Petition in Support of Václav Klaus

Support Václav KlausAs most of you already know, Czech President Václav Klaus is the only thing standing between freedom-loving Europeans and the full implementation of the Lisbon Treaty.

Kent Ekeroth, the international secretary of Sverigedemokraterna (the Sweden Democrats) was in Prague over the weekend to hand in his petition in support of Václav Klaus and against the Lisbon Treaty.

On the petition site Kent says:

Kent Ekeroth in Prague

Yesterday I met with representatives of Václav Klaus office in Prague.

I handed over the petition to Mr Jakl, Václav Klaus’ right-hand man.

A longer account is available (in Swedish, click here for a machine translation) on Kent’s blog.

There are more photos at both sites — Prague is a beautiful city. Some links to media reports about the occasion are below:
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I’ve put the “Support Václav Klaus” image on our sidebar with a link to the petition site, and I recommend that any blogger who opposes the Lisbon Treaty do the same.

10 thoughts on “Petition in Support of Václav Klaus

  1. Morgan —

    Well, here it is anyway. It may prove useful to someone:

    Support Václav Klaus!

    This links to the wordpress site. The image is a little less than 160 pixels wide and fits on most sidebars.

  2. I’m a bit confused. Yesterday I saw the Lisbon treaty connected to the Benes decree for the first time. In yesterday’s News Feed, the link to this article provided some detail, Hungary Wants Out After Slovakia Wants in on Czech Amendmant to Lisbon Treaty

    The issue in dispute appears to be with [implied?] language regarding the Benes Decree as it applies to Slovakia and the Czech Republic. #1, what does the Benes Decree have to do with the Lisbon Treaty?

    At the second link for Hungary, provided above by the Baron, it states (via Google translation):

    “It is clear that the Benes decrees of the Slovak and not part of EU law and the Charter of Fundamental Rights does not apply to them” – said the prime minister.
    . “This has been closed once and for all the political debates on the Benes dekrétumokról” – Fico said.
    According to the Benes decrees “remain untouchable and unchangeable,” the way that the Slovak parliament last year’s statement is recorded. “

    This sounds like the Slovak’s affirm the Benes decree as final and not part of the Lisbon treaty. Is the Czech Republic wanting something different? Or is this simply language inserted after the other EU nations signed the Lisbon Treaty which could affect efforts to repatriate individuals in the future?

  3. HRW —

    If I understand it correctly, the Czech Republic is concerned that existing EU law would require them to compensate the families of expelled Sudeten Germans for their property. They’re not convinced that they have been adequately protected against that.

  4. The EU is a disgusting French-led mafia family, a bit like the Sopranos but with their own currency. Look at how they are trying to bully Czech President Vaclav Klaus:

    Sarkozy leads the charge to strong-arm Klaus into signing Lisbon

    French President Nicolas Sarkozy has described Czech President Vaclav Klaus’ refusal to sign the Lisbon Treaty as “unacceptable”. “Decision time is coming for him and it will not be without consequence,” Mr Sarkozy said in an interview with Le Figaro. “And whatever happens, this issue will be resolved by the end of the year.”

    The FT quotes a French official saying, “The Czech government has signed it, the Czech parliament has signed it. We don’t expect the Czechs’ president to put himself in a position where he breaks the word of the Czech Republic. The EU runs on people holding to their word. There would be serious consequences.”

    In a press release from the French Foreign Office, Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner is quoted saying, “Above all, it is President Vaclav Klaus’ attitude, a convinced and perseverant eurosceptic, [which is] the main problem.” He adds, “Some recommend not provoking President Klaus, hoping that he will find himself incapacitated of continuing with his project [delaying the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty until the British elections]. Personally, I believe we ought to keep a firm hand since everyone has already voted, including the Czech Republic. A single man will not know how to oppose the will of 500 million Europeans. The European Council that will take place at the end of the month will be the right occasion to test the determination of Europeans and to put pressure on the Czech President.”

  5. Fjordman
    I am Polish and started reading GoV few months ago. I appreciate your work immensely. In Poland we have the pages, but your work is not known and generally there is no serious discussion, since we don’t have the problem with Muslims – yet. I am thinking about translating your complete works into Polish to make it readily available for online users. What do you think about this? Or maybe somebody already started doing this? Anyway winter is coming, many a long evening approaching, might do something useful as well 🙂 Cheers!

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