visit from other EU countries?

  2. All of this bureaucratese translates as follows: We don’t want any more Muslims in this country.

    Finally, facilitating “in some respects” means easier entry for Chinese, Vietnamese, Indians, Poles, Americans and all other civilized and skilled people.

    It reminds me of Thilo Sarrazin’s remarks about immigrants and “immigrants”, and how wrong it is to lump mahoundians with those who, unlike the slaves of mahound’s imaginary alter-ego allah, are more than willing to work and assimilate into German society.

  3. Denmark is learning that no matter
    waht the state gives them in free services, jobs, whatever the mussies
    will never assimilate or intergrate into the danish
    state or culture. Just as
    this has been roven wherever musssies are allowed to
    immigrate and settle.

    The best and only solution is to
    ban all Muslim immigration and
    kicks those that are already
    there, OUT.

  4. Jeff, in principle you’re right: The EUSSR controls everything, the color of your toilet paper included. Or so the Politbyro in Brussels likes to think. However reality is a bit different, and – for once – the bureaucracy is our friend: whatever the mandarins come up with, it ends in a chaotic mess. Invariably.

    That’s why national governments can still control immigration to some extent. Any ruling party who implemented EUSSR legislation in full would be out of business in a heartbeat. Just look at the overall picture in Europe: anti-immigration (i.e. anti-Muslim) parties are surging – it’s not just The Netherlands. If some government wants to stay in office it has to limit immigration in one way or other – apart from Sweden and the UK where electional procedures effectively prohibits such parties from participation in politics.

    Take Denmark as an example: the one and only way to keep The Danish People’s Party at its present size about 15% is to adopt large chunks of its anti-immigration stance. Which means that not only the right-wing parties but also the two major socialist parties simply have to adopt some (token?) resistance to Muslim immigration.

    If I may quote your president Hussein Obama – who quotes the late chairman Mao: The EUSSR is nothing but a joke, a paper tiger. I can safely be ignored.

  5. Uh oh. Do you realize the impact these rules will have on the free travel and immigration of Jews? Take Brooklyn, Monsey, Lakewood, or Kiryas Joel for example. They are heavily dependent on welfare to sustain their non-working male lifestyle and their 7-10 kids per woman. Further, they deliberately avoid “socializing” with any non-Jews (it is against Jewish law). They are, in effect, shtetls in the New World.

    Any country that insists on social assimilation and no welfare use and no wives/husbands from elsewhere is attacking traditional Jewish communities.

    Given these pro-Christian and anti-minority changes to Danish law, I can understand why Jews fight for open borders and the right to set up little colonies wherever they settle.

    You and Denmark had better find a way to accommodate traditional separatist Jews of this is going to be crushed at the EU level as discrimination.

    I am not talking the Israeli computer programmer, shrimp eating, secular Jews, now. I am talking the huge Haredi population. The “black hatters” as the Israelis call them. At 7-10 kids per woman, the population is exploding, and they fiercely fight assimilation with “the nations” (meaning you and me).

    Guys, they lived in Poland for over 500 years and the vast majority successfully avoided learning to speak or understand Polish. And now you want to pull this Danish forced assimilation stuff? Ain’t gonna happen.

    You must figure out a way to permit traditional Jews to live in isolation away from gentiles in accordance with Jewish law, find wives in other countries and collect welfare benefits.

    Further, they are already way too inbred. Ever heard of “Tay-Sachs” or “Krone’s Disease” these are just two of the many Jewish diseases due to inbreeding for a couple millenia.

    If you cut off each little Jewish colony from finding wives in other little Jewish colonies across the globe the inbreeding is only going to get worse.

    And, no, Virginia,they cannot convert or marry your women. They must remain separate and apart from you.

  6. @Jeff

    If a European Union country C gives an immigrant J the right to stay in that country, a second EU country D has to permit J to visit and even live or work there.
    However, it is not required to provide J with any social benefits. No rent free housing, no dole money, no free schooling for the children.

  7. Well Hadley, I’ve never seen those “black hatters” around here. Our Jews are as Danish as Carlsberg Beer, and then some. Are those Jews Muslims perchance? – Do they carry knives? – Are they in the habit of stabbing, raping, molesting and otherwise enriching their benefactors, the Aboriginals? – Do they steal, loot, burn schools and cars, marry toddlers, kill their daughters? – If so, I guess you’re right: the EUSSR will import them from you – for any amount of dough you may desire….

    The closest thing to crazy Jews we have here are our so-called “suicide Jews” – the ones that advocate “tolerance” towards Muslims. But those few Jews are nothing but laughing stock anyway.

  8. bloody danes, interfering as usual. how are my predictions of complete chaos going to come true if they start acting all *sensible*?

    something needs to be done about these people…

  9. I had understood that immigration law was largely in the hands of the EU now. Could someone clarify this?

    We have an opt-out from significant sections of the EU law factory, including immigration policy. This is not an explicit opt-out, but is derived from Denmark still retaining the right in judicial matters.

    Yes, the EU will fret. Let them.

    Is it true that English law places the burden proof on the accused? This sounds outrageous!

    Yes, true. Wales is just as bad.

    You could guide Libel Tourism for more information. Rachel Ehrenfeld was instrumental in getting this serious kind of Lawfare to the attention of everyone.

    Please read and do your best on blogs and elsewhere to make this problem known to everyone. Eventually, our re-actionary politicians will have to fix it.

    Do you realize the impact these rules will have on the free travel and immigration of Jews? […] They are heavily dependent on welfare to sustain their non-working male lifestyle and their 7-10 kids per woman.

    So what? We have plenty enough people like this in Denmark, and do not need more.

  10. hadley,

    You mean the Haredim (Ultra-Orthodox Jews). They are a small minority and a very closed society. They don’t socialize with (let alone marry) secular Jews. They don’t marry and usually don’t socialize with orthodox Jews (because they’re not orthodox enough for them). They are extremely strict and want to preserve their form of worship. Doesn’t Christianity have some groups that are not so keen on socializing with and marrying others? Do Mormons marry Jews? Do Mormons marry non-Mormons?

    How many of them live in Europe anyway?

    Geert Wilders set the foundation for addressing such “peculiarities” by defining western civilization as rooted in Christianity, Judaism and humanism. Thus the Haredim could be seen as part of western civilization, like other religious “peculiarities”, that can be tolerated since they don’t want to impose their laws on non-Jews, don’t believe everyone must convert, don’t kill people who offend them or the Jewish religion, and their crime rate is lower than in the general population. But I suppose that’s one reason you won’t vote for someone like Wilders.

  11. Pretty good news.

    “That period will be extended to three years.”

    This certainly helps, though I hope that it is a preliminary step to an outright ban.

    ” If they do so — without special permission — they will be denied access to Denmark for ten years.”

    This is excellent. Ten years is, practically speaking, almost as good as a ban. Who can afford to put their life on hold for 10 years? Alternately, who wants to throw away 10 years and start again from scratch?

    “Finally, facilitating “in some respects” means easier entry for Chinese, Vietnamese, Indians, Poles, Americans and all other civilized and skilled people.”

    This is sad. A few immigrants are fine and part of the fabric of life. But Denmark and the entire West have been taking in far more than the historical trickle for some time now. Why should the law open the dam yet farther?

    This is more civic nationalism, and the end goal is to break down national differences and create a super-efficient globalized marketplace. Abolish Man and replace him with Economic Man. It is this “Abolition of Man,” actual, God-created Man, that I’m really sad to see happen and interested in fighting.

    I’m an American, and it gives me no joy to hear that the Danes would let me and any and all of my countrymen overrun their tiny country. How many guests can tiny Denmark host before the Danes no longer rule their house?

  12. Doom and gloom (Take heart, man!),

    “Doesn’t Christianity have some groups that are not so keen on socializing with and marrying others?”

    Agreed. I don’t know why the Amish would keep anyone up at nights. I have much less experience with the Haredim, but if they’re anything like the Amish, I don’t see what the worry is.

  13. I don’t think the Amish suck up Welfare to subsidize a way of life that returns nothing to the long suffering taxpayer.

    No more families supported permanently on Welfare because of their personal religious beliefs, no matter what religion, Jewish or Muslim.

  14. Damn straight the Jews of Denmark are Danes, we saved them from the gas chambers because their Danes. Sure they are of a different religion and culture but they have the decency to realize they enjoy the Danish country and live there and the vast majority of them are unrecognizable from any other Dane.

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