As usual, the pithy Mr. Condell tells it like it is. I do wish we had an American Condell, but in the meantime, I’m glad he’s around to do the job.
Umm…language warning. Doesn’t quite fit the PG-13 rating for Gates of Vienna, but it certainly fits the obscene behavior of the pinheads. There are times that such language is appropriate and spot on; this is one of them.
Hat Tip: Heroyalwhyness
[ends here…because who could top Pat Condell?]
Well, I think he was originally Canadian, but he seems to be American now.
Steven Crowder has put out some very interesting videos lately – most recent one is on torture and Gitmo.
This is his Islam one. Very, very funny.
Unfortunately it looks like it’s been taken down since I watched it last week. 🙁
Do y’all have the link to the fellow who said something about not appreciating his freedoms because he never had to fight for them?
That sounds familiar but I can’t place it.
If anyone runs across it…
Tuan Jim–
He’s hilarious!
I’m going to send his main link to some friends.
What energy, what delilcious timing!
It’s a real shame his “quran challenge” got taken down. Hopefully he’ll post it somewhere else – haven’t looked at liveleak or anywhere else yet myself.
Not exactly Fitna or Jihadwatch but very funny – and probably a little more accessible for American youth.
Ok. Looks like the Quran vid is back up after all:
alt link
watch it while you can.
Sounds like Oscar Van den Boogaard, Dutch writer mourning the demise of Europe