Daniel Hannan on Glenn Beck

Early yesterday morning Daniel Hannan was a member of the European Parliament whom no one except hard-core EU political junkies had heard of. In just twenty-four hours he has become an international sensation, thanks to the Internet, and particularly YouTube.

On his program last night Glenn Beck showed clips from Mr. Hannan’s speech at the EU Parliament, and then interviewed the man himself:

Hat tip: Gaia.

[Nothing follows]

10 thoughts on “Daniel Hannan on Glenn Beck

  1. Having seen the clip of his terribly articulate speech I was stuck by G. Brown’s demeanor during it. He was hunched down with a guilty/silly smile on his face.
    To say that we have reached the bottom of the barrell with our main politicians would be an understatement. At the very least, Mr. Brown could have sat up straight.
    Then comes someone like Mr. Hannon; articulate as I already said and willing to stand up to the insanity. If what Mr. Hannon said is not true I am sure there would be a thousand voices in opposition. I have not heard one…
    Losing 100,000 private sector jobs and employing 30,000 gov’t workers is recipe for financial disaster. I am reminded of the Hitch Hiker’s Guide where a small army was employed as gov’t phone sanitizers!

  2. Hannan is an amateur and a naïf. He knows only a little bit and he makes it go a long way in his show business career in “Europe”. He’s an intellectual three chord trick and this interview shows it.

  3. I think the video shows Hannan doesn’t have a strong enough understanding of American politics to enable him to bridge the gap with European politics, such that the examples he was asked for would be both shocking and understandable – without going in to a long drawn out explanation.
    I for one will forgive him though since his three chords are made up of twenty seven countries (sorry “States” !) containing 23 languages a population of nearly ½ billion and enough small print you could build a paper mache bridge to America.

  4. “Three chords” or three hundred, if there is a single man or woman in American public life half so articulate and sensible as Mr. Hannan, I’ve yet to see the video.

    So, we already have Ayan Hirsi Ali on our shores, may yet get Geert Wilders (if he does not become Dutch PM), and here’s Mr. Hannan. Hoover Institute, have you empty chairs? Now, that’s what immigration SHOULD look like.

  5. I’m wondering on what basis “Homophobic Horse” makes his allegations against Hannon? I’m NOT saying Mr. Horse is wrong- I’m just wondering if he could please flesh out his reasons. I’d never heard of Hannon before, and seeing him, I must say I’m duly impressed (his somewhat uninformed question re. America to the contrary nothwithstanding. There is a more than just a grain of truth in what he says. As decrepit and debased from Constitutional law as this country has become, there is still a lingering remnant of “right reason” and Founding principles in the country on which to rebuild a conservative movement….or secession).

  6. Finally someone in Europe who dares to confront Keynesian economics, a breath of fresh air in the musty halls of European government. Where is our Daniel Hannan here in the states—I don’t see one, but I continue to search with hope that one such leader will appear.

    I just recently came across your site. Thank you for all of your insightful post.

  7. TO H. HORSE-

    The main theme from Beethoven’s Fifth is only two notes (the first one played three times, the second, once), so the sparcity of the theme, or “chords”, is no criticism of its effect.

    A few “three chord” songs, as examples, should suffice:

    “Red River Valley”; “Silent Night”; “You Are My Sunshine”; “It Came Upon a Midnight Clear”; “This Land Is Your Land”; “Silver Bells”; “Beautiful Dreamer”; “Waltzin’ Matilda”; “Frankie and Johnny”; and “The Marine’s Hymn”, among hundreds as fine.

    General McAuliffe, during the Battle of the Bulge, used only one word to confront the Nazis’s surrender ultimatum:


    Brevity is sometimes the strongest remedy.

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